Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1694: Rich harvest

When the outside bidding was constant, there was a glimmer of excitement in Li Yulong's eyes for a luxurious performance on the third floor.

"How can the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm break through to the innate grandmaster realm? This pill is interesting!" Li Yulong smiled.

"Are there any side effects?"

The old housekeeper beside Li Yulong suddenly said, his eyes filled with unbelief.

Obviously, he did not believe in the effect of the high-level martial arts spirit pill.

"will not!"

Li Yulong shook his head, his gaze fell on Bai San on the auction platform, and said: "The breath of Bai San is very pure. Not only is it breakthrough, but he also doesn't want to take any inferior pill. What kind of sequelae exist. !"

After a pause, Li Yulong seemed to remember something, and whispered softly: "If you really want a comparison, then this high-level martial artist's spirit pill is probably a real alchemist, the real pill that he has refined."

The pill that Li Yulong's mouth was in was naturally the pill that was refined by the alchemist, not the inferior pill that had many sequelae like Xiantian Pill.

At this time, under the fierce bidding by those outside, the high-level martial artist's spirit pill had been carried to the point where 13 high-grade spirit medicines and 30,000 spirit jade were added.

The three extra high-grade elixir were from a family of warriors in the private room on the second floor. After the spirit jade was exhausted, one high-grade elixir was added directly.

Then, he started a precedent, and some of the martial arts families who bid later seemed to have added high-grade elixir because of insufficient spirit jade.

In the end, the current price will appear.

But at this time, Li Yulong suddenly said something.

Since entering the box, Li Yulong has not said anything. Whether it was Martial Spirit Pills or other exercises that were auctioned before, he has not participated in it.

This is his first bid!

But it was the first bid. When Li Yulong called out the price, everyone on the scene, including the other five major families on the third floor, was taken aback.

"Twenty top-grade elixir, plus one hundred thousand spiritual jade!"


Faced with such a price, the scene was quiet for a while.

Then, there was a commotion.

"I'm grass, is it true that I misheard it?"

"Twenty top-grade elixir and one hundred thousand spiritual jade? Is this man crazy?"

"Shhh, be quiet, the person who made this offer seems to be the young master of the Li family!"

"Li Yulong? That's no wonder then!"

"No wonder? No wonder what?"

"It's not easy to understand? I heard that Li Yulong was already an innate grandmaster a few years ago, and it seems that most of it is already an innate grandmaster in the pinnacle realm!"

"Oh, I see, look at it this way, Li Yulong wants to use this high-level martial artist spirit pill to break through and be promoted to the innate great master?"

"Absolutely can't be wrong, it seems that a genius who entered the realm of the innate master before the age of 30 has appeared again!"

"Tsk tusk, the innate master who is less than 30 years old!"

"Hey, I am in my 30s, and now I am the first level of the innate martial artist!"

"It's okay with you, I'm an Innate Martial Artist!"



this is?

Qin Shaofeng also listened to this voice, and it was Li Yulong's voice.


For some reason, Qin Shaofeng always felt that this Li Yulong was already a great innate master, and it was not quite right to take a high-level martial artist's spirit pill at such a large price!

This is not for him personally. Is it worth such a price?

At the same time, there were people in Li Yulong's box that were very puzzled.

"Master, what are you?"

The old butler looked at Li Yulong, puzzled for a while.

This young master himself doesn't need any high-level martial artist spirit pills at all!

Then why does he spend such a large price?

Li Yulong didn't explain anything, but the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

Outside the box, no one bids at this time.

Because even the family of martial artists in other boxes, at this time, I am afraid that Li Yulong wants to use this high-level martial artist to break through and promote to the realm of innate great master.

If that's the case, don't fight with each other.

Of course, the most important thing is that such a price is too big.

One hundred thousand spirit jade is enough!

Twenty top-grade elixir for this special?

Go ahead and increase the fare only if there is something wrong with your brain!

Bai Lao San seemed to know this theory too. In fact, he was shocked to be able to make such a price. He glanced at Bai Yifan and signaled that he felt over.

In the end, this first high-level warrior spirit pill was taken by Li Yulong at such a sky-high price.

But after the auction of the second high-level martial artist's spirit pill, there was no such a sky-high bid as Li Yulong.

But even so, the last high-level warrior spirit pill was photographed by a box on the third floor at the price of fifteen high-grade elixir and sixty thousand spirit jade.

The auction ends here!

However, Qin Shaofeng knew that he was not over yet!

Qin Shaofeng provided those low-level martial arts pills in the auction this time, and the latter middle-level martial arts pill and higher martial arts pill were medicinal materials provided by Baijia.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already said before that those fifty low-level martial arts spirit pills and one high-level martial artist spirit pills were offset by these medicinal materials.

Therefore, at the current auction, the price of these martial arts pills is still the same as Qin Shaofeng and Bai Yifan discussed before, and they are divided into two points!

But even if it is 20%, it is a big profit this time for Hundreds.

The average of those low-level martial arts spirit pills, this bottle of ten pieces basically sold seven hundred spirit jade, twenty-five bottles is a full ten thousand eight spirit jade.

The middle-class martial artist's spirit pill at the back is almost seven hundred spirit jade, which is more than seven thousand spirit jade.

Then, there were 20 high-grade elixir from Li Yulong, one hundred thousand spiritual jade, and another fifteen high-grade elixir of high-level martial artist's spiritual pill, and sixty thousand spiritual jade.

After a rough calculation, Qin Shaofeng was taken aback.

Because this time the auction proceeds, the Lingyu alone is nearly 250,000 yuan.

Then, thirty-five high-grade elixir was added to this.

Even if the account is divided between two and eight, Qin Shaofeng can get nearly two hundred thousand spirit jade and twenty-eight top-grade elixir!

This also far exceeded Qin Shaofeng's previous expectations!

However, this also let Qin Shaofeng know that even if it is a high-grade elixir, it may be precious to some powerful martial artists, but it is not rare.

Of course, this is actually not very clear related to the current earth warrior's use of elixir.

As soon as the auction was over, Bai Yifan approached Qin Shaofeng directly, and then asked if he could exchange the elixir for the spirit jade in his hand!

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng also directly agreed, because Bai Yifan told him that such an exchange was only a normal market price.

According to the current market price, a high-grade elixir is worth at least three thousand spiritual jade, which is actually very low.

Because the top-grade elixir is also very precious after all, if it appears, it basically costs more than three thousand spiritual jade.

In the end, Baijia exchanged Qin Shaofeng for a large portion of the spirit jade from this auction with 20 high-grade elixir and 11,000 low-grade elixir.

If not, if Qin Shaofeng said that he needed to keep some spirit jade, it is estimated that Bai Yifan planned to replace all the spirit jade in Qin Shaofeng's hand.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also knew why Baijia needed so many spirit jade.

Most of this is to make Bai Lao San start to try real alchemy.

Obviously, after receiving Qin Shaofeng's alchemy manual, and after he reached the realm of the innate great master, Bai Lao San already had the basic alchemy foundation.

Of course, it is there. I am afraid that the consumption required during refining is very scary.

Not to mention that the **** is not good, even ten **** are not enough.

After all, not everyone is like Qin Shaofeng, who has powerful soul control power, and can perfectly control the entire process when refining alchemy.

These spirit jade contains aura, as a consumable for alchemy, but it couldn't be more suitable.

However, these are not the main points!

The point is, there are 11,000 low-grade elixir!

Although it is only a low-grade elixir, the quantity is too exaggerated!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the Baijia could become the second strongest martial artist among the five martial artists.

This background is beyond imagination!

However, after seeing those low-grade elixir the next day, Qin Shaofeng suddenly noticed something.

This is not to say that the low-grade elixir offered by Baijia did not meet the standard.

In fact, the low-grade elixir that Baijia offered to trade with Qin Shaofeng not only met the standard, but was even far stronger than the average low-grade elixir.

The only thing that surprised Qin Shaofeng was that these low-grade elixir had just been unearthed, and Qin Shaofeng felt a trace of aura of aura from these elixir.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng understood.

I am afraid that Baijia has a huge formation similar to the Great Spirit Gathering Array, or it is a special space that depicts the formation.

Whether it is a formation or a special space, the only certainty is that the place is convenient for the cultivation of medicinal materials.

Moreover, based on the growth of these low-grade elixir, Qin Shaofeng estimated that at most, the medicinal materials that had been grown for one or two years were affected by the power of the formation and promoted to the low-grade elixir.

Even Qin Shaofeng had some doubts in his heart, whether Baijia also possessed the same spatial magic weapon as the Nine Spirit Palace.

This can be regarded as making Qin Shaofeng understand why, in addition to the 20 high-grade elixir in the previous transaction, there were only low-grade elixir.

It is estimated that the cost of cultivating lower-grade elixir by Baijia is not high, or the cost is low, and only then can the lower-grade elixir trade with Qin Shaofeng.

However, this is also a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Because these low-grade elixir were just unearthed, although some simple methods were used to block the aura.

But if it is within ten days and a half months, the transplantation of the Nine Spirit Palace can still survive.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't feel it carefully, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that among these thousand low-grade elixir, there was no low-grade elixir that had grown to the potential of high-grade elixir.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng planned to take these ten thousand elixir and thirty thousand spiritual jade and hurry back.

The Nine Spirit Palace is not by his side, and the storage ring in his hand is only a storage space for dead objects, and cannot store these elixir.

It's not that it can't be stored, but after storing in this way, I am afraid that those high-grade elixir will not be planted.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng planned to follow the two or three super-large trucks that Baijia had prepared for him.

But just as he was about to set off, an unexpected event interrupted Qin Shaofeng's plan.

Chen Dazhuang asked him for help!

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