Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1695: Come on, be my subordinate!

Qin Shaofeng was also a little surprised by Chen Dazhuang's sudden call for help.

In fact, when he came to Baijia to participate in this auction, Qin Shaofeng moved to see Chen Dazhuang's hometown.

After all, these hundred auction houses are more than three hours away from Chen Dazhuang's hometown.

However, it was most because of those low-grade elixir that made Qin Shaofeng cut off this idea.

But just now, Chen Dazhuang called.

It's for help!

Very urgent!

The words were also very short, and hung up in a hurry after speaking.

But Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with killing intent, because he had listened to other meanings from Chen Dazhuang's call for help this time.

Because Chen Dazhuang said that after he returned home, He Yunhui and his father once again caused trouble with their family.

Therefore, he needed Qin Shaofeng's help, and even said harsh words, when he was the boss, he would help him!

But it was these last words that made Qin Shaofeng feel that something was wrong.

You must know that Hu Xiaochuan took the initiative to tell Chen Dazhuang before, and used the Lingyun of the Hu family to help Chen Dazhuang's family take revenge, and take back all that Chen Dazhuang's family had lost.

But in this regard, Chen Dazhuang directly refused.

Especially after entering the cultivation practice, facing Hu Xiaochuan's proposal, Chen Dazhuang's eyes were red with anger, and he told them that he needed to solve their family's affairs by himself.

Because in a certain way, the deaths of Chen Dazhuang's uncle and grandfather and other relatives can be counted as He Yunhui's family.

Therefore, he wants to avenge himself!

He even said that if Hu Xiaochuan helped out, he would hate Hu Xiaochuan for the rest of his life, and he didn't want Qin Shaofeng to take it, so that he could cultivate and possess strong strength. Qin Shaofeng would have done enough.

And now he actually called and asked Qin Shaofeng for help?

If this call is nothing more than a call, Qin Shaofeng reluctantly believes it, but Chen Dazhuang?

Not too possible!

Something definitely happened!

And most importantly, although Chen Dazhuang ranked the boss in their four-person dormitory, that was only ranked according to age.

Chen Dazhuang himself did not claim to be the boss in front of Qin Shaofeng and others, and he did not have the attitude of the boss among the four!

Now he is actually threatening himself with such things as the boss?

This is not like Chen Dazhuang at all!

What Qin Shaofeng is sure now is that Chen Dazhuang must have something wrong.

And maybe he is already in danger now, not only him, it is possible that his family and Faye Wong have fallen into the hands of some people.

Because if there were no family members and Faye Wong and others as the prerequisite for threats, I am afraid that even if Chen Dazhuang was put on his neck with a knife, he would not compromise the enemy.

This is his Chen Dazhuang character!

Moreover, Chen Dazhuang was stunned, but he was actually very smart.

What he said had already given Qin Shaofeng a lot of hints.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng would not ignore this.


He is now in the five levels of Consummation, and with the cultivation level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", this is equivalent to the innate master of the seven levels.

And with Qin Shaofeng's means and strength, as long as there is no warrior above the realm of the innate master, he doesn't need to care at all.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng gave instructions to Black Tiger and Black Panther, and after letting them go back with the elixir, he set off.

Qin Shaofeng was not very worried about the transportation of these elixir.

Because in addition to the two brothers Heihu and Heibao, this time there are a hundred innate masters and masters who are walking along.

This is a deliberate arrangement made by a hundred schools for Qin Shaofeng's face.

The three great innate masters are in the same group, and they are still a transportation team of a hundred. Who dares to make an idea?

And taking a 10,000 step back, if someone really happens to be hijacked, the loss will not be great.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, the most important forty-eight top-grade elixir and 30,000 spiritual jade have been put in his storage.

If there was an accident, the other party would have robbed more than 10,000 low-grade elixir!

Of course, such a situation is basically impossible!

When Qin Shaofeng set out, Li Yulong smiled when he received a call from a place two to three hundred kilometers away.

That's right, he arranged for Chen Dazhuang's call for help this time.

At the auction house, Li Yulong didn't dare to do it easily, because each was a hundred sites.

Even if it succeeds and arouses the anger of a hundred schools, it is definitely a very troublesome thing.

However, Li Yulong, who knew all the information about Qin Shaofeng, quickly hit Chen Dazhuang's attention.

After some planning, he really succeeded.

Now he himself is in Chen Dazhuang's home, and then in the area near Chen Dazhuang's home, he has carefully arranged everything.

He couldn't feel Qin Shaofeng's breath, so he placed Qin Shaofeng in an equal position, and elaborated a series of ambushes that could be called absolute fear.

Even he himself does not have the confidence to successfully retreat under such an ambush!

In his Li Yulong's eyes, Qin Shaofeng was almost finished.

As long as the opponent steps into this area, he will still kill it!


The home of the Baijia is the capital, and the place where the Chen Dazhuang family belongs is also the capital, but it is close to the three northeastern provinces.

Therefore, Chen Dazhuang's hometown is all highlands and mountains.

After more than three hours' drive, Qin Shaofeng came to this place.

Then, according to the address given by Chen Dazhuang, Qin Shaofeng came to a small town, then hired a motorcycle, and finally arrived at his destination.

This is a mountain village-like existence, but it is a relatively modern mountain village.

Cement roads and small western houses are everywhere here.

In fact, according to Chen Dazhuang, the generation in his village relied on planting some medicinal materials such as ginseng and made a lot of money, which is considered a relatively wealthy existence.

However, when Qin Shaofeng stepped into this village, there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart, as if there were some dangers here.

Sure enough, there is an ambush!

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, something slightly surprised Qin Shaofeng appeared, because at this moment, someone walked out from a corner not far away, an old man!

After seeing the other party, Qin Shaofeng finally confirmed in his heart, who was targeting him this time!

Li Yulong!

This was after seeing the old man, Qin Shaofeng thought of him instantly.

The reason is very simple, this is all because of the old man, who is the butler beside Li Yulong!

"Qin Shaofeng, you really came!" The old butler looked at Qin Shaofeng with a sneer in his eyes.

"Did Li Yulong do the hands and feet?" Qin Shaofeng asked with a flash of eyes.

The old butler did not answer Qin Shaofeng's question, but left a word coldly, and the whole person ran towards the distant mountains and forests.

"If you want to know, just follow me!"

Qin Shaofeng followed without hesitation.

After a few minutes, Qin Shaofeng followed the old butler to a small valley.

Once here, Qin Shaofeng saw Chen Dazhuang and Li Yulong, the mastermind of this incident!

"The third child, why are you really here?"

The moment he saw Qin Shaofeng, a glimmer of hope flashed in Chen Dazhuang's eyes, and he said with excitement and guilt in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Chen Dazhuang and saw that although the other party was injured, but it was not a major problem, he smiled slightly: "Since something has happened to you, then I will definitely come, and this time I think I am involved in you."

"You said I'm right? Li Yulong?"

At the end, Qin Shaofeng looked at Li Yulong who had been smiling since he appeared.

"I know what the conversation between you has told you!"

Li Yulong said with a smile, and then shook his head: "It's just that, to my surprise, you actually came here alone after knowing that something was wrong. You are too confident of your own strength!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't say much, but said coldly: "Li Yulong, I have already arrived. If you have anything to do, just come to me. Let my boss Chen Dazhuang and his family go!"

Although Li Yulong was only around Chen Dazhuang, Qin Shaofeng felt the breath of Faye Wong and a few ordinary people not far away.

Obviously, that should be Chen Dazhuang's family.

Sure enough, he was threatened!

"Qin Shaofeng, your kid is mad! You look at what's going on now, how dare you say the conditions?"

Li Yulong did not speak, but the old butler said coldly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but just looked at Li Yulong like that.

"Never mind!"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, Li Yulong suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, I asked you to come over, not as an enemy to you, let them go!"

In the last sentence, Li Yulong said to the old butler.

The old butler didn't say anything more, it seemed that he also believed that Qin Shaofeng was already catching turtles in the urn, and the hostages of Chen Dazhuang and others had no use value.

So, the old butler nodded and grabbed Chen Dazhuang's two people, which was to let Chen Dazhuang go.

"The third child, I..."

Chen Dazhuang wanted to say something, but Qin Shaofeng stopped it.

"Boss, you quickly take everyone away. The farther the better, don't worry about me, these people are not my opponents."

These last words were directly passed into Chen Dazhuang's mind by Qin Shaofeng's mental power.

Hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, Chen Dazhuang gritted his teeth, and after looking at Qin Shaofeng, he wanted to walk out from behind.

It didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to feel that Chen Dazhuang had left with Faye Wong and others, and no one stopped him during the period!

Although only Li Yulong and others were in front of him, in fact, Qin Shaofeng sensed that he was surrounded by Li Yulong at a radius of two to three hundred meters.

However, Li Yulong seemed to really not care about Chen Dazhuang and the others, and did not order people to trouble Chen Dazhuang and the others.

Even after Chen Dazhuang and the others were completely separated, Li Yulong smiled at Qin Shaofeng and said, "How about it, don't you worry about it now?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at him faintly, and said, "I don't know what the reason is that Young Master Li has bothered so much and came to see me, Qin Shaofeng? I don't remember that Qin Shaofeng has offended you Young Master Li, right?"

"No, you didn't offend me!"

Li Yulong smiled slightly, changed the conversation, and suddenly asked Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, you refined the martial arts pill, right?"

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback for a moment, no Li Yulong would ask this question.

Could it be that Li Yulong came to him because he refined the martial arts spirit pill by himself?

Qin Shaofeng didn't want to hide anything about this, so he nodded and admitted.

"Yes, whether this martial artist's spirit pill is a low-level or high-level martial artist's spirit pill, I personally refined it!"


Li Yulong's eyes lit up slightly, and then he said something that made Qin Shaofeng a little dumbfounded.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are very good, come on, be my subordinate!"

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