Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1696: Dumbfounded Li Yulong

Come on, be my subordinate!

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Qin Shaofeng had only one thought in his mind.

Isn't this Li Yulong a silly B?

Become his subordinate?

who do you think You Are!

However, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood that the other party should be directed at the martial arts spirit pill.

But no matter what, it is completely impossible for Qin Shaofeng to be someone else's subordinate.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently, and refused without thinking.

"Sorry, I have no interest in being someone else's subordinate!"

"However, if you want a martial arts pill, as long as you can afford the elixir and the price, I can completely refine it for you!" Qin Shaofeng said.

After all, the other party is the eldest young master of the Li family, and the Li family blackmailed one of the five great families!

After the previous situation, Qin Shaofeng was already somewhat clear.

The five great families of warriors in China are probably not superficially simple!

Besides, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years! ~

This time Li Yulong treated him like this, and waited until he had the strength to counter the Li family, and then let him know the consequences of his anger.

But for this, Li Yulong shook his head and said, "No, that's not the case, Qin Shaofeng, you misunderstood me. I mean, you will be my alchemist in the future, and you can only refine medicinal pills. !"

"And you can rest assured, I know your alchemist's preferences, and you like a lot of medicinal materials. I can tell you that the elixir in my hand is something you can't believe. Follow me Li Yulong, you will definitely not lose!"

Li Yulong said, his face was even more confident.

This made Qin Shaofeng finally convinced that this Li Yulong really is, planning to make himself his subordinate!

Think about it, if it's just to help refine the martial artist's spirit pill, why bother to form such a formation and just tell him directly?

"Sorry, I'm not interested! If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, then turned around and planned to leave.

But at this moment, the old butler next to Li Yulong was a flashback, stopped him directly, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, don't toast or drink fine wine. My eldest master looks at you, it's you. Father who has cultivated for eight lifetimes, don't be shameless!"


This time, Qin Shaofeng did not tolerate any more, he gave a low anger, and slapped the old butler.

But seeing this situation, the old butler's eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

He had long wanted to teach Qin Shaofeng a lesson, but because of his elder's order, he couldn't do it.

But now that Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to attack him, then he didn't need to take care of anything.

This is your own death, don't blame me?

A smirk flashed in the eyes of the old butler, and the big hands together greeted him with a palm.

In his opinion, after this palm, Qin Shaofeng would definitely be spitting blood out by himself.

But the next moment, when his palms banged against each other, his face changed wildly.

Because at this moment, he felt a power he couldn't match, which was transmitted from his own hand, and he couldn't resist it.

not good!

He was shocked, but before he could react, he was lifted into flight by this huge force.


With a bit of blood, the old butler was instantly hit hard.


Seeing the old butler flying far away and falling to the ground severely, after not getting up for a while, Li Yulong's gaze at Qin Shaofeng changed.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are really not easy!" Li Yulong's eyes were more solemn.

His butler, who was ranked among the top three masters under his hand, and was in the realm of the Seventh Innate Grand Master, was actually seriously injured by Qin Shaofeng with one move.

This shows how strong Qin Shaofeng's strength is.

Huh huh!

After Li Yulong finished saying this, figures around him appeared.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty people appeared beside Li Yulong!

The scary thing is that these twenty-odd people are actually innate great masters.

If so many innate great masters were known to others in the martial arts world, it would be terrible to cause an earthquake sensation.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest fear, and looked at Li Yulong indifferently.

But his face was indifferent, but in Li Yulong's eyes, he pretended to be calm.

With a light smile, Li Yulong said: "Qin Shaofeng, I will give you another chance to become my subordinate. For everything that just happened, including the thing you killed my subordinate No. 7, I can forget it!"

Sure enough, is it exposed?

Listening to what Li Yulong said, Qin Shaofeng understood that the matter of killing No.7 by himself was completely exposed.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon shook his head and said: "Don't talk nonsense, just do it if you want to do it!"

This time, even if Li Yulong was patient, he was irritated by Qin Shaofeng's attitude.

"Okay, very good!" Li Yulong said coldly, "I hope you will have such confidence later!"

After he finished speaking, he shouted to the twenty or so subordinates around him: "Come on, take this Qin Shaofeng down!"

In an instant, those two dozen innate great masters started!

If so, ordinary innate great masters, even Tang Lietian, the old man of the nine-fold innate great master realm, would find it extremely difficult to face such a lineup.

In Li Yulong's view, he dispatched more than twenty innate masters, Qin Shaofeng absolutely couldn't escape, he could only be captured by himself, and then surrender to himself.

But Qin Shaofeng is no ordinary innate great master!

Seeing these innate great masters rushing towards him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with disdain.

At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and his soul was excited about the opportunity to know the sea.


An invisible shock erupted. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng directly exhausted the strongest soul power that his soul could know the sea and could mobilize, and then it was stimulated and turned into a huge mental impact.

The impact of this spiritual force is so strong that under the innate great master, you will die if you touch it!

Even if you encounter the Great Congenital Master, it is the result of heavy losses.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just an instant, eight innate great masters fell down.

Under the impact of Qin Shaofeng's powerful mental power, they did not resist at all, and were directly hit to death.

Except for the accidents of these eight innate great masters, half of the dozen or so innate great masters left were faltering, and few of them were generally able to stand firmly.

With just one blow, the twenty innate great masters were almost maimed.

And after this mental shock, Qin Shaofeng didn't idle either.

Even though Qin Shaofeng's face was a little pale despite the explosion of such a powerful mental power, he still moved instantly.


In just an instant, Qin Shaofeng turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of the crumbling congenital masters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a burst of attacks, there was another series of falling sounds, and another six or seven innate great masters fell to the ground.

And the remaining seven or eight innate great masters seemed to have finally adapted to the mental shock of Qin Shaofeng just now.

But even so, most of them are already mentally shrinking.

However, the remaining seven or eight innate great masters are basically all great masters above the fifth realm.

Therefore, facing Qin Shaofeng's attack, he could barely resist for a while.

But it's just a while!



Bang! ~

After two moves, Qin Shaofeng blasted out a six-fold realm innate great master.

And after the opponent fell, there was no chance to get up again.

Qin Shaofeng had no intention of keeping his hands long. In fact, with this move, Qin Shaofeng had already prepared in his heart to leave everyone behind.

At this moment, Li Yulong, who saw this scene, was completely stunned.

He did not expect Qin Shaofeng's strength to be so powerful.

In fact, there is a situation that no one thought of, and that is the true strength of Li Yulong.

According to Li Yulong's external rumors, he is already the innate master of the pinnacle realm. This time, at a hundred auctions, he paid a big price for a high-level martial artist's spirit pill, which made people believe this.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Li Yulong was indeed at the pinnacle level.

However, he is not the pinnacle state of the innate grandmaster, his true state is already the pinnacle state of the innate grand master.

In other words, this Li Yulong has already touched the realm above the innate master.

And this time, the reason why he yearned for Qin Shaofeng so much was that he wanted Qin Shaofeng to help him refine a special pill to help him break through to the realm above the innate master.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the realm of the martial artist above the Great Master, but Li Yulong was very clear.

As a warrior, above the innate master is the king of war!

Above the great master is the martial artist in the realm of Wuwang, above the Wuhuang is the Wuhuang, and above the Wuhuang is the saint-level warrior with the title of Wusheng!

In the early years when Li Yulong was still young, when he was about fourteen or five years old, he discovered a holy warrior's cave during a play.

And the cave house of this holy warrior is an ancestral hall in a small mountain village, and the holy warrior is the local ancestor.

However, the locals did not know that the ancestral hall where they worshipped their ancestors was a cave house for saint martial artists.

When Li Yulong discovered this, he not only forcibly occupied the ancestral hall, but in the end, in order to ensure that the news was not leaked, he used the power of the Li family to slaughter the entire small village of four to five hundred people.

He was so cruel and cruel at a young age, and Li Yulong became so sincere.

And over the years, Li Yulong has cultivated a large number of powerful subordinates by relying on the things from that saint-level warrior Dongfu, and he himself has reached the pinnacle of the innate great master, only one step away from the king of martial arts.

According to the inheritance information left by the saint-level martial artist, Li Yulong knew that as long as he needed to refine a special pill, Wuwang Pill, he could break through and be promoted to Wuwang.

But it's a pity that in the current situation of the Earth Martial Artist World, there is no real alchemist, and no one can refine that kind of Martial King Pill.

Although Li Yulong also obtained some simple alchemy from the inheritance of the martial sage, but helplessly, the martial sage was not good at refining pills.

Therefore, Wu Wang Dan simply couldn't be refined by Li Yulong himself.

Then, the appearance of Qin Shaofeng made Li Yulong see hope.

In Li Yulong's view, Qin Shaofeng is the real alchemist!

If he can conquer a real alchemist, then he will not only be promoted to the Martial King Pill, but he will even have a large number of other pills in the future.

Therefore, for this action, Li Yulong is determined to win.

But the situation before him was dumbfounded.

Twenty innate great masters dealt with a Qin Shaofeng in the district, but they actually fell into a disadvantage?

And just at the beginning, a dozen innate grand masters had already been damaged on his side.

Even the remaining few innate masters are in a very bad situation!

This is something Li Yulong never expected!

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