Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1698: Looking back, memory awakens

Boom boom boom!

There were three more explosions, and then Qin Shaofeng's embarrassed figure was revealed.

This time, he just barely avoided these rockets.

However, fortunately, in his realm, as long as it is not directly hit by these rockets, it can still be carried.

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng was also relieved.

Because at this time, he has arrived, not far from a submachine gun team.

Although this allowed him to bear the submachine gun firing, it became more violent, but in Qin Shaofeng's view, Li Yulong would definitely not continue his rocket attack.

Because of such a short distance, if a rocket attack were launched against him, then the members of this group would probably not be spared.

This Li Yulong can't kill himself too!

But soon, Qin Shaofeng found that he underestimated Li Yulong's cruelty.

Because soon, a few more rocket launchers appeared.

Damn, this guy is so cruel to his own people?

Qin Shaofeng cursed in his heart, but he still used his body skills for the first time and avoided.

Boom boom boom!

After an explosion, everyone in that group was killed.

Those people are only innate masters, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to escape the bombardment of rockets.

However, Qin Shaofeng's situation at this moment is not too optimistic.

Because after performing that kind of body technique several times in a row, Qin Shaofeng's inner energy of the gods and demons was almost consumed.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng felt ruthless and rushed directly to where Li Yulong himself was.

Qin Shaofeng knew very well that with his current situation, even if he escaped, he would not be able to escape far.

Who knows how many rockets this Li Yulong still has in his hands, don't have to escape too far by then, because he was carpeted by a bunch of rockets.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng can think of only one idea now.

Catch the thieves first!

As long as he catches Li Yulong, then there is no danger.

And one more thing, once I get close to Li Yulong, there is probably no rocket bombing.

Li Yulong can't even bomb himself!

Sure enough, just as Qin Shaofeng had guessed, after he approached Li Yulong, no rockets bombed him. It can be seen that Li Yulong cherishes his life.

Of course, at this time, the shots of the submachine guns were dense again.

However, Qin Shaofeng could bear this.

Gradually, Qin Shaofeng got closer and closer to Li Yulong.

At this time, Li Yulong seemed to be anxious too, and kept backing away, constantly letting the submachine gun team approach him.

But at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't notice that, while Li Yulong retreated, he faintly retreated to the depths of this small valley.

Qin Shaofeng didn't notice Li Yulong's actions.

Even during this period of time, Qin Shaofeng killed more than 20 innate grandmasters, which made Qin Shaofeng breathe a sigh of relief, and felt that if this continued, he would soon be able to capture Li Yulong.

But when Qin Shaofeng was about fifty meters away from Li Yulong, Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw that Li Yulong stopped abruptly, looked up at himself, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

not good!

Seeing Li Yulong's smile like this, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt bad, and the first time he wanted to step back.

But the next moment, the movements of Li Yulong and the few innate masters around him 50 meters away caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to sink.

Only at this moment, Li Yulong and the several innate great masters who were still alive beside him shook their hands at Qin Shaofeng at the same time and threw something out.

That is……

I circled a cross is a grenade!

After seeing that Li Yulong and the others threw grenades, Qin Shaofeng was shocked, no longer caring about the lack of internal energy of the gods and demons, and directly used his body skills to avoid these grenades.

Boom boom boom!

With a loud noise, the grenade fell and exploded directly.

However, Qin Shaofeng also escaped.

But this was only the first wave. Soon Li Yulong and the others waved their arms again.

At this moment, as if those grenades didn't need money, they threw them at Qin Shaofeng one by one.

At first, Qin Shaofeng was still able to escape by relying on his body skills, but soon a very unfavorable situation appeared.

The inner energy of the gods and demons in his body has been exhausted!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was less than two hundred meters away from Li Yulong.

In the realm of the innate great master, a grenade in a mere mere burst, if it explodes with all its strength, throwing thousands of meters is not a problem.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is in danger!


Finally, with a loud sound, Qin Shaofeng did not avoid the grenade for the first time, and exploded beside him.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Li Yulong finally got excited.

"Quick, that kid finally can't hold it anymore, keep throwing it at me!"

The old housekeeper and other innate masters also lit up one after another, and threw grenades one after another.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

When Qin Shaofeng suffered the first grenade exploded around him, his figure disappeared before Li Yulong and others.

To be precise, Qin Shaofeng did not disappear, but because of the center of the explosion. The explosion directly covered his figure completely.

After that, another hand thunderstorm blasted down, the flames skyrocketed and the dust was flying, and Qin Shaofeng was nowhere to be found.

Although Qin Shaofeng himself could not be seen, Li Yulong and others kept throwing grenade against that area.

That place has been completely blasted!

Finally, the explosion stopped.

It was not that Li Yulong and others didn't want to continue, but that the grenade in their hands was finally thrown out.

So... Is Qin Shaofeng dead?

Soon, the answer appeared!


After the grenade explosion finally ended, a figure rushed out where the thick gunpowder smoke hadn't dissipated.

It is Qin Shaofeng!

Qin Shaofeng was not dead yet, because just when the first grenade exploded, Qin Shaofeng exploded a hole in front of him.

Qin Shaofeng jumped into the pothole for the first time, and then a crazy bombardment deepened the pothole a lot, and he hid in.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng's situation at the moment is still very bad. He was seriously injured, and even the internal organs in his body were severely broken under the shock of an explosion.

At this moment, he was able to escape. Without months of recuperation, it might be difficult to recover.

But even so, this caused Li Yulong and others in the distance to be shocked.

In the situation of those grenade explosions, he can actually survive?

Is this Qin Shaofeng still not a human being?

Even Li Yulong felt a panic in his heart at the moment, and there was a feeling in his heart that if Qin Shaofeng were not today, he would feel like he was dead.

"Quickly, don't worry about so much, just burst the mountain!" Li Yulong shouted at the old butler.

"But, we still have three or four groups of people, still in the small valley!" The old butler hesitated for a while.

But Li Yulong couldn't take care of it anymore, and directly grabbed a controller from the old butler.

Then, with a grinning face, he shouted at Qin Shaofeng in the distance: "Qin Shaofeng, you go to my death!"


In an instant, Li Yulong directly took down the bright red button on the controller.

The next moment, the earth shook and the mountain collapsed.

Li Yulong has always been very cautious, looking afterwards, no matter how perfect the plan is, he will prepare many preparatory plans.

Even if it is a plan that looks safe, he will prepare a few backhands!

That's it today!

For a mere Qin Shaofeng, even if he added some masters from hundreds of schools, the subordinates of Li Yulong's more than 20 innate great masters are already very exaggerated.

But even so, Li Yulong still prepared a lot of successors.

The eight submachine gun teams with hundreds of people are one of the back players, and then the ten-person rocket launcher team is another back player.

The grenade after that is even more of a back hand!

This is already very exaggerated. With such an arrangement, I am afraid that even if a Martial King comes, he will hate Jiuquan.

But under this series of back players, Li Yulong also prepared the biggest and most feared back player.

That is the one ton of explosives he planted around this small valley and in the center of the small valley.

I have to say that Li Yulong really thinks a lot, one after the other, one is more terrifying!

But it turns out that sometimes thinking too much can be very useful.

At least in Li Yulong's opinion, under this explosion, he can finally rest assured.

He didn't believe that Qin Shaofeng could survive under such circumstances.

How powerful is a ton of explosives?

It could be explained before my eyes that a small mushroom cloud appeared, and then the entire valley collapsed.

In the face of such an explosion, let alone Qin Shaofeng is now only a five-fold complete state of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

I'm afraid that even the seventh level of Consummation can't hold it.

Under the power of such an explosion, even if a martial sage came, he would be shocked.

And before, Li Yulong deliberately stepped back, bringing in Qin Shaofeng, and calculating with Qin Shaofeng step by step.

Even before, when that ton of explosive exploded, Qin Shaofeng happened to be in the center of the explosion.

This... how to hide?

Can't hide!

Therefore, without any hesitation, Qin Shaofeng was buried in an explosion.

If nothing happens, Qin Shaofeng's bones will be buried here.

But the problem is accidents, which always happen so unexpectedly.

Under such an explosion, with Qin Shaofeng's current realm, he definitely couldn't resist it, and he couldn't die anymore.

But for such a situation, it is actually a great blessing for Qin Shaofeng!

When he was baptized with missiles on the sea before, Qin Shaofeng was considered dead once.

Qin Shaofeng survived that time there was a substitute baby.

This time there was no avatar doll anymore, but the last trace back to Qin Shaofeng's right eye that kept rewriting the seal was triggered without hindrance.

The ability to look back is against the sky!

It is completely resurrected in a state of full blood!

Although Qin Shaofeng's current soul is only a part of his own body soul, the retrospective that is now sealed in his right eye, even if it is activated, is aimed at his current body soul and his current body.

But this is enough!

Qin Shaofeng's current soul is just a small fragment of some of the previous souls, and it is difficult to recover because of the journey through the earth.

If Qin Shaofeng wants to rely on cultivation, then I am afraid that as long as he cultivates "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" to the rule chapter, and it is still in the seven or eightfold realm of the rule chapter, this part of his soul may slowly recover.

And it's just soul recovery. As for memory recovery, it will probably take a while.

But if you change it to backtracking, you don't need it.

There is a backtracking, it is only a momentary matter.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng stimulated backtracking, and he has recovered again.

The reason why he didn't appear was because under the power of retrospect, his soul was completely restored.

Also his memory was restored instantly!

Because the memory suddenly recovered, Qin Shaofeng was a little uncomfortable, so he didn't go out first.

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