Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1699: Li Yulong's death

"Huh, I didn't expect such a thing to happen!"

In a place deep underground, Qin Shaofeng sighed secretly in a hole that just contained his body.

The memory was completely restored, and Qin Shaofeng naturally remembered everything.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng didn't think that such a bad thing would happen when he traveled across the earth.

Actually forgot most of the things?

And most importantly, even the main purpose of coming to the earth was forgotten.

This is no joke!

You know, there are not many things left for him. If he doesn't raise his current body to Dao realm within a hundred years, then the ancient sanctuary will be in trouble.

And most importantly, after the memory was restored, Qin Shaofeng tried to summon the system, but in the end it failed.

Even the system interface can't be summoned, Qin Shaofeng probably knows that in this situation, most of the system in his body has swallowed the last half of the power of the earth.

Then, entered a kind of evolution.

Well, it's a super big update!

Now Qin Shaofeng knew that the so-called system was actually a special item refined with the power of the Dao realm.

Existence such as the master, but compared to the master, the system does not know how many times stronger.

After all, this is said to be the existence of Qiyuan Star Realm and the power of the two realms of the Earth Dao Realm, which is naturally extremely powerful.

And this time evolution is probably the final form of the system.

But it is precisely because of this that without the help of the system, it is already a big problem for him to cultivate his physical body to the realm.

If it were his previous state of amnesia, I am afraid that he would have cultivated for thousands of years, and it would be impossible to cultivate this body to Dao state.

"Well, that said, I have to thank Li Yulong a lot?"

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were a little weird.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng intends to go out. Uneven staying here is not the same thing!

The outside world, seeing that after calming down, it had turned into a small valley like flat ground, Li Yulong felt happy.

"Hahaha, this Qin Shaofeng is finally dead!"

But at this time, there was a strange flash in the eyes of the old butler.

Because he suddenly discovered that although Qin Shaofeng died, what did they get?

Nearly twenty innate grand masters and sixty to seventy inborn grand masters died, this is a huge loss!

As for the bullets and grenades, the old butler doesn't care, because it can be obtained with money.

But those inborn grand masters and innate grand masters who died can't be cultivated by money!

And most importantly, after losing so much, they still think that they have not got anything.

Yes, there is nothing to gain!

The only gain was to kill Qin Shaofeng.

But what are the benefits of killing Qin Shaofeng?

For this, the old butler simply can't figure it out.

But seeing his young master so happy, he still gave up the idea of ​​telling the matter.


Just as Li Yulong was laughing, suddenly the small valley that had turned into flat ground exploded, and then a figure appeared.

After seeing this figure clearly, both Li Yulong and the old butler were shocked.

Is this Qin Shaofeng still dead?

And not only was he not dead, it seemed...not injured at all!

Although Qin Shaofeng's clothes are all in tatters, his whole person is also a bit dirty.

But his breath is very strong, and it seems that there is no trace of injury.

I rub, is this still human?

"Impossible, impossible, you can't be alive!"

When he saw Qin Shaofeng, Li Yulong almost collapsed.


Then, when he didn't give him a reaction at all, Qin Shaofeng flashed away and appeared in front of him.

how come?

This is so fast!

Li Yulong was frightened, and then seemed to finally react, planning to ask people around him to attack Qin Shaofeng.

But the next moment, a scene that made his heart cool happened.

Because he didn't know what Qin Shaofeng did, he, including the old housekeeper, fell to the ground in the first place, and he died without aura!


how can that be?

Li Yulong was so horrified, he planned to escape.

But the next moment, I felt the darkness in front of him, as if a big hand grabbed him, and then I didn't know anything.

The memory is restored, and this part of the soul is also restored, so Qin Shaofeng's current soul realm is naturally unusual.

You must know that even if it is only part of the soul of the body, this part of Qin Shaofeng's soul is still extremely powerful for ordinary people.

At the very least, with his current soul realm, the mental state he possessed was no longer pure mental power, but powerful spiritual consciousness.

If it were to come to a comparison, Qin Shaofeng estimated that with his soul realm, this body didn't need to worry about the progress of the soul even if he had cultivated to the law chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

Then, with Qin Shaofeng's current soul realm, even if the powerful divine consciousness is restricted to this body, once it bursts out, it will definitely be extremely powerful.

The old butler beside Li Yulong just now and other congenital master masters were directly wiped out by Qin Shaofeng's powerful divine consciousness from the soul.

This is scary!

After the traceback is triggered, it can be said that Qin Shaofeng has extremely strong power.

However, such power is the power of spiritual consciousness, not what Qin Shaofeng pursues.

But it doesn't matter, because now he has recovered his memory, then the rest of the matter only needs him to slowly improve the realm of this physical body.

However, the current situation still solved the Li Yulong matter.

After grabbing Li Yulong with his big hands, Qin Shaofeng did not have the slightest guess, and he searched for his soul.

Well, it's searching for souls!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng lightly loosened his right hand, and put down Li Yulong, who had completely died.

"It turns out that above the innate master is a warrior in the realm of King Wu."

From Li Yulong's memory, Qin Shaofeng finally knew the existence of warriors above the realm of the innate great master.

However, it is a pity that even if Li Yulong knows the realm of the innate great master, he is the King of Martial Arts, above the King of Martial Arts is the Emperor of Martial Arts, and after that is the realm of Martial Arts of the Saint-Level Martial Artist.

But Li Yulong only knew these things, and he still didn't know the specific situation.

"An inheritance of Martial Saint?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, but then he shook his head: "Forget it, according to Li Yulong's memory, that so-called Martial Saint inheritance doesn't seem to be very comprehensive, so you don't need to care."

"Well, let the evil blood daoists figure out these things! Now there are more important things waiting for me!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and then he looked at one place.

I saw a figure appeared where Qin Shaofeng was looking, but it was Chen Dazhuang.

After setting up Faye Wong with his family, Chen Dazhuang did not hesitate, he turned his head and hurried back to Xiaoshan.

He didn't leave Qin Shaofeng alone!

However, a fierce gunshot on the road, and then a continuous explosion, made him stop.

Because Chen Dazhuang knew very well in his heart that he knew that he hadn't gone since he heard these figures from a distance.

Not to mention the loud explosion, the sound of the gunfire alone was enough to make him afraid.

If he appeared in that place, it probably wouldn't take long for him to be abrupt by these gunshots.

However, from this aspect, Chen Dazhuang was a little relieved, because the gunshots continued and the explosions continued, indicating that the battle continued.

Since the battle is still going on, Qin Shaofeng must have not been killed yet.

This is good news for Chen Dazhuang.

And the exaggerated earth-shaking explosion that followed made Chen Dazhuang's whole person even more frightened.

After this time, no matter it was the sound of gunfire or explosion, it stopped.

This made Chen Dazhuang feel uneasy, and finally couldn't help it anymore. When everything subsided a bit, he rushed over immediately.

After rushing over, Chen Dazhuang saw it at first sight.

"The third child?"

Chen Dazhuang gave a startled suspicion, but then finally confirmed something. He was overjoyed in his heart and hurried over.

"Hahaha, the third child, I know you are awesome, you really have no problem!"

As soon as he ran, Chen Dazhuang patted Qin Shaofeng's shoulder happily.

Qin Shaofeng furrowed his brows slightly, because his memory suddenly awakened completely, he was a little uncomfortable with Chen Dazhuang's so enthusiastic appearance.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon recovered to adapt.

Whether it is Earth or Qiyuan Star, he is Qin Shaofeng!

And Dazhuang Chen is still Dazhuang Chen, the boss who took good care of him when he was on earth!

"Hey, of course, who do you think I am!"

Qin Shaofeng grinned and said proudly.

But Chen Dazhuang's next sentence made his face uncontrollable.

"Okay, let's talk about it later, now you'd better go to my house with me and change your clothes!"

After speaking, Chen Dazhuang pointed at Qin Shaofeng's tattered cloth strip, and smiled unkindly.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that in his own body, he was almost the same as a beggar.

Chen Dazhuang didn't ask much about what happened before. He even glanced at the dead bodies of Li Yulong and others on the ground, and didn't care.

What he cared about was whether Qin Shaofeng had an accident, other things were not important at all.

Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to say anything, but after doing some treatment on the bodies of Li Yulong and others, he left directly with Chen Dazhuang.

But under Qin Shaofeng's treatment, the bodies of Li Yulong and others burned invisibly, and a pile of ashes were left behind soon.

Then, when the wind blew, even the ashes disappeared!


After taking a shower in Chen Dazhuang's house and changing into clean clothes, Qin Shaofeng finally felt a little more comfortable.

However, the clothes he wears are from Dazhuang Chen. With Dazhuang Chen's physique, the clothes are a little looser, but it doesn't matter.

Chen Dazhuang's father was very grateful for Qin Shaofeng's appearance and rescued his family, and he wanted to let Qin Shaofeng stay for a few more days to thank him.

Qin Shaofeng had no choice but to stay.

He was fine anyway, and it didn't matter if he stayed for two or three days.

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