Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1700: Chen Family

Originally, Chen Dazhuang and Faye Wong were cultivating things that his family did not know.

However, this time the appearance of Li Yulong let Chen Dazhuang's family finally know that there are still warriors in the world.

But for this, Chen Dazhuang's father was a little calm, and was not as shocked by the existence of the warrior as Chen Dazhuang's mother.

It didn't take long before Qin Shaofeng knew why.

Chen Dazhuang's father really knew the existence of warriors, and not only that, he actually knew the existence of monks.

It turned out that the Chen family was also a family of monks in ancient times.

But in the end, because the earth's aura was exhausted and unable to cultivate to give birth to monks, the Chen family slowly fell into decline.

Even in the end, even the martial artist's cultivation was not kept.

In fact, there are still warriors in the Chen family in the generation of Grandpa Chen Dazhuang's father.

It's just that in that turbulent era, even a warrior can hardly survive.

At that time, many warriors defended their homes and fought against the countries that invaded China, and this was the case with the Chen family.

However, it is a pity that the Chen family was very powerful at that time and destroyed many battles in the Japanese kingdom.

Then, precisely because of this, the Wa country launched a conspiracy specifically targeting the Chen family.

Needless to say, the Chen family was destroyed.

He just managed to let Chen Dazhuang's grandfather escape, but at that time, Chen Dazhuang's grandfather was just a baby who was still a baby, and he didn't understand the situation of the Chen family at all.

Only with a piece of Chen's ancestral jade pendant!

Qin Shaofeng had also seen that jade pendant. It was a magic weapon refined by an earth monk, but it was not a magic weapon for defense or attack, but a magic weapon for recording information.

What Yu Peili records is the practice of the Chen family's ancestors. It doesn't require any strength. As long as the descendants of the Chen family's disciples, after bleeding, they can obtain some of the above information.

There was not much in the beginning, but very basic training information.

As the realm improves, more information can be obtained from the jade pendant.

But it is a pity that these are the cultivation techniques of monks, and for the current earth environment, these powerful cultivation techniques of monks have no effect at all.

However, this piece of jade pendant records how to grow elixir.

Then, after years of research by Grandpa Chen Dazhuang, he could plant some low-grade elixir in front of him.

In fact, the ginseng planted by the Chen family a few years ago was able to grow better ginseng in a short time because of this planting method.

However, the Chen family seemed to be in constant disasters, and it was precisely because of these planted ginseng that the Chen family suffered another disaster.

However, some time ago, Qin Shaofeng gambled because of the Sea King.

In the end, He Yunhui's family has received the due retribution.

Even after Qin Shaofeng didn't die under such a missile bombing, and the news of the cultivation base that was suspected of being a powerful Congenital Grandmaster was heard, Wang Shaowei suddenly felt that Qin Shaofeng was a bit uncomfortable.

In the end, he returned the ginseng planting area of ​​the Chen family.

Although a lot of ginseng has been collected, there are still some left.

Qin Shaofeng also went to see it, and then he discovered that the method of planting in Chen Jiazu really had some merits.

Because according to that kind of planting method, the medicinal materials planted can actually absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth by itself.

After Qin Shaofeng carefully observed it, he discovered that these kinds of ginseng actually exist in a special formation.

The most amazing thing is that this special formation is based on a three-digit base, and three ginseng plants are arranged into one formation.

Then, based on this, these formations can also merge with each other to form a more powerful formation.

This made Qin Shaofeng think of Zhou Tian Hunyuan Formation.

The Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation is centered on the one-yuan formation, and finally brought together. The more the one-yuan formations, the stronger the formation.

The last Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation is extremely powerful, and it is difficult to dominate the Supreme.

Although Chen Jiazu's formation was not comparable to Zhoutian Hunyuan formation, it was also very powerful.

Most importantly, this formation is extremely helpful for planting elixir.

Finally, Qin Shaofeng asked Chen Dazhuang's father for this formation.

Chen Dazhuang's father didn't say much, and directly gave Qin Shaofeng the method of planting.

Because Qin Shaofeng saved their family's lives and took care of Chen Dazhuang in the same way, he naturally agreed.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng couldn't take it for nothing.

In the end, he explored with his spiritual sense, the jade pendant on the Chen Family's ancestor, and finally modified the cultivation method inside, so that the Chen family can start practicing now.

But in this way, the Chen family can only start the cultivation of warriors, and then enter the monks as warriors.

But that would have to be something after the great congenital master, and it was still a bit early for the Chen family now.


Three days later, Qin Shaofeng left with Chen Dazhuang's family repeatedly holding back.

However, when Qin Shaofeng left, he took away the last ginseng from the Chen family.

Those ginsengs planted by the Chen family are not far from the lower-grade elixir. As long as they enter the Nine Spirit Palace for a little strengthening, they can grow into the lower-grade elixir.

And this is not the point. The point is that Qin Shaofeng discovered that a large part of the ginseng planted by the Chen family with the cultivation method has the potential to grow into a top-grade elixir.

This situation is different.

Therefore, after discussing with Chen Dazhuang's father, Qin Shaofeng offered a super high price and bought all the remaining ginseng.

With Qin Shaofeng's current method of restoring his memory, it would naturally solve the drawbacks of storing things and not being able to store life.

Qin Shaofeng spent a whole day depicting many formations with his divine consciousness on the storage ring in his current hand.

Although this does not allow this storage ring to really store alive life, if there are only some medicinal materials, then there is no problem.

After Qin Shaofeng got on the plane, he received a call from Li Feihua. Well, to be precise, it was a call from an evil-blooded Taoist.

After solving Li Yulong, Qin Shaofeng took the time to contact the evil blood Taoist with his mobile phone.

Then, Qin Shaofeng told the evil blood Taoist about the position of the Martial Saint inheritance in Li Yulong's memory, and asked him to see what was going on.

The evil-blooded Taoist just called and told Qin Shaofeng what he had discovered in the place where Martial Saint inherited.

The discovery this time was a reward for the evil blood daoists.

Although Li Yulong was already very cautious, he still didn't use all his power to deal with Qin Shaofeng. He still left a lot of power in his base, which is the place where the martial sage inherited.

Five or six innate great masters, as well as more than 20 innate great masters, and even Li Yulong's strongest number one, a master with ten levels of innate great master realms, were also left to guard.

But these people have now become the subordinates of the evil-blooded Taoists, because the evil-blooded Taoists have taken these subordinates as their own with some control methods.

As for the rest of the base, there is not much, except for a few precious elixir, nothing else.

After the evil blood Taoist took away all the valuable things, he took the people away.

Because in his eyes, the so-called Martial Saint inheritance is nothing at all.

Because according to the meaning of the evil-blooded Taoist, a sacred martial artist is at most equivalent to a Qi sea realm monk in the qi phase.

His evil-blooded Taoist is a powerful cultivator in the transformation stage, how can he see the inheritance of a Qihai-level cultivator?

What a joke!

However, the evil blood Taoist still told Qin Shaofeng one thing, that is, the Li family seems to know that Li Yulong was killed.

And after some searching, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng had begun to investigate.

However, the evil-blooded Taoist also said that Qin Shaofeng said that the Li family investigated Qin Shaofeng only because Li Yulong had contact with him after Li Yulong's accident.

And not only him, but even the people who appeared in the Baijia auction this time, the Li family conducted a lot of investigation.

It seems that the Li family will never give up unless the murderer is found!

But this is nothing to Qin Shaofeng.

Because even if the Li family knew, Li Yulong was killed by him, but what about it?

It's a big deal!

The memory was awakened, especially after this part of the soul was fully recovered, Qin Shaofeng already had a strong confidence.

Because with the strength of his current divine consciousness, even if it is limited to his current body, he can easily face it even if some Martial Kings come.

Qin Shaofeng was not afraid even if he was the Emperor Wu.

Now I am afraid that only the martial sage of the kind of holy martial artist can threaten him.

In fact, if one thing can be solved, Qin Shaofeng believes that even if it is Martial Saint, he can easily kill it.

On the plane, Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on the index finger of his right hand, where there was a very shallow and faint trace.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what this was before, and he didn't find it. It is estimated that he did. Qin Shaofeng probably didn't care.

But now after the memory has recovered, Qin Shaofeng is different.

Qin Shaofeng knew what it was because of the very shallow traces in this circle.

Avenue Soul Ring!

That's right, this is definitely the Great Soul Ring.

If Qin Shaofeng remembers correctly, his Dao Soul Ring still has many good things stored.

Although the stand-in doll in one of the storage compartments has been used up.

There seemed to be only three of the super-powerful complex-body-sheng-xi pill left.

But there are still many things in the other storage compartments.

Special spirit stones, experience fruits...

These are all items that can allow Qin Shaofeng to quickly improve his realm. If he obtains these items, Qin Shaofeng is confident that he will soon be able to enter the law chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and will even be able to quickly return to the master realm cultivation level.

But what made Qin Shaofeng helpless was that it seemed that the soul ring of the Great Dao was also severely traumatized when he passed through.

Even if his soul has recovered now, he still can't summon the Dao Soul Ring, let alone take out the items in the Dao Soul Ring.

Although the memory has been restored, Qin Shaofeng still doesn't know what happened to him at the last moment when he traveled back to Earth.

Qin Shaofeng just remembered that his soul was directly torn apart at that moment.

Then, it seemed that there was a force in Dao Soul Ring, which saved a piece of his soul and returned to the earth smoothly.

But it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng's double doll and seal backtracking were not triggered.

The last time I was hit by a missile, the avatar was triggered.

This time it was a retrospect, and his soul and memory were restored.

The power that can be traced back will not work on the Dao Soul Ring. It seems that, of course, in order to protect his last soul fragment, the Dao Soul Ring has suffered considerable losses.

This silenced the depths of his soul, unable to show it.

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