Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1702: Wu Wang Li Shangtian

"How do you say it, it is precisely because of this reason that this has caused you to lose some memories?"

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words that he used his own power to travel back to Earth, Meng Xin'er seemed to understand something.

"Yeah!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, "Because there were some problems in the end, but some conditions appeared in the soul, and a lot of memory was lost. In the end, I just remembered that I had been in the ancient continent, and most of the specific circumstances were not remembered! "

Qin Shaofeng did not intend to elaborate on the dangerous situation during the crossing.

But even so, the two women were very aware of the risks involved and couldn't help approaching Qin Shaofeng.

"Then how did you recover these memories?" Zhao Yuner suddenly asked.

"Ah, this..."

Qin Shaofeng didn't want the two girls to worry about this, and planned to find an excuse.

But Zhao Yuner seemed to see through her, and then said coldly: "Is it because of the ability to look back?"

As Qin Shaofeng's woman, whether it is Zhao Yun'er or Meng Xin'er, she is very clear about Qin Shaofeng's many abilities.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't say that there was a problem with his soul, both of them knew that the problem was definitely not small. Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng would not have even forgotten their soul aura.

That is definitely a very serious soul trauma!

If this is the case, if you want to recover from such a trauma, ordinary recovery methods are definitely not acceptable.

And with Qin Shaofeng's current state, I am afraid that many methods cannot be used.

So now there is only one answer left-backtracking!

Can't help it, Qin Shaofeng could only helplessly tell him about his visit to Chen Dazhuang's hometown this time, and tell him completely.

When Qin Shaofeng experienced such a dangerous thing, the two women were a little scared.

Too dangerous!

"In this way, these technologies on the earth can still cause terrible danger to us?" Zhao Yuner said.

"Yeah!" Qin Shaofeng nodded and said in agreement, "Although the earth's technology is far behind the machine races of the ancient continent. But don't forget that our current realm is still very low, and these technologies can still It's dangerous to us!"

"So, you have to be more careful in the future!"

"Got it!" the two women responded at the same time.

However, at this time, Meng Xin'er remembered something and said, “Yes, not only technology, but there are still many people on the earth that can threaten us. When the realm becomes stronger, we should not be too much in the end. show!"


Upon hearing Meng Xin'er's words, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and then suddenly thought that Meng Xin'er is now Tang Xin'er, and the Tang family seems to be very difficult, so he asked.

"Xin'er, do you know the specific situation of Earth Warrior?"

"Ok, I know!"

Meng Xin'er nodded and said: "In fact, the general martial artist just knows that the innate grandmaster is the most powerful warrior, but in fact, there are still many warriors on the earth that exceed the realm of the innate grandmaster."

"Don’t think that there are five great families in the martial arts world, but in fact, for real martial artists, the five great families are nothing at all, because in the martial arts world, the truly powerful family of martial artists, but those hidden families, where I am now The Tang family is one of them!"

The hidden family?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked when he heard it, and at the same time it confirmed his previous guess that the earth martial arts world was really extraordinary.

Now that he knew the Hidden Family, Qin Shaofeng naturally planned to learn more about it. Fortunately, Meng Xiner knew a lot about this information.

Qin Shaofeng already knew one thing from Meng Xin'er.

Even if it is not the hidden family, the current five great families also have powers that the general martial artist from outside does not know.

Because every family among the five great families has at least one powerhouse in the realm of King Wu.

It is also the powerhouse with a realm of the King of Martial Arts that the five great families can become the five great families.

As for the hidden family, it is even more different.

These hidden families that said yes refer to the hidden families in the martial arts world, and the family that can reach such a realm is definitely not low in strength.

Among them, the Tang family was far beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

As an absolute genius of the Tang family, Meng Xin'er has now learned a lot of information about the Tang family from Tang Lietian's father.

Even the Tang family has been passed down for thousands of years, and its ancestors were monks. Therefore, the Tang family knew the situation of monks very well. It was just that the current situation was not suitable for cultivation, and the Tang family had no monks.

Just as Qin Shaofeng had thought before, the Martial King, Martial Emperor, and Martial Sage of this warrior corresponded to the three realms of the monk's Qi transformation stage, the Qi training realm, Qi Hua realm, and Qi sea realm!

And on Tang Yun Island of the Tang family, there is a special place. There is a powerful special formation in this place. It was arranged for the descendants of the Tang family before the monk ancestors of the Tang family made sitting for more than a thousand years. of.

That formation is now only for the Tang family to reach the realm of King Wu, or those who are above the realm of King Wu, can enter it.

Elder Tang Lietian had already decided before. If Qin Shaofeng didn't heal Tang Xin'er, he would take Tang Xin'er into the formation and seek help from the real powerhouse of the Tang family.

According to Meng Xin'er, there is a large area in the Tang family's formation, and there are many powerful men who surpass the realm of the innate master.

I dare not say anything else, but Meng Xiner dared to confirm that the Tang family definitely had more than ten Wu Kings, and even Wu Huang had more than three.

As for the powerhouse in the Martial Saint realm, she doesn't know if there are any more.

However, according to speculation, the Tang family is mostly a powerhouse with a martial sage realm.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng. He originally thought that based on the current earth's environment, he should not be able to produce a strong warrior, but this is clearly not the case now.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know it, this was actually his father Qin Feiyang's handwriting, and concentrated all the power of the Dao realm from the rest of the Dao Realm where the earth is located on the earth.

This was when the spiritual energy of the earth was reborn, and after exhaustion, it recovered a lot.

Even if it has not recovered to the point where a large number of cultivators can appear, for the warriors, it is more suitable for cultivation.

Therefore, many powerful warriors have appeared on the earth.

However, Meng Xiner also told Qin Shaofeng that even the Tang family was a very powerful family among the hermit family.

There are probably not many hidden families with martial arts level!

But most hidden families have at least a few martial kings, even one or two martial artists in the realm of martial kings.

Moreover, the five great families in the martial arts world seem to have some relationship with the hidden family.

For example, Baijia actually has a good relationship with the Tang family, and Meng Xiner also told Qin Shaofeng that Baijia is actually just a branch of the real Baijia.

This means that behind the Hundred Families there is actually a Hundred Families of the Hidden Family.

The same hundred families of the hermit family were the real one, and they were very powerful, much stronger than the Tang family.

After understanding these circumstances, Qin Shaofeng finally had a spectrum in his heart, and he seemed to be quite strong.

The realm of the Seventh Innate Grand Master, even more powerful divine consciousness.

But compared with those hidden families, he is still very weak.


Li family.

At this moment, Li Wuyi, the head of the Li family, was standing in front of an old man honestly.

This old man is not his father, but his grandfather-Li Shangtian!

This Li Shangtian is not simple. It is said that he is dead, but in fact, only a few people know that Li Shangtian is not dead, and is even alive.

Because he is the only two powerhouses in the realm of King Wu in the Li family!

After listening to Li Wuyi's words, Li Shangtian's face was very ugly, and his voice was extremely gloomy and asked: "Are you sure, your eldest son Li Yulong has really been killed?"

"Yes!" Li Wuyi replied respectfully, "Grandpa, this matter is already true. After many investigations, Yulong is really dead!"

There was a trace of sadness on Li Wuyi's face. After all, his son was killed in this way, and even the corpse was not found. He could not be so sad.

Li Shangtian was also angry.

However, it was not Li Yulong's death that made Li Shangtian angry, but that after Li Yulong's death, what he wanted was not available.

In fact, Li Shangtian knew that his great-grandson Li Yulong had some secrets, because the exercises he was now practicing were given to him by Li Yulong.

In order to obtain the full support of his grandfather, Li Yulong had laid his blood, and handed over the cultivation technique of the martial sage to his grandfather.

However, Li Yulong was also careful, he just handed over part of that exercise.

But even part of it, that exercise is far beyond the super-grade exercises practiced by ordinary warriors.

At the beginning, this Li Shangtian just barely broke through to the realm of King Wu by relying on the super-grade technique of the Li family, and then there was no progress in the past two decades.

Until Li Yulong came up with that exercise, although it was only the cultivation part of the realm of King Wu.

However, by virtue of this part of the practice, Li Shangtian has already risen from the first stage of the Wuwang realm to the current five-layer Wuwang realm in less than ten years.

Although this is inseparable from the large amount of resources owned by the Li family, without that part of the practice, Li Shangtian would not have cultivated to the current state.

This made him full of desire for this exercise!

Although Li Yulong told him that this exercise was only obtained by accident, after years of investigation, Li Shangtian already knew that his great-grandson had inherited a powerful existence.

But considering that the other party is his great-grandson after all, Li Shangtian did not force him.

Anyway, he is still the King of Martial Arts. When he has cultivated to the realm of Emperor Martial Arts, he will look for this complete technique.

However, with this idea, Li Shangtian finally couldn't sit still as Li Yulong's practice was getting faster and faster, and he was about to break through to the realm of King Wu.

He intends to directly let Li Yulong surrender the complete exercise technique, while he can still suppress Li Yulong.

But I don't want to. Just when he prepared everything and planned to showdown with Li Yulong, the biggest accident happened!

His great-grandson Li Yulong actually died!

Li Shangtian thought of it for the first time. Perhaps someone discovered that Li Yulong had been inherited by a powerful warrior, and then shot Li Yulong to kill.

At the beginning, Li Shangtian still had a glimmer of hope that Li Yulong was not dead.

But now this glimmer of hope is completely gone, Li Yulong has been confirmed that he is really dead.

Faced with such a situation, Li Shangtian can imagine how angry he is.

Because without Li Yulong, how did he get the follow-up part of this exercise?

Then how to cultivate to the realm of Emperor Wu?

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