Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1703: Nine-fold Spirit Pill

"Do you know who moved the hand?"

Li Shangtian said angrily.

Li Wuyi did not doubt that he had him, thinking that his grandfather was very angry because of the death of his elder son. After all, his elder son's talent was obvious to all.

But the future of the entire Li family is now dead like this, and it's normal for his grandpa to be angry.

Not only his grandfather, but he was very angry, angrily breaking his enemy into pieces.


Li Wuyi's face suddenly became ugly, and said: "I don't know, I can only be sure that it is one of these people!"

Li Wuyi handed a stack of materials to Li Shangtian.

Li Shangtian took a look, but his face soon became gloomy.

Because of this stack of materials, there are more than a dozen people, and all of them are more than a dozen forces.

But soon, Li Shangtian seemed to have decided something, and said: "Order to go down and send some dead men to test these people as Yulong's subordinates!"


Li Wuyi nodded and stepped back.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, the old man will never let you go!"

Staring fiercely at the follow-up on the documents, Li Shangtian said in a deep anger, and then violently waved his hand to fly these documents, and then smashed all the documents to pieces.

However, before these materials were torn apart, the photo on one of the materials was Qin Shaofeng himself!


Two days later, after spending two days with Qin Shaofeng, Meng Xiner left.

After all, her current identity is Tang Xiner, not Meng Xiner, so in the end she returned to Tangyun Island.

Tang Xin'er left, but she was saying that she would come back as long as her strength improved.

Well, in her words, she went to improve with the resources of the Tang family.

She even rejected the pill that Qin Shaofeng refined.

Speaking of pill, Qin Shaofeng learned from Tang Xin'er that even in some hidden families, there are only a few families in the earth that will have real alchemists.

This is all because real alchemy requires the use of spiritual energy to make a real pill.

But if you want to cultivate aura, you need to reach the realm of Emperor Wu.

Although there are no cultivators now, in fact, the realm of King Wu has begun to transform the innate qi in his body into spiritual qi.

But only by reaching the realm of Emperor Wu, can you cultivate true spiritual energy.

Therefore, if you want to refine the real medicine, it must be the strength of the Wuhuang realm.

But unfortunately, for this, no one in the martial arts world knows this.

Even Bai Lao San is not clear about this, but if he can really set up an array to make alchemy according to the alchemy manual that Qin Shaofeng gave him, then maybe he can refine a real pill.

The reason for this situation is that it was all the old earth's pill, which was refined with spiritual energy in this way, and it was regarded as fixed and dead.

But this is a monk's alchemy method, which is naturally different for the warriors that appear now.

If the earth martial artist is given a period of time to develop, it will definitely be able to study the method of the martial artist to refine the pill.

According to the information given by the evil blood Taoist and Tang Xin'er, Qin Shaofeng knew that the time when the cultivation system of the Earth Martial Artist appeared, I am afraid it was only a thousand years.

However, to Qin Shaofeng, this is not important.

Whether it is a warrior or a monk, it doesn't affect Qin Shaofeng. The method of refining the medicine is probably unique on earth.

After Tang Xin'er left, Qin Shaofeng began to deal with the elixir he got this time.

Those forty-eight high-grade elixir didn't need to deal with anything, just waited for the pill to be refined directly.

However, there are now more than 11,000 low-grade elixir, waiting for Qin Shaofeng to deal with it!

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng already possesses divine consciousness now.

As soon as the divine consciousness was released, Qin Shaofeng found out the potential elixir among the 11,000 low-grade elixir.

This time, Qin Shaofeng only chose the lower-grade elixir that could be strengthened to the upper-grade elixir in the Nine Spirit Palace, and could only be strengthened to the middle-grade elixir level, he didn't plan to take it anymore.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng just deleted and selected about 700 or 800 low-grade elixir.

Then, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these low-grade elixir.

Because of the low-grade elixir that was deleted and selected, as well as the ginseng Qin Shaofeng got from Chen Dazhuang's father, and the thirty thousand spiritual jade, they were all given to Liu Ya.

Liu Ya, who has complete control over the Nine Spirit Palace and has awakened all memories, can use the Nine Spirit Palace to strengthen the high-grade elixir.

What Qin Shaofeng had to do now was to refine the pill.

After all, there are tens of thousands of low-grade elixir, if not refined, it would be too wasteful.

And this time, Qin Shaofeng planned to try to refine another pill.

Because the memory has completely awakened, Qin Shaofeng has more control over more medicines, such as the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill!

The formula produced by the Nine Layers of Spiritual Pill itself, and even an evolved version of the Nine Layers of Holy Spirit Pill.

However, the nine-layered spirit pill that Qin Shaofeng intends to refine now is the pill formula that he still modified from the nine-layered holy spirit.

This is also easy to refine.

What's more amazing is that the Nine Layers Spirit Pill does not have a deliberate level area.

Because the method of refining the nine-layered spirit pill is based on the medicinal materials provided, the higher the grade and the more the number of medicinal materials, the greater the effect of the refined nine-layered spirit pill.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng wanted to try, what kind of effect the nine-layered spirit pill produced by more than 10,000 low-grade elixir of the earth had.

Fortunately, the Nine Spirits Cauldron of the True Nine Spirits also has an inner space. Otherwise, a lot of low-grade elixir can't be put down.

However, this time because of the number of lower-grade elixir in alchemy, there are too many, and Qin Shaofeng's current realm, it is difficult to have the inner energy of the gods and demons that can refine so many lower-grade elixir at once.

Therefore, it took Qin Shaofeng three days to refine the pill this time.

However, the hard work of three days is totally worth it.

Because in the end, Qin Shaofeng refined exactly one hundred nine-layered spirit pills from these 10,000 low-grade spirit medicines.

And the effect of these Nine Layers of Spirit Pills is amazing, even if the innate grandmaster realm is taken, it can directly raise the first realm.

This also means that as long as you have enough Nine Layers of Spirit Pills, you can reach the pinnacle state of the Innate Grand Master.

However, Qin Shaofeng also felt that these one hundred nine-layer spirit pills had little effect on breaking through the realm of King Wu.

Qin Shaofeng named such nine-layered spirit pills as one-star nine-layered spirit pills!

Most of this was due to the low-grade elixir used, although the aura contained in 10,000 low-grade elixir was equivalent to 100 high-grade elixir.

But this is only in terms of quantity, and in terms of quality, it has been a lot of times.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng felt that if he could use a hundred middle-grade elixir, he could refine a two-star nine-layered pill.

The two-star Nine Layer Spirit Pill, I am afraid that the martial artist in the realm of King Wu can directly increase the realm of the first stage.

This seems to be a bargain, because even a hundred high-grade elixir is worth about ten thousand spiritual jade.

But in fact, this matter cannot be viewed like this!

Because the matter is very simple, as far as the Baijia is concerned, the Baijia can cultivate a large number of low-grade elixir. That is because the low-grade elixir only needs to consume a small amount of spiritual jade, and it can be achieved with the formation of a combination.

But if it is a middle-grade elixir, it will not only require these spirit jade and formation, but most importantly, it will take time.

If not, it can only be strengthened with a lot of aura.

But even in Qin Shaofeng's Nine Spirit Palace, 10,000 Ling Jade was reluctant at most. It would take at least ten days for the process to strengthen one hundred low-grade elixir to medium-grade elixir.

This is the case in Jiuling Palace, what about other places?

Qin Shaofeng didn't think that in the case of Baijia, he could possess a powerful magical tool like the Nine Spirit Palace.

Therefore, low-grade elixir can appear in a large number, but once it reaches the middle-grade elixir, it will probably not work.

As for the top-grade elixir, that is even more so.

However, this is good news for Qin Shaofeng.

Because as long as he has enough spirit jade, he can cultivate enough spirit medicine, and then refine enough nine-layer spirit pills.

Qin Shaofeng didn't take the one hundred nine-fold spirit pills right away, and this time the pill refinement cost him a lot.

Although his spiritual power was strong enough to give him sufficient mental power, Qin Shaofeng was already a little tired physically, because of the constant consumption and recovery of his **** and demon's internal energy, and repeatedly tossing it down for three consecutive days.

Therefore, after the alchemy was over, Qin Shaofeng went to Liu Ya.

Obviously, I looked at Liu Ya and helped her plant and strengthen the elixir, but in fact, it was...

After the warmth, Qin Shaofeng hugged Liu Ya with a face of enjoyment.

But at this time, someone actually disturbed him.

Although now except for Liu Ya and Tang Xin'er, everyone else needs Qin Shaofeng's consent or the consent of Liu Ya and Tang Xin'er to enter the Nine Spirit Palace.

However, in order to prevent some sudden situations, Qin Shaofeng was still in the Fengya Villa outside, deliberately preparing some small formations inside the Nine Spirit Palace for communication with the outside world.

Qin Shaofeng just felt that someone outside was calling him through the formation, and the person calling him seemed to be the old Xie.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that if there was nothing special, Xie would not call him.

"There seems to be something outside, I'll go out and have a look!"

Qin Shaofeng leaned over and gave Liu Ya a kiss, but only got a tired response from Liu Ya.


After a hum, Liu Ya turned around and went to sleep. Today, she was the only one facing Qin Shaofeng, but she was exhausted.

Putting on his clothes, Qin Shaofeng flashed out of the Nine Spirit Palace.


As soon as Qin Shaofeng appeared, he saw Lao Xie.

"Anything?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Someone broke in just now, although I have already taken it down, but because the other party regards it as a dead man, the old slave felt that something was not right, so he notified the young master!!"


Dead man?

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly and said, "Take me to see!"


After that, under the leadership of Old Xie, Qin Shaofeng finally saw the dead man.

However, the dead soldier was already dead. From his purple face and the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why Xie Lao believed that the opponent was a dead soldier.

This appearance is poisoned.

Moreover, according to the old Xie's statement, he had taken the opponent as if he had captured the opponent, and he had not asked anything. For convenience, he committed suicide by taking poison.

Seeing such a situation, such a way of death, not a dead man, then what?

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