Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1704: The Li Family Strikes (Part 1)

Although this black-clothed dead man was completely dead, Qin Shaofeng could still sense that the opponent should be in the realm of a seven-fold innate grandmaster.

However, having said that, why are there dead men here?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and random divine sense came out, searching for the soul of the dead man.

Although the opponent is dead, the soul has also disappeared.

But with Qin Shaofeng's spiritual knowledge, he still searched out some residual images.

But for Qin Shaofeng, these pictures were nothing special at all, they were just the daily pictures of the dead man.

However, it was these scenes that made Qin Shaofeng completely confirm that the other party was definitely a dead man trained by a certain big force.

Because in the other party's memory picture, except for the three meals, it is the practice of many years like a day, and some pictures of performing tasks.

And the strangest thing is that even so, this dead man doesn't seem to know who his real master is.

Moreover, the picture was too incomplete, and Qin Shaofeng didn't know where the opponent came from.

If the other party had just died, he would search for the soul, but he would be able to search out more memory images.

But now it has been a while since the opponent has died, this is already the limit.

I really can't find the origin of the other party, and even the purpose of the other party is not clear.

Qin Shaofeng's brows frowned slightly, and he could only say to Xie oldly: "Please go down, pay more attention during this time!"

"Yes!" Old Xie nodded, thinking about going down.

However, at this moment Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought of something, and said, "Wait, take these twenty pills. You and Heihu brothers will keep ten, and find ten people with potential to take the rest."

Qin Shaofeng waved, and there was an extra jade bottle in his hand.

And what's in this jade bottle is the one-star nine-layer spirit pill that Qin Shaofeng refined not long ago.

Now that he had decided to train his men, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not be stingy with the old Xie and others.

These twenty one-star nine-layer spirit pills can definitely give birth to ten innate great masters, and they can also raise the realm of the old scorpion, the black tiger, and the black panther.

Not only that, Qin Shaofeng even taught the old Xie some yuan array.

It is difficult to arrange the Zhoutian Hunyuan formation, but if it is just a single basic formation, one yuan formation is quite easy.

Of course, these elementary formations were simplified by Qin Shaofeng, not arranged with **** marks, but formed by humans, similar to battle formations.

Such a one-yuan formation can be arranged with only nine people.

There is no need for the same cultivation base, even a scorpion elder and nine innate martial artists can be arranged.

And even with this lineup, it can at least increase the strength of the old Xie by 30%.

If combined with eight innate grandmasters, the combat power of the old Xie can be increased by at least three times!

The higher the martial arts realm formed, the stronger this kind of elementary formation will naturally become.

Knowing the strength of the Yiyuan Formation, Elder Xie was even more grateful to Qin Shaofeng, and looked like a loyal loyalty to the death.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also had his own ideas. After all, when he returned to the earth, he wanted to use the whole earth's Dao realm as a nourishment, and then he raised his body to Dao realm.

No one can expect much of what will happen during this period, and it is correct to prepare earlier.

Because Qin Shaofeng always felt that he had forgotten something.

Although backtracking restored this part of his soul, his memory was completely restored.

When Qin Shaofeng still felt that there was something, he seemed to have forgotten it.

It seems important, but it seems unimportant!

I don't remember clearly, it's so tangled!


At a secret base of the Li family, Li Wuyi got news that a dead soldier sent out was dead.

And the important point is that this dead man is a dead man in the realm of the innate master.

As for why the Li family knew the circumstances of the death of this dead soldier, this is actually very simple, because the Li family installed a special biochip on each dead soldier.

This biochip does not have any powerful power, nor is it a powerful self-detonation ability. It is only an information prop to record and feed back the state of the dead.

Because this biochip is hidden in the tail vertebrae of the dead man, and does not have any power, it is rarely exposed.

In fact, with Qin Shaofeng's current spiritual knowledge, this can naturally be detected.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng doesn't have the habit of detecting a dead person's **** with his spiritual consciousness, and this is what he ignores.

After learning that the dead man had died, Li Wuyi was finally not calm.

This time, he sent more than a dozen dead men, but so far, most of the information returned by the dead men made Li Wuyi confirm that most of the targets were not the murderers of his son.

But now that the first dead soldier died, Li Wuyi felt that things were not easy.

"Qin Shaofeng?"

When he learned of the target that the dead man was investigating, a trace of doubt flashed in Li Wuyi's eyes.

This Qin Shaofeng also knew that he was just a congenital grandmaster, and he could not be his eldest son Li Yulong's opponent.

Therefore, at the very beginning, he determined that among these dozen goals, Qin Shaofeng had the least chance.

But then he remembered something, and hurriedly pulled out some of Qin Shaofeng's information, and finally saw a message.

On the 25th, Qin Shaofeng went to the home of his university classmate Chen Dazhuang, stayed for three days and left!

No. 25~!

This was the day his eldest son had an accident, and the place where Li Yulong's accident occurred was only forty or fifty miles away from the village where Chen Dazhuang's home was.

It's him!

Combining this information, plus the death of the deceased, Li Wuyi instantly concluded that the murderer of his eldest son Li Yulong was Qin Shaofeng.

Even if it is not, there is a 80% possibility!

Although for Qin Shaofeng, a congenital grandmaster possesses the ability to kill his eldest son, Li Wuyi feels a little unlikely.

But in his heart, he had already believed that his eldest son Li Yulong died in the hands of this man named Qin Shaofeng.

"What a Qin Shaofeng, you dare to kill my son, I will definitely want you to pay for it!"

Ning kills the mistake and never let it go!

Li Wuyi has made up his mind, he wants to kill Qin Shaofeng.

Whether or not the other party killed his eldest son Li Yulong.

Although Li Wuyi loves his youngest son Li Feihua, it is because he has high hopes for his eldest son Li Yulong and feels that the eldest son Li Yulong is the most suitable person to be the next head of the Li family.

In other words, in Li Wuyi's view, the eldest son has grown up, and he doesn't need to worry about himself, and the younger son Li Feifan is young and ignorant.

Therefore, Li Yulong's death was a huge blow to Li Wuyi.

So many days have passed, but he has not yet avenged his eldest son, and he hasn't even confirmed who the enemy is.

This has long suppressed a surge of anger in Li Wuyi's heart, and now Qin Shaofeng has been regarded by him as the object of venting his anger.

Whether it was Qin Shaofeng or not, it didn't matter anymore.

After confirming, Li Wuyi made some preparations. This time he would go to avenge his elder son in person.

Even in a hurry, he didn't report the situation to his grandfather Li Shangtian, so he set off with some people.

But even so, this lineup is very exaggerated.

Li Wuyi himself is the realm of the innate great master, and Li Yulong actually understands more or less what he thinks about his father.

Over the years, Li Yulong secretly helped his father a lot, giving his father a pill or two from time to time, or a powerful high-grade elixir.

Therefore, now Li Wuyi is already an innate master of the tenth realm.

Although Li Wuyi was far away from impacting the realm of King Wu, in terms of strength, even the old Tang Lietian of Tang Yundao was definitely not Li Wuyi's opponent.

In addition, Li Wuyi also brought twelve men.

Although none of these twelve subordinates are innate grand masters, the lowest of them is also the innate grand masters of the seven realms, and there are four innate grand masters of the triple realm.

Although the Li family belongs to the Li family and his subordinates are his own, in Li Yulong's view, he is the value of the Li family in the future, so he has also given the Li family a lot of benefits.

The Li family can now possess such strength, and it is inseparable from Li Yulong.

However, neither Li Wuyi nor Li Shangtian knew the power under Li Yulong's hands. It was just a powerful steward next to Li Yulong and two or three innate masters.

If so, let Li Wuyi know that the real power under his elder son Li Yulong's hands, I am afraid that he would not go so hastily.

Unfortunately he didn't know!


Qin Shaofeng is in retreat!

With a large number of one-star nine-layer spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to improve his own strength.

However, this retreat was different. In addition to improving the cultivation level, Qin Shaofeng also had to temper his body.

Originally based on Qin Shaofeng's current situation, even if his physical strength was insufficient, he possessed an extremely powerful realm in the realm of spiritual consciousness, to be precise, in the realm of soul.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's realm before has reached the realm of dominating the supreme, and it is still the peak of the law realm.

This distance to the Dao Realm is only a thin line away, and even if it were not for the promotion of the Dao Realm with both soul and body, Qin Shaofeng could be promoted with the soul, and he would have entered the Dao Realm long ago.

In Qin Shaofeng's current situation, even if his current soul is only part of the body soul, it is still very strong in realm.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was able to continuously swallow the pill, and then he didn't need to have the slightest scrupulous improvement.

If he had enough pill, Qin Shaofeng would be able to reach the level of law!

But he can't!

Because this time he needs to cultivate the body, this time he must have a body that is stronger than the soul.

This was originally his plan!

But because of the loss of his memory before, he had forgotten his main purpose. After waking up, he had reached the realm of the innate master.

But physically, Qin Shaofeng's realm was at best comparable to some innate masters, far behind the realm of cultivation.

This was because he had swallowed the pill before and didn't temper his body.

The only comparison is that when he lost his memory, he had not forgotten his father’s modified and strengthened "The Book of Gods and Demons", and even practiced "The Book of Gods and Demons"!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's initial plan was to practice "The Book of Gods and Demons"!

Because "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" has all-encompassing characteristics, even on the earth, it can be cultivated.

However, Qin Shaofeng discovered that even "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" could not greatly improve his body.

The real reason for this is still because this is the realm of the earth, not the realm of Qiyuanxing.

The cultivation system between the two Dao realms is different from the root.

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