Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1705: The Li Family Strikes (Part 2)

The Dao realm is different, and the way of cultivation and many situations are different.

Perhaps there are some cultivation conditions on Earth that are almost the same as Qiyuanxing.

Martial artists have the distinction of innate and future, but in fact, this is all because of the influence of Qin Shaofeng's father Qin Feiyang, communicating with the earth's Dao realm, and introducing the power of the earth's Dao realm to Qiyuan Star.

The same earth has been affected by this.

"The Treasure of Gods and Demons" can reach the state it is now, which is already very exaggerated.

But if Qin Shaofeng wants to cultivate his body to Dao realm on earth, it is not enough to rely on "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's plan is that the soul realm belongs to the power of the Qiyuan star realm, and the physical realm belongs to the power of the earth realm.

The soul of a Taoist system, the flesh of a Taoist system, want to merge the two, and then use this to break through the Taoist realm.

This is Qin Shaofeng's real plan!

I have to say that this plan is very exaggerated, even Qin Shaofeng's father Qin Feiyang didn't think of it like this.

Because this is almost impossible to achieve, but it falls on Qin Shaofeng, but it is possible and even possible.

This is all because of the system Qin Shaofeng possesses, but it combines the power of two Dao realms, and it is still the power of the same realm.

Therefore, such a plan is not very exaggerated to Qin Shaofeng.

Especially he has now felt that the system has been completely contained, the power of the two realms of the world, even if the system is now in an unknown evolution state.

But this also allowed him to integrate the power of the two Daoist systems.

However, in this way, his physical body on this earth must be ascended with the power of the earth's Dao realm.

Although he had stored a lot in the soul ring of the Dao, on his father's site, it was separated by any difference between the two Dao realms, especially those spiritual stones that were ascending.

But helplessly, those gadgets are now worn out because of the Dao Soul Ring, so they can't be taken out.

And the most important point is that the situation on the earth has exceeded his imagination, just relying on the words of "The Book of Gods and Demons", it is impossible to quickly cultivate his body to the peak of the law realm.

In this way, he really needs to find those powerful physical exercises on earth.

Now "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" can only be used as an auxiliary exercise method, this specific body needs to focus on physical exercises!

Of course, what Qin Shaofeng had to deal with before his eyes was to raise the physical realm he had fallen before, but at the current realm, it was still very easy with the power of "The Book of Gods and Demons".


When Qin Shaofeng was in retreat, Li Wuyi finally took people to Fengya Villa.

However, this is also the time in three days.

After all, his Li Wuyi is the head of the Li family, and he often has a lot of eyes on him. If he takes a high profile with twelve innate grand masters and expects a team like the innate grand masters, and he still looks aggressive, it may also cause It was a sensation.

And if someone is staring at him, if he seeks revenge from Qin Shaofeng, it will be a little troublesome.

Therefore, Li Wuyi deliberately hid it in order not to affect his revenge plan. This is why he only appeared in front of Fengya Villa three days later.


When Li Wuyi appeared in Fengya Villa and there was still some distance away, Mr. Xie felt it for the first time.

However, the old Xie did not alarm Qin Shaofeng, but rushed over with the two brothers Heihu and some people.

Although it was only three days, but with a one-star nine-layer spirit pill, the old Xie was already an innate master of the six-layer realm.

And because of the one-star nine-layer spirit pill, both the Black Tiger and the Black Panther have been promoted to the innate masters of the triple realm.

In addition, there are ten warriors who were only in the realm of innate warriors before, and now they are all promoted to the realm of innate great masters.

However, because they were only taking a one-star nine-layer spirit pill, these promoted innate grand masters were just worthy of entering the realm of a innate grand master.

But this kind of power is already a very powerful lineup for the general family of warriors.

Ten one-fold innate great masters, two three-fold innate great masters, and one six-fold innate great master.

Well, only twenty pills have been cultivated.

Speaking out, I am afraid it can cause a shock to the entire Chinese martial arts world.

Even if Li Wuyi saw this scene, he was shocked.

Thirteen innate masters?

When did such a strength appear in the martial arts world?

Suddenly, Li Wuyi was definitely this person named Qin Shaofeng, his identity was definitely not simple, and his eldest son Li Yulong mostly died in the hands of the other party.

But he didn't care, even though the twelve subordinates he brought, there were only four innate grandmasters, and the remaining eight were all inborn grandmasters.

But even so, Li Wuyi still has enough confidence in the thirteen innate great masters in front of the opponent.

The first reason is that he is the four innate grandmasters who are all in the triple realm. The remaining eight innate grandmasters are all innate grandmasters in the seventh realm.

And the most important thing is because of him himself, an innate master of ten levels.

This is enough!

Old Xie also felt this, especially after feeling the breath of Li Wuyi's body, his face became serious.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you come to my Fengya Villa?" Old Xie asked in a deep voice.

If it can't be opened, then it would be better.

When Qin Shaofeng was in retreat, he told Elder Xie that he was going to retreat. If there was anything to do, go to Liu Ya.

But Elder Xie didn't know Liu Ya's current situation. Liu Ya had already awakened Zhao Yun'er's realm. Although there were many methods on the ancient continent, they could not be deployed on earth.

But Liu Ya is different from Qin Shaofeng, she doesn't need to deliberately increase physical strength.

Her own soul realm is already strong, and now she has practiced "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and she is completely free to improve her current realm.

In fact, after dealing with the elixir, Liu Ya also started to take the one-star nine-layer spirit pill to improve her current realm.

Therefore, the current state of Liu Ya, compared with the old Xie, the strength is even more so.

This is why Qin Shaofeng can retreat with peace of mind.

But Lao Xie didn't know about this. He just knew that his young master was in retreat and should not be disturbed!

Ignoring Lao Xie's question, Li Wuyi said with a slight anger, "Where is Qin Shaofeng?"

Old Xie frowned and didn't agree, but he became vigilant in his heart.

Sure enough, he came to see the young master, and it seemed that most of the people who came were bad!

Seeing that Mr. Xie did not respond, Li Wuyi was furious: "Damn it, if you dare not say it, then you go to die!"

Now Li Wuyi had determined in his heart that the death of his eldest son Li Yulong was related to Qin Shaofeng, and he didn't want to be patient anymore.

"Go to me, kill these people!" Li Wuyi roared.

Immediately, the innate grandmasters and the innate grand masters behind him rushed towards the old Xie and others.

Now Li Wuyi and others only appeared three to four hundred meters away from Fengya Villa.

Due to the existence of the Nine Spirit Palace, Qin Shaofeng asked the old Xie general Fengya to enclose a wall around the outside of the villa, and now the old Xie and Li Wuyi are facing each other in front of the gate of the wall.

This also happened to be the marginal area shrouded in the Nine Spirit Palace. In fact, if the old Xie and the others didn't go out, Li Wuyi and the others couldn't help them.

Because of the guardianship of the Nine Spirit Palace, this wall is covered with a light and transparent invisible barrier.

This is the protective barrier of the Nine Spirit Palace, with Li Wuyi's strength, it is impossible to break it.

But if it really bears the attack, it will also require a lot of spiritual energy to be consumed by the Nine Spirit Palace.

Elder Xie also knows this point, so he plans to save the spirit of the Nine Spirit Palace and eliminate the aggressor outside the wall.

"Black knife, you take people up!"

Old Xie whispered, and a middle-aged man in black next to him rushed out with someone.

This black sword was also the original black scorpion, and he was also a good killer with good talent. It was also one of the warriors who took the one-star nine-layer spirit pill this time.

Moreover, after three days, Hei Dao and the first inborn grand masters behind him also knew of the one-element array formed by humans.

However, they are only slightly mastered, not very proficient, so that nine people form this elementary formation, still somewhat reluctant.

Therefore, after Xie Lao said a word, Hei Dao rushed up with the nine people.

Here are ten innate grand masters of the first realm, and there are four innate grand masters of the triple realm, and eight innate grand masters of at least the seventh realm.

Speaking seriously, in terms of the comparison of the strength of the two sides, the black knife is actually a bit inferior.

The reason is simple. These are all innate masters brought by Li Wuyi, but they are all in the triple realm.

Normally, even the three innate great masters of the one-level realm are somewhat reluctant to face a three-level innate great master.

Therefore, the current situation is not good for the old Xie side.

That's why, after Li Wuyi asked his subordinates to rush out, he didn't intend to do anything, because in his opinion, the 13 people on the opposite side only needed his own subordinates to solve it.

The only thing that is more troublesome is that innate great master of the six-fold realm.

But what surprised Li Wuyi was that the person on the opposite side had only sent out the ten first-level innate grandmasters. Not only the six-level innate grandmaster old man did not take action, but even the two triple-level innate grand masters. The people seem to have no plans to shoot.

Isn't this looking for death?

Li Wuyi sneered in his heart!

But soon, he couldn't laugh.

Because he was surprised to find that even if the other party only dispatched ten innate masters of the first level, they actually had the upper hand.

Soon, Li Wuyi noticed something, and looked at the ten one-tier congenital grand masters on the battlefield, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The ten opponents are like a whole, seeming to gather all the strengths of them together, resulting in an increase in the strength of all of them.

For this, Li Wuyi did not see it.

Because of the relationship between the First Yuan Array, the Ten Black Blades are really like one body, and everyone is connected.

To be precise, the innate spirits of the ten of them are all united together.

Moreover, everyone can mobilize the innate qi of the ten people to unite. To be precise, with the ten of them in Black Knife, each of them has nine times the innate qi than they originally had.

Although the realm has not been improved, but because of the tenfold change of innate aura, this allows them to have the combat power equivalent to the triple innate grandmaster.

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