Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1706: Li Wuyi

Because of the existence of the Yiyuan Formation, the Black Blade and others have temporarily possessed the combat power of the Triple Innate Grand Master realm.

This means that after forming the one-yuan formation, the Black Knife and others have all been promoted.

However, in the current situation of the Black Knife and others, it will not be long before they can maintain this state.

After all, they just shared everyone's innate energy, not an increase.

Therefore, in such a situation, if everyone's innate energy is exhausted, the one yuan formation will not be broken.

Of course, this is only the current state of the one yuan formation of the Black Knife and others, and they have only grasped it. If they can deeply understand the one yuan formation, then not only will they be able to obtain a complete increase in combat power, but even the cost of attacking will be reduced a lot.

However, even in this situation, it was enough to deal with the twelve men of Li Wuyi in front of him.

Even now, after only a minute of fighting, some of Li Wuyi's twelve men were actually injured.

This made Li Wuyi's face very ugly, but he was also shocked.

With this method, who are these people?

Why didn't I have any information about these people before?

The reason why Li Wuyi was so surprised was that he did not conduct a thorough investigation of the identity of the old Xie and others.

Even in Qin Shaofeng's data, there were cases of black scorpions and black tiger gangs, Li Wuyi did not escape attention.

After all, a small black scorpion killer organization and a gang are nothing at all, not worthy of his attention.

After all, he would not have thought that in just one or two months, someone would be able to rise to the realm of the innate martial artist and directly rise to the realm of the innate great master.

This was too shocking, and Li Wuyi didn't think about it at all, and didn't even investigate it, so he didn't know the origin of Xie Lao and others.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't know, the important thing now is that he is going to make a move.

If he doesn't make a move, his twelve men will die.

Even if it is the Li family, an innate master is already very powerful. Even if it is the loss of one, Li Wuyi will feel distressed.

Therefore, he was not watching, and shot directly.


A flashy Li Wuyi was about to join the battle, but the next moment, he blinked, a strong wind hit him, and he stopped him immediately.


Li Wuyi raised his hand and punched, his body shape gave a slight pause, his face looked ugly.

tread! tread! tread! tread!

After the punch, Xie Lao couldn't help but stepped back.

He just shot and blocked Li Wuyi, and then he succeeded.

However, at this moment, Xie Lao's face was extremely solemn, because just from the punch just now, he could realize the strength of the opponent.

Sure enough, he is the innate master of the tenth realm!

But at this moment, which one is the most shocking in Li Wuyi's heart!

Was stopped?

Although he did not back down, it was enough to surprise him.

Because the opponent is just a six-fold innate grandmaster, can he stop him, the ten-fold innate grandmaster?

This old man is really not bad!

Li Wuyi's eyes flashed slightly, his eyes full of killing intent when he looked at Xie Lao.

The six-fold innate grandmaster realm has such strength!

This person cannot stay!


Li Wuyi shot decisively and went straight to the old Xie.


With another punch, Xie Lao's face changed, and his hands resisted, but the powerful punch that was still blasted gave him a few steps back.

Li Wuyi showed a fierce look, intending to pursue Chen Sheng and kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

But just here, two swish figures appeared, and then two strong winds broke out.

It's Black Tiger and Black Panther!


Feeling the attack of the black tiger and the black panther, Li Wuyi was shocked again.

Although the attacks of these two men could not threaten him at all, the combat power the two showed was far beyond the realm of the three-level innate grandmaster.

Bang! Bang!

Although surprised, Li Wuyi still punched the black tiger and the black panther with two backhands.

The black tiger and the black panther are not as old as the scorpion, and under the bombardment of Li Wuyi's two punches, they even withdrew a few meters.

But at this time, because of the obstacles of the two, Xie Lao, who got the buffer time, shot again.


The power of the assassination was reflected at this moment.

Almost at the moment when Black Tiger and Black Panther exited, Li Wuyi felt it, and a penetrating attack came towards him.

Feeling this attack, Li Wuyi's heart was chilled, and he felt as if he could be penetrated by this force.

Without thinking about it, Li Wuyi's body was full of qi beforehand, and he yelled: "Flick the cloud palm!"

Fuyun Palm is one of the inherited martial skills of the Li family. It has extremely strong power and bursts out. If it hits the target, the powerful force can shatter the opponent's internal organs, even the whole person.


With a dull sound, Xie Lao revealed his figure again, and his whole body staggered back, with a trace of blood showing at the corner of his mouth.

Upon seeing this, the black tiger and the black panther were about to step forward, but they were yelled by the scorpion boss!

"Don't come over, solve other people first, and then deal with this person together!"

Heihu and Heibao suddenly had a meal, and instantly understood Xie Lao's plan.

The person in front of him is too powerful, even if the three of them go together, it is no match.

In such a situation, it would be better to solve the other twelve people first, and then form a one yuan formation to deal with this ten-fold innate great master.

After understanding this, the Black Tiger and the Black Panther suddenly flashed away, turning their heads to deal with Li Wuyi's men.

not good!

Not seeing this scene, Li Wuyi was shocked.

He also saw the other party's strategy, although he did not think that everyone on the other side would be his opponent if they united.

But what he cares about is that if the two martial artists of the three-fold innate great master realm are allowed to join that battlefield, then his twelve men will be in trouble.

Suddenly, he just wanted to rush up.

But the next moment, a figure rushed to stop him.

"Want to save people? Don't think about it!"

Old Xie stared at Li Wuyi, and smiled coldly.

"Only you?"

Li Wuyi disdainfully said.

Xie Lao didn't speak, but it was a secret technique for assassination.

With the help of the secret technique, he can gain a threefold increase in strength within five minutes, but after five minutes, he will become weak and no longer able to fight!

However, now he can only do this.


Suddenly he screamed and remembered that Li Wuyi's face changed drastically, but when he looked up, it was one of his innate masters who was hit and killed by the black tiger.

Li Wuyi is in a hurry!

No more nonsense, he rushed directly to Lao Xie.


The two fought again, but this time, Li Wuyi's expression was a little surprised, because he felt that the old man in the six-fold innate master realm seemed to have improved in strength.

An illusion?

Li Wuyi moved in his heart and shot again.

But after another fight, Li Wuyi's face was completely gloomy.

Because the opponent's strength has really improved a lot, although he is not yet his opponent, but the opponent is completely in the deadly style of injury for injury, and he can't take the opponent for a while.

Not only could it not be taken, but it was dragged by the opponent.

During this period, the Black Tiger and the Black Panther once again killed two or three innate masters of the Li family.

This made Li Wuyi feel very anxious, but there was no way.

Xie Lao is now in a state of complete fighting, and he has a tendency to die together with Li Wuyi.

This made Li Wuyi hesitate.

Even if the old Xie broke out like this, how to play, but Li Wuyi is still the innate master of the tenth realm after all. If he is cruel, he can still defeat or even kill the old Xie.

But he was afraid of Xie Lao's counterattack before he died, and he was afraid that the opponent's counterattack would let him subordinate, that situation was not good.

For some reason, Li Wuyi always felt that the villa in the distance threatened him.

Although this is a little weird, maybe he scared himself.

But Li Wuyi still cherishes his life, and he dare not take risks.

But under his men, more and more deaths, especially one of the innate masters of the triple realm, was also killed, he finally couldn't help it.

Six innate masters, one innate grand master of triple realm!

Such losses are too great for the Li family.

"Damn it!"

With a low anger, Li Wuyi, who had been fighting with the old Xie, broke out.

He had never been able to find the entanglement of Breakthrough Xie Lao before, but now he couldn't help it.

"Old dead man, you go to die for me!"

With a big wave of his hand, Li Wuyi took full of the natural energy in his body and patted Lao Xie with a palm.

"Flick Cloud Palm!"

Although the Li family's cloud palm is powerful, it is based on a large amount of natural energy as the basis for its effect.

Li Wuyi hadn't used this trick before to play the palm of the cloud for the second time, because even at his level, he couldn't play the palm of the cloud many times.

But he can't take care of it now!


A surging breath came oncoming, and the old Xie felt it instantly, and the powerful breath blasted him.

But Elder Xie didn't choose to avoid it. He flashed cold eyes and shouted, "Assassination!"

Assassination is one of the powerful tricks of assassination. It concentrates the powerful force a little and completely condenses it into a line, so that the attack has a strong penetrating power.

And because of the convergence of the front line, the assassination broke out, completely silent, extremely use and assassination.


In the end, Li Wuyi's photograph of the palm of the cloud was pierced by the assassination of the old Xie. The powerful aura of the palm of the cloud, at this moment, was like a leaking balloon.


Seeing this scene, Li Wuyi didn't seem to be surprised. With a cold snort, he lifted his right hand and patted Xie Lao again.

"Flick Cloud Palm!"

With another move, the palm of the cloud was shot, Xie Lao's face suddenly hard to look.

The assassination attack just now had almost exhausted all the inherent energy in his body, and the remaining inherent energy would be impossible for him to burst out assassination again.

Scorpion's situation is dangerous!

It seems I can only get here!

Old Xie sighed in his heart, closing his eyes as if he had accepted his fate.

But at this moment, behind him suddenly shouted: "Xuanling Palm!"


With an explosion, a powerful attack suddenly broke out from the rear of the old Xie, which barely offset the Fuyun palm shot by Li Wuyi.

It was Heihu who shot it!

When Li Wuyi broke out, Heihu and the others felt that things were not going well, and they couldn't care about anything anymore. They broke out and took the remaining two innate grand masters and three innate grand masters of the Li family. It was resolved.

For this reason, the Panthers were seriously injured and temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

But Heihu and the others caught up and rescued Xie Lao.

When Li Wuyi saw the sudden appearance of Heihu and others, he subconsciously glanced at the battlefield not far away.

But in the end he only saw twelve corpses, and the men he brought had been killed.

Seeing such a situation, Li Wuyi suddenly became mad and completely angry.

Eight inborn grandmasters, ten inborn grand masters just died!

"Ah, damn, I'm going to kill you!"

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