Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1709: Exit, sixth level

Damn, how could this be?

How could this cheap maid have such strength?

Zhang Yunsong's heart became more and more shocked.

And he also discovered something that made him extremely unwilling to admit it.

That is, facing a lowly servant in his mouth, an opponent who is not yet in the realm of King Martial, he can only be forced to defend.


This is the current situation, Zhang Yunsong has no chance to fight back.

He can only be exhausted to play a series of innate qi to defend!

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Yunsong became more and more angry.

Yes, apart from shock, Zhang Yunsong's heart is more anger.

He, a Wu Wang, was forced to such a degree by a little girl?

He was full of anger, but Zhang Yunsong was also very calm.

He had already seen clearly, although he didn't know that the innate great master of the other side had an attack power equivalent to the realm of King Wu.

But one thing Zhang Yunsong can be sure of is that the other party's natural aura is definitely not as much as him.

The attack power is already very exaggerated. He believes that the opponent can't even possess more natural energy than himself.

Therefore, he is waiting, and consumes his qi first before waiting for the other party.

As long as the other party's innate energy is exhausted, then he said nothing.

But Zhang Yunsong didn't know, Liu Ya seemed to see through his thoughts, Zhu's lips curled slightly, revealing a trace of disdain.

Fight consumption?

Oh, it is ignorance!

Although she was still only at the pinnacle of the Innate Great Master, the "Golden Book of Gods and Demons" she cultivated possessed very sufficient inner energy of the gods and demons.

Liu Ya dare not compare with some powerful Wu Wang.

But compared to the person in front of him who had only entered the realm of King Wu for a long time, Liu Ya was confident that both in terms of power and quantity, he would crush the opponent.

Fighting for consumption, the opponent can only lose!

However, Liu Ya did not intend to continue to consume like this, she was already a little impatient.

Her world revolves around Qin Shaofeng, how can she deal with an old man again?

and so……

His eyes flashed, the **** and demon in Liu Ya's body was angry for a while, and the jade hand raised, interrupting another attack.

This time, the inner energy of the gods and demons consumed by Liu Ya has doubled.

But in the same way, the inner qi attack of the gods and demons she hit this time has changed from one to two!

Double Star Double-click!

This two-star double-click is not a simple two-shot combo. When the consumption is doubled, this combo not only doubles the number, but also doubles its power.

Therefore, Zhang Yunsong is a tragedy!

Faced with the two-star double-click that suddenly attacked again, Zhang Yunsong still believed that it was the same attack as before, shaking his right hand, and also launched an innate energy attack.

But the next moment, with a bang, he found that his attack had been broken up.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunsong was dumbfounded.

Increased power?

But he was dumbfounded, but the two-star double-click attack did not stop at all.


The first one hit Zhang Yunsong hard.


As soon as blood spurted out, Zhang Yunsong was injured, but the injury was not serious.

Because at the last moment, some natural energy condensed in front of him, concentrated on the place where the two stars double-tap attacked his body.

Although in the end the first gas was broken up and the attack fell on him, he did not suffer any serious trauma.

But the problem is that this time Liu Ya broke out but a two-star double-click!

After one blow, there was no interruption at all, and there was no opportunity for Zhang Yunsong to react.


The second attack hit Zhang Yunsong's body fiercely, and it was still in the same position.

This time, Zhang Yunsong did not have the innate energy to condense his own system to defend and guard, even he didn't even notice this second attack in advance.

It wasn't until the moment when the attack came that a thought appeared in his mind!

There is a second one!


Just as soon as it exploded, a blood hole exploded in Zhang Yunsong's chest, exposing the organs inside.

Then, with a bang, Zhang Yunsong couldn't hold on anymore, he staggered a few steps, and pointed to what Liu Ya wanted to say.

But in the end he didn't say a word, he fell to the ground and died!

The internal organs are punched out, can I not die?

Only martial artists, there are many practitioners, the internal organs are damaged, basically the medicine stone has no medical treatment.

After Zhang Yun died of anger, Liu Ya just calmly said to the old Xie to deal with it, and then turned back to Fengya Villa.

Old Xie: "..."

Black Tiger: "..."

Everyone: "..."

There was speechlessness at the scene, and if it weren't for the two corpses on the ground, they all felt they were dreaming.

When Zhang Yunsong was fighting Liu Ya, Li Wuyi also died.

However, at this time, the old Xie and others seemed to have completely forgotten.

Now there is only silence in their hearts, um, and shock!

"This... Mrs. Liu Yashao is really amazing!"

In the end, the corner of the black panther's mouth uttered a very unnutritious sentence.

Before he killed Li Wuyi's men, he was already in critical condition and quickly killed the enemy with injuries.

But he was seriously injured and did not continue fighting.

At this moment, seeing such a scene, he even forgot about his injuries.

Xie Lao, Heihu and others did not speak, but they agreed with Hei Pan's words in their hearts.

Soon, Xie Lao and others began to clean up the battlefield, and then took the injured back to heal.

Although he was injured, this battle was also a good battle experience for the old Xie and others. For them, the gain this time was not small.

However, when dealing with the bodies of Zhang Yunsong, Li Wuyi and others, everyone discovered another situation.

It seems that they still don't know who these people are?

It seems that from beginning to end, Zhang Yunsong said his name once when he was fighting Liu Ya.

Well, Zhang Yunsong!

Then, then no more!

Poor Zhang Yunsong, it's better to break through to become King Wu, but King Wu made himself to death for the first time as a show.

And the old Xie and others didn't even know him!

A King Wu just died in obscurity!

However, anyhow he also left a name, and he didn't want Li Wuyi and others to have even left their name, they would have died.

You know that Li Wuyi is the head of the dignified Li family, and now he died silently!

If this spreads out, it can cause quite a stir!


Two days later, Qin Shaofeng finally left the customs.

This time in retreat, Qin Shaofeng finally raised his physical realm.

And not only has it improved, it's now synchronized with his realm.

As for Qin Shaofeng's current realm, as early as three days ago, with the help of a one-star nine-layer spirit pill, he reached the realm of the pinnacle of innate great master just like Liu Ya.

After that, Qin Shaofeng spent three days breaking through to the sixth level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and at the same time, even his physical realm has also risen to the realm of King Wu.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng is now not afraid of bullets even with his body, and even bombs such as ordinary grenade can be resisted with his current physical strength.

Compared with ordinary Wu Wang, Qin Shaofeng's body is much stronger!

Let's put it this way, if Qin Shaofeng was standing there, the warriors under King Wu would probably not be able to hurt him under normal circumstances.

Even if Zhang Yunsong appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, most of his attacks could hardly cause any powerful damage to Qin Shaofeng.

However, after reaching the current state, Qin Shaofeng stopped temporarily.

Although the low-grade elixir transplanted into the Nine Spirit Palace, many of the Nine Spirit Palace's auras have been strengthened to the level of the middle-grade elixir.

This means that Qin Shaofeng can already start refining the two-star nine-layer spirit pill, so he can continue to improve.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to continue to improve his realm in this way, because he could only raise his cultivation level now, but it was very difficult to raise his physical realm.

If he wanted to improve his physical realm, Qin Shaofeng had to start cultivating powerful techniques such as body cultivation.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng had specially designed some exercises for himself before, but helplessly, this simply didn't work.

Because the body training exercises he created, although they are also cultivated on earth, they can only play a subtle role in the improvement of the physical realm.

Although Qin Shaofeng possesses a very powerful body refining method, that is the magic body refining method.

But helplessly, the gods and demon body refining Dafa is entirely a powerful skill produced by the system, and Qin Shaofeng's body only achieves the improvement of the physical realm through the promotion of the skill star level.

Qin Shaofeng did not go into deep research on how to practice.

However, fortunately, Qin Shaofeng is extremely proficient in the 108 yoga poses after the evolution of the gods and demons body refining method.

And the 108 yoga poses are actually 108 poses. Qin Shaofeng discovered that on the earth, his own body can still practice yoga 108 poses.

As long as he poses the 108 yoga poses and maintains it for a period of time, Qin Shaofeng can feel the improvement of his physical realm.

But the problem is that it takes too much time to practice the 108 Yoga poses.

It's just to deal with the current realm, that's okay, but if you want to elevate your physical body to an extremely strong realm with this 108 yoga style, then it won't work.

Because based on the current condition of his body, if there is no time for hundreds of years, I am afraid that this one hundred and eighty yoga poses will not be able to achieve success.

And even if the 108-style yoga practice reaches the Dacheng realm, and all the 108-style movements can be smoothly displayed, at most it can raise the body to the peak realm of Nirvana.

This is a distance from the Domination Realm, let alone the realm.

Therefore, the first thing Qin Shaofeng decided to do was to find a fast-cultivation method that was very suitable for him and was very powerful.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry because he had not used the ten copies of the gods and demons with the seal in his left eye.

And Dao Soul Ring can also have ten intermediate skill point cards and five high-level skill point cards.

If he waits for the system to completely evolve this time, then he will have a way to obtain a powerful body training technique.

With the system, with the duplication of gods and demons and skill points, he can fully cultivate a variety of powerful body refining methods, and maybe even use the power of the system to create a powerful body refining method!

In the current situation, it is better to practice the 108 Yoga poses first.

However, Qin Shaofeng seemed to also remember that there seemed to be some body-building exercises in the inheritance of the Nine Spirits True Person.

Although not very strong, it seems to be very useful to his current realm.

Find some time to study and practice!

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