Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1710: Li Shangtian's thoughts

Li family.

In a secret room of Li's house, Li Shangtian looked gloomy at the moment.

Five or six days have passed since Li Wuyi left Li's house.

But until now, Li Wuyi has not returned, and there is not even some news.

Not only Li Wuyi, but even his disciple Zhang Yunsong, who had left the Li family three days ago, also completely lost contact.

For his disciple, Li Shangtian trusts him very much. Not only does he marry his youngest daughter to the other party, but he even cultivates him without spare effort.

If not, it would be impossible for Zhang Yunsong to be promoted to the realm of King Wu.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yunsong obeys Li Shangtian and respects him very much.

Therefore, Li Shangtian can be sure that Zhang Yunsong will not fail to contact him for no reason.

And at this point, Li Wuyi is the same.

The warriors who appeared after the Li family basically had no talent for cultivation.

This is true of his three sons. The second son did not practice at all, but he was in business and created a business empire for the Li family.

The third son spends time and drinks, not worth mentioning!

The only better eldest son, that is, Li Wuyi's father, was caught up in the practice.

So Li Shangtian can only train his own disciples.

However, Li Wuyi later showed outstanding talent for cultivation, which made Li Shangtian very happy, always thinking that he had a successor.

Li Yulong, who was born later, was even more outstanding. He was already a great master at a young age.

Although the other party had a lot of things hidden from him, Li Shangtian didn't care, because he did. Li Shangtian thought that he would eventually get old, and the Li family must have a successor.

And this successor, in Li Shangtian's eyes, is Li Yulong.

Although Li Yulong was a little beyond his control, he didn't care, thinking that he also forced his father to abdicate by force, and then occupied the position of the head of the Li family.

If Li Yulong had this ability, Li Shangtian would also admit his fate!

But now, Li Yulong is dead.

This was a blow to Li Shangtian.

But now...

Not only Li Yulong, but also his grandson Li Wuyi and his disciple died.

Although not sure if it is really dead.

But Li Shangtian knew that if there were no accidents, Li Wuyi, especially his disciple Zhang Yunsong, would never break contact with him.

That said, most of them have already been killed.

Thinking of such a possibility, Li Shangtian's heart was full of anger.

"Qin Shaofeng?"

Looking at the information on the table, Li Shangtian's eyes flashed with killing intent.

This information was obtained after Li Wuyi completely lost contact with Zhang Yunsong, and he asked him to re-investigate it. Compared with the previous information, this one is more detailed.

But the more he understands Qin Shaofeng, the more confused and puzzled Li Shangtian is, the more he is surprised.

The first time he saw Qin Shaofeng's surname, the first thought in his mind was that Qin Shaofeng belonged to the Qin family.

Among the five great families in the martial arts world, the Baijia ranked second, and the Lin family ranked third. The Chen family behind is no different from his Li family.

As for the Qin family, it was the first place in the right place!

In fact, Li Shangtian knew that in addition to the Qin family, the other four families had changed many times in the past few hundred years.

In fact, in the Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago, the five great families in the martial arts world were the twelve great families.

But after being in the Song Dynasty, the top ten families became the top ten families!

Then, when the Qing army entered the Pass, the top ten aristocratic families lost two more and became the eight largest families.

Finally, in the Second World War decades ago, China not only paid a heavy price in the face of the alliance of nations, but even the warrior family suffered a great loss.

At that time, the He family, ranked second by the eight largest families, and the Ge family and Zhang family, who were third and fifth, all died.

In the end, there are only five families left in the martial arts world!

But even so, no matter when the Qin family is the number one family, this has never changed.

Li Shangtian was born in the Republic of China and is now over a hundred years old.

He had personally experienced it in the war-torn era.

At that time, he was an innate master of the first realm, and fortunately, he participated in the beheading operation of the eight great families.

That time, he saw a real strong man.

The other party came from the Qin family. As for the realm, even if he is now, facing the strong Qin family, he is still afraid.

Therefore, when he saw Qin Shaofeng's surname, he didn't want to avenge Qin Shaofeng, but thought of the Qin family.

The Qin family has always been an extremely mysterious family of warriors in the martial arts world, and it is very low-key.

But the strength of the Qin family is beyond doubt, very powerful and terrifying!

However, after many investigations, Li Shangtian felt a little relieved.

Because I feel that Qin Shaofeng is not a member of the Qin family in advance, although I am a little curious why Qin Shaofeng suddenly became a powerful warrior after 20 years of ordinary time, and he can conquer the killer organization and gangs, and he can refine the martial pill. Magical medicine.

Although Li Shangtian was curious about Qin Shaofeng's various performances, he reminded him of his great-grandson Li Yulong.

Could it be that Qin Shaofeng also got the inheritance of a powerful warrior by luck?

The more he thinks this way, the more Li Shangtian thinks it is possible!

For sure!

And most of his great-grandson Li Yulong also knew about this, and then contacted Qin Shaofeng, and even planned to seize the inheritance Qin Shaofeng had obtained.

But in the end, his great-grandson Li Yulong failed!

This made Li Shangtian believe that Qin Shaofeng had the means to counter the realm of King Wu.

His great-grandson Li Yulong was the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm, and he could only be killed by a warrior in the Wuwang realm.

And Zhang Yunsong, the disciple who lost contact with him, can prove this even more.

However, even so, Li Shangtian is still extremely confident in his heart.

Li Yulong is just the innate great master of the pinnacle realm. If it were King Wu, it would naturally be unable to contend.

And his disciple Zhang Yunsong had only been promoted to the realm of King Wu. If Qin Shaofeng had the means to fight the realm of King Wu, he would definitely not be able to use Zhang Yunsong's strength to be promoted to the realm of King Wu.

Moreover, Li Shangtian expected that Qin Shaofeng only had the means to fight against the general Wuwang, and was not a master with the Wuwang realm behind Qin Shaofeng.

Because if this is the case, the other party would have come to the door directly.

As for whether Qin Shaofeng himself is the King of Martial Arts, Li Shangtian didn't even think about it.

Because this is impossible!

Then Qin Shaofeng was only in his early twenties, no matter how enchanting he was, he couldn't already be King Wu.

You must know that his great-grandson Li Yulong, under the premise of having a powerful martial arts heritage, is now 27 or 18 years old, and has not yet been promoted to the king of martial arts.

Qin Shaofeng's inheritance, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible for Qin Shaofeng to be promoted to the realm of King Wu.

Therefore, he determined that Qin Shaofeng only possessed the means to defeat the realm of ordinary Wuwang.

And even if it took 10,000 steps back, Qin Shaofeng had already been promoted to King Wu, and that would definitely not be a very powerful King Wu.

Maybe he can defeat his disciple Zhang Yunsong, but Zhang Yunsong is only a newcomer to the realm of King Wu.

But Li Shangtian had already stepped into the realm of King Martial Arts for a long time, and now he is even the King of Martial Arts in the late stage five realm.

Li Shangtian is confident that he can completely crush Qin Shaofeng, whether it is Qin Shaofeng himself or the means Qin Shaofeng possesses!

In particular, it is speculated that Qin Shaofeng has a strong inheritance, and Li Shangtian is extremely excited about this. It happened that because of Li Yulong's death, he lost the complete follow-up practice of his current practice.

But now, in Li Shangtian's eyes, Qin Shaofeng was here to give him the exercises.

Since Li Yulong, his great-grandson, was tempted to act on Qin Shaofeng, wouldn't it mean that the inheritance of the other party is stronger, and the cultivation technique is strengthened?

Thinking of this, Li Shangtian was very moved in his heart.

After finally confirming that Qin Shaofeng was not a disciple of the Qin family, and Qin Shaofeng had no other means, Li Shangtian set off.

He is going to seek the inheritance of Qin Shaofeng, and by the way help his great-grandson, grandson and his disciple's death revenge!


After leaving the customs, Qin Shaofeng had known from Liu Ya that someone had attacked Fengya's villa.

Qin Shaofeng was a little concerned about this.

After all, among the members who attacked, there was a master of the Wuwang realm.

You must know that with the current situation in the martial arts world, there can be a martial artist of the level of the king, and most of it can only be the family of the five great families.

The first Qin Shaofeng guessed was the Li Family, but both Li Wuyi and Zhang Yunsong were already buried.

Not to mention that the death of some people was serious, just because of the idea of ​​handling, the old Xie and the others soon buried Li Wuyi and the others.

Around the Fengya Villa, there are many mountains and forests. The old-school Xie people randomly found a distant place and buried the bodies of Li Wuyi and others.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng naturally searched for some information from the bodies of Li Wuyi and others by searching for souls.

Qin Shaofeng was not interested in digging his grave, so he wouldn't know if he didn't know.

However, Qin Shaofeng guessed that although there is a high possibility that those people are the Li family, it does not rule out the situation of a hidden family.

This involuntarily made Qin Shaofeng a little helpless, why everyone was staring at him.

But Qin Shaofeng was not timid, wasn't he just King Wu? With his current state, King Wu wouldn't make him afraid.

But this can't do anything, let him go?

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Qin Shaofeng handed over the remaining one-star nine-layer spirit pills to the two brothers Xie Lao and Hei Hu.

The remaining one-star nine-layered spirit pill was enough to allow the old Xie and them to reach the pinnacle state of the innate great master in three days.

As for breaking through the realm of King Wu, that is also a simple matter.

As long as the three of them are brought into the Nine Spirit Palace, they will probably be promoted to the realm of King Wu.

However, this will take some time after all.

Well, it's probably only a month!

It's a pity it's still a bit longer!

Qin Shaofeng said with emotion in his heart.

But if he let other martial artists know his thoughts, I'm afraid they would cry to death.

You can train three masters of the Martial King realm in one month, so it is too long?

You know, with the current environment of the earth, if a warrior wants to become a king of war, not only does it require a certain amount of talent for cultivation, but it also requires a lot of resources and enough time!

Just one month, no matter which warrior, it is an extremely short time.

If some warriors knew this, they would have sharpened their heads to worship Qin Shaofeng.

No comparison, no harm!

Sometimes this difference between people is so big!

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