Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1715: The engagement banquet begins

Naturally, Hu Xiaochuan’s engagement banquet could not be held in Hu’s Villa, but in a big hotel under Hu’s name.

Hu Xiaochuan rushed there early in the morning, and Qin Shaofeng, Liu Ya and others waited until more than nine o'clock.

After arriving at the hotel, Qin Shaofeng saw Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Tingting, welcoming guests at the gate.

I have to say that this big family is different. An engagement banquet is much bigger than other people's wedding scenes.

According to Hu Xiaochuan, there are hundreds of people who have invited and will come this time.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng and others arrived at the scene, they had already seen it, and many people had already arrived at the engagement banquet.

"You are finally here, hurry up to where you are! Go for a cup of tea or something, I'm going to greet others first!"

When Hu Xiaochuan saw Qin Shaofeng and others, he greeted him, and then ran away numbly.

Qin Shaofeng and others smiled, and then they entered the hotel.

After entering the hotel, Qin Shaofeng realized that although it has not yet started, many people have already arrived.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt very clearly that the people here, even the waiters are all martial artists, of course, if the waiters are basically martial artists in the acquired realm.

The guests who came in front of the court were not only martial artists, but there were even many martial artists with good strength.

However, this level of goodness is relative to the Hu family.

Qin Shaofeng felt that there was no innate grandmaster present, at most there were a few innate grandmasters of seven or eight levels.

There were conversations everywhere, and for many people at this engagement banquet, it was just a communication meeting.

Qin Shaofeng and others came to a place that Hu Xiaochuan arranged for them and sat down.

The scene here is just a tea hall, not an engagement banquet, so there is no specific location.

This is also true. After all, the Hu family doesn't know how many people will come. The main reason is that people from the five great families will come.

In the martial arts world, all families with some status, when celebrating a big banquet, they will give invitations to the five great families and other relatively powerful families of warriors.

However, whether the other party will come is another matter.

In the case of the five great families, if it were not for good forces, even if they received an invitation letter, they would probably not send anyone there.

But even so, no one dared to say much.

The strong is respected, this is the right of the five great families.

But if it were from the five great families, it would be different.

It must be an honor for the five great families to be able to come, so the position assigned to each other is naturally unusual, and it must be the most important table.

But if the other party doesn't come, prepare in advance, and then you can make a room in the end, which seems a bit embarrassing.

But if you are not prepared, once the opponent comes, it will be even more embarrassing, and it will probably irritate the opponent.

I am a member of the five great families, and I was invited to come here deliberately without a place. Are you provoking our five great families?

Therefore, no matter what the banquet is, it will not decide all the positions in the first time.

Therefore, there is such a tea exchange at this moment.

After waiting for a certain period of time, I was completely determined to come to the guests, and I was making arrangements, and finally entered the banquet.

The Hu family is naturally like this.

Qin Shaofeng, Liu Ya and others were arranged in a corner position, which was what Qin Shaofeng and the others requested.

It's not because it's quiet.

Several people were chatting here, Liu Ya and Wang Tingting whispered, what Wang Tingting looks like today.

The most beautiful day for women is the day of marriage.

But even for the engagement, Wang Tingting was dressed up and looked very beautiful.

As for Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, they were talking about Hu Xiaochuan's dress, and Qin Shaofeng also interjected a sentence or two from time to time.

For a time, the five people chatted enthusiastically.

And at this moment, the hall suddenly fell silent, seeming to fall into a certain silence.

Qin Shaofeng looked up subconsciously, and then saw a person appearing at the door.

One hundred one!

Bai Yifan is no ordinary person. He is not only the representative of the generation of Baijia, but even Baijia seems to have appointed him as the next head of Baijia.

And such a person appears in this place, it is very unusual!

The Hu family has nothing to do with the Bai family, but now at the engagement banquet of Hu Xiaochuan, the youngest of the Hu family, Bai Yifan has appeared.

And most importantly, Bai Yifan did not come privately, but on behalf of Baijia, which surprised many people at the scene.

When did the Hu family and Baijia go online?

For a time, the gazes of many warrior families looking at the Hu family were completely different.

Not only that, after Bai Yifan, the second thing that surprised everyone soon happened.

The Li family also sent someone, and the other party was actually an innate master.

Even though the opponent is only an innate great master in the dual realm, it is an innate great master!

The person from the Li family this time is named Li Kuan.

The evil-blooded Taoist took advantage of Li Shangtian's identity to subdue the innate grand masters and innate grand masters of the Li family, but it was very easy.

In his words, that is that he has cultivated a special secret technique that can enhance the spiritual power of the martial artist and make the cultivation faster and easier.

Spiritual power is the rudimentary form of divine consciousness. If the spiritual power is high, then the realm of cultivation will naturally rise faster.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the evil-blooded Taoist.

It's just that he separates a trace of soul consciousness, in order to plant a brand, leaving a soul restriction in the souls of other people.

This is a special secret technique forbidden by the evil blood Taoist. Once this kind of forbidden secret technique is planted, the convenience will be extremely loyal to him in the subconscious mind, and it will eventually transform into a slave-like existence.

The evil-blooded Daoist had cultivated a lot of power with this method.

And most importantly, this kind of soul ban is because it is branded with soul consciousness.

Therefore, unless he himself died, there would be no solution at all. Even if Qin Shaofeng wanted to get rid of it, it would take a lot of effort.

And at the very least, it needs to wait for Qin Shaofeng to reach the level of the eleventh level of the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons" before it can be released.

And this trace of soul consciousness left by the evil blood Taoists will positively enhance the spiritual power of these warriors.

Because this trace of soul consciousness will gradually merge with the soul of the branded person, and it will gradually grow larger.

The soul realm of the evil-blooded Taoist is at the peak of the transformation stage. Strictly speaking, if this trace of soul consciousness can get sufficient nourishment, it can indeed grow to the transformation stage.

In other words, after being planted by the evil-blooded Taoist souls, they have the potential to grow into the gods.

Of course, this kind of potential is only potential, and there are many difficulties in achieving that step.

But just for some warriors, this trace of soul consciousness is already very powerful.

If nothing else, this is Li Kuan!

Li Kuan was originally only at the pinnacle of the Innate Grand Master, and he has been stuck in this state for several years.

But after incorporating a trace of the soul and consciousness of the evil blood Taoist, he broke through to the realm of the innate great master, and now he is already the innate great master of the dual realm.

This made Li Kuan very excited!

In such a situation, I am afraid that even if there is no soul restriction of the evil blood Taoist, Li Kuan will be extremely loyal to the evil blood Taoist.

This is almost always the case in the Li family.

However, it was precisely because of this situation that the evil-blooded Taoist had told Qin Shaofeng in advance that he needed to retreat for a period of time.

Although the evil-blooded Taoist had restored his remnant soul to the state of a complete soul in Qin Shaofeng's soul-consciousness, such a soul state was not his original soul state, it was still very weak.

Now there are a lot of soul and spiritual consciousness, which has branded the soul restriction on the masters of the Li family, and it is also a big burden for the evil blood Taoist, he naturally needs to retreat and recover.

However, it doesn't matter, because the souls of the evil-blooded Taoists can be controlled by Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng can naturally control these Li family martial artists who have a trace of the soul-consciousness of the evil-blooded Taoists.

When the evil blood Taoist was in retreat, he also told the senior martial artists of the Li family that Qin Shaofeng's identity was very noble, and the Li family was headed by him.

Even at this moment, after Li Kuan entered the hall, he glanced vaguely at Qin Shaofeng for the first time, with respect in his eyes.

If it hadn't been for Qin Shaofeng's instructions to those in the Li family, I'm afraid he would have come up to Qin Shaofeng's salute!

In the distance, Bai Yifan, who finally got rid of the enthusiastic crowd, finally came to Qin Shaofeng.

"Oh, I can do it here!" Bai Yifan smiled slightly.

"Please!" Qin Shaofeng smiled, and then after Bai Yifan nodded and sat down, he said.


Bai Yifan's face became stiff, and he smiled bitterly at random.

"Hey, I know I can't hide you, Qin Shaofeng, you are so mysterious!"

With this congratulation, Bai Yifan naturally knew what Qin Shaofeng meant.

This is congratulations on his breakthrough!

That's right, the current Bai Yifan is no longer in the innate grandmaster, but in the realm of the innate grand master.

It's just that Bai Yifan's cultivation techniques are somewhat special, and can completely hide his breath.

I am afraid that even a general innate great master can hardly detect the true state of Bai Yifan.

But for Qin Shaofeng, this kind of concealment means pediatrics.

He didn't even need divine consciousness, as Bai Yifan approached, Qin Shaofeng felt from the other's breath that Bai Yifan had been promoted to the Great Congenital Master.

In fact, Bai Yifan also had an idea of ​​competition for Qin Shaofeng.

Although he hadn't felt Qin Shaofeng's breath before, what realm he was.

However, in Bai Yifan's view, Qin Shaofeng was mostly just an ordinary innate master.

But since Qin Shaofeng returned from Tangyun Island, he heard his third grandfather Bai Lao San's evaluation of Qin Shaofeng, Bai Yifan thought that Qin Shaofeng might already be in the realm of the innate great master.

This surprised him, but he didn't underestimate himself.

Now that he was finally promoted to the realm of Innate Grand Master, he thought he could finally feel Qin Shaofeng's breath.

Even the reason why he completely concealed his aura was to see if Qin Shaofeng could feel his true state.

But now it seems that Bai Yifan finally understands one thing.

That is Qin Shaofeng is far beyond his previous imagination, he didn't say anything, the other side just said his current realm at a glance.

And most importantly, even if he was promoted to the realm of Innate Great Master, Bai Yifan still couldn't feel the specific breath of Qin Shaofeng.

He is just an ordinary person!

But Bai Yifan felt a special power from Qin Shaofeng.

Powerful and seems...mysterious!

This also made Bai Yifan instantly cut off the idea of ​​comparing with Qin Shaofeng.

Forget it, this Qin Shaofeng is a monster, I am a normal person, so don't compare him.

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