Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1716: Someone looking for something

When Bai Yifan walked into a corner and sat with a few young men and women, he attracted a lot of attention.

But the faces of Qin Shaofeng and others are still very strange to these martial artists.

For a time, many people guessed Qin Shaofeng's identity.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about those people's gazes, because Bai Yifan began to tell him about the income from the second auction of martial arts spirit pills.

A lot of income!

Of course, the main reason was that Qin Shaofeng provided medicinal pills this time, which was much more than before.

According to Qin Shaofeng's request, Bai Yifan converted everything into elixir and jade.

In terms of elixir, there are more than 100 top-grade elixir, which is a lot more than twice the previous time.

However, according to Bai Yifan's words, these 100 top-grade elixirs are all top-grade elixir collected for a long time, and they are only ordinary medicinal materials of a thousand years.

There are also a lot of middle-grade elixir, there are three to four hundred.

And the most low-grade elixir, but more than 50,000, because Qin Shaofeng said that it can be traded with low-grade elixir, so this time many forces have prepared a lot of low-grade elixir.

Of course, in addition to the elixir, this is more of the spirit jade.

In the end, after the pill auction, Qin Shaofeng could obtain more than 300,000 spiritual jade.

This is a lot.

Even the results of this auction have exceeded Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

From Bai Yifan's mouth, Qin Shaofeng also knew why this happened.

This is all because there are many more foreign forces in the auction this time, and the competition has become more intense.

Bai Yifan also told Qin Shaofeng about this, saying that many foreign forces are eyeing him.

No matter how much Martial Pills are purchased, it is better to control the refiners of Martial Pills.

Qin Shaofeng also understood this, but he didn't care.

Because with his current realm, even if it is against some Wuhuang, it is not afraid, and there is no need to worry too much.

Soon, the guests have arrived, and the engagement banquet is just beginning.

Everyone in the hall began to move to other places, where the banquet really took place.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that he was actually arranged at a very important table.

There are only eight seats at this table. Bai Yifan and Li Kuan are all here. In addition, there are two or three principals who make good friends with the Hu family, all of whom are well known.

Even today's protagonists Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Tingting are not qualified to be at this table.

At this moment, in these eight positions, there are already people in seven seats.

Qin Shaofeng, Bai Yifan, Li Kuan, and Hu Hanyun, the current head of the Hu family, three of the remaining four positions are the heads of the martial family who make good friends with the Hu family.

The strength of these three martial arts families is not bad, similar to the Hu family, the three martial arts family leaders sitting in these three positions are all in the realm of the tenth innate master.

As for the remaining position, it goes without saying, it is naturally the position of Mr. Hu.

However, Mr. Hu has not yet played.

And seeing this situation, many people present also guessed what.

Although Hu Xiaochuan is a young man from the Hu family, the engagement banquet is already very grand based on the current situation.

This is probably not a simple engagement banquet, and Elder Hu hasn't come out at this time, so there must be something wrong.

Relating to the fact that Elder Hu is already at the pinnacle of the innate grandmaster, many people have a guess.

And at this moment, a surging and powerful aura suddenly appeared on the scene. As soon as this aura appeared, it swept the entire engagement banquet hall.

Everyone present felt this breath, and then the faces of most people changed.

Because they all felt that this was not an ordinary aura, but the aura of the realm of the innate great master!

This old Hu family has indeed been promoted!

At this moment, this idea appeared in many people's minds.

Sure enough, with a big laugh the next moment, Mr. Hu appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Hahaha, thank you friends for coming to my grandson's engagement banquet, I thank you, Hu Jingshan!"

With laughter, Mr. Hu walked out from a door.

As soon as Mr. Hu appeared, he attracted countless eyes from the audience, with surprises, shocks, and envy and jealousy.

It really is the realm of the innate great master!

For a while, after the scene was quiet for a while, many people stood up and congratulated Mr. Hu.

"Master Hu congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Brother Hu for being promoted to Innate Grand Master!"

"My friend, you are too good!"

"Innate Master! Mr. Hu is amazing!"


"Hahaha, you are polite!"

Mr. Hu was in a good mood, and everyone's reaction was in line with his expectations.

While congratulating, there were also many comments on the scene.

"I'm rubbing, Grand Master Innate, this is the first time I have seen it!"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Hu was actually promoted!"

"Yes, it is said that his old man has stayed in the pinnacle state of the innate grandmaster for more than ten years."

"I also heard that some time ago, Mr. Hu seemed to be planning to use the unique empowerment of the Hu family to give Patriarch Hu an initiation, but he did not expect that he has now broken through to the realm of the innate master."

"This must be a blinding trick, in order to confuse some people with bad ideas, so that Elder Hu can break through with peace of mind!"

"Anyway, Parent Hu is different from now on!"

"Yes! There are two differences between the Hu family who has an innate great master and the Hu family who does not have an innate great master!"


In the martial arts world in Huaxia, the innate master is a stage at once.

At this stage, we can only understand the situation in this stage. The situation in the martial arts world that Hu Xiaochuan and Qin Shaofeng introduced before is the situation at this stage. Regardless of Hu Xiaochuan's incomplete understanding, it is because the Hu family can only understand at that time. To these.

And after entering the Great Master Xiantian, you can definitely learn more information.

For example, in the Chinese martial arts world, in addition to the five great families, there are many warrior families who have innate masters.

Another example is the knowledge that the King Wu above the innate masters exists, and that the five great families have King Wu.

The most important point is that after this stage, one can know the existence of the hidden family and even make contact with the hidden family.

This ability can be regarded as a true understanding of the Chinese martial arts world, and the Hu Family has now reached such a point.

Although the Hu family has just entered this class now and belongs to the bottom of the power, compared to other warrior families, the Hu family is already very good.

Mr. Hu was very happy about this, and he happily accepted congratulations from one person after another, and Qian Cheng was full of laughter.

This made Hu Xiaochuan who was not far away met, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

Oh, I said it was for me to get engaged, but not for showing myself.

Humph, for the old and disrespectful!

Although Mr. Hu is very majestic in front of Hu Xiaochuan, there are many times when Hu Xiaochuan is unreliable.

But the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is absolutely good!

And for his grandfather, he is so happy at the moment. On the surface, Hu Xiaochuan is nothing, but in fact he is very happy for his grandfather.

Suddenly, before the engagement banquet officially began, Mr. Hu completely seized the limelight of the two protagonists today.

But in fact, this is the real purpose of the Hu family.

The engagement between Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Tingting was really only secondary. What the Hu family really wanted was to use the engagement between Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Tingting to announce the promotion of Old Master Hu in the martial arts world to the innate great master.

As for this situation, the guests at the scene already knew it well.

But at this moment, a very uncomfortable voice suddenly appeared.

"Oh, isn't this an engagement banquet? How does it feel like a congratulatory banquet?"

This voice came very suddenly, and also deliberately used a trace of natural energy, so that everyone at the scene could hear it very clearly.

Just by hearing this voice, I knew that the people who came were not good!

Mr. Hu's face did not change in any way, still smiling.

But Hu Xiaochuan's expression turned gloomy, his eyes fixed on the door, and he said coldly: "Wang Shaowei, what are you doing?"

That's right, the person here is Wang Shaowei, the eldest of the Wang family.

Seeing Wang Shaowei's appearance, many of the people present became amused.

Everyone in the martial arts world knows that the Hu family and the Wang family have always been at odds, and it has been two or three hundred years since the two families have been feuding back.

Now that Wang Shaowei appears at Hu Xiaochuan's engagement banquet, it is worthy of scrutiny.

With the attitude of the Wang family, and the relationship between Wang Shaowei and Hu Xiaochuan, if the other party is here to celebrate, it must be impossible.

"What am I doing?"

Wang Shaowei glanced at Hu Xiaochuan and replied nonchalantly: "Of course I am here to celebrate your engagement!"

With that said, Wang Shaowei walked in directly.

And the two Hu family disciples at the gate were entangled, because under such circumstances, they didn't dare to stop Wang Shaowei.

"You..." Hu Xiaochuan was angry, and immediately wanted to scold Wang Shaowei.

But Wang Tingting gave him a hand and whispered: "Don't be impulsive, he is probably irritating you!"

Suddenly, Hu Xiaochuan became sober, but when he looked at Wang Shaowei, he was still very angry.

Upon seeing this, Wang Tingting took a step forward, smiled slightly, and said: "Since Master Wang is here to celebrate, then I would like to thank you on behalf of the Hu family!"

Wang Tingting's remarks and actions made many people nodded secretly.

Many people can see that if it hadn't been for Wang Tingting to pull Hu Xiaochuan just now, the situation would have gone out of control.

This Wang Shaowei made it clear that he was looking for a place, and the other party obviously angered Hu Xiaochuan deliberately. If Hu Xiaochuan had just gotten angry, it would be exactly what the other party wanted.

Although it has been made clear that it is here to look for things, there must be some particulars and reasons for everything.

Well, it's a fig leaf.

Wang Shaowei originally planned to use Hu Xiaochuan to get angry, and then get up with the other party, and finally achieve his own purpose of finding the cause.

But when Wang Tingting said so, she couldn't continue.

Now so many people are watching, if Wang Shaowei entangles a woman, even if everyone knows his true intentions, he will look down on Wang Shaowei, even the Wang family.

It takes a reason to look for things, but you actually look for a woman. Does your Wang family have this ability?

Wang Shaowei wanted this too, so facing Wang Tingting's smile, he could only give up and continue to anger Hu Xiaochuan.

And besides Hu Xiaochuan, he still has other means!

After a playful look at Hu Xiaochuan, Wang Shaowei turned his gaze to Wang Tingting and smiled: "In that case, you can find a place for mine!"


Wang Tingting nodded, then looked around, pointed to a table not far away, and said, "If you don't mind, Master Wang, just sit down at that table!"

The place Wang Tingting was referring to was exactly where the younger generations of warriors were located.

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