Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1717: roll!

The position Wang Tingting pointed to is in line with Wang Shaowei's identity.

There is nothing wrong with letting Wang Shaowei sit in that place.

And such a move won the praise of many people present. It seems that the grandma of the Hu family is pretty good!

Even Elder Hu was very satisfied with his grandson-in-law.

Well, than Xiaochuan's son, this granddaughter-in-law is married.

But at this moment, Wang Shaowei shook his head and said: "No, this position is not suitable, you have to change it!"

As he said, Wang Shaowei's eyes fell, and Mr. Hu smiled at the table: "Well, the location of that place is okay!"

At this moment, not only Wang Tingting frowned slightly, but even the far-away Grandpa Hu was also angry.

Sit here?

What is your Wang Shaowei?

Are you qualified?

However, the old man Hu was not Hu Xiaochuan. Although he was angry, he did not take action.

It is not suitable for a younger generation to use his ID card, and Mr. Hu does not bother to shoot a mere Wang Shaowei.

But not doing it doesn't mean that Elder Hu just endured it.

As an innate master, he has his own dignity.

"Junior Wang, do you know what you are talking about?" Mr. Hu said.

The voice was calm, but with his words, a powerful breath spread across the hall.

The breath of the innate great master realm!

For ordinary warriors, the aura of the Innate Grand Master's anger is very powerful.

Wang Shaowei, who was the first to bear the brunt, immediately felt a burst of strong pressure all over his body pressing down. Facing this powerful breath, Wang Shaowei could smell the breath of death.

In just an instant, his back was wet with sweat from his surprise.

However, in the next moment, Wang Shaowei felt light all over, a breath that dispelled the pressure on him.

At the same time, there was a sudden burst of laughter outside the gate behind Wang Shaowei.

"Hahaha, brother Hu, don't get angry, why bother with a kid, he just finds a place for me maliciously!"

After the laughter appeared, and when he felt the aura he exploded towards Wang Shaowei, when it was directly dispelled, Mr. Hu frowned slightly.

Because he felt it, a breath that didn't lose to him.

But at this moment, there was a loud laugh, and when he saw the person who appeared suddenly, Old Hu's face sank slightly.

At this time, after laughing, everyone saw a vigorous old man walking in from outside.

At the same moment, an unusually powerful breath erupted from this old man.

Innate Grand Master!

This old man is also a great congenital master, and judging from his aura, the other party seems to be stronger than that of Mr. Hu.


The moment he saw this old man, Wang Shaowei shouted in surprise.

Suddenly, this is to let people know the identity of the person.

Wang Zhen!

The elder brother of Wang Shaowei's grandfather, the previous generation of the Wang family!

Speaking of Wang Zhen, the other party is not simple.

He was born with an excellent talent, he became a congenital martial artist at the age of twenty, and a congenital master at the age of 30.

By the time he was in his forties, he had already reached the pinnacle of the innate master.

For a while, many martial artists felt that Wang Zhen could break through to the realm of the innate master, and the Hu family was still nervous for a while.

I don't want to have been until he was in his fifties, and there was no news that Wang Zhen was promoted to the Innate Grand Master.

Some people even say that Wang Zhen was already dead, because he was eager to make a breakthrough and break through the innate great master, but in the end he died in desperation.

But such news has not been confirmed after all.

However, after the fight, Wang Zhen disappeared.

But now everyone knows that Wang Zhen was not dead, and even stepped into the realm of the innate great master.

And it seems that Wang Zhen is stronger than Mr. Hu.

"Wang Zhen?"

Elder Hu seemed to recognize the other person, his eyes were uncertain.

"Haha, I didn't expect Brother Hu to remember me!" Wang Zhen laughed.

But what he said was interesting.

Given the connection between the Hu family and the Wang family, the two would naturally not be known as the old brothers.

Wang Zhen made it clear that he was taking advantage of Mr. Hu.

"I really didn't expect it!" Old Hu smiled slightly, "Then what is the matter when you are here this time?"

"No, it's just that I have been in seclusion for a long time, and I have come out to breathe. It just happens that Brother Hu, your grandson is engaged, I will come and take a look!" Wang Zhen said disapprovingly.

But what he said made many people present disdain.

Oh, as far as the situation between your Wang family and Hu family is concerned, how dare you say such a thing?

Who believes?

Most of the people present believed that Wang Zhen was here to ask for trouble.

Even Elder Hu thought the same way, but he didn't know for a while, what Wang Zhen planned to do, he planned to watch the changes.

"In that case, please sit down!" Old Hu said.

But at this time, Wang Zhen glanced at the table in front of Mr. Hu and smiled: "Ha, Mr. Hu, you said I should sit there?"

When he said this, Wang Zhen had already arrived at the table in front of Mr. Hu, and his intention was already obvious. He wanted to sit at this table.

Old man Hu's expression remained the same. He had known that the other party would be like this a long time ago, and even winked at his son a long time ago.

Old man Hu meant to make Hu Hanyun stand up and give the position to Wang Zhen.

Although doing so made the Hu family feel a little bit humiliated, but Wang Zhen is a great congenital master after all, and this will not make the Hu family ugly.

But at this moment, Wang Zhen suddenly spoke up, his eyes rolled, and finally fell on Qin Shaofeng.

Before he came, Wang Zhen had already understood something. To be honest, the presence of the Li family and the Bai family surprised him a bit.

However, he didn't care, because according to his understanding, the Hu family had no relationship with these two families.

This time I came to the Hu family, not to support the Hu family, so no matter whether it is Li Kuan or Yifan, it is impossible to give the Hu family a head.

His previous actions made Wang Shaowei the first to come out. After making things difficult for the Hu family there, Li Kuan and Bai Yifan did not react, which further confirmed his guess.

However, Wang Zhen also had self-knowledge. He knew in his heart that even if this were the case, he couldn't let Li Kuan and Bai Yifan give way to him.

This is not realistic!

And the principals of the other three families had good ties with the Hu family, and their influence was not weak, at most they had no innate masters.

If Wang Zhen let any one of them give way, it would make the other person angry, and even cause emotions of the other person, making him oppose the Wang family.

The martial arts world does not have absolute strength, can do whatever it wants, especially in this age.

Wang Zhen knew this very well, so he was focusing on Qin Shaofeng.

Wang Zhen actually knew that under such circumstances, Hu Jingshan would let his son give way to him.

But he didn't want to do this, because in this case, his purpose would not be achieved.

What he really cares about is Qin Shaofeng's position, it's not that he has any disagreement with Qin Shaofeng, but in this way, he can completely fall into the face of the Hu family.

Wang Zhen also knew something about Qin Shaofeng, but in Wang Zhen's view, Qin Shaofeng only knew some medical skills and healed Hu Xiaochuan.

No one knows, even Hu Antong, who poisoned Hu Xiaochuan, did not know that the poison he poisoned Hu Xiaochuan came from the Wang family, and Wang Zhen secretly arranged it.

If it weren't for Wang Zhen, a mere Juan Tong could get such poison.

The Wang family's idea is to completely sever the Hu family's hope, even the future.

The Hu family’s generation is only Hu Xiaochuan alone. As long as Hu Xiaochuan is abandoned, then the future of the Hu family will basically be over.

But I didn't want to. In the end, this Hu Xiaochuan was cured.

And this person is actually Hu Xiaochuan's classmate, a person named Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, Wang Zhen also understands that Qin Shaofeng can appear in this position. After all, Qin Shaofeng is treating the future and hope of the Hu family, and is the great benefactor of the Hu family.

Therefore, Wang Zhen focused on Qin Shaofeng and wanted Qin Shaofeng to give way to him, because this would completely destroy the Hu family's carefully planned banquet.

Even if it's nothing right now, as long as he spreads out after the event, the Hu family's treatment of his great benefactor is enough to discredit the Hu family.

Therefore, Wang Zhen said something that made him extremely regretful all his life.

"Boy, get out of me, I want your position!"

Wang Zhen smiled and said to Qin Shaofeng, even when he said this, he could still release his own breath.

Suddenly, Mr. Hu and Hu Hanyun were angry.

Qin Shaofeng was indeed the benefactor of the Hu family, but in fact, only the Hu family knew how much Qin Shaofeng was kind to their Hu family.

Therefore, when Wang Zhen was aiming at Qin Shaofeng, Grandpa Hu couldn't help it.

However, before Grandpa Hu could speak, he heard Qin Shaofeng's voice.

"Master don't move, I'll take care of this myself!"

This voice appeared directly in the head of Mr. Hu, which made Mr. Hu startled.

However, this made Old Hu know that Qin Shaofeng was more difficult than he thought.

At the very least, such a means of transmitting sound to the brain, he was far from being able to do so.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Hu was silent.

Like Mr. Hu, Hu Hanyun, who also heard Qin Shaofeng's voice, also fell silent.

At the same time, there is another person who is also angry at the moment. If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng's order, he might have already taken action.

This person is Li Kuan.

You must know that the Evil Blood Daoist is Qin Shaofeng's slave, and Li Kuan is the Evil Blood Daoist's slave. In this way, it is natural that others cannot be disrespectful to Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng was the first to order him to keep quiet and not to do anything.

Although Li Kuan was angry, he did so.

After stopping the three of them, Qin Shaofeng didn't get up, but slightly raised his head and glanced at Wang Zhen.

"Are you talking to me?" Qin Shaofeng said lightly.


Wang Zhen was a little surprised. He didn't expect this kid named Qin Shaofeng to be able to hold on and even speak normally under his breath.

This surprised him a little!

But... nothing more!

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's gaze again, Wang Zhen was already a little cold.

"My surname is Qin, if my grandfather asked you to give way, you would give me obediently. Where is so much nonsense?"

Before Wang Zhen said it again, Wang Shaowei jumped and shouted.

On the Sea King before, he suffered from Qin Shaofeng's loss, and he felt hatred in his heart.

But because of the scrupulous Qin Shaofeng's strength, he didn't make a move.

But now it's different. With his grandfather, why should he worry about it?

What Wang Shaowei never expected was that Qin Shaofeng's response to him was only a simple word!


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