Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1718: Spike


A simple low drink is not loud when ordinary people hear it.

But it fell in Wang Shaowei's ears like a nine-day thunder, which completely stunned him.

However, despite the different feelings from Wang Shaowei, this sound made everyone hear very clearly.

Wang Zhen also heard very clearly, and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

In particular, he quickly noticed Wang Shaowei's strangeness. The dizzy appearance must have just been Qin Shaofeng's use of mental power on Wang Shaowei.

At this moment, Wang Zhen's eyes flashed with killing intent, and he said in a cold voice: "What an ignorant child, do you know what the price is for offending a great innate master?"

While speaking, Wang Zhen burst into an unusually powerful breath.

Triple Innate Grand Master?

Feeling this breath, Bai Yifan's eyes flashed with surprise.

At the same time, Bai Yifan also secretly decided in his heart, and when things were really out of control, he would take action again.

Because in Bai Yifan's view, as long as he speaks, Wang Zhen will not do anything to Qin Shaofeng.

However, Bai Yifan knew in his heart that Qin Shaofeng could solve Wang Zhen by himself without him.

The realm of the Triple Innate Grand Master, the aura is very powerful, sweeping the entire hall, making everyone at the wine table feel very scared.

Even some low-level martial artists, under this kind of breath, trembled and found it difficult to hold on.

But Qin Shaofeng, who was in the most central and strongest place of these breaths, had no influence at all.

The breath of the Triple Innate Master?

Heh, can the drizzle stuff shock him Qin Shaofeng?


"Ignorance? Offended? Cost?"

Qin Shaofeng muttered three times, then raised his head to look at Wang Zhen, his eyes cold.

"What kind of dog do you dare to shout in front of me?"


Qin Shaofeng's voice immediately stunned everyone on the scene.

My grass, what's the situation?

So who, can you speak so arrogantly?

The other party is the Triple Innate Grand Master!

Saying this is the rhythm of death!

Qin Shaofeng's words made Wang Zhen extremely angry. At this moment, he had forgotten the purpose of this trip. There was only one thought in his heart.

That is to slaughter the lifeless kid in front of you!

"court death!"

Wang Zhen was angry, and stretched out his hand, wanting to pat Qin Shaofeng with a palm.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's breath suddenly disappeared.


As if the flood broke the bank, a violent and terrifying aura burst out from Qin Shaofeng's body in an instant.

Although it was only in the bright hall, everyone seemed to feel it at this moment, the feeling that the sky was surging and the sky changed.


Very strong!

Very strong!

Feeling this breath, this is the feeling in the hearts of everyone present.

Father Hu was stunned, and Hu Hanyun was also dumbfounded.

At this moment, Bai Yifan's mouth was filled with a wry smile, such a breath, he had never felt it.

But he couldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng had such a realm.

He previously thought that after he was promoted to the realm of Innate Great Master, he would be able to get closer to Qin Shaofeng.

But now, it was clear to him.

The gap between him and Qin Shaofeng was farther than he thought.

Can't keep up!

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng is nine years younger than him!

Such a gap is really hopeless!

King Wu!

Bai Yifan felt very emotional in his heart, and it was not even more of a taste!

At the same time, Wang Zhen was already shocked and speechless.

Oh, even if he says it right now, it's a little difficult.

Because he was facing the breath of Qin Shaofeng head-on, the breath that Qin Shaofeng released this time, although it did not bring the realm of soul.

But even so, it is still very powerful.

So strong that Wang Zhen felt desperate.

King Wu!

This Qin Shaofeng is actually a martial king?

Wang Zhen was desperate in his heart. He couldn't think of it. He thought he was the easiest to deal with and the easiest to persecute. He was actually a hidden super boss!

This makes him have a heart to die!

Did you provoke a Martial King?


The despair in his heart made Wang Zhen even more unable to resist the pressure of Qin Shaofeng's breath, and he knelt down directly.


After kneeling down, Wang Zhen endured the strong pressure and intermittently begged for mercy.

"Now beg for mercy?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly and said, "It's late!"


As soon as Qin Shaofeng's voice fell, everyone did not clearly see how Qin Shaofeng made his hand, and Wang Zhen was blown out.

At the scene, there were only Elder Hu, who was already in the realm of Innate Great Master, and Qin Shaofeng's movements that Li Kuan and Bai Yifan had barely seen clearly.

But because of this, they are even more alarmed.

Because they only saw Qin Shaofeng raise his hand, Wang Zhen was blown out.

And then……

After that, Wang Zhen flew directly outside the gate.

Although I didn't see Wang Zhen, Old Man Hu and others felt that Wang Zhen's vitality was gone.


With a simple wave of his hand, a great congenital master of the triple realm died like this?

Suddenly, the eyes of many people looking at Qin Shaofeng completely changed.

Soon, under the arrangement of Mr. Hu, someone disposed of Wang Zhen's corpse. As for Wang Shaowei, Qin Shaowei had already been drunk by Qin Shaowei, and was shocked.

Next, the engagement party will proceed as usual.

However, many people at the scene had no thoughts.

They just want to bring this kind of news to their respective forces and let them know that there is now one more person in the martial arts world who cannot provoke.

And there is another point, that is, the Hu family has really risen.

There is such a strong man, and it seems that the relationship with the Hu family is still very good, can the Hu family not rise?


The engagement banquet ended soon.

And Qin Shaofeng didn't stay in Hu's house long, so he hurried to Fengya Villa with Liu Ya.

Because the old man Xie told him that someone visited Fengya Villa and asked him to discuss some things.

The other party seemed to have a big backing, and Elder Xie didn't dare to call the shots, so he quickly notified Qin Shaofeng.

But when Qin Shaofeng came back, he was a little surprised to see this so-called visitor.

The other party seemed to pay attention to the movements of Fengya Villa from time to time. Qin Shaofeng only came back in the morning, and the other party came in the afternoon.

Blue eyes and blond!

Um, foreigner!


And both of them are not easy!

However, Qin Shaofeng felt a very strange aura from the other party.

The breath of the opponent is not strong, at most it is a little stronger than ordinary people.

But the other party's breath is somewhat special.

Qin Shaofeng sensed it and found out the cause.

This is all because the opponent's mental power is relatively strong, and has even reached the realm equivalent to the innate master.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng thought of what Bai Yifan had said before. Could it be that these were some magicians?

Jeffrey was also a little surprised at the moment, because he finally realized why this person named Qin Shaofeng in front of him could refine such a miraculous pill.

Because he felt it, Qin Shaofeng's mental power seemed to be much stronger than him.

Sure enough, he is a magical Oriental!

With a move in his heart, Jeffrey smiled slightly and said, "Hello, Mr. Qin, next to Jeffrey Gladstone, this is my assistant Lucretton!"

Jeffrey's movements are very gentleman, and he stretched out his right hand while speaking.

"Hello there!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and shook hands with the other party. The other party was so polite that Qin Shaofeng would naturally not show off.

"I don't know what Mr. Jeffrey is asking for me?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Of course it's a big deal!" Jeffrey laughed.

Qin Shaofeng felt like he understood something.

"Oh, is it? Then please sit down and tell me about this big business!" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Jeffrey nodded, and after sitting down, he went straight to the subject without talking nonsense.

"Mr. Qin forgive me, you refined the powerful pill that was auctioned by hundreds of auctions?"

"Yes! Yes, I made it!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, not surprised, and even directly admitted.

"It really is you!"

Jeffrey was immediately happy, and then he asked: "Then, Mr. Qin apart from these pills, can you make some special pills?"


As soon as Jeffrey appeared, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party was here for the pill.

However, Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised that what the other party needed was a mental pill.

But considering that the other party is a strong mental power, his heart is quickly relieved.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, Jeffrey became anxious.

This time I came to see Qin Shaofeng, but it was actually something that Jeffrey could not help.

Jeffrey came from an ancient and powerful magic family, but this ancient and powerful was just before.

The Gladstone family is lonely now, but even if it is lonely, the Gladstone family has several seventh-order magicians and a magic king!

In foreign countries, the cultivation system is too complicated, and there are so many types. What kind of magicians, sorcerers, wizards, and fighting spirits, are all kinds of professions anyway.

As a result, when the levels of the various systems are compared, I feel dizzy.

Therefore, a long time ago, someone unified these systems, including the warriors of China, and divided them into ten levels from one to ten.

From the first to the third level, it is equivalent to the three levels of the junior high school of the acquired martial artist. The fourth level is equivalent to the congenital martial artist, the fifth congenital martial artist, the sixth congenital grandmaster, the seventh congenital grandmaster, and the eighth level is King Wu.

As for Tier 9 and Tier 10, they are the ranks of Wu Huang and Wei Wu Sheng.

Jeffrey is a seventh-order magician equivalent to the realm of the innate grandmaster, and the so-called magic king is Wu Wang.

A strength that possesses the rank of King Wu is very powerful.

In fact, that is true.

But the magic king of the Gladstone family was helplessly old and weak, and the strength he could exert was barely better than the seventh-order magician.

And in this situation, the old magic king can still hold on for half a year at most.

Even the competitors of the Gladstone family seem to have known the news and have begun to test the Gladstone family continuously.

Although the Gladstone family used a lot of methods to conceal the matter, after all, the paper could not contain the fire.

The news finally leaked out, and recently the Gladstone family's competitors have begun to prepare to deal with them.

At this time, the Gladstone family was naturally extremely nervous, because it was a crisis.

What can solve such a crisis is for them to give birth to a magic king again in the Gladstone family!

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