Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1719: Fire Spirit Jade

Solving the crisis of the Gladstone family is very simple, and that is to have a magic king again.

But is it so easy to be promoted to the Magic King?

Regardless of how old Jeffrey was, he was already promoted to a seventh-order magician in his thirties.

But his father, Gladstone's contemporary Patriarch, became a seventh-order magician earlier than him, but now more than thirty years have passed, and his father is still a seventh-order magician.

Although he is already a magician of the seventh-order peak realm, there are still many magic kings.

And according to his father, although he has the hope of being promoted to the Magic King, it will take at least ten years.

The eighth rank powerhouse, whether in the martial arts world of China or in the world, is known as the king.

The reason for this is that it is very difficult to be promoted to the seventh rank to the eighth rank.

It is said that the Holy See will be a genius of the Holy Light Magician, and has a powerful light element talent in the first shot, can release first-order magic at the age of three, and promoted to the second-order magician at the age of four.

At the age of six, he was a Tier 3 magician, at the age of seven he was promoted to Tier 4, at the age of eight he became a Tier 5 magician, and at the age of ten he was already a Tier 6 magician.

Then, when this Vatican genius was thirteen years old, he was already a seventh-order magician.

Even when he was just sixteen years old, this genius was already a holy light magician of the seventh-order peak realm. Such a genius was one of the most outstanding few geniuses in the history of the Holy See.

At the age of sixteen, he is the pinnacle state of the seventh step, this is a genius.

But then the surprising thing was discovered, because this genius boy couldn't break through the barrier of Rank 7, and he couldn't be promoted to the rank of Magic King!

Now that genius is over sixty years old, but he is still a Holy Light Mage at the seventh-order peak realm.

From this it can be seen that no matter how talented you are, it is possible that you will not be able to break through and become a Tier 8 powerhouse!

The eighth rank is a well-deserved king!

But despite knowing that hope is slim, the Gladstone family went crazy, looking for a contract and hope to break through the Magic King.

Under such madness, Jeffrey undoubtedly inquired that Eastern China seemed to have a magical pill that could increase mental power.

Jeffrey knew that the reason why his father was not promoted to the Magic King was because of his mental power.

If he could get a magical medicine to improve his father's mental power a little, then the possibility of his father breaking through to become the Magic King would be greatly increased.

And it happened that the Gladstone family had some business dealings with a family of warriors in China, and it happened that this family of warriors had auctioned off some martial arts spirit pills.

Knowing that his old business partner was looking for a pill, this warrior family told Jeffrey the news of the warrior spirit pill.

The other party said to Jeffrey: "Since there is such an elixir to enhance the martial artist's realm, maybe the other party can also refine an elixir that enhances mental power!"

This is just a guess, but it is also an opportunity for the Gladstone family who has fallen into complete madness.

Therefore, Jeffrey appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

And facing Qin Shaofeng's silence, Jeffrey didn't hesitate at all, and directly measured his hole cards.

"Mr. Qin, don't refuse, this is the cost of my alchemy!"

Speaking, Jeffrey glanced at his assistant, and then Luke directly opened the suitcase he had been carrying.

After opening this, Qin Shaofeng, who was still indifferent, suddenly shrank, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

After opening the suitcase, Qin Shaofeng saw three jade stones the size of a baby's palm.

However, these three pieces of jade are red all over, as if pieces of burning flame jade.

Fire spirit jade?

Seeing these three jade stones, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he instantly recognized the three jade stones.

Ever since Qin Shaofeng got the memory of the Nine Spirits real person inheritance, he has known many objects on the earth, this fire spirit jade is one of them.

This fire spirit jade is an auxiliary material for refining a fire type magic weapon. Don’t look at the fire spirit jade as an auxiliary material, but if you add some fire spirit jade, the fire system magic weapon that is refined will never be powerful. the same.

The fire magic weapon made by adding the fire spirit jade allows the user to gain a certain increase in the fire system attack.

Under normal circumstances, it can raise 30% of the fire element attack, a little higher 70%, or even double it is not impossible.

Therefore, the value of this fire spirit jade, even in the age of the nine spirits, is also a good refining material.

However, it was not this point that made Qin Shaofeng fancy this fire spirit jade, but its other ability.

That is to use the fire spirit aura in the fire spirit jade to temper the body, which is very effective for body cultivation.

Of course, if it can be refined into a pill, the effect will be even more significant.

The moment he saw the fire spirit jade, Qin Shaofeng found his hope of raising his physical realm to the realm of Wuhuang.

These three fire spirit jade stones plus some special medicinal materials are enough to refine the pill that can directly promote his physical realm to the Wuhuang realm.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was moved.

He is about to decide on these three fire spirit jade stones.

Looking up at Jeffrey, Qin Shaofeng said: "Okay, I promised this!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng stretched out his hand to take away the three fire spirit jade stones, and then left a sentence, and the whole person disappeared directly.

"Give me a while, I will refine the pill immediately!"


Jeffrey looked dumbfounded!

what's the situation?

He thought the other party would not agree before, but what is the situation now?


But this is too sloppy, right?

I haven't said in detail what kind of pill?

Jeffrey's face hurts, and his heart hurts even more.

Did you hand over three gems to the other party?

Those three fire spirit jade stones were also a rare treasure for Jeffrey, and they were obtained by chance.

Although it was accidental, Jeffrey was very precious to the three fire spirit jade.

Because after obtaining these three fire spirit jade stones, Jeffrey has discovered that his magic attack will also increase some power with these three stones.

Even when the magic is released, the consumed magic power doesn't need that much.

This is all because Jeffrey practiced fire magic, and this fire spirit jade had a great auxiliary effect on him.

Whether it is releasing magic or practicing magic!

Even Jeffrey's breakthrough to become a seventh-order magician still has the credit of these three fire spirit jade.

Therefore, Jeffrey has always regarded these three fire spirit jade as precious.

This time, if it hadn't been for the calamity of the Gladstone family, he would definitely not come up with these three fire spirit jade stones.

In fact, at the beginning, Jeffrey did not intend to take out these three fire spirit jade stones.

But after seeing the old Xie, he completely changed his mind.

During this period of time, he had enough one-star nine-layer spirit pills, and the place of cultivation was still a place with sufficient spiritual energy like the Nine Spirit Palace. Elder Xie had already cultivated to the pinnacle state of the Innate Grand Master a long time ago.

And Qin Shaofeng left a two-star nine-layer spirit pill for Xie Lao when he went to Hu's house.

Xie Lao used this to make a smooth breakthrough and became a realm of King Wu.

Then, Jeffrey came to Fengya Villa.

When he saw the old scorpion, Jeffrey was happy in his heart.

Because the old Xie had just broken into the realm of King Wu, he was not very proficient in controlling the power of King Wu realm.

Therefore, Jeffrey felt the breath of the old scorpion for the first time.

The aura of the old Xie was very powerful, so powerful that he had only felt it in his own magic king, which let him know that Xie was always a powerful eighth-order powerhouse.

Even for the first time, Jeffrey determined that the medicines that were auctioned must have been refined by the old scorpion.

The powerful existence of the eighth-order king realm can refine such a magical pill, it is naturally extraordinary.

But when he heard the news from the old Xie that those magical pills were refined by the opponent's owner, Jeffrey's whole person was not good.

the host?

Master of the eighth-tier king?

Jeffrey was completely frightened. You must know that the magic king of their Gladstone family, but the real principal of Gladstone family.

Even in the entire magical world, they are well-known big figures. Just imagine that there is a master in such an existence. What is the situation?

Well, I can't imagine it.

Geoffrey really had a good idea, what kind of existence it is to become the master of the king, even the lord above the king, can't do it!

Jeffrey had only heard that the king would surrender to the emperor, but such surrender is at most in the case of subordinates.

No matter what, the king also has the dignity that belongs to the king, and it is impossible to become the slave of others, even if the other party is the king.

So, knowing that Qin Shaofeng is the master of the old Xie, Jeffrey was very confused.

However, this also let Jeffrey know that no matter how you say it, the person named Qin Shaofeng is not an ordinary person.

This also gave him even more hope for this purpose in his heart.

Therefore, he took out the fire spirit jade.

Although Jeffrey is not a warrior, he also knows that the three gems in his hand are definitely a treasure for a Chinese warrior.

But the series of things that happened before were definitely not what Geoffrey expected.


What an accident!

And thinking back to Qin Shaofeng's performance just now, Jeffrey was a little uncertain.

The other party promised to be so happy, and still so smooth, is there any hope?

Jeffrey was not only puzzled.

However, Jeffrey did not say anything at this moment, because he dare not!

Not to mention, the eighth-ranked king who was not far away, closing his eyes and resting his mind, was the situation that Qin Shaofeng had just disappeared in an instant, so Jeffrey stayed honestly.

Qin Shaofeng disappeared in an instant, but he entered the Nine Spirit Palace directly.

But Jeffrey didn't know, he just saw it, and Qin Shaofeng suddenly disappeared in front of him.

Just so suddenly, he didn't even notice the slightest.

In an instant, Qin Shaofeng's strength became unfathomable in his heart.

That method of disappearing, even the Magic King of their Gladstone family, could never do it!

too fast!

With the realm of his middle seventh-order magician, he did not see the slightest sign.

The opponent is too strong.

The international rank division, except for the ten ranks of ranks one to ten, each rank is divided into four stages: lower, middle, upper, and peak.

Although I don't want the martial artist to be divided into ten layers in detail, the four stages of each rank can also correspond to the ten layers of martial artist.

There are three levels, and the last tenth level corresponds to the pinnacle realm.

Seriously, the difference is not big!

It's just that the realm of the warrior is more detailed!

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