Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1720: So it can be improved like this

Alas, am I impulsive?

Alas, I should know more about it first!

Alas, don't take out those three gems if you knew it!

On the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of this elegant villa, Jeffrey felt a little uneasy, and even sighed repeatedly.

Because Qin Shaofeng's behavior just now made him feel too hasty, and Qin Shaofeng was too comfortable.

Even if the pill is refined in this way, can it increase mental power?

Even if it can improve mental power, can it help the peak seventh-order magician to rise to the realm of the eighth-order magic king?

Thinking of this, Jeffrey felt a little regretful again.

But the matter is over, he can only wait now.

Jeffrey thought that even if Qin Shaofeng was to refine the pill, it would take a long time at least.

In his opinion, the alchemy of martial artists is the same as the alchemy of some alchemists in the West. It takes a long time.

But soon Geoffrey knew he was wrong.

Because it only took less than ten minutes, Qin Shaofeng appeared again.

And Qin Shaofeng also held a pill in his hand.

For Qin Shaofeng, refining an elixir to enhance mental power is entirely a matter of pediatrics.

The reason is very simple. Among the many elixir in the Nine Spirit Palace, there are actually many medicinal materials that can enhance mental power.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't specifically refine the pill to enhance his spiritual power, but instead poured all the medicinal materials into the Nine Spirit Cauldron to refine the Nine Layers of Spirit Pill.

This is all because for Qin Shaofeng, there is no need to improve his mental power.

Moreover, the nine-layer spirit pill he refined can completely make up for the lack of mental power.

If the spiritual power level is insufficient, the nine-layered spirit pill can completely increase its spiritual power, but the effect is not as strong as the special spiritual power pill.

It happened that there was a high-grade elixir of spiritual power in the Nine Spirit Palace, Qin Shaofeng originally planned to reserve some pills for the Evil Blood Daoist to refine his spiritual consciousness.

After all, the stronger the Evil Blood Daoist now, the better it is for him.

But for the sake of the three fire spirit jade stones, Qin Shaofeng used that top-grade elixir this time.

Anyway, there are still a lot of middle-grade elixir for improving mental power. If the evil-blooded Taoist really needs it, then use the Nine Spirit Palace to strengthen those middle-grade elixir.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng used that high-grade elixir, and refined an elixir for Geoffrey to boost his mental power.

It was just a pill, Qin Shaofeng's refining speed was naturally fast.

However, in order not to be too exaggerated, Qin Shaofeng deliberately spent a few minutes before he came out of the Nine Spirit Palace.

But even so, in Jeffrey's view, it was very fast.

Well, too, he was about to cry.

After fancying the pill in Qin Shaofeng's hand, Jeffrey's first thought was that his three gems had been wasted.

Is it refined so soon?

How effective is this kind of medicine?

If it were to change to another place, Jeffrey would have exploded long ago.

But when he looked at the old Xie who couldn't be far away, he closed his eyes and calmed his mind, and then recalled the Qin Shaofeng who disappeared in front of him, no matter how angry and dissatisfied he was, he could only suppress it.

With a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, Jeffrey put on an expression more uncomfortable than crying, and asked: "Mr. Qin, is this the pill you refined?"

"Well, that's right!" Qin Shaofeng nodded and thought for a while, "Don't worry, this pill is fully in line with your requirements, and it can improve your spiritual power. It can help you improve your spiritual power."

Qin Shaofeng's tone was very positive, but Jeffrey was already crying inside.


No breath fluctuations!

This is Jeffrey's view of Qin Shaofeng's pill, and for Qin Shaofeng's words that can help him improve his spiritual power level, Jeffrey is even more powerless.

What he wants is the pill that can help his father break through and become the magic king!

He promoted?

Heh, no matter how he promoted as a middle-ranked seventh-order magician, at most he was promoted to the upper-ranked seventh-order magician.

But a high-ranking 7th-level magician would have no effect on the current crisis of his Gladstone family!

At this moment, Jeffrey was desperate.

He only hopes that other people in his family can find a way to make his father break through.

He has no hope!

"By the way, you'd better take this medicine now, because it's better to have me by my side!" Qin Shaofeng said seriously.

Because he was thinking about the fire spirit jade in his heart, Qin Shaofeng hadn't noticed Jeffrey's emotions yet, and even when he said this, he just thought of something suddenly, and then he exhorted him.

Jeffrey: "..."

What can he do?

Facing such a situation, he felt helpless and desperate!

Therefore, facing the pill that Qin Shaofeng handed him, he directly took it, and then stuffed it into his mouth without even thinking about it.

Jeffrey at this moment, he has broken the jar!

Anyway, there was no hope. He took this pill by himself, and he didn't expect the pill to be of much help to his father.

Even in Jeffrey's mind, this so-called spiritual improving pill, I am afraid that it is difficult for him, a middle-ranked seventh-order magician, to raise the effect of one rank.

For such a situation, Luke next to Jeffrey has a similar view.

This Luke is a follower of Jeffrey, and he is also a follower of magic. Although he is not as good as Jeffrey, he is also a Tier 5 magician.

And as Jeffrey's most loyal servant, Luke knew his master very well.

He naturally felt how bad his master's mood was at the moment.

But like Jeffrey, Luke also felt the strength of the old Xie, and the magical Qin Shaofeng, so naturally he did not dare to move.

But what happened next made Luke dumbfounded.

Because after taking the pill, it took only one or two breaths for Jeffrey's breath to riot.

To be precise, his magic fluctuations have become very strange.

But Luke felt it, and the fluctuation of his master's magic power seemed to start to grow stronger again.

Yes, it is indeed getting stronger.

At this moment, Jeffrey's heart was shocked.

Because he never expected that the pill that he didn't pay attention to, after being taken by him, not only melted instantly, but even more incredible is that after the pill melted, a powerful force burst out.

With this burst of power, Jeffrey immediately felt that his mental power was increasing crazily.


Jeffrey just felt a trembling sound in his head. The next moment, he seemed to have broken through some bottleneck, and his mental power instantly loosened and became stronger.


He broke through from the middle seventh-order magician to the upper seventh-order magician!

Suddenly, feeling his own change, Jeffrey stared at the boss.

Is this a breakthrough?

Exaggerated, right?

And what made Geoffrey most unbelievable was that the power of the pill did not seem to be over yet.

His spiritual power is still improving, and at the same time his magic power is rising rapidly, the realm of the peak seventh-order magician is approaching.

Even at such a rising speed, I am afraid that it will soon be able to break through to the realm of the peak seventh-order magician.

Such a situation shocked Jeffrey's heart.

"Don't be distracted, concentrate on breaking through!"

At this moment, Jeffrey, who was extremely shocked in his heart, suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng's voice in his mind, and suddenly he woke up.

Indeed, now is not the time to be distracted, no matter what happens, he cannot miss such an opportunity for improvement.

Soon, Jeffrey calmed down and began to meditate.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also separated a sense of spirit and began to help Jeffrey break through.

Although Qin Shaofeng refined this pill to enhance spiritual power, it is a top-grade elixir to enhance spiritual power. And because of the relationship between the three fire spirit jade stones, Qin Shaofeng also deliberately used a trace of his own spiritual knowledge as Nutrients are integrated into the medicinal pill.

Although this trace of divine consciousness, for Qin Shaofeng, is a very small part of the subtle divine consciousness, for him, it will be restored very quickly without the slightest adverse effect at all.

But even this trace of divine knowledge is extremely rich for Jeffrey.


There was an invisible shock, and soon after he was promoted to the upper rank 7 magician, Jeffrey went one step further and broke through to the realm of the peak rank 7 magician.

Luke on the side was also completely stunned.

How long is this?

Well, is there three minutes?

Should there be?

But how is this possible?

In just three minutes, has his master risen from the realm of the middle seventh-order magician to the realm of the peak seventh-order magician?

This is incredible!

Even if it is the master's father, it will take more than ten years to upgrade from the middle seventh-order magician to the peak seventh-order magician!

But now... my master only took three minutes?

And it still doesn't look like it!

This is incredible!

Luke didn't know what to say anymore, and now even if he wanted to say something, he was definitely holding back.

Because the fluctuation of the magic power of the owner seems to continue to rise!

Now his own master is already in the realm of the pinnacle seventh-order magician, and above this is the eighth-order realm.

The eighth-order magician is the realm of the magic king!

Is he about to become a follower of a magic king?

Luke became excited at the thought of this possibility.

Compared with him, Jeffrey is the most excited person at this moment.

Although he had started to concentrate on meditation according to Qin Shaofeng's branch office, he felt that he had made a breakthrough in his training and had been promoted to the pinnacle seventh-order magician. Jeffrey was extremely excited.

And what excites him the most is such an improvement, which is just the beginning.

Because Jeffrey could feel that the power of the pill in his body seemed to have only consumed a very small part, and a large part of it had not been absorbed by him.

If this situation continues, it seems that he can really be promoted to the magic king of the eighth-order magician!

How can Jeffrey not be excited when he thinks of such a thing?

That's the magic king!

However, at this time, Jeffrey thought of another thing.

Although he was meditating, Jeffrey also felt the passing of outside time.

He also knew that in just three minutes, he had been promoted from the median seventh-order magician to the peak seventh-order magician.

This speed is too fast to imagine.

This also made Jeffrey's heart feel confident and magic, the first special thought.

It turns out that the realm of magic can also be improved like this!

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