Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1721: Crisis of the Gladstone family

Three hours later, after Jeffrey was so grateful to Qin Shaofeng, he left with his entourage.

These three hours looked like dreaming to Jeffrey.

When he came, his heart was very urgent, as if the family was about to die.

But after more than three hours passed, his mood was completely different.

Family crisis?

Oh, there is no need to worry at all!

At this time, Luke was still in a trance. He didn't ask his owner until he walked out of the Fengya villa.

"Master, you... are you the magic king now?"

Luke's tone was so uncertain, because what happened in these three hours completely subverted his imagination and even his worldview of magic!

Similarly, at this point, Jeffrey is almost the same.

Suddenly hearing Luke's question, Jeffrey paused slightly, then smiled and nodded, and said: "Yes, Luke, you are already a follower of a great Magic King!"

I am already the Magic King!

Finally, Jeffrey added a sentence in his heart, although his previous experience was very unreal, he is really a magic king now.


After sending off Jeffrey's master and servant, Qin Shaofeng sat in the hall with a pensive expression.

In fact, according to normal circumstances, even if Jeffrey took that pill, even if there was a very substantial improvement, it would not be completed in just three hours.

Even if Qin Shaofeng would help Geoffrey, he at most suppressed the power of the elixir that was raised in Geoffrey's body.

Then, after letting Jeffrey go back, he slowly absorbed it.

Although such an absorption process does not take a long time, four or five days at most will be sufficient.

But while helping Jeffrey absorb the pill, Qin Shaofeng noticed some interesting situations, so he helped Jeffrey absorb the pill completely.

Because it is to help improve the spiritual power, when Qin Shaofeng helps Jeffrey, he will inevitably come into contact with Jeffrey's spiritual power.

As a Qin Shaofeng who is not aware of the spiritual realm of Jeffrey, how much higher Qin Shaofeng is, he can naturally find out some of Jeffrey's memories.

Then, Qin Shaofeng realized that the situation of the magician Jeffrey was a bit like the previous monks on earth.

Long before the earth, it was the age of the cultivation world of monks.

The monk has a strong body and strong mental power, and the monk can use a strong mental power, in fact, a spiritual sense, to communicate the spiritual energy of the world and release powerful spells.

This point is the same as many spirits on the ancient continent.

But because the earth entered the Age of Doom, the aura was greatly weakened, leading to the emergence of warriors.

The appearance of the warrior is considered to be the multiplication of the body cultivation system among the cultivators.

The words of a magician should be regarded as an extension of the series of powers of spells among the monks.

One is physical, the other is mental power!

However, like the warrior, the magician now only uses his own power to cultivate the magic of magic.

If you rely on the absorption of aura, that won't work.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called element in the magician's mouth is actually aura.

However, Qin Shaofeng was curious about the magician's ability to release magic.

So, he couldn't help but probed Jeffrey's memory, and then learned a lot about magic.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also learned that the crisis the Jeffrey family is facing now can't help but help him, speed up the absorption of pill, and raise Jeffrey's magical realm.

And after this time, Qin Shaofeng got a more valuable thing.

"From the memory of Jeffrey, it seems that many magicians have magic items with various attributes. If nothing else, those are basically made of spirit stones with various attributes, right?"

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he was immediately very happy.

Because in the memory of the inheritance of the Nine Spirits, there is a special method of refining, that is, the spirit stones of several attributes, combined into a special Nine Spirits gathering fire formation.

This Nine Spirits Gathering Fire Array has only one effect, and that is to condense a special spiritual fire, and such a spiritual fire can have a powerful tempering effect on the body.

And the more the various attribute spirit stones gathered by the Nine Spirits Gathering Fire Array, the better the effect.

Qin Shaofeng had made up his mind now, this time he got three fire spirit jade from Jeffrey, and left one for the arrangement of the nine spirit gathering fire array.

Of course, if you can collect more fire-type spirit stones later, you can also use them to set up the Nine Spirit Fire Gathering Array.

As for the remaining two fire spirit jade stones, Qin Shaofeng intends to first refine the pill that will allow him to break through to the realm of Emperor Wu in his physical realm.

Then Qin Shaofeng ordered to go down and let Xie Lao go to collect medicinal materials.

Yes, they are ordinary medicinal materials, they do not need to be elixir.

Because Qin Shaofeng felt that it would be very difficult to collect the medicinal materials needed to improve the physical realm at the level of the elixir.

In that case, it would be better to collect common medicinal materials directly, and then use the spiritual energy of the Nine Spirit Palace to strengthen them into elixir.

Anyway, this second auction of martial arts spirit pills brought Qin Shaofeng a large amount of spirit jade, which could be absorbed by Nine Spirit Palace and used to strengthen the spirit medicine.


A castle in a country in Western Europe. This is Gladstone Castle, the castle of the Gladstone family.

The Gladstone family inherited the ancient magic family, of course, this ancient only refers to more than a thousand years ago.

But in the eyes of many magic families, it has been a very hard-working family for more than a thousand years.

The Gladstone family not only inherited the ancients, but even gave birth to many powerful magicians.

In history, the Gladstone family has born more than ten magic kings, and even one magic king!

The Magic Emperor is the existence of the 9th-order powerhouse.

However, it is a pity that in the last one or two hundred years, the Gladstone family has also given birth to many geniuses.

But none of these geniuses can be promoted to the Magic King, and the old Magic King of the Gladstone family is already over two hundred years old.

For a magician, it is an exaggeration to live two hundred years.

The old magic king of the Gladstone family was actually helpless, because the Gladstone family hadn't given birth to a new magical king for a long time. He didn't wait to use sleeping magic to let himself fall asleep and achieve the purpose of extending his life.

To be honest, Gladstone, the old magic king, paid a lot for the family.

He became the Mage King in his forties. He was an outstanding genius. He happened to succeed the last Mage King of the Gladstone family and became the Mage King before his death.

But helplessly, when he was more than seventy years old, Gladstone still did not give birth to a new magic king.

Even the new-born family members are generally poorly talented.

In desperate circumstances, he could only choose to sleep in a way to wait for the Gladstone family to emerge a powerful genius and give birth to a new magic king.

According to normal circumstances, with the abilities of the old magic king of the Gladstone family, it is not a problem to live to a hundred years old.

But because of choosing to sleep, although he could sleep for hundreds of years, for the old magic king, he still had only three to five years of life left.

Because he sacrificed the remaining thirty years of life, and used it to survive in a deep sleep, but the old Magic King only had less than five years left to be active.

And in this hundred years of time, the old magic king has also awakened many times.

The lifespan that the old magic king has so far has come to an end while sleeping and waking alternately.

Just last night, the old magic king of the Gladstone family finally couldn't stand it, although he hadn't died completely.

But the magic power in the old magic king had completely dissipated, and now it was just the unwillingness in his heart that took his last breath.

He is not reconciled!

Not reconciled to the Gladstone family, cut off in his hands~!

After he was unwilling to pay in this way, he still couldn't continue the Gladstone family.

Looking at such ancestors, Aldous gradually withdrew from the room.

As a family of the Gladstone family, Aldous did not blame the old magic king, and was leaving at this time.

He even felt that he was very useless, the old magic king ancestors had already paid a lot for their Gladstone family.

There is no magic king in the magic world who would choose this way to welcome the end of his life.

But their ancestor, this one could even say that he dedicated his life even after death to protect their family.

Now Aldous just feels that he is very useless, he hasn't been promoted to the Magic King, and he can't even let his ancestors enjoy the last time in his old age.

He can indeed be promoted to the Magic King, he is the most talented magician in Gladstone's two hundred years after the old Magic King.

Promoting to the Magic King is a must for him.

But the only problem is that he needs time!

But now no one has given him time.

Two days ago, the enemy conducted the worst test in the history of the Gladstone family.

They dispatched the Magic King!

Despite his unwillingness in his heart, Aldous awakened the old magic king.

The enemy seemed to have known the situation of the old magic king and deliberately dealt with the old magic king to consume the old magic king's vitality.

Even when the old magic king planned to burst out powerful magic and wanted to kill the opponent in one fell swoop, the opponent finally escaped with a powerful magic item.

Then, the enemy side calmed down.

But Aldous knew that the other party was waiting for the magic of the old magic king to disperse.

In fact, it is true.

At this moment, outside Gladstone Castle was already surrounded by the enemy.

The opponent seemed to know that the old magic king was no longer good, and he was about to attack the Gladstone family.

The Gladstone family has fallen into a complete crisis!

Aldous also knew in his heart that at this time, unless there was a miracle to restore the old magic king, or the Gladstone family, immediately gave birth to a new magic king.

Otherwise, this crisis may be a complete end to the Gladstone family.

At this time, Aldous felt a little fortunate.

He was grateful that his youngest son Jeffrey was no longer in the family when he went to China.

Because in this way, how much can Jeffrey survive.

In this case, it will also leave a trace of blood to the Gladstone family.

As for Jeffrey's saying that he went to China to find a way for him to be promoted to the Magic King, Aldous didn't believe it.

Because Aldous is very clear in his heart that Eastern China is the time of warriors.

The existence of warriors and their magicians are almost two opposites. How can I find a way to break through the magic king in China?

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