Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1722: despair

Although there was no hope in his heart, Aldous still maintained his demeanor as the head of Gladstone.

Looking at all the magicians in the family in front of him, Aldous said loudly: "Everyone, it is already a crisis for our Gladstone family. Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

Everyone shouted in unison, even a few teenagers, at this moment, they are still determined.

The Gladstone family has no fainthearted ones. As noble magicians, they will not accept the behavior that they put the family to shame.

Even if it is dead!

Seeing the crowd, Aldous was very happy.

The performance of how many family members did not disappoint him.

"Very well, in that case, let us meet the enemy!"

Aldous waved his hand and led everyone out.

After coming out of the castle, Aldous shouted to the open space in the distance: "Hermann, don't hide your head and show your tail, let me come out!"


As if a gust of wind had blown, and accompanied by Aldous's shouting, people suddenly appeared in the open space in the distance.

The leader, who is about the same age as Aldous, is the Herman in Aldous's words.

Herman Gretelly is the current head of the Gretelly family, and the two families Gladstone and Gretelly are enemies for generations.

But in fact, the founders of these two families are actually two brothers.

Stongley, Terrygley!

The two brothers were born into the Glen family, but for some reason, they eventually became mortal enemies.

The older brother Ston Glen created the Gladstone family, and the younger brother Terry Gray created the Glenn family.

And the descendants of the two became mortal enemies for their two brothers.

Many families in the magic world can't understand this situation.

But in fact, the reason for this situation is only known to the heads of the two families.

Because the two brothers, Ston and Terry, obtained a powerful magic in an accidental situation.

If this magic can be successfully cultivated, even a magician like the Magic King is likely to defeat the Magic King.

However, his brother Ston thought that this magic was dark magic and could not be practiced at will. He wanted to destroy the magic book that recorded this magic.

But in the end, he failed.

Because the magic book seemed completely indestructible, the realm of Eston's upper magic king could not cause any damage to the magic book.

As for the younger brother Terry, he was tempted by such dark magic.

In the end, telling his brother Ston, Terry began to try to practice the magic in the magic book.

In the end, needless to say, the older brother Ston was very angry when he noticed the behavior of his younger brother Terry, and the two went into a battle.

But helpless younger brother Terry was just the next Magic King, far from his brother's opponent. He was defeated and the Magic Book was taken away.

Fortunately, his brother Ston thought of Terry as his own brother, and did not hurt him.

But Terry hid his grievances, parted ways with his brother, and finally created the Gretelly family, antagonistic to his brother.

In the end, it evolved into the current situation.

As a descendant of his younger brother Terry, the ancestor Terry described the magic book with powerful magic, the people of the Gretelly clan, but they were extremely emotional.

He wanted to **** the magic book back from the Gladstone family.

As for the magicians in the Gladstone family, the Gladley family is also very relieved.

Because after the magician was snatched back by his brother Ston, his younger brother Terry did some tricks on the magician.

Although he was only practicing the magic in that magic book and didn't control any powerful magic, Terry had learned a powerful sealing technique magic.

At the beginning Terry sealed the magic book, if there is no correct way, unless it is to destroy the magic book, otherwise, even if the powerful magician comes, it will not be able to lift the seal.

But the magic book is so hard that it is difficult to destroy by the magic king, so it is naturally impossible for someone to forcefully break the seal.

For thousands of years, the Gretelly family has complied with the last wish of the ancestor Teley and wanted to take the magic book back from the Gladstone family.

But helplessly for thousands of years, it still failed.

However, it is now said that Herman sees hope.

Especially when he looked at Aldous at this moment, and then didn't feel the magic power of the old magic king of the Gladstone family, Herman was very happy.

The thought that he could finally fulfill his ancestor's last wish, and that the most important thing was to obtain such a powerful magic book, Herman felt excited.

Therefore, in the face of Aldous's loud yelling, Herman didn't care, and directly revealed it.

Even after he took a look at Aldous, he smiled triumphantly: "Oh, Aldous, I advise you to surrender. In this case, I can still see that in our two races more than a thousand years ago. , It is still an ancestor's face, to give you the Gladstone family a way to survive."

"I bother!"

Aldous, the owner of Gladstone, who has always been a gentleman, couldn't help but spit at him after hearing Herman's words.

"Herman, put away your face that the devil hates, my Gladstone family has no one who is afraid of death!" Aldous said disdainfully.

As soon as Aldous finished speaking, there was an echo around him.

"Yes, our Gladstone family is not afraid of death!"

"Damn the little people of Gretelly, who shares the same ancestor with you! If you are bullshit, just start fighting if you have it!"

"Yes, let's fight!"

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom!"


The magicians of the Gladstone family yelled one by one.

Is nobody really afraid of death?

No, this is impossible!

Even in a family like Gladstone, facing such a situation, there are still many people who are afraid of death.

But when compared to fear of death and the glory of being a magician, even if they were afraid of death, they chose the latter!

As a noble magician, many times, some things are scarier than death!

Especially under such circumstances, the atmosphere of the Gladstone family has been ignited.

Die or die!

But, even if it's dead, I have to drag your Gretelly people to hell!

This is the current thinking of the Gladstone family magician.

In this regard, Aldous is very satisfied.

But Herman's face turned gloomy, and his face was even more angry.

"Damn family Gladstone, in that case, let us family Gladley send you to hell!"

"Do it!"

With an order, Herman took the magician of the Gretelly family and took the lead.

But the magicians of the Gladstone family were not afraid one by one, rushing up to meet their enemies.

For a time, the magicians of the two big families broke out fierce battles.

Both sides have the idea of ​​life and death, and the battle is not only fierce but also very tragic.

Soon a magician died.

There are members of the Gladstone family and those of the Gladley family, but in comparison, there are still more dead magicians of the Gladstone family.

Seeing this situation, Aldous was also very anxious, and even many times he wanted to take action and help other people.

But helplessly, his opponent Herman saw his thoughts and kept pestering him.

And it seemed that he was worried that Aldous would fight him desperately, Herman was very cautious for a while, and did not fight Aldous hard.

This made Aldous feel very helpless. Whenever he began to prepare a powerful magical attack on Hermann, the opponent seemed to feel the strong magic fluctuations and immediately retreated.

But when he was about to attack others, Herman would greet him immediately.

Aldous also wanted to go to the opponent Herman with several powerful magics in succession.

But he can't!

Herman's strength is not as good as him. If he really bursts out magic like this, he can defeat Herman, or even kill the opponent.

But in this way, he would consume a lot of magic power.

If it were just him and Herman, Aldous would do it.

But Aldous did not forget that the magic king of the Gretelly family hasn't taken any action yet!

Under the circumstances like this, the Gladstone family's magician is the only one who can play against each other, and others simply can't!

But the more so, the more it put the Gladstone family into crisis.

More and more magicians have died.

This does not mean that the strength of the Gladstone family is weaker than that of the Gladley family.

This is all because of the original imposing gap between the two sides.

The most important thing is that even if the pressure from the Magic King of the Gladley family does not appear, the Magic King is the Magic King, and the impact on the Gladstone family is very significant.

Damn it, can't go on like this.

Seeing this situation, Aldous felt very angry.

He could accept the Gladstone family being destroyed, but he couldn't accept it. The members of the family were killed one by one.

He wants to shoot!

He wants to do his best to open a way for the remaining family members. Even if the hope is slim, but he can escape, then try his best to escape.

But at this moment, a surging and powerful magic wave burst out, Aldous felt it instantly, and a powerful magic attacked him.

The magic king of Grettley seemed to have noticed that Aldous's thoughts no longer hesitated to directly attack him.

Because of the sudden shot, coupled with Aldous's concern for the people, this is the vigilance of the magic king in his heart, and there is a slight slack.

It was this slight slack that made Aldous finally bombarded.


Aldous was blown away, and still vomited blood.

This caused the Gladstone family, who was already at a disadvantage, into a more powerful crisis.

The Patriarch has been defeated, and they have nowhere to survive.


At this moment, all the magicians of the Gladstone family suffered a layer of despair in their hearts.

Even some magicians, in such despair, do not intend to fight back.

With a plop, Aldous, who was blown away, finally landed.

But because of the serious injury on his body, he could not stand up again for a while.

Looking at the figure in the distance and feeling the powerful magical fluctuations, Aldous felt desperate in his heart.

The Magic King is the Magic King, he is no opponent at all!

It seems that my Gladstone family finally perished at the hands of my current Patriarch!

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