Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1723: Magic King Jeffrey

"Hahaha, Aldous, why don't you stand up?"

After seeing Aldous fall to the ground, Na Herman laughed.

By his side, the previous generation of the Patriarch of the Gretelly family, and the only magic king at the time of Gretelly-Yaregos Gretelly!

As the only magic king of the Gretelly family, Aregos has absolute rights in the Gretelly family.

However, compared with this, the thing that made Yaregos most concerned about was the magic book recorded by Terry, which was written by the Gladstone family.

He had been hiding in the dark before, just because he was afraid that Aldous had some hole cards, and he would be a lose-lose situation.

But after watching for a while, he felt that Aldous had no hole cards, so he shot.

With this shot, he severely injured Aldous.

At this moment, looking at Aldous, Yaregos said coldly: "Aldous, I will give you a chance to hand over that magic book, and I will give you the Gladstone clan a way to survive!"


Aldous didn't even think about it, but he refused, even looking at each other with disdain.

Yaregos's eyes suddenly became cold: "Very well, in that case, let your entire Gladstone go to hell!"

"Don't worry, I, Yaregos, will promise you that I will let each of you enjoy the incomparable pain, and I will slowly torture each of you!"

With that, Yaregos took a step and began to walk slowly towards Aldous.

And what he said, even Herman couldn't help but shudder, and his heart felt cold.

Aregos was just one of his grandfathers, and he was absolutely cold and ruthless, even he, the head of Gretelly, did not dare to disobey the other's orders.

However, these are not important. The important thing is that the Gladstone family is finally going to be destroyed in his hands.

This made Herman very happy.

At this moment, there is only absolute despair in Aldous's heart, and now there is no hope.

But at this moment, Yaregos, who had walked towards Aldous, suddenly felt the same, and could not help but stop, with a trace of uncertainty in his eyes, looking into the distance.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance, as if some kind of powerful magic burst out in an instant.

After that, a roar came from Yuanji!

"Damn Grettley, you dare to take action against my Gladstone family, and I will destroy you!"


Jeffrey is finally back!

After leaving Fengya Villa, Jeffrey hurried over by plane.

Now that he is the King of Magic, that means he can solve the crisis of the Gladstone family.

Jeffrey was very excited about this, and even planned to surprise his father and family, so he didn't call his father in advance to tell his father that he had been promoted to the Magic King.

And to be honest, even Jeffrey himself dreamed of the fact that he was already the King of Magic. He was afraid that he would call back and no one would believe him.

But what Geoffrey never thought was that he rushed back to Gladstone Castle with excitement, but it was such a situation.

The Gladley family actually launched an attack on their family, and the Gladstone family is still in an absolutely bad situation.

Even Jeffrey felt from a distance that the familiar auras of the magicians belonging to his own family were constantly disappearing.

Such disappearance can represent death!

Immediately, Jeffrey couldn't help it, and a powerful magic power broke out directly, releasing an acceleration magic and rushing to the scene.

Because of the sudden surge of magic power and the eagerness in Jeffrey's heart, the magic he released this time is not only amazing, but also extremely powerful.

This made Aregos instantly feel the magic wave of Geoffrey that was approaching quickly.

Moreover, he felt a trace of threatening aura in his hands with this wave of magic power.

This is Jeffrey?

Aldous was stunned for an instant. He was naturally familiar with the voice of his youngest son, Jeffrey.

But how is this possible, that kind of breath, but...

But the magic king!

How could Jeffrey be the Magic King?

Aldous felt unbelief for a while, but in the next moment, a figure appeared in the sky above the battlefield, making Aldous had to believe it.

It really is Jeffrey!

He actually... became the magic king?

Aldous was stunned.

Not only him, but everyone present was stunned.

As the three young masters of the Gladstone family, whether it was the magician of the Gladstone family or the magician of the Gladley family, they all knew Jeffrey.

But isn't Jeffrey just a middle-ranked seventh-order magician?

But in front of this, who is the magic king with strong aura and shocking magic fluctuations?

At this moment, the person who most shocked in his heart was Yaregos.

This Aregos Glatley was indeed a magic king, but he barely reached the realm of the middle magic king.

He was much weaker than the old magic king who was already the upper magic king of the Gladstone family.

If it weren't for the old magic king in Gladstone, who had reached the end of his life, he would not launch such an attack.

The attack two days ago made Yaregos completely relieved.

Because after this time he tried to force the Gladstone family old magic king to burst out such a powerful magic, he had completely exhausted the opponent's vitality.

If not, he would not launch this final total attack today!

But Yaregos did not expect at all, the plan that had been guaranteed to be foolproof, and finally such a change appeared.

The Gladstone family actually gave birth to a new magic king, and the opponent is not Aldous, but Aldous’s youngest son, Jeffrey?

And these are not the key points, the key point is that Aregos's face is ugly and he feels Jeffrey's magical fluctuations.

Although I didn't want to admit it in my heart, the other party's breath seemed to be stronger than him.

Is this God joking with him?

Or is it April Fool's Day?

"Huh, father?"

When Yaregos was in entanglement, Jeffrey, who came to the scene, saw his father Aldez was already seriously injured.

Seeing such a father, Jeffrey felt anxious and flew up to his father for the first time.

"Father, how are you?" Jeffrey asked anxiously.

It was not until this time that Aldous came back to his senses.

Taking a deep look at his youngest son, Aldous's eyes were filled with relief, but he knew even better that it was not the time to talk about these things.

"Quickly, Jeffrey, hurry up and send me the **** Glightly family people to hell! Leave me alone, I'm fine, I can keep going!" Aldous shouted.

Aldous's words also reminded Jeffrey.

And Jeffrey also felt that although his father was seriously injured, it was not fatal.

So now it's time to solve other things.

"Father, I understand!" Jeffrey nodded.

At the next moment, Jeffrey stood up and turned around, and said coldly to the magicians of the Gretelley family: "Damn the Gretelley family, now let me Jeffrey Gladstone be your fools. Opponent!"


As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying wave of magical power erupted from Jeffrey's body.

The magic fluctuation of this kind of gun is much stronger than that of Aregos. The magician of the Gladstone family has only experienced such a powerful magic fluctuation in the old magic king.

The upper magic king!

Geoffrey is already the upper magic king!

Indeed, in the pill that Qin Shaofeng refined and Qin Shaofeng personally helped Jeffrey absorb the pill, especially Qin Shaofeng deliberately expanded Jeffrey’s spiritual realm in order to know what kind of power magic is. For a moment.

Then, Jeffrey not only was promoted to the Magic King, he even reached the realm of the upper Magic King.


When Jeffrey shot, it was a simple fireball.

Although the Gladstone family also practiced other magic, their family still majored in fire magic, and fireball was only the entry magic of fire magic.

But even if it was an introductory magic, under the release of Jeffrey, the upper magic king, it became very terrifying.


There was a shock in the air, a scorching heat swept the audience, dozens of huge fireballs appeared out of thin air, and then one by one blasted towards the magicians of the Gretelly family.



Suddenly countless screams remembered that under Jeffrey's fireball attack, even the sixth-order magician was killed.

Even some seventh-order magicians just tried their best to block the fireball.

With just one shot, Jeffrey killed more than twenty magicians of the Glently family.

The situation reversed instantly!

Seeing this, Herman's face instantly became extremely ugly, but he still didn't give up, because they also had a magic king in the Gretelly family.

Subconsciously Herman looked at the place where Yaregos was, but at this look, he was stunned.

Because Yaregos was no longer there, he disappeared.

This...what's the situation?

There was a sense of unknown in Herman's heart, and the next moment Jeffrey's roar confirmed Herman's conjecture.

Just heard Jeffrey yelled: "Yarregos, you old fellow, where are you running!"


Yaregos escaped?

Their Gretelly aggravated Magic King escaped without a fight?

Hermann felt desperate!


After discovering that Yaregos had escaped, Jeffrey ran after him without hesitation.

Of course, while chasing out, Jeffrey fiercely threw a few large-scale magic in the direction of the Gretelly family camp.

After these few spells, there are already less than twenty people in the Gretelly Family Magicians who can still stand, and almost everyone is wounded. There are probably only five or six magicians who can continue to fight.

And at this time, the magicians of the Gladstone family surrounded the magicians of the Gladley family one by one, as if they had been beaten up.

At this time, there was still a glimmer of hope in Herman's heart, the hope from Yaregos.

Maybe Jeffrey will be killed by Yaregos in the end!

It is precisely because of this hope that Herman still persists stubbornly with a few people who can still fight.

But a few minutes later, after watching Jeffrey come back again with a corpse in his hands, Herman was completely desperate.

Yaregos was killed!

The Gretelly family was hopeless.

Finally, Herman closed his eyes unwillingly, and a fire magic understood himself.

Such a method of death may be the best method for Herman.

At least it's better than Biaregos, and died in his own hands!

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