Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1733: Jonathan's prudence

At the moment when these three demon-breaking bullets were shot, Qin Shaofeng's heart was vigilant and crisis.

He reacted immediately, and he was prepared.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't panic in his heart after the three demon-breaking bullets were broken by the protective shield composed of the spirit of the gods and the devil.

Although Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised that he could have bullets to break through his special defense.

But he still reacted instantly!


A surging and violent force burst out from Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, the inner qi of the gods and demons in Qin Shaofeng's body broke out.


With a punch, Qin Shaofeng directly hit with a powerful punch.

Under this force of fist, the three demon-breaking bullets were shot out instantly.

Then, the bullets that were blocked by Qin Shaofeng before were also shot out.

But it was not over yet, the powerful punches swept through all the bullets and directly hit the group of genetic warriors.

At this moment, whether it was a sixth-order genetic warrior or a seventh-order genetic warrior, they were all blasted into a cloud of blood mist by this punching force.

When everything subsided, there was only endless blood-colored flesh in this negative 38th floor passage, and no complete corpse was left.

On the negative 100th floor, in the monitoring room, Jonathan was silent for a while.

In fact, after Qin Shaofeng slammed that punch, the surveillance on the minus 38 floor had been destroyed, and now the surveillance screen in the surveillance room was just a burst of white snowflakes.

But before the surveillance disappeared, Jonathan clearly saw the scene where Qin Shaofeng punched all the bullets.

There are even some sixth- and seventh-order genetic warriors, under the power of Qin Shaofeng's punch, bursting into a picture of blood fog.

Such a scene made Jonathan directly silent.

Because at this moment, he immediately began to face Qin Shaofeng's strength.

That kind of strength is very strong, very powerful!

"What is the strength of Qin Shaofeng's punch just now?"

After being silent for a while, Jonathan asked suddenly.

The blonde girl seemed to know that Jonathan would ask this way, and he asked clearly the first time.

In the underground headquarters of the Bregg family, each floor has a special detector device that can detect a living body and burst out the intensity of power.

This was originally built for the placement of various laboratories where the research targets were accidentally built.

After all, in many cases, laboratory tests are still dangerous.

The purpose of the detector is to prevent sudden dangers so that they can be dealt with in time.

And when Qin Shaofeng just broke out, his attack intensity had already been detected.

The blonde beauty also knew for the first time. Seeing Jonathan's question at this moment, she immediately answered.

"Intensity... surpasses the eighth rank, and has even reached the power that is close to the middle rank ninth and other strong people!"

The tone of the blonde beauty was a little uncertain, because the number was so amazing.

However, Jonathan was not so shocked.

"Tier Nine?"

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and Jonathan whispered.

Unlike the blonde beauty, Jonathan is a little clearer about the power of the warrior.

Because many warriors in China have some powerful moves, once they are displayed, they can definitely burst out of their own realm, and the limit of power that can burst out!

It is as if among the magicians, there are also powerful magics that use their own vitality as consumption, and explode beyond their own level.

What Jonathan never expected was that Qin Shaofeng not only possessed such a powerful strength, but even mastered this kind of powerful force.

Thinking of this, Jonathan made a decision in his mind.

"Use the magic bullet!"

Break the magic bullet?

At this time, the blonde beauty couldn't hold on anymore, her face was completely lost, and she exclaimed.

"Break the magic bullet?"

Don't blame her for exclaiming so much, because this magic bullet is nothing ordinary.

The cost of devil-breaking bullets is already very high, but compared with devil-breaking bullets, devil-breaking bullets are nothing at all.

Demon bomb, it should be said demon missile!

Its ability is the same as the magic bullet, which can break powerful magic and spiritual power.

But compared with the magic bullet, no matter its effect, power, or even destructive power, the magic bullet is a hundred times that of the magic bullet.

If the broken magic bullet can accidentally wound a magic emperor, then if it is replaced with a magic bullet, even a magic emperor who is fully guarded will be hit.

That is definitely a dead end!

The strongest thing about the magic bullet is that it can break all magic and defeat all magic.

In such a situation, all defense methods of a Magic Emperor would be ineffective, and the rest is to rely on the flesh to resist the force of a missile explosion.

But for magicians, if there is no magic, their bodies are very fragile.

Even without magic, a Tier 3 genetic warrior could easily kill a magic king.

And even the Bregg family has produced less than ten magic bullets.

However, three of them have already been used, and the three magic bullets have allowed the Bregg family to solve the three powerful existence of Tier 9 levels.

And it is precisely because of this that the blonde beauty was so shocked when she heard Jonathan say that she used the magic bullet.

Because of the importance of the magic bullet, even in Jonathan's identity, he only has the right to use one. This is because Jonathan has the next patriarch of the Bregg family.

But seeing Jonathan didn't speak, the blonde girl didn't ask any more questions.

She passed the order directly, and then the entire Breg family was alarmed.

The use of magic bullets, and it is still in the place of their Breg family headquarters, this is definitely a big deal!

In a room on the negative 108th floor, a middle-aged man in his 50s was suddenly noticed by the sound of an alarm.

This man is over fifty, but he still looks like a middle-aged man, not at all old.

Even if you stand with Jonathan, ordinary people at most think that this person is Jonathan's eldest brother.

But in fact, this person is Ludwig Bregg, the real ruler of the Bregg family! ~

As the real power holder of the Bregg family, Ludwig not only has the absolute right to speak, but also has the best resting place for the entire Bregg family.

The entire negative 108 floor is Ludwig's room, and in this huge room, there are many small rooms, and some of the secrets of the Bregg family are on this floor.

Moreover, this negative 108 floor is completely an independent floor. Naturally, the entire Breg headquarters is not only the negative 108 floor, but there are many floors under this negative 108 floor.

But neither the upper floors nor the lower floors have direct access to this floor.

If you take an elevator, no matter which elevator it is, you can't reach the negative 108 floor. Only an elevator on the negative 108 floor can enter.

However, this elevator can only be used by Ludwig alone, and others must be led by him to enter.

The plus and minus 108 layers are made of super alloy, and the hardness is not even comparable to some spacecraft.

This is a one-story building that can completely resist nuclear bombs!

Although Jonathan has the right to use the magic bomb, he really agrees and the right to launch it is still in Ludwig's hands.

The alarm just now was a reminder that Jonathan was planning to use the magic bullet.

Ludwig originally planned to take a break, but as soon as he heard the alert, his face changed: "Ask for the magic bullet?"

Although surprised in his heart, Ludwig agreed without hesitation.

He understands his eldest son Jonathan, if it is not necessary, he would not use the magic bullet at all.

There must be a reason, so he did not refuse.

After pressing the agree button, Ludwig had no intention of taking a break. He picked up a phone next to him and planned to ask Jonathan what happened.


On the minus 52 floor, after Ludwig pressed the agree button, a place on the deeper floor suddenly opened.

Then, a special missile appeared.

However, this time it was because of the underground headquarters of the Bregg family, it was naturally unable to launch as before.

In the end, this magic bomb was arranged on the negative 52 floor!

This underground headquarters of the Bregg family has a depth of more than one thousand meters, even reaching 1,800 meters.

However, for floors, there are only minus 120 floors!

Among these 120 floors, most floors are five meters in height, and no more than eight meters at most.

There are more than one hundred such floors, that is, it only occupies more than 600 meters of the more than 1,800 meters.

Among the remaining 20 floors, there are some special floors, and there are even several hundred meters in height. These floors are ecological floors.

There is artificial sunlight in these floors, plants can be planted, and genetic animals can be raised.

This negative 52 floor is one of such special floors, with a height of 80 meters, covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters, and domesticating a large number of genetic animals.

I have to say that the Bregg family is very powerful in the technology of drilling and building underground castles.

And that magic bullet was placed on the negative 52 layer.

Because there is only this floor, after detonating the magic bullet, it will not have much impact on other floors, and even for the Breg family, the loss is minimal.


It didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to reach the negative 52 floor.

In fact, after something like that happened on the negative 38th floor, Jonathan did not send anyone to stop Qin Shaofeng from the negative 39th floor to the negative 51st floor.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng quickly reached the negative 52 floor.

But Qin Shaofeng was surprised when he saw that the negative 52 floor was a scene full of sunlight, like a small forest.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's memory of Jack probed, but there was none.

"It seems that the Bregg family is really good enough to build such an ecological circle underground!" Qin Shaofeng said softly.

With Qin Shaofeng's realm, he naturally felt that such sunshine is fake.

But those forests and trees, etc., are all real.

But the environment in this place is no different from the outside world. Even when it comes to air quality, the air here is much better.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that the aura here was much stronger than the outside world.

With such a means to build such a place, even Qin Shaofeng had to say to the Bregg family in his heart: admire!

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