Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1734: He is still alive?

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng admired him, there was a roar from a distance.

Suddenly, genetic beasts appeared.

Seeing these genetic warriors, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously thought that there were no obstacles on the previous floors, probably because the opponent wanted to attack him on this floor.

Because Qin Shaofeng felt that the number of genetic beasts that appeared this time was as many as three hundred, and the most important thing was that these genetic beasts were basically of the sixth rank.

There are even a lot of genetic beasts of rank seven among them.

"Are you going to consume my energy?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. In his opinion, the Breg family sent such a genetic beast to consume his physical strength.

"In that case, I will let you consume it and see who can afford it in the end!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaofeng rushed out in an instant, dashed directly into the group of genetic beasts, and began to hunt down each genetic beast.

Tiger into the flock!

This is probably the state of Qin Shaofeng at the moment, whether the genetic beasts are Tier 6 or Tier 7, can't stop him.

Even sometimes, Qin Shaofeng burst out a powerful inner energy of the gods and demons, which can directly explode seven or eight genetic beasts.

Completely invincible!

In fact, Qin Shaofeng's guess was correct.

Because these genetic beasts are now released to besiege Qin Shaofeng, Jonathan has made up his mind that he really expects these genetic beasts to consume some of Qin Shaofeng's physical strength.

However, this was not what Qin Shaofeng thought, it was consuming all of his body.

Jonathan just hoped that these genetic beasts would allow Qin Shaofeng to consume part of his physical strength.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng's chances of being able to escape would be even smaller when he detonated the magic bomb.

Now that they have already used a big killer like the magic bullet, even if he has confidence in his heart, Jonathan has begun to be cautious.

If this were not the case, he would have directly detonated the magic bullet when Qin Shaofeng stepped into the minus 52 floor.

"Send another batch of genetic animals!"

When Qin Shaofeng was about to kill those more than 300 genetic beasts, Jonathan said to the blond beauty beside him.

The blonde girl did not say much, but looked down at the controller in her hand and pressed it lightly.

The next moment, more genetic beasts appeared on the negative 52 floor.

Killing violently!

In the face of more genetic beasts, Qin Shaofeng was not afraid, and even more disdain in his heart.

"This kind of rubbish, no matter how much it is, what use is it!"

Qin Shaofeng said coldly, and then a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes. With a shake of his hands, the inner energy of the **** and demon in his body began to circulate wildly.

"Shen Mo Fist!"

With a low drink, Qin Shaofeng suddenly jumped up, hitting the countless genetic beasts in midair, and blasted a punch.

As a powerful "Golden Book of Gods and Demons", it naturally has some powerful moves.

It's just that these moves require a certain level to be able to perform, and the previous level is not enough, so naturally they cannot be used.

But now Qin Shaofeng has reached the six major consummation realms of "The Book of Gods and Demons", and can use the powerful boxing technique of "The Book of Gods and Demons"-God and Demon Fist!


In midair, a rush of energy rushed into the air, and there was a pause, an invisible huge fist, facing the group of genetic beasts, instantly collapsed.


It seemed that the entire ground was shaking, and a ground with a radius of seventy to eighty meters was already sunken.

Seen from above, these recessed places are just like fists.

As for the genetic beasts in this fist area, they were naturally blown up.

Even with the fist print as the center, the gene beast with a radius of 100 meters has suffered different attacks, either dead or injured!

With a single punch, Qin Shaofeng killed more than a hundred genetic beasts, and had severely injured hundreds of genetic beasts to varying degrees.

Such a powerful move is really shocking.

Qin Shaofeng's strength became stronger and stronger after his advanced cultivation level in The Book of Gods and Demons.

But after seeing such a powerful attack from Qin Shaofeng, not only did Jonathan in the monitoring room not be frightened, he even became happy.

"Well, it's this time, detonate!"

After Jonathan's last two words landed, the detonator that had been stored in the blond woman's hands was pressed down by her.

At about the same time, the screen of the negative 52 floor in the monitoring room instantly turned into a snowflake.

Even Jonathan felt it, the entire monitoring room shook, and there was a faint loud noise.

At this moment, the Bregg Group Building also shivered slightly for the first time.

The coffee in front of many people shook clearly.

It caused a lot of people to panic for a while, thinking that there was an earthquake!

However, nothing happened next, and the tremor did not continue to appear. People quickly forgot about this.

However, at this moment, the negative 52 layer underground has completely changed.

Even if the real power of this magic bomb is not in the explosion, but in the magic.

But that is a missile after all!

The power of this explosion is definitely amazing.

Anyway, the entire floor of the minus 52 floor has suffered serious abuse. The ecosystem has completely disappeared. Not only have all the genetic beasts died, but even the corpses are gone.

Those trees have also turned into pieces of coke and ashes, and only some trees in the most fringe area of ​​the explosion still barely kept a gray-green sound, but they have also been shaved by the powerful aftermath of the explosion.

As for the center of the explosion, a huge pothole has appeared.

Even more than 20 meters from the deepest part of the pothole, a faint metallic luster was revealed.

That is the real ground of the minus 52 floor, which constitutes the alloy floor of the entire Breg family headquarters floor.

To know this level, because some fish gene beasts were raised before, a small lake more than 20 meters deep was built.

This means that this layer is covered with a layer of soil at least 20 meters away.

Although it is a magic bullet, its explosive power is also amazing.

However, there is still a circular mask at the center of the explosion.

Qin Shaofeng himself was in this mask. He was not killed, but he was almost there.

Because if it were not for the mask on his body, Qin Shaofeng estimated that even if he was not dead in the explosion just now, it would be a serious injury to the slightest degree.


It seemed that he had persisted to the limit, and soon the mask on Qin Shaofeng's body cracked a crack with a click, and then the crack expanded rapidly. In the end, the entire mask collapsed in an instant and then turned into nothingness.

At the same time, a special jade on Qin Shaofeng's right hand instantly turned into a pile of fly ash.

That jade was a formation that Qin Shaofeng deliberately refined, and it had a strong defensive force.

Since he came single-handedly to this Bregg headquarters, Qin Shaofeng naturally wouldn't have rushed over like this.

He will definitely prepare something!

For example, the jade formation in his hand just now is a special formation he refined from the few materials left by the real nine spirits, plus the large amount of spirit jade he obtained.

There is only one effect of this formation, and that is to form a powerful formation mask to resist strong blows.

Qin Shaofeng's preparations were actually not aimed at some powerful people, but a technological weapon on earth.

Well, he was a little scared by the missile.

After all, so far, he has been killed by missiles and bombs twice, and he has to guard against it.

No way, he now has neither a stand-in doll nor the ability to look back.

But now it seems that such preparations are really right.

Qin Shaofeng would be dangerous if it were not for the jade formation just now.

Especially at that moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that after the explosion, the surrounding spiritual energy fluctuations dissipated in an instant.

It seems that an explosion, with a peculiar power field, can dispel the aura.

Even the inner energy of the gods and demons in his body, as well as the divine consciousness, were suppressed in this special field of strength.

Even if the explosion is over now, Qin Shaofeng still feels that his spiritual consciousness seems to have been suppressed, as is the inner energy of the gods and demons in his body.

"This kind of power is too weird!"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, because in such an environment, he clearly felt that his strength was suppressed.

The strength of the original Wuwang peak realm, I am afraid that it can only exert the strength of the five or six layers of the Wuwang realm, and even if his physical realm is not originally in the Wuwang realm, I am afraid that he will suffer more suppression and exert more strength. The weak.

Can't stay here any longer, must leave here quickly.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and immediately began to look for the entrance to the next floor.

However, because of the divine consciousness being affected here, and the place here is slightly larger, Qin Shaofeng didn't find the exit for a while.

At the same time, Jonathan looked nervous on the negative 100 floor monitoring room.

Although he had already determined it, Qin Shaofeng could not survive.

But thinking of Qin Shaofeng's strength and that powerful destructive power, he still felt a little uneasy.

Before seeing Qin Shaofeng's body, he would definitely not feel at ease.

Thinking of this, Jonathan hurriedly ordered: "Quickly, send someone to have a look and find out that Qin Shaofeng's body!"


The blonde beauty nodded slightly, and then ordered.

Three minutes later, several people suddenly appeared at the entrance of the negative 53rd floor.

Although it was only to confirm Qin Shaofeng's body, the few people sent out were all genetic warriors of the seventh rank.

After these seventh-order genetic warriors entered the minus 52 layer, Jonathan felt a little anxious.

Is Qin Shaofeng dead?

Should be dead?

That's a magic bullet!

Under the attack of the magic bullet, that Qin Shaofeng would definitely not survive.

As if to convince himself, and as if to comfort himself, Jonathan couldn't help but mutter.

It didn't take long to see a person suddenly appearing at the entrance of the negative 53rd floor. The blonde beauty was shocked and horrified.

As for Jonathan, his eyes widened instantly, his eyes were filled with disbelief and panic, and his mouth trembled!

"He is still alive? How could he be alive?"

How could this happen?

Jonathan was completely dumbfounded, because he never thought that Qin Shaofeng would survive the attack of the magic bullet.

That's a magic bullet!

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