Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1735: Ludwig

On the minus 53 floor, after Qin Shaofeng walked out of the passage, a light flashed in his eyes.


Fortunately, a genetic warrior appeared. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to find the entrance to the minus 53 floor.

There are only two ways to go from the negative 52 layer to the negative 53 layer.

After all, in the negative 52 floor is an ecological space of genetic beasts, in which a large number of genetic beasts are bred for experimentation.

Therefore, for safety, except for the elevator, there is no access to the negative 52 floor to the negative 51 floor. As for the entrance to the negative 53 floor, it is also hidden deep underground.

If it hadn't been for the seventh-order genetic warriors sent by Jonathan to go from the minus 53 floor to the minus 52 floor, Qin Shaofeng might not have been able to find that place.

At least in a short time, Qin Shaofeng couldn't find it.

From this perspective, it was Jonathan who helped Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, after killing those 7th-order genetic warriors, Qin Shaofeng appeared on the minus 53 floor.

"Damn, he's not dead yet?"

Jonathan exclaimed, but he probably didn't even notice it. This time, the tone of his speech was more panic than anger.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't been solved by the magic bullet, it was out of his expectation.

What was even more shocking was that Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to be injured at all, not even a trace of injury.

this is too scary!

Qin Shaofeng was already an extremely terrifying existence in his heart.

Devil-breaking bullets can solve the existence of the 9th-order Magic Emperor, but Qin Shaofeng was not killed.

Doesn't this mean that Qin Shaofeng is more powerful than Magic Emperor?

In fact, Jonathan himself scared himself, because he was too confident in the magic bullet, and put Qin Shaofeng too much with the magician. He completely forgot that Qin Shaofeng was a warrior.

In fact, the magic bullet is only a targeted missile weapon, although the magic bullet is extremely lethal to the Magic Emperor.

But if it is the same level, a Martial Emperor can completely not fear the explosion of the magic bullet.

Because even if the magic bullet has the ability to disperse spiritual energy, this level can only disperse the spiritual energy from a magic emperor. The magic cultivated by the magician is actually equivalent to the existence of internal energy, which belongs to the after cultivation. Reiki.

However, at the same time, in the case of Tier Nine, Emperor Wu's body was far stronger than Magic Emperor, and the power in his body was more consolidated.

Therefore, although the magic bullet may kill the magic emperor, it is difficult to kill a martial emperor!

What's more, this time, Qin Shaofeng still used the formation technique to defend against the devil-breaking bullet.

But Jonathan didn't know this, he just knew that Qin Shaofeng was still alive, and the magic bullet did not cause him any damage.

Therefore, Jonathan determined that Qin Shaofeng's strength was extremely terrifying!

Thinking of this, Jonathan couldn't help it anymore and took out a special communicator in his hand.

The blonde on the side saw the communicator that Jonathan had taken out, her contact lenses shrank sharply.

That communicator is not an ordinary communicator, it is a controller that controls the super powerful combat power of the headquarters.

And in this underground headquarters of the Bregg family, it can be called a super powerful combat power, and only the existence of more than the eighth rank.

If it exceeds the eighth level, that is the ninth level!

Jonathan wanted to use the power of Tier 9 of the headquarters to eliminate the invader Qin Shaofeng.

But just as Jonathan was about to press the controller, a slightly angry and majestic voice suddenly appeared.

"Stop it!"

Upon hearing this, the blonde beauty's immediate reaction was not to look at the owner who made the sound, but to cast it directly, and immediately stepped aside.

Her actions were completely subconscious, as if the people who appeared were the existence that made her unable to look up.


"Father... Father Father?"

Jonathan, who heard the same voice, shuddered, stood up for the first time, and looked at a person walking by the door of the monitoring room.

That's right, this person who walked is exactly Jonathan's father Ludwig Breg, the contemporary head of the Breg family.

After agreeing to Jonathan's use of the magic bullet, Ludwig immediately began to connect with the reason why his son used the magic bullet.

Ludwig felt extremely shocked by this understanding.

How dare someone break into their Breg family headquarters alone?

This is something that the Bregg family has never seen since the establishment of this headquarters.

However, it was learned that the incoming people killed countless genetic beasts and a large number of genetic warriors, including many seventh-order genetic warriors.

Even sending out two Tier 8 violent genetic black bears, because the other party did some tricks, completely losing control.

Of course, even so, Ludwig was a little bit angry about this, and he wouldn't take Qin Shaofeng, a Chinese man who ran into the headquarters of their Breg family alone, in his eyes.

But what made Ludwig's heart most angry is that the other party actually killed his youngest son Jack.

Ludwig has many wives, but whether it is him or his wives, their genes have been adjusted and they are perfect.

But it is precisely because of this that the probability of Ludwig's birth has become very low.

It is worth mentioning that although the Bregg family is very good at genetic modification, they are also very good at adjusting their own genes to perfection.

But they are very resistant and use the means of technological genes to reproduce offspring.

In their view, reproducing offspring with technology is not the purest offspring, and there is a inherent defect that they think cannot be remedied.

These methods are just the methods they use to train genetic warriors, but in the eyes of their Bregg family, genetic warriors are completely a weapon and tool.

As high-end human beings, their Breg family, how can they use the means of manufacturing weapons and tools to reproduce their own offspring?

Therefore, there are no test-tube babies or genetic embryos in the Bregg family.

But it is precisely because of this that it is difficult for the offspring of the Bregg family to be born.

Ludwig has more than thirty wives, but he only has two sons, Jonathan and Jack.

So, in any case, Ludwig attaches great importance to his two sons.

Now that Jack was killed, his heart was naturally extremely angry.

So as soon as he got the news, he came out of the minus 108 floor immediately.

What Ludwig never thought was that he actually got another amazing news on the road.

The magic bullet did not kill the murderer who killed his youngest son!

Immediately, Ludwig understood that the Chinese man named Qin Shaofeng was absolutely extraordinary.

At this moment, he stepped into the surveillance room and saw the actions of his eldest son Jonathan, and immediately stopped Jonathan.

Ignoring Jonathan's astonishment, Ludwig snatched the controller in Jonathan's hand for the first time.

Then, he went to the monitoring room, picked up a microphone and spoke with a heavy voice.

"Mr. Qin Shaofeng Qin, I am Ludwig Breg, the owner of Breg's Patriarch, and I hope we have a good talk!"

Despite the anger in his heart, Ludwig knew very well in his heart that he couldn't fight the opponent like this now.

He was not afraid of Qin Shaofeng, but worried.

Yes, just worry!

As the Patriarch of the Bregg family, Ludwig knew very well in his heart that the power of his family would naturally not be afraid of a small Qin Shaofeng.

But the problem is that this is the headquarters of their Breg family, and it is also an underground place.

Qin Shaofeng can't be solved by the devilish bullet, so if you want to really solve Qin Shaofeng, then you can only send a stronger force.

Jonathan had the same idea, but unlike Jonathan, Ludwig thought of more things.

The most important and the most noteworthy of them is that they cannot continue to fight like this.

Because once more powerful fighters were sent to fight Qin Shaofeng, the destructive power caused by the fighting between the two sides would probably be much stronger than the magic bullet.

In this way, it is very bad for the headquarters.

Because once the destructive power is too strong, it will be shaken, and the foundation of this underground headquarters will cause serious abuse to this headquarters.

In fact, Ludwig didn't care much about this.

Because no matter how powerful the destructive power is, it is impossible to explode the destructive power of a nuclear bomb.

With this underground headquarters of the Bregg family, even if a nuclear bomb falls above it, at most the floors above the minus 50 floor will be cleared.

For the floors below, at most 60 floors can be affected.

The members of their Breg family live on floors below the minus 100 floor and are safe.

But the point is not this. The point is that once the damage is too great, it may be easy for the Breg family headquarters to exist.

The headquarters of the Breg family has always been very mysterious to the outside world.

Since its establishment, this is the first time anyone has broken into the headquarters of the Bregg family.

But if this matter spreads out, the situation will be different.

There are many enemies of the Bregg family, and even the U.S. official has a peek at the genetic technology of the Bregg family.

If the other party knows the location of the headquarters of the Breg family, the trouble is not ordinary.

Therefore, Ludwig stopped Jonathan for the first time, because at this time, he could not send a powerful genetic warrior to fight Qin Shaofeng.

Once the battle is over, the consequences of the battle are difficult to control.

Ludwig can tolerate two violent genetic black bears and destroy them at the headquarters, because even if the Tier 8 genetic beast is destructive, it will not cause any impact on the outside world.

But the battle between Tier 9 is different.

That's right, now whether it is Jonathan or Ludwig, or even some other members of the Bregg family, they have already regarded Qin Shaofeng as a rank 9 powerhouse.

It would be unwise to fight a Tier 9 powerhouse in this headquarters.

Therefore, Ludwig immediately communicated with Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, Ludwig didn’t intend to really make peace with Qin Shaofeng. They have already developed to this point. Even if Qin Shaofeng didn’t kill his youngest son Jack, the other party still entered the Tembreg family. Headquarters.

Even if it was to keep the secret of the headquarters' position, he would not just let Qin Shaofeng go.

That is simply not realistic.

He only needs to hold Qin Shaofeng steady now, and wait for Qin Shaofeng to be led out, or to a specific place, then all the circumstances are another matter.

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