Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1743: Gunfight?

"Something's wrong!"

Seeing everything in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's heart became more vigilant.

Squinting his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on a slightly moist ground not far away, where there were clearly marks like dog paws!

"I circled a cross and was actually targeted by a wolf?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed and he recognized it immediately.

There are no dogs here, those dog paw prints are clearly wolf paw prints.

Qin Shaofeng, who knew that he was being watched by wolves, didn't panic either.

Even if he is like this, no matter how many wild wolves come, he can still deal with it easily.

And there was no need for him to actually take action. The next moment Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness was released, he immediately found a dozen wild wolves more than two hundred meters away.

However, after Divine Sense detected these wild wolves, these wild wolves instantly shook together, and soon left directly.

Although Qin Shaofeng's current spiritual consciousness was severely affected and he could not attack, it was still very easy to only exert some influence on ordinary wild wolves.

They just used their divine sense to give these wild wolves some hints, and they immediately left.

But at this moment, with a bang, a very special voice appeared in the forest.


Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly. Although the distance was a little far away, he still heard very clearly that it was a gunshot.

"what's the situation?"

He raised his brows and listened slightly. He didn't use his divine consciousness to probe, because in his current situation, divine consciousness could only probe three to four hundred meters away at most, but the gunshot just now was probably two to three kilometers away.

However, nothing happened after listening for a long time, which made Qin Shaofeng confused for a while.

However, just as he was about to give up the other party, there was another noise in the distance.

Although the voice still seemed to be absent, he heard clearly now.

"It's really gunshots! It's just a place like a virgin forest, why are there gunshots? Is it poaching or something else?"

Such a thought flashed through Qin Shaofeng's mind, and Qin Shaofeng immediately became interested.

I don’t know where it is. If I can find other people, then I don’t know where I am now?

A move in his heart, the next moment Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, he carefully recalled the direction from the previous two gunshots in his mind, and ran directly.


Only then walked two or three hundred meters, and there was another sound of gunfire in the distance.

It's this direction~!

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he couldn't help speeding up.

This is just him, knowing that there is danger, he is still going there. If he changes to an ordinary person, it will be too late to run.

However, again, Qin Shaofeng is not an ordinary person.

A few minutes later, Qin Shaofeng was already seven or eight miles away, but here was another situation.

There is a smell of blood!

And there are many more!

Qin Shaofeng stopped immediately after narrowing his eyes.

Because he saw two corpses in camouflage clothing appearing not far away, Qin Shaofeng walked over and lifted the headgear on the corpses, intending to see who they were.

As Qin Shaofeng expected, the blondes and blue eyes were all foreigners.

And from the appearance, it should be American.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng discovered a few more bodies, and based on the features of the bodies, Qin Shaofeng discovered Americans, as well as eagles and czars.

The most important point is that these people are not ordinary people at all.

"These dead people are not ordinary people at all, nor are they mercenaries. Such equipment is a soldier at all, and looking at the situation, I am afraid they are not ordinary soldiers."

Looking at these corpses, Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself.

Because he found that these corpses did not have any identity information, and even some representative identification marks were not available, it was impossible to determine which country they belonged to.

"Oh, I thought it was a mercenary, but now the situation is interesting."

With a grin, Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought this was even more interesting.

Continuing on the road, Qin Shaofeng found that all along the way were blasted potholes, and big trees that were interrupted, etc., all in a mess. Obviously the previous exchange of fire was fierce.

As we approached, the gunshots in front became more apparent.

"Da da da!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A few hundred meters before, there was a fierce battle that Qin Shaofeng actually saw. It seemed that this was not the battle between the two sides.

Because at least three forces exist on the battlefield.

But the distance was too far, and with Qin Shaofeng's current situation, he couldn't use his spiritual sense to probe the situation of the three parties.

However, the next moment, when Qin Shaofeng saw a dead body not far away, his eyes flashed.

Because this corpse had a pair of binoculars in his hand, Qin Shaofeng went straight to get it in his hand, then skimmed over a big tree, concealed himself, took up the spectacles and looked there.

Not long after, with the help of the spectacles, Qin Shaofeng figured out the situation in the distant battlefield.

Lots of people!

The tripartite forces add up to more than two hundred people, but the number of one of them is not much left, only three or five people.

And looking at the pressure from the gunfire of the other side, I'm afraid he will die soon.

Sure enough, after two or three minutes, the last three or five people on that side were quickly killed, and now there were only two forces left on the battlefield.

"Oh, it's okay to look at it like this, it's a joy to watch!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, looking very interested.

But the next moment, the scene that appeared, made him stunned.

Because at this moment, a black man with a suitcase on the battlefield was thrown a grenade and was killed directly.

However, what Qin Shaofeng paid attention to was not the black man who was killed, but after the grenade exploded, the suitcase in the black man's hand was also exploded.

I don't know how the suitcase was made. It was very hard. Even a grenade just blasted it through a big crack in the thumb.

But after this crack appeared in the suitcase, Qin Shaofeng was able to see the contents inside.

Crystal clear, shining in the sun.

That is?

Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes slightly and whispered in his heart: No!

It can't be the kind of thing you think, right?

Seeing the shiny thing in the suitcase, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised, and then directly released his spiritual consciousness.

The suitcase was more than 500 meters away from Qin Shaofeng, and with Qin Shaofeng's current situation, it was difficult for his spiritual sense to detect that spot.

But after Qin Shaofeng twisted the divine sense into a thread, his divine sense instantly touched the shiny object.

Although in order to prevent his spiritual consciousness from being traumatized, the spiritual consciousness released by Qin Shaofeng was only one touch.

But Qin Shaofeng had already found out what the contents of the suitcase were.


Yes, it is Lingshi!


Hundreds of meters away, when several big white men saw the suitcase being cracked open, one of the big golden curly men got angry.

"Xiete, is that idiot who attacked the quest product?" the golden curly man said angrily.

That suitcase is the task item of this mission. If it is blown to pieces by a grenade, it will be troublesome.

No one answered, because the person who just threw the grenade seemed to have been hit by a stray bullet.

However, at this time, a mustache suddenly said: "Captain, there is someone behind us!"


The golden curly man's face changed, this time the mission was very dangerous.

Not only did the other two forces appear, but even each of them was not simple. Even with their strong team of more than 300 people, there were only a little more than half of them left.

However, the only better thing is that the other two forces have already been eliminated by them, and there are only a dozen people left who are still struggling.

But now when he heard his subordinates said that there were still people, he was naturally very nervous.

Could there be another force?

Fortunately, Moustache seemed to know the restriction in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Captain, it's okay. According to the heat detector's scan, only one person appeared."

"A person?"

"Yes, it is estimated that it was the slippery fish of one of the two groups we chased, not the other strength." The mustache nodded.

"That's good!"

The golden curly man breathed a sigh of relief, then his face became grim.

"It's just a person who actually came to die. George took a few people to solve the other person. By the way, see if there is anything we want on the other person!" The golden curly man sneered.


With an answer, a muscular man nodded, and then led seven or eight people away from the main force and ran in a certain direction behind him.

And this direction is where Qin Shaofeng is!


Unexpectedly, it was Lingshi that caused the three-party gunfight!

On the big tree in the distance, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

He just felt that there were at least ten spirit stones in that suitcase.

Moreover, the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stone seems to be very abundant.

A piece of spiritual stone, I am afraid it can be worth the spiritual energy contained in the tens of thousands of fast spiritual jade.

And compared to the aura in the spirit jade, the aura contained in these spirit stones is more pure.

Qin Shaofeng had felt this kind of pure aura in Jiuling Palace, even the aura possessed by the Midi Spirit Pool of the Hu family was slightly inferior.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat familiar with the aura in this kind of spiritual stone.

This is the same as the spirit stone he encountered in the four kilometers deep space before.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but guess that the spirit stone in that suitcase came from that underground space.

This is not impossible. After all, the underground river is very close to the underground space. I am afraid there are many spirit stones near the underground river.

After many years of scouring, I am afraid that many spirit stones have been washed out.

However, this is only Qin Shaofeng's guess, but I am afraid that these eight to nine are not far from ten.

Qin Shaofeng didn't think about it, because now someone came to the door.

Don't find out?

When seeing seven or eight people touching him, Qin Shaofeng immediately knew that he had been exposed.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by this, because he had long discovered that the three forces on this battlefield are all well-equipped and equipped with a lot of high-end technology and weapons.

What kind of radar detector, as well as the heat detector, can definitely detect his presence.

After all, he couldn't hide himself by covering himself with excess inner energy of the gods and demons.

But when you find it, it's not a big deal.

"How dare you come here and die?"

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and there was no slightest tension in his heart.

That's right, his current strength really can't show much, but even if he shows a little bit of strength, for these ordinary people, it is completely a matter of grasping.

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