Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1744: Sniper (Part 1)

These brawny men looked quite bluffing, but at most they were equivalent to the strength of an intermediate warrior, and it was a great warrior.

This is equivalent to the second and third rank, and it does not threaten Qin Shaofeng at all.

Even with those firearms, at best, it can be a threat to a Tier 5 master.

However, even Qin Shaofeng who had exerted his full strength now had the strength of the seventh-order innate grandmaster realm.

Therefore, these people are completely drizzle, without any threat.

The speed of the few people led by the big muscular man was quite fast, and they came to a place of more than 100 meters in just one minute.

You must know that this is a battlefield for gun battles, and that it can have such a speed. This has fully explained that this is a well-trained team.


Enter the range!

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, his eyes cold.

The one-hundred-meter range is not only the scope of Qin Shaofeng's divine sense exploration at the moment, but even within this one-hundred-meter range, Qin Shaofeng can launch two or three divine sense attacks without affecting himself.

Although this kind of impact is not powerful, with the mental power of these people in front of them, I am afraid that a slight impact from the divine consciousness can kill the opponent group.

That's right, after discovering that the contents in the suitcase were spirit stones, Qin Shaofeng was murderous towards these people.

His current state is most lacking in spirit!

Originally, Qin Shaofeng planned to go back and directly absorb the spiritual energy in the Nine Spirit Palace to recover his injuries.

As for the spiritual stone in the underground space, Qin Shaofeng didn't even think about it, even if he had recovered to the peak state, it would be impossible to go to that place.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt that if he hadn't cultivated to the eighth realm of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", that is, the realm of Martial Saint, he should not go there.

too dangerous!

I don't know why in that place, it always gives him a very dangerous feeling. The seven tenth-order Saint Grade genetically modified creatures are just a part, and there seems to be some indescribable horror here.

Qin Shaofeng felt that it was impossible for him to go to that place in a short time.

So if you absorb aura to recover, you can only rely on the aura in the Nine Spirit Palace.

But now there is a spirit stone in front of me, it is just rain in time!

Since the moment he saw the spirit stone in the suitcase, Qin Shaofeng had already decided that the spirit stone already belonged to him.

As for those soldiers, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng could feel that the flesh of these people was so strong that they had obviously killed many people.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest burden in his heart to kill these people.

And after the muscular man took the seven or eight people into Qin Shaofeng's 100-meter area, their destiny was already doomed.

Must die!


With a flash, Qin Shaofeng came directly to the ground, and then stretched out his right foot, and instantly kicked a little finger-sized stone on the ground.


The stone instantly turned into an afterimage, and without the slightest reaction from the muscular man and the others, it shot directly in from one of the brows, and then pierced through the back of his head.


That person didn't even notice it at all, and died instantly!

This hit rate is no one!

But this is also normal, after all, these people stepped into Qin Shaofeng's spiritual consciousness range, even if Qin Shaofeng closed his eyes, he could hit the opponent.

And Qin Shaofeng is just a physical strength now, even if he is injured, the power that erupts is still amazing.

With the strength of a small stone kicking into the air, killing an ordinary one is a piece of cake.

Compared with the firearms in the hands of those people, not only is it not inferior, but I am afraid it is even better!

"Enemy attack!"

Just when the man fell to the ground, the muscular man who was still approaching quickly gave a low growl, and he drew directly under the big tree aside. The other seven people also reacted immediately to find a hiding place, and hid in the blink of an eye. .

Sure enough, it is American!

Hearing that hostile attack, although the other party called it out in English, Qin Shaofeng could hear it, and he could hear it. The other party's accent was definitely a pure American accent.

Forget it, let him die first.

Qin Shaofeng gently shook his head, grabbed a few stones and threw them out in an instant.

puff! puff! puff!

Several light piercing sounds came, and the muscular man and others were completely cut off, and fell to the ground one by one, with a transparent blood hole on the center of the eyebrow.


Qin Shaofeng smiled and shook his head gently. Can he hide under my spiritual knowledge?

In less than ten seconds before and after, the team brought by the muscular man and himself were killed by Qin Shaofeng.

"Fak, what's the matter, how did George and the others get killed?"

When he felt that the muscular man and others had died, the golden curly Han suddenly became angry.

"Captain, George and the others were killed instantly. I suspect that the fish behind the net was a sniper!" said Mustache.

"Damn, it's a sniper?"

The golden curly man was angry again, his expression sullen.

But then he didn’t send another man, but shouted to the mustache: "Mickey, I will give you two snipers. You stared at the sniper behind, and then everyone gave me the first sniper. Slaughtered, get the task item!"

The golden curly man ordered and shouted, bringing more than a hundred people, pushing forward.

At this moment, under the attack of the golden curly men's team, there are only twenty or thirty people left on the other party.

But there is no sniper among these people, because from the beginning of the fight, the sniper on the opposite side was solved by the golden curly man.

On such a battlefield, the sniper is more troublesome, so it must be solved in the first time.

But what made the golden curly big man depressed was that he had missed a sniper and hadn't solved it. Now the other party is still hiding behind and has killed him a capable man.

Therefore, he intends to wait for the other people to be solved before finally solving the sniper.

Anyway, there is a mustache Mickey staring at them. They are out of the range of the opponent's shot, now they are safe and don't need to pay attention.

After receiving the order, Miki the mustache began to stare at Qin Shaofeng with two snipers.

The two snipers beside him were not the strongest snipers of the golden curly man, because the strongest snipers had already been killed.

However, even so, the two snipers around this mustache Mickey are also very powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that within a range of kilometers, they can achieve a hit rate of more than 95%.

Even if it is 1,500 meters, they have a hit rate of more than one hundred and ninety percent.

Besides, the command the captain gave them was just to hold the opponent and not to interfere with the captain and the others to solve other enemies.

It's that simple!

Mickey mustache thought so, and so did the two snipers.

But in fact?

Stop Qin Shaofeng?

Ha ha!

is it possible?


After getting rid of the muscular men, Qin Shaofeng moved on.

However, before going far, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a crisis.

Almost at the moment when this crisis appeared, Qin Shaofeng had been releasing the 100-meter range of spiritual consciousness, sensing a foreign object, and shooting it at himself at an extremely fast speed.

That's a bullet!


In an instant Qin Shaofeng understood where this crisis came from, and the opponent had a sniper.

However, while feeling this, Qin Shaofeng also reacted.

The consciousness was shaken, and the bullet's shooting track suddenly changed a little.


In the end, this bullet passed Qin Shaofeng and hit a big tree not far away.

"Fak, Bart, you missed the shot!"

Mickey the mustache angered at a sniper not far away.

Na Bart is also full of depression, something is wrong, this shot is only more than 900 meters, and there is no wind speed influence, how can I miss the shot?

He was puzzled!

At this moment, whether it was Bart, Mickey the Mustache, and another sniper, they had already discovered that Qin Shaofeng was a yellow race.

However, this did not make them curious, because the team that their captain solved now had some yellow races among them.

However, that was all, they didn't think Qin Shaofeng was a Chinese.

Because of the three parties in this battle, there is no power from China.

But what makes Bart and another sniper wonder, isn't it that the opponent is a sniper?

But the opponent doesn't seem to have a sniper rifle?

What's the situation?

In the distance, after being attacked by a sniper, Qin Shaofeng dodged for the first time.

Although he is not afraid, because even with a sniper rifle, it is very difficult to snipe him.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have a hobby of being abused, so naturally he couldn't stand so much to let the other party snipe.

"Sniper? Interesting!"

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth raised slightly, and his heart moved, and the divine consciousness immediately began to search.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up, his figure flashed, and he ran to somewhere.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng appeared, there were two gunshots, and the two snipers shot.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng didn't use his divine consciousness this time, just dodge the two bullets with his own speed.

Then, Qin Shaofeng came to a corpse, grabbed something, and flashed behind a big tree again.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already had a gun and a sniper rifle many times!

Isn't it just a sniper?

I will too!

The two snipers on the opposite side gave Qin Shaofeng inspiration, why should he use his spiritual knowledge and inner energy to solve the enemy?

The opponent is not a warrior, a genetic warrior, or a magician, and the use of firearms can completely eliminate those people!

"Damn it, got hit again?"

Bart was angry, but this time they both shot together, and they didn't even hit each other?

You know that they are only 700 meters away from the target now. Did they miss it?

Did their marksmanship regress?

Although he was angry in his heart, Bart immediately shifted his position.

One shot to change a place, this is common sense between snipers.

However, to Bart's surprise, his companion actually approached each other.

Now Bart has confirmed that although he doesn't know how the opponent killed George and the others, the opponent is definitely not a sniper.

Because the two of them fired three shots together, and neither of them counterattacked, it was not like a sniper.

The sniper, Bart's companion, had the same idea as Bart, so he planned to get closer and kill the opponent at once.

Bart was also moved when he saw this, and he planned to get closer to the target.

But the next moment, with a bang, Bart's heart tightened in an instant, and he immediately fell down subconsciously.

But what made Bart's eyes widened was that another sniper of his companion had actually died.

Was killed!

And it was definitely killed by a sniper!

The opponent is definitely a sniper!

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