Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1745: Sniper (medium)

The opponent is really a sniper!

As soon as this thought appeared, Bart immediately became angry.

"Fak, fooled!"

Suddenly, Bart's heart was extremely angry.

Damn, the target is a sniper. In this way, they let them relax their vigilance, approach him directly, and then kill themselves and others!

Bart, who thought he had guessed everything, instantly understood that this was a conspiracy.

Especially when he took the opportunity to see the target with the scope on the sniper rifle, and the opponent was holding a sniper rifle, his heart became even more angry.

"Xiete, as expected, all yellow people are cunning. They hid the sniper rifle in advance to mislead us? This is really damning!"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly when Bart cursed secretly in his heart.

Huh, isn't there another one?


Just after Qin Shaofeng got the sniper rifle, he subconsciously twisted his body into one to probe the two snipers.

It happened that the other sniper felt that Qin Shaofeng was not a sniper, and he also wanted to get close to Qin Shaofeng and kill Qin Shaofeng all at once.

But what's so dying is that his approach is just to meet Qin Shaofeng's divine sense detection.

Then, the result goes without saying.

After knowing the location of the target, Qin Shaofeng can kill the target with small stones. Now that he has a sniper rifle in his hand, it must be more convenient.

After detecting the opponent's location, Qin Shaofeng didn't even need to aim, raising the sniper rifle in his hand and firing a shot directly.

Absolutely hit every success!

That sniper was shot directly by Qin Shaofeng.

Even after sniping the opponent, Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to hide it. He wanted to expose Bart directly and let Bart shoot.

With Qin Shaofeng's reaction, it was completely possible to solve it with one shot at the moment the opponent fired, or the opponent's position.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that this other sniper didn't even attack him, which made him very confused for a while.

As everyone knows, Bart at this moment has already regarded Qin Shaofeng as a big conspirator, even if Qin Shaofeng was completely exposed to him, he did not attack Qin Shaofeng.

Since you don't shoot, then I will get you out.

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng jumped directly to a big tree, and then started jumping again and again, approaching the opponent.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual sense began to search and probe, occasionally twisting into a strand, to probe the range four to five hundred meters away.

A minute later, Qin Shaofeng stopped on a big tree with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"So I'm hiding here!"

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng raised the sniper rifle in his hand.

The next moment, a gunshot sounded.


Bart held the sniper rifle in his hand, his eyes widened, and the anger in his eyes instantly flowed, turning into gray lifelessness.

Leaning on a rock, Bart has died of anger, and there is a **** sky between his brows.

Qin Shaofeng's shot just killed Bart.

The snipers were all resolved, and it seemed that the crisis was also wiped out.

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, and then he swaggered off the tree and appeared blatantly at Mickey Mustache with the sniper rifle.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

The two snipers beside him were killed by each other one after another, and Mickey Mustache was dumbfounded.

Especially when he looked at the other party, he appeared so blatantly in his sight, and Mickey the mustache killed him.


In the distance, the corners of the golden curly man's mouth split open, revealing a very satisfied look, because just now, he killed the last person of the enemy.

Although they had paid the price of more than a dozen people, now the enemies have been killed and the quest items have been obtained, which made the golden curly man feel excited.

But at this moment, the intercom on his body rang.

Looking down, I found that it was the news from Mickey.

"Captain, Bart and the two of them were killed!"


Upon hearing this, the golden curly man who was in a good mood suddenly turned cold: "What's the situation? How could Bart be killed by the other party?"

"It's the other party, the other party's sniping methods are too powerful, Bart and the others fired a few shots, but they didn't solve the other party, but they were killed by the other party!" The walkie-talkie heard a frightened voice from the mustache Miquill.

To be honest, he doesn't even know how Bart and the other two were killed by the other party.

As soon as he recovered himself, Bart and the others died.


The golden curly man cursed in a low voice, and then he was about to say something.

But at this moment, Mickey Mustache's terrified voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Here, that person is coming!"

"How the **** is this?"



The walkie-talkie heard a sound of horror from the mustache Mickey, and finally after a gunshot, the walkie-talkie was completely silent.

"Mickey, Mickey!"

The golden curly man yelled several times into the walkie-talkie, but he didn't get a response.

Suddenly, the face of the golden curly man became completely gloomy.

He knew that Mickey had probably been killed.

"Damn, anyone who dares to kill me, no matter who you are, you are dead!"

The golden curly man roared, and then sent twenty people directly to advance back.

Now the mission has been completed and the enemies have all been killed.

Then there was such a sniper who killed them, and the golden curly man naturally did not intend to let him go.

However, he did not plan to do it himself, because he is now beginning to contact the above to report on the progress of the task.

As for the so-called sniper, in his opinion, sending twenty people is definitely enough.


Huh, are you here?

After eliminating Mickey the mustache, Qin Shaofeng saw twenty well-equipped teams from the scope of the sniper rifle and killed himself.

If you were to change to someone else, even an innate grandmaster, seeing such a team, might be scared away.

Once the firearms on the earth are used properly, there is a great threat to the innate master.

Even the overall strength of a golden curly man and others, with those sophisticated firearms, I am afraid that even a warrior in the realm of an innate master can be solved.

But for Qin Shaofeng, it was another story.

Since I took the initiative to deliver it to the door, I'm not welcome.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, then held up the sniper rifle in his hand and fired one after another.

Even without the assistance of divine consciousness, with Qin Shaofeng's current eyesight, after holding the sniper rifle, as long as it appears within the range of the sniper rifle, there is absolutely no problem with a hundred shots.

boom! boom! boom!

After three gunshots, the twenty people sent by the golden curly man fell to the ground in an instant.

Suddenly, the captain of these twenty people was dumbfounded.

Because the distance between him and Mickey Mustache now is more than two kilometers away!

The other party could actually kill the three of them in an instant at such a distance?


Definitely a sharpshooter! ~

The squad leader screamed, "Hidden, the opponent is a sharpshooter, everyone pay attention to concealment!"

In fact, there is no need to greet the team leader. After the three shots shot and the three people around him fell to the ground, the remaining people all reacted to each other and went into hiding.

In the distance, Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, disappointed in his heart.

Oh, what's hiding!

He was just a sniper rifle, and he couldn't turn without the help of divine consciousness. After these people dodge, he naturally couldn't attack the opponent.

But this couldn't help Qin Shaofeng.

"Hide? I see how you can hide!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, lowered his body instantly and touched forward.

When he just killed Mickey Mustache, he got some information from the opponent's brain, although it was not comprehensive, I don't know where this well-equipped team came from.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this team had quite a few big killers.

No matter what the grenade, this group of people actually have rocket launchers and other big weapons like missiles.

If it were Qin Shaofeng's complete victory, although these things were big killers, he was not afraid.

But now his physical injury has not been recovered, and so is his spiritual consciousness.

If a grenade is really on the front, it will definitely end with an injury, and even if it is a bazooka, it is almost a fatal thing.

So, it's better to be careful!

However, when Qin Shaofeng knew that there were detection instruments such as heat detectors in the hands of the opponent, a surge of spirit from the gods and demon gushed out, covering himself.

At the same time, the team leader looked at the instrument in his hand, his eyes dumbfounded.

He could still see that the red dot representing the opponent was constantly approaching them, but with this wave, the red dot representing the opponent disappeared.

"Sheet, disappeared? What the **** is going on?"

The team leader whispered in a desperate manner, and then warned the people around him: "Be careful, everyone, the other party is here, but I can't see the other party on the heat detector, so be careful!"


As soon as the team leader spoke, as soon as he landed, a big white man who hadn't hidden himself was hit instantly.

"Fak, I said, hide well!" A frustrated rage sounded, and the team leader looked at the fallen white man with unusual anger in his heart.

Obviously know that the other party is approaching oneself and others, but they just can't see the other party. This situation is very unfavorable to them, especially if the other party has super long-range sniper ability. If it is not hidden well, it can be dangerous. Up.

But what should happen?

For a while, the team leader was a little helpless.

Because of this problem, he encountered it for the first time.

However, he quickly came up with attention.

"Disperse, disperse to me, quickly approach each other. I don't believe that so many of us can't solve a sniper!" The team leader angered.

He also knows that the opponent has the ability to sniper at a long distance, so if the distance is opened, it is definitely not good for them here, and it is only close to the opponent.

Suddenly, the remaining dozen people began to disperse instantly, moving towards Qin Shaofeng one after another.

Seeing such a scene in the distance, Qin Shaofeng was happy.

"Stupid, these people? They are scattered around at this time, are you creating opportunities for me?"

Qin Shaofeng narrowed his eyes, his mouth showed a trace of disdain, and the sniper rifle in his hand was raised again.

First, the first one!



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