Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1746: Sniper (Part 2)

Among the grass, a figure was slowly leaning forward. His movements were very slow, and the concealment was very good. It is difficult for ordinary people to find that there is actually a person in the grass.

But at this moment, a fierce wind hit him, and with a snort, a bullet penetrated his head.

Before he died, this person was extremely confused.

I was found?

But how did the other party discover him?

However, it is better to die with confusion than to die in pain.

In the distance, on a large tree over a thousand meters away, Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a trace of disdain.

Heh, silly~ Forcing you to hide in the grass?

If you are hiding behind some big tree or rock, I can't help you, but you are hiding in the grass?

Are you looking for death, are you looking for death, or are you looking for death?

After one blow, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to the opponent, and then in this gap Qin Shaofeng's eyes caught another strange situation in the grass.

Heh, what a fool!

After taking a glance at the location, Qin Shaofeng pulled the trigger directly, and the sniper rifle in his hand shot another bullet.


There was a slight voice in the grass in the distance, and most people couldn't hear it at all, but after the voice appeared, it meant that a person was killed.

Solve another one, and there are five left!

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth tilted slightly, and then he continued searching for the location of other people.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng can already roughly feel that the positions of the other five people have already outlined a virtual map in his mind at this moment.

The remaining five people, the hidden locations at the moment and the surrounding terrain, all appeared in his mind.

Based on this, Qin Shaofeng predicted the next action of the opponent's five people, as well as the way forward, and how he can move forward to better solve the remaining five people.

Such a situation seems to be very complicated. With Qin Shaofeng's current ability, even without the help of divine consciousness, his brain can calculate these various prediction plans and routes.

After finally determining the most secure plan route, Qin Shaofeng began to walk out swaggeringly again, walking forward, not caring about the five people at all.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was only 500 meters away from the remaining five team leaders.

The five captains over there are well hidden.

It seems that after the two in the grass were killed, they were a little frightened and hid them without daring to move at this moment.

Three of them were behind three big trees, one was hiding behind a rock, and the remaining team leader happened to be hiding in a hole that had been exploded before.

The distance between the five people is not far, and you can even see the face on the other side.

At this moment, the five of them looked at each other, all of them were dumbfounded.

Two more dead?

Even the enemy hasn't seen it. The team of ten people on your side has already lost more than half?

Looking at the bodies of the five dead companions who were not far away, the five of them were cold and panicked.

How did the other party do it?

None of them have seen it, but five people have died on their side, and they are still five well-versed players!

Suddenly, a black man hiding behind a big tree shouted fiercely: "I see, I see the enemy!"

The enemy appeared?

The team leader waited for the four to be overjoyed, not afraid of you appearing, but afraid that you would not appear. As long as you appear and determine your position, shall we not kill you?

But the next moment...


With a gunshot, the black man who made the sound before fell over!


The squad leader shivered, and his whole body trembled.

He was very close to the black man, so he could see clearly that his little black partner was just a probe. After he found the other person, he was blown up by the other person just after he shouted that sentence.

Is this a sharpshooter?

Hell, this is a super god-level sharpshooter, terrible!

Just killed it as soon as it appeared?

However, at this time, the team leader also discovered that the opponent was already very close to them. I am afraid it was just because of the voice of his little black partner that exposed the position of the opponent, and this was killed by the opponent.

Well, that's it. I heard that some special sharpshooters have good ears.

Don't know if it's self-comforting, the team leader murmured in his heart and began to gesture with the remaining three people.

You are so special, we use gestures, I see what you can hear.

The team leader was proud.

Others also understood in an instant, and felt that it was the yelling of the black buddy that caused him to kill himself.

"That person is here!"

The one who was hiding behind a big tree now climbed onto the tree, and then the lush foliage concealed himself while observing the enemy.

Of course he also spoke, gesturing directly to communicate with other people.

Upon seeing this, the team leader nodded, then gestured with both hands.

"Our opponent's enemy is too powerful this time. It is the sharpshooter among the sharpshooters. Don't be careless. However, since the opponent appears on the initiative, we will attack the opponent together and we must kill them! Do you know?"


The three people nodded to the team leader, and then the team leader glanced at the companion on the tree, nodded and winked.

What he meant was obvious, and that was to let that companion attack the enemy, and then the remaining three of them would fire along his attack at the same time.

The man on the big tree nodded clearly, then took the machine gun in his hand, took a deep breath, and instantly pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!"

In an instant, a burst of fire spurted out of the lush branches and leaves of the big tree, and a series of bullets burst out frantically, directly at the location of Qin Shaofeng.

At the same time, the squad leader and the other three people also protruded from the hidden place for the first time, firing the machine gun in that direction frantically!

"Da da da!"

"Boom bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The bullets roared, the bullets rained for a while, the bark burst, the ground blasted open, the sawdust was flying, and the dust was flying.

"Oh, I have become smarter, knowing to suppress me with firepower."

Facing such a burst of fire, Qin Shaofeng didn't feel nervous at all, even a trace of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's a pity that such a burst of firepower is useless to me! And I had already thought of it."

His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness shook, and the space in his three-meter area suddenly condensed, as if being imprisoned.

It is true that Qin Shaofeng can't use too strong divine sense now, but if he gathers all the divine sense that he can use now, he still has extremely strong power.

Like now!

After condensing an area of ​​three meters in a circle, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness has already exploded with great power.

The most direct proof of this is that all the bullets fired by the team leader four at this moment were blocked three meters away.

"Oh Mika, the bullet actually stopped!"

Seeing the scene in the distance, the team leader's four eyes suddenly widened, as if they saw God.

This is not to blame for them, because the areas they have come into contact with are still areas of normal people, and they don't know about the existence of warriors, magicians and genetic warriors.

Therefore, seeing Qin Shaofeng blocking the bullet out of thin air, their hearts were naturally shocked.

However, they were shocked, and Qin Shaofeng didn't.

Although the remaining four people did not show up, Qin Shaofeng had already judged their positions from the gunshots.

Now that you know the location of the opponent, the rest is easy!

Sniper rifle up!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Because of the shock in my heart, even if it reacted very quickly, the four team leaders were still stunned for a moment.

However, in such a moment, four bullets roared in and directly took the lives of the four of them.

Then, the gunfire stopped and the world became quiet.

The four-person team, all destroyed!

"Well, ten more!"

Blowing down the muzzle, Qin Shaofeng walked over.

All ten warriors who had experienced many battles were killed, and each of them was shot in the eyebrows, and they could not die again.

"what happened?"

When the team leader was killed and the gunfire stopped, the golden curly man asked with a deep face.

Because he did not receive a report from the team leader who was sent out, this was obviously abnormal.

Because if the opponent is killed, the team leader will report to the pressure that the task is completed as soon as possible.

But not now!

This gave him a bad premonition.

Sure enough, in the next moment, a person with a detector said to him: "Captain, things are not good. The ten of us in the past seem to have been completely lost by the opponent!"

"Fak, it was solved by the other party." The golden curly man's eyes widened, and his anger suddenly burst out.

"Rice bucket, ten people can't handle even one of them, and they were all killed by each other. Are those ten people stupid? Have all these years of training been trained on dogs?"

The golden curly man's face was as black as the bottom of the pot. When he first contacted him, the communicator was damaged and he couldn't contact him.

He was already very angry at this point in his heart, and now that this incident happened again, his heart was even more unhappy.

"Where is the other party? Don't tell me that I haven't found it yet." The golden curly man asked angrily.

"I found it, no, it shouldn't have been found. The other party showed up on their own initiative, which is more than 2,000 meters away!"


Actively appear?

Is this provoking them?

"Damn, I really thought I was far away, can't I help you?" The golden curly man was angry.

"Come on, get me a rocket launcher, and I will blast the **** choppy into residue!" The golden curly man said angrily.

"Yes, Captain!"

Someone answered, then turned around and started preparing the rocket launcher.

In the distance, more than two thousand meters away, Qin Shaofeng, who was heading this way, suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

in danger!

With a condensed heart, Qin Shaofeng looked up, and suddenly saw a flaming thing flying towards him.

I circled a cross, did I really use a bazooka?

Qin Shaofeng was startled, but then smiled slightly.

"Oh, you guys are ruthless, but it's useless to me!"


Raising the sniper rifle in his hand, Qin Shaofeng fired a shot instantly.


The rocket launcher in the distance exploded in an instant, and Qin Shaofeng hit the rocket launcher with a bullet to make the rocket launcher explode in advance.

The rocket exploded in the air, with shrapnel shooting in all directions, but it was more than 200 meters away from Qin Shaofeng, which had no effect on Qin Shaofeng at all.

"Fak, your damned yellow-skinned monkey has such a trick?"

In the distance, the golden curly man who saw this scene was shocked, but then he shouted to the people around him: "Go on, continue to bomb me, I can't. He can keep off the bazooka like this and give I killed him!"

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