Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1747: This feeling is good

Suddenly, under the order of the golden curly man, the rocket launcher was launched again.

And this time, it actually launched three in a row!

"Oh, three?"

Seeing three rocket launchers attacking him, Qin Shaofeng raised his eyebrows, but his mouth showed a trace of disdain.

The sniper rifle in his hand is raised again!

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

Three rocket launchers exploded again!

"Captain, the bazooka can't solve the opponent, if you continue like this, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill the target!"

A big bald man said to the big golden curly man, his tone was very nervous, and his bald head was covered with cold sweat.

The bazooka can't kill the opponent, the opposite person is too enchanting!

"Fuck, it's a **** of a damn, give me the continuation, I don't believe it!" The golden curly man said angrily.

"Go on, give me all the remaining rocket launchers this time?"

"Use it all?" The bald head was astonished. "Captain, there are more than 20 rocket launchers. If they are launched together, they will..."

Without waiting for the bald head to finish speaking, the golden curly man said angrily: "Shut up, if I let you launch it, you can send it to me, listen clearly!"


The golden curly man became angry, making his bald head tremble, and immediately nodded.

Then, soon, two dozen rocket launchers, dragging their long tails of fire, were launched all at once.

Twenty-six bazookas!

This all launch, the scene is very spectacular!


After seeing the bazooka appear again, Qin Shaofeng was disdainful at first, but when he saw the twenty-six bazookas, his heart jumped.

I circled a cross, so cruel?

At this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't stop there, using a sniper rifle to sniper the rocket launchers.

Firstly, it was too late, secondly, it was regarded as coming, and the two dozen rocket launchers soared instantly, which was also very terrifying.

Although he is far away, he can still be affected.

Since you can't head-on, there is only one way.

Then... flash!


With a flash, Qin Shaofeng ran directly to the distance.

Even if he is injured now, he can't display the strength of the victory period, but the speed is still very fast, and he can explore any place with a radius of 100 meters, and he can speed up.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, Qin Shaofeng was already hundreds of meters away before the rocket launchers fell.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the end, twenty-six rocket launchers landed and there was a loud noise. With such a large number of rocket launchers, this explosion was equivalent to opening up the area where Qin Shaofeng was located extremely deep.

Even though Qin Shaofeng, who had been hundreds of meters away and hiding in a safe area, felt the explosion, he was very grateful in his heart.

Fortunately, with my current strength, it is still possible to show some speed.

If not, that bombardment would kill him.

However, he was fine in the end!

Without looking at the place bombed by the rocket launcher, Qin Shaofeng glanced around and landed in the area where the rocket launcher was launched, a glimmer of cold light flashing in his eyes.

Come and not be indecent!

Since the other party gave him such a ‘grand gift’, he should also respond appropriately.

Tightening the sniper rifle in his hand, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed.


After a few jumps, Qin Shaofeng came to a commanding height, and there was only four to five hundred meters away from the golden curly men.

"I remember the bazooka was launched from that place!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng gathered his spiritual consciousness in one place and extended it to a certain place.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly raised, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Oh, there really is someone!

Under the divine sense investigation, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there were 25 or 6 people in that place, all of whom were launching bazookas.

Because it was a divine sense investigation, Qin Shaofeng's brain instantly showed the opponent that those people had occupied.

There is no need for a scope at all, Qin Shaofeng directly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, just shooting.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Qin Shaofeng's speed was very fast, and he kept pulling the trigger.

The sniper rifle in Qin Shaofeng's hand was a specially made sniper rifle. Not only did it shoot super long distances, it even had a lot of ammunition capacity, and 26 bullets were directly shot out in one burst.

And because of the capture of the divine sense, Qin Shaofeng's 26 bullets all hit, without any false shots.




Twenty-six people waited for the bazooka who launched the bazooka. Everyone was hit, and everyone was hit and killed!

In a blink of an eye, there were 26 more bodies on the ground!

"Oh, Mika, how is this possible!"

Twenty-six people were shot and killed directly, and the group of Americans was so scared that they immediately bought it.

Some people suspect that they are dazzled, but the dead are right in front of them, and they can clearly see this. This is definitely not a fool!

Such a scene made the golden curly man dumbfounded.

Originally, after 26 rocket launchers were launched, he saw the bombing, and he immediately felt that the enemy was dead.

It is impossible not to die, Nayeh's bombing can definitely blow the opponent to ashes.

This made him finally feel smug, and a smug sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. What a **** thing, he dare to oppose me and blow you to death!

But at this moment, after seeing the corpses of the bald head and others, he was completely stunned, and the expression on his face was completely frozen. Even the smug sneer at the corner of his mouth was frozen, making him look quite funny. .

"Team... Captain, it's that person, he was not killed, he is still alive! This... this is terrible, it hasn't killed him yet, and killed so many of us in an instant!"

A sniper said shiveringly. Although he is not a very powerful sniper, he is a sniper after all. He can fully hear that the sound of this sniper rifle is the same as before.

Still that person!

But he is here, might he survive such an explosion?

He didn't understand, and other people didn't understand.

The golden curly man couldn't understand it, but his years of combat experience made the golden curly man recover in an instant.

"Concealed, concealed, everyone pays attention to concealment, the other party is a terrible sniper!" The golden curly man shouted.

But it's too late!

At this moment, I just changed and replaced the bullet, full capacity, 30 rounds!

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as the bullet was replaced, Qin Shaofeng pulled the trigger.

With clouds and flowing water, Qin Shaofeng finished shooting the bullet at one time without a pause.

Then, there was a buzzing sound on the other side, and someone fell to the ground again.

And this time there were thirty in total, all of them were hit by one shot, and those who died could not die again.

"Oh, that's so happy!"

Qin Shaofeng secretly said.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng is venting.

He was in the Bregg family before, suffered from such a situation, and finally contracted in the underground space for a few days, which caused a trace of depression in his heart. He urgently needed a way to vent, to vent this depression. .

In fact, the reason why Qin Shaofeng's spiritual consciousness has recovered so slowly is also related to this depressed feeling.

Then, the team completely hit the gun.

It can be said that people like the golden curly man are not good people, and Qin Shaofeng has no burden to kill, and it is suitable for him to vent the trace of depression in his heart.

Of course, obtaining those spirit stones is also a very important factor.

In order to completely vent this repression, Qin Shaofeng did not choose to use firearms.

Because of this, venting is even more enjoyable.

It has to be said that after returning to the earth, Qin Shaofeng's emotion for guns that was born on the earth a long time ago burst out at this moment.

If this were not the case, if Qin Shaofeng chose to use other means, I am afraid that these people would have been brought to all levels long ago.

Even Qin Shaofeng had secretly decided that, in addition to using his spiritual consciousness to'target' the enemy, this time he would only use firearms.

After the bullet of the sniper rifle was shot this time, Qin Shaofeng threw away the sniper rifle in his hand, took a machine gun he had prepared in his hand, turned over from the ground, stood up, and rushed directly to the golden curly man.

The bullet of the sniper rifle has been completely shot, and there are no more bullets.

However, now they are very close to the golden curly man, and the machine gun is the most suitable.

This time, when Qin Shaofeng moved forward, he completely emptied his divine sense, and did not intend to use it to defend.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng was able to detect enemies within a range of two to three hundred meters.

Therefore, at this moment, the positions of dozens of people including the golden curly man appeared in Qin Shaofeng's mind for the first time.

When Qin Shaofeng rushed over, the machine gun in his hand shook and fired instantly. The bullets poured out like rain!

Da da da!

Bullets flew horizontally, flesh and blood flew, and Qin Shaofeng shot and focused constantly.

He only rushed more than 20 meters away, and the bullet was empty again. Although it was a burst, Qin Shaofeng still gathered a lot of people.

However, not everyone was killed by a single shot in the situation of the shooting.

But even so, at least ten people were killed by Qin Shaofeng after this burst.

After the machine gun was shot empty, Qin Shaofeng flashed to a big tree for the first time and began to change the magazine, and at the same time he couldn't help muttering.

"Cool, happy, this is too exciting, the legendary rain of bullets is really a battlefield for hot-blooded men."

Although it was a battlefield of bullets and bullets, Qin Shaofeng was very happy at the moment without a trace of tension.

On the opposite side, the golden curly man saw his own people fall ten more, and his whole person was once again confused.

After a daze, the golden curly man gritted his teeth and roared: "Fak, the **** of this lid, I want to kill him!"

Obviously, the golden curly man at this moment was already extremely angry.

This was the first time he had suffered such a huge loss since he was the captain of this team. So many people were killed so quickly, and they were all dead before his eyes.

Most importantly, there is only one person on the other side!

How can this make him not angry?

Not only was the golden curly man very angry in his heart, but the other people who were still alive at the moment were also extremely angry.

"Yes, kill him, you must kill him!"

"Damn the yellow-skinned monkey, dare to kill so many of us, I want to kill him!"

"Kill, avenge the dead brother!"


Suddenly, the remaining 80 people, all as if they had been beaten with blood, were full of anger, holding the guns in their hands, and began to rush towards Qin Shaofeng.

This made Qin Shaofeng, who had just changed the magazine for the machine gun, suddenly became happy.

"Oh, I actually brought it to the door by myself, this feeling is good!"

Without hesitation, Qin Shaofeng raised the machine gun in his hand again, and shot at the people who rushed.

Now the golden curly man and others are getting closer to Qin Shaofeng. For Qin Shaofeng, the more he can perform well.

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