Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1748: One by one

Da da da!

With a series of bursts, the bullets flew everywhere again.

Now the golden curly man and others have mostly stepped into Qin Shaofeng's 200 meters range.

When the divine sense was able to capture those people, Qin Shaofeng didn't need to aim at anything, even if he used the machine gun in his hand to shoot, it would almost always hit the target.

Moreover, with the release of his divine consciousness, whenever a bullet wants to hit him, Qin Shaofeng only needs to flash his figure to easily dodge all the bullets.

Then, a very strange scene appeared on the battlefield.

Obviously there were more than eighty people, and they shot one person, and many of them were still machine guns. This kind of shooting was simply carpet-style shooting.

But the strange thing is that no matter how many bullets fired by more than 80 people, it will not hit the target.

On the contrary, the opponent was holding a machine gun alone, and the shots were almost unreliable.

Although not all of them were hit, many people fell to the ground and died after such a burst.

Within a few minutes, there were only half of more than 80 people left, not even 50 people.

Suddenly discovering this scene, the golden curly man and others were frightened.

With so many people on his side, the other party is just one person, and in the situation just now, it is completely positive.

But the other party not only had nothing to do, but also killed more than forty people.

This is so scary.

Suddenly, among the remaining people, a few of those who were timid were frightened and collapsed. They screamed and turned around and ran away, not daring to continue.

"My God, that person is not a person, he is a devil!"

"Devil! How can we kill so many of us!"

"Don't fight, the other party is a devil who can't fight, it's too scary, I want to go home!"

"The devil is coming, run!"


Although the golden curly man's order was to go over and kill Qin Shaofeng, he was so scared that he dared not pass this situation.

It's good to say that the other party is an individual, just think of a way to kill him. After all, there are so many people on my side, and the opponent's marksmanship is so magical. It's so awesome, so many people can pile him up.

But now, something is wrong.

The other party just showed up, the two sides just faced each other, and then the other party didn't have anything to do, half of them died on his side.

Such a terrifying thing completely exceeded their imagination, and many people immediately recognized that the other party was not a human at all!

It's a ghost!

It's the devil!

More death!

Who will die? Who dares to go!


A gunshot sounded. Faced with this situation, the golden curly man directly took out his gun, and shot at a soldier who fled, directly heading the opponent.

"Who would dare to escape and be executed on the spot!" the golden curly man roared.

"Shrink my formation, be concealed, and don't shoot the opponent head-on. Then, use satellite encryption to contact me and request the support of the armed helicopter. In any case, I must kill the opponent. Otherwise, this is the largest in our entire team. Shame!"

It is a taboo to run away and disturb the military's mind. The golden curly man naturally knows this, and at the same time, he also knows very well that if extreme measures are not used, I am afraid that the remaining forty people of them will definitely not live long.

I have to say that the golden curly man did so, really calmed everyone, and began to execute quickly according to orders.

Moreover, those people were very obedient, and they avoided for the first time. They had no idea of ​​shooting with the enemy on the opposite side, and all of them shrank.

You can't do it without shrinking!

The opponent is terrible, once they shoot at each other, it will definitely be them!

Now I can only follow the captain's will, pay attention to concealment, and wait for the support of the armed helicopter.

And when they heard about the armed helicopter, many people felt relieved.

No matter how good the person is, he can't fight with the gunship.

As long as the gunship comes, they will be safe.

Well, this time, these people have no intention of fighting Qin Shaofeng. They just want to wait for the support of the armed helicopter and then return safely.

However, the person in charge of the satellite encryption equipment had an ugly face and a golden curly man said: "Captain, it’s not good. This time our mission is a secret mission. If the armed helicopter is dispatched, I’m afraid it will cause others. The main force, after all, this place is already a very sensitive place. Once discovered by other forces, then..."

"I know what you said." The golden curly man waved his hand.

"But when I came, the order had already been given. This time the mission items were more serious than the consequences of directly triggering a small-scale local war. Because this kind of energy stone is very important, we must take it back. But now If there were no gunship helicopters, none of us would be able to go back."

Looking at the opposite side not far away, the golden curly man gritted his teeth and said.

Although he still didn't want to admit this, he was also very clear in his heart that the person opposite was really terrifying, and it was not an exaggeration to say that the other person was the **** of death.

Because according to the current situation, if there is no strong support, they may be killed by the opponent alone.

Not to mention the completion of the task, even survival is a luxury!

"The enemy on the opposite side must be from other forces, and the two forces we eliminated, I am afraid that their teams are dead, and even if they did not continue to send teams, I am afraid that they will be tasked with the energy stone. It's all out."

"So, it's no big deal even if there is a gunship now!" the golden curly man said.

He sees it thoroughly and analyzes it well, which is indeed the case.

The soldier in charge of the satellite encryption device frowned slightly when he heard the captain's words.

He is not a member of the Golden Curly Man squad, he is a person who is responsible for the special equipment of satellite encryption, and he does not need to listen to the Golden Curly Man.

If this is not the case, the golden curly man still needs to ask for his opinion, just contact support directly.

Thinking of the importance of the energy stone of this task, the soldier couldn't take care of that much. Once that thing fell into the hands of other forces, it would be terrible.

This time they spent a lot of energy, sending thousands of people, and finally sacrificing so many people before they got the quest goods. If they were killed now, they would fall short, and no one could afford the consequences.

Without hesitation, the soldier immediately began to contact for support.

Upon seeing this, the golden curly man was finally relieved.

After a while, the golden curly man felt relieved after receiving the news that the armed helicopter had set off.

The gunship has been dispatched, so let's see now if we can keep going.

Looking at the woods on the opposite side, the golden curly man's eyes became solemn again.

I hope I can hold on!


Huh, why is there nothing?

Feeling the attack from the opposite side, not only stopped suddenly, but also faintly started to retreat. Qin Shaofeng stood behind the tree and said nothing, didn't he come to kill himself and kill him?


Why are you going back?

What a bunch of guys who don't believe in words!

A trace of disdain flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, but then he sneered.


Since you are backing, then I will move forward.

I want to see where you can go.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng figured a little bit and began to fumble forward.

Soon, the distance of four or five hundred meters was already seen, and Qin Shaofeng only took a minute or two to get closer again.

He could have been pulled closer, but what made Qin Shaofeng very speechless was that when he noticed his approach, the other party actually started to back away, which made him extremely speechless.

Then, in the next few minutes, Qin Shaofeng began to act secretly, and unknowingly, he was under the eyelids of those who arranged the line of defense, but the opponents did not realize his existence.

"Tsk tsk, there are three enemies one hundred and sixteen meters ahead, one person from one hundred and nineteen meters, and three from one hundred and twenty-three meters. Well, except for a few, they are all within 200 range of me. ."

On a big tree, Qin Shaofeng's divine sense probed it, and instantly captured everyone's location, but no one of the forty people on the other side noticed his existence.

"Oh, since you didn't find it, don't blame me, um, let's have some fun!"

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng murmured a few secretly, and Qin Shaofeng retreated directly.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng returned again, but this time he had another sniper rifle in his hand, and there was also a muffler on it.

Came to one place silently, Qin Shaofeng lay down holding a sniper rifle, and began to aim at an enemy closer to him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't choose the three enemies closest to him, because the opponent was three people together. If one were to be killed, even with a muffler installed, the opponent would still be aware of it.

If you are alone, that's fine.


With a faint gunshot, Qin Shaofeng didn't give the person time to react, and immediately shot him to death.

A headshot!

No false hair!


With a silent sound in his heart, Qin Shaofeng quickly moved to another target, and then pulled the trigger.


More than a hundred meters away, a strong man who was carefully hiding in the grass did not dare to move at all, and he did not even dare to breathe, for fear that the devil would find him and kill him.

At this moment, he was praying in his heart, and the gunship hurried over, because once the gunship came, he would be safe.

Even thinking of the firepower on the gunship, a smile appeared on his mouth.

No matter how powerful people are, it is impossible to fight a gunship of that level. As long as the gunship arrives, we will not only be safe, but we can even kill the devil and avenge our dead brother.

He thought beautifully, even with a trace of hatred.

But the next moment, his heart tightened fiercely, and his hair exploded in an instant.

Years of experience in bullets and bullets made him instantly understand that he was in danger of life, and the first time he planned to roll and leave the place.

But as soon as he had such a thought in his mind, he felt his eyebrows tremble, and a chill instantly chilled his whole person, and then...

Then, he had no other thoughts.

The bag of soil more than a hundred meters away was concealed. After feeling that the breath of the strong man in the grass had disappeared, the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth slightly raised.

the second!

The hunt has officially begun!

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