Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1749: Support is useless




One by one, Qin Shaofeng killed eight people silently and quickly.

These eight people were all hidden separately, and now they were snipe off by Qin Shaofeng, no one noticed it for a while.

However, the next situation is slightly more difficult.

Because the remaining people are basically several people staying together, wanting to attack each other silently, I am afraid it is a little unrealistic.

If so, let's do it!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng directly gave up the sniper rifle in his hand, then got up and walked forward, and when passing by, he also grabbed two machine guns.

Because of the situation covering the inner qi of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng was hiding well, and the golden curly-haired man and others did not even notice him.

Even when Qin Shaofeng came to all of them, only 20 meters away, they still did not notice.

At such a close distance, and the remaining thirty-odd people of the other party were still very clear by Qin Shaofeng's divine sense.

So let's start!

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng jumped out abruptly, and then raised two machine guns with both hands, and fired frantically at more than 30 people in front.

Da da da--!

Puff puff--!

The bullets roared, Qin Shaofeng pulled the trigger of the machine gun in his hand and swept across. A few people who were close to him were instantly hit and killed directly.

Qin Shaofeng could actually detect with his spiritual sense, and then shoot these people with 100% precision.

But he didn't. He just remembered the approximate location of these people, and then raised the phone in his hand to shoot crazy.

Even if it didn't hit the point, but a few shots at once, no one could hold on.

Not hitting the point?

It doesn't matter, just a few more shots.

Therefore, in just a few seconds, a large number of casualties occurred. There were more than 30 people left. Qin Shaofeng immediately killed 20 of them again, leaving only fifteen or six people left.

"Fak, he's here!"

At the moment the gunshot sounded, the golden curly man's immediate reaction was not to stand up to fight back, but to hide from the cat's head.

Obviously he got it right!

Because the next moment, he saw it, and several people around him were killed.

This made him even more afraid to appear.

People like him were better. In fact, when Qin Shaofeng jumped out and fired with two machine guns, no one counterattacked.

They were all afraid of being beaten, and also frightened by Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, an extremely strange scene appeared on the scene.

Qin Shaofeng was alone, carrying two machine guns and shooting frantically, but the other forty people were surprised that no one came out to Qin Shaofeng.

Yes, Qin Shaofeng didn't receive a bullet, it was as if those people had become wooden targets, so he let Qin Shaofeng shoot.

Even Qin Shaofeng was a bit speechless for a while, so I had to be prepared. I had gathered my spiritual consciousness and prepared to block all the bullets you would shoot.

But now there is nothing, no one shoots him?

If you reluctantly say that the two machine guns in your hand are shooting so frantically, some of the firepower is too strong, no one can resist.

However, when I changed the bullets, nobody came to shoot myself?

Aren’t there more than a dozen people?

what's going on?

Forget it, I still don't want that much, let's kill it.

He shook his head gently in his heart, Qin Shaofeng changed the bullets and continued to hold two machine guns, and fired frantically.

Damn, how could this be?

Let alone other people, facing such a burst of fire, the golden curly man felt desperate in his heart.

He is not afraid of death, but his mission has not been completed. Now he can't die!

Looking down at the suitcase in his hand, a hint of urgency flashed in the eyes of the golden curly man.

The supporting helicopter gunship has not come yet?


Suddenly, the urgent golden curly man in his heart heard fiercely, and there was a sound in the distance.

As a warrior with many battles, as soon as he heard this sound, he knew what it was making.


Support is coming!

In the distance, a helicopter was flying here, and the moment he saw the helicopter, the golden curly man felt ecstatic in his heart.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also saw the helicopter.

military helicopter?

When he saw that the helicopter was different from ordinary helicopters, and it was full of weapons, Qin Shaofeng knew instantly that it was an armed helicopter.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt that, almost at the moment the armed helicopter appeared, he seemed to be locked.

Locked by that gunship!

Da da da!

Just when Qin Shaofeng had such a thought in his heart, the next moment the machine gun on the armed helicopter burst into flames, and the bullets poured down like rain.

And the bullets fired by these machine guns are very difficult, with extremely strong penetrating power, and very fast speed.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng discovered that before other actions had taken place, dozens of bullets had been shot into the range of his spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, after these bullets were shot into the range of his spiritual sense, they seemed to be able to tear his spiritual sense apart, giving Qin Shaofeng a very strong destructive power, making his sense of consciousness a bit unbearable for a while.


In response to such a situation, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to just dodge and avoid.

Moreover, after a few jumps, Qin Shaofeng directly hid it.

After losing the target of Qin Shaofeng, the gunship did not stop shooting, and it started firing frantically at the nearby area, and even launched several missiles to bomb the area near Qin Shaofeng.

On the armed helicopter, it seemed that the location of the golden curly man and others was known, so no matter whether it was crazy shooting or missile bombing, the golden curly man was not affected.

But this has caused some trouble to Qin Shaofeng.

This also made Qin Shaofeng frown slightly. Under such circumstances, if he only resorted to guns, it would be difficult for him to be in the armed helicopter.

However, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, revealing a sneer.

Huh, did you bring it to your door?

At this time, the armed helicopter had already flown into Qin Shaofeng's spiritual consciousness, and it was already less than a hundred meters away from Qin Shaofeng's location.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng seized the opportunity.


With a jump, Qin Shaofeng slid out from the top of a tree, and then he held the machine gun in his hand to shoot at the armed helicopter in mid-air.

At the same time, the big golden curly man hiding below saw this scene and laughed in his heart.

Haha, this idiot wants to kill the gunship with a machine gun?

He didn't believe that if it were an ordinary helicopter, it would be possible, but this was an armed helicopter, and ordinary bullets could not cause any harm to it.

In the eyes of the golden curly man, Qin Shaofeng was already a dead person.

To dare to jump out like this, this is simply looking for death!

But at this moment, the golden curly man seemed to have forgotten that Qin Shaofeng was jumping out of the treetops, which was a dozen meters high from the ground.

It is impossible for an average person to jump so high, if it were normal, he would definitely be extremely shocked.

But now he actually didn't notice this strangeness!

However, even if he didn't notice it, it didn't matter, because what happened in the next moment was even more beyond his imagination.

I saw Qin Shaofeng jumping in midair, holding a machine gun in both hands, and shooting wildly at the armed helicopter.

With the help of the divine sense, the bullets shot by Qin Shaofeng were all concentrated in one place, which was the position of the helicopter's propeller.

This gunship is indeed not simple. Not to mention one or two bullets, I am afraid that even if it is hit by seventeen or eight bullets, the propeller of this gunship will not cause any problems.

But don't forget that what Qin Shaofeng is holding now is a machine gun, and there are still two.

There are dozens or hundreds of bullets shot in this instant!

Therefore, the armed helicopter quickly became a tragedy.


With a crisp, snapped sound, the propeller on the gunship was completely separated from the gunship.

Then, the gunship did not have a second result, and it crashed and exploded. The pilot inside was killed for the first time, and the subsequent explosion made their bones disappear!



What's happening here?

Seeing such a scene, the big golden curly man was a little confused for a while.

Our supporting helicopter gunship was just killed?

Fack, that's an armed helicopter!

After the reaction, the golden curly big Han was instantly cold. He had no idea that the enemy could resist an armed helicopter, and it was so simple and easy.

He couldn't accept it for a while!

"Fak, what kind of monster is this? How could there be such a monster in this mission? Why didn't it say that?" The golden curly man felt desperate in his heart.

If such a strong support has been killed by the opponent, then they must have finished playing.

After falling to the ground, Qin Shaofeng's consciousness swept away, and he was speechless.

There were originally eleven or two people alive here, but they are not dead. The place where the gunship just fell and exploded was the place where several people hid.

Then that explosion, the result is self-evident.

Now there are only four people left!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell on a huge boulder not far away, and he immediately shouted coldly.

"Hey, come out, don't hide, I have already found you four, get out of me quickly, or I will shoot."

The other party is from the United States, and Qin Shaofeng spoke in English when he spoke.

be found?

The golden curly man's face became stiff, but before he was waiting, the three people around him ran out immediately.

"Don't, don't, don't shoot!"

"No, we are out!"

"Please don't kill us, I surrender!"

Immediately, the three of them ran out and surrendered.

Seeing this scene, the golden curly man's face went dark, and his eyes were desperate.


Didn't expect that he would surrender one day?

But if he doesn't surrender now, he is only left with a dead end.

In fact, the golden curly man didn't shoot before, not because he was really scared by Qin Shaofeng.

The reason why he didn't start was because he had no bullets in his hand.

Originally, when the gunship was killed, he wanted to finally take some ammunition from the three people for the last fight.

But now it's alright, his three subordinates directly surrendered.

Faced with no ammunition, he could only choose to surrender.

Well, forget it, the final task is not completed, it is better to save your life.

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