Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1755: Someone looking for death

At the airport in San Francisco in the United States, Qin Shaofeng was already on the fly, and looking not far away, the Bregg family looked in the direction of Daxia, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

He originally wanted to go to the headquarters of the Bregg family after solving those supernatural powers. This time, although he could not gain anything, he suffered a loss after all.

Naturally, he couldn't just let it go. He wanted to go to the headquarters of the Breg family as soon as possible to get rid of the Breg family.

After returning to the ground from that lake this time, Qin Shaofeng was already more than two hundred miles away from the headquarters of the Bregg family.

But when Qin Shaofeng just set foot in San Francisco and was about to go to the headquarters of the Bregg family, he accidentally received a call from the old Xie.

Xie's old phone told him that Fengya Villa had been attacked and the situation was not so good.

As soon as he heard such news, Qin Shaofeng naturally couldn't help but returned immediately.

Fengya villa attacked?

Could it be the Bregg family, or other forces?

When I think of this, I can't take care of the Breg family headquarters.

So, he went back home as soon as possible.

A day later, Qin Shaofeng returned to Fengya Villa.

As soon as he returned to Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng knew from Xie Lao who had attacked his Fengya Villa.

To be precise, it came from three powers, but what made Qin Shaofeng speechless was that these three powers were not powerful but very ordinary powers, and they were ordinary people's powers.

It is not a family of warriors, nor is it a magic family, nor is it a family power like Breg, it is really just a power of ordinary people.

"You mean, the people who attacked Fengya Villa are just ordinary people?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly looking at Xie Lao.


Elder Xie also felt uneasy in his heart. To be honest, he didn't want to alarm Qin Shaofeng like this, but the problem was that it wouldn't work if he didn't alarm!

"If you return to the young master, the people who attacked my Fengya villa were three commercial families headed by the Xu family. Some of the illegal mercenaries they hired..."

The old Xie said, his face was not very embarrassed, but he still explained the course of the matter clearly.

The Xu family, He family, and Zhang family were the masterminds who attacked Fengya Villa this time.

Qin Shaofeng soon learned that this Xu family is actually Xu Dahai’s family, and of course the entire Xu family is actually dominated by Xu Dahai’s Dahai Group.

But after the Zhendong Gang incident, the Dahai Group has been completely annexed by Qin Shaofeng, and most of its industries have even been sold out.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that after Xu Dahai had developed, he had found many places for his relatives.

His Dahai Group is a huge group with tens of billions of assets, and Xu Dahai has taken care of his relatives for many years, and his relatives have a lot of wealth.

Although far less than Xu Dahai, some people add up to two or three billion in net worth.

After the change of ownership of the Dahai Group, they were the most flustered.

Then, after many investigations, they finally found the mastermind of the defeat of the Dahai Group-Qin Shaofeng!

To know that the entire Dahai Group has a value of more than tens of billions, so it was taken by a stranger, and it was still inexplicable.

Most importantly, Xu Dahai and Xu Wentao are both dead.

This made the rest of the Xu family feel that something was wrong, and they wanted to take back the Dahai Group immediately.

But people who can let Xu Dahai and Xu Wentao die in vain, and have not been affected at all, such people are naturally extraordinary, and I am afraid that they will be difficult for the Xu family to deal with.

Then, the Xu family got in touch, and the two families with a better relationship were the He family and the Zhang family.

The He family and Zhang family are also families with more than tens of billions of assets, and these two families are gang-based families.

The Xu family promised that if they regained the Dahai Group, they would give one-third of the shares of the Dahai Group to the He and Zhang families.

Then, whether it is the current Xu family, or the He family and Zhang family, they are just ordinary people, and they have not touched the world of warriors.

To most ordinary people, the existence of warriors is just a legend. It only exists in movies, TV and novels, and reality does not exist.

Of course, they also found out that Qin Shaofeng had some connections with the Black Tiger Gang, and it seemed that the Black Tiger Gang was Qin Shaofeng's subordinates.

And it was for this reason that the Xu family decided that Qin Shaofeng must have let the Black Tiger Gang do the deaths of Xu Dahai and his son.

The Black Tiger Gang is a gang, so let other gangs deal with Qin Shaofeng.

This was the idea of ​​the Xu family, and then they contacted the He family and Zhang family.

After the He family and Zhang family got to know a little bit, they agreed to take action against Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, the one-third of Dahai Group's shares promised by the Xu family are really worth nearly four billion. They cannot be unmoved.

However, considering that this is Huaxia after all, and they are also Huaxia people, if they let them do it themselves, it might be a little troublesome afterwards.

But the He family and Zhang family didn't care, because they didn't need to do it themselves.

Please mercenaries!

In the way of the He family and the Zhang family, as long as they have money, they can hire very powerful mercenaries.

In the end, they spent a billion and invited a very powerful team of mercenaries in the world-Black Fire.

Although this team has only two dozen people, their success rate in completing the task is very high.

As for the high price of one billion yuan, the He and Zhang families don't care, anyway, they paid the money.

Then, after some preparations, the Black Fire team came to China and launched an attack on Fengya Villa.

But what's not going to die is that at this time, Lao Xie and others happened to be injured because of Zhang Yunsong's relationship with Li Wuyi, and they have not recovered yet.

They didn't recover, so naturally they couldn't do it.

And what made the old man Xie and others feel tricky was that the teams that attacked Fengya Villa were not only fighters proficient in firearms, but also had extremely rich combat experience.

The most important thing is that the opponent's team has the ability!

Andrew discovered the situation of this supernatural player.

After all, Andrew is a third-order genetic warrior, and he was originally a member of the Bregg family, knowing many things, and naturally knowing the existence of supernatural beings.

After Andrew's detection, the opponent has at least five ability players.

Although they are not powerful abilities, their abilities can increase the power of guns.

For a time, Fengya Villa actually lost a lot of people.

Although he was attacked in Fengya Villa, Xie Lao waited for him to take action, but Fengya Villa still has many innate martial arts and innate grandmasters.

But because he didn't know the strength of the Black Fire team, Fengya Villa suffered a big loss in the end, and a dozen innate martial arts and innate masters died.

Lao Xie discovered that something was wrong in time and asked everyone to withdraw to Fengya Villa in the first place.

Because Fengya Villa was guarded by the Nine Spirits Palace, the Black Fire Team naturally couldn't help it.

But for a while, Elder Xie and the others couldn't help the Black Fire team. At this time, Liu Ya was practicing in retreat again, and didn't notice the situation outside.

In fact, if Fengya Villa really suffered a fatal attack, Liu Ya, who was in the Nine Spirit Palace, could still detect it.

But the Black Fire team couldn't help it at all. The protective cover around Fengya Villa was naturally impossible to alarm Liu Ya.

This is what makes Xie Lao and others helpless.

Although after attacking, the Black Fire team saw that it seemed that it could not help but retreat.

But Elder Xie couldn't guarantee that the Black Fire team would attack here again.

They are now injured again, and they don't know much about the supernatural beings. They just believed in Andrew's words. The supernatural beings have mysterious and powerful abilities, which are difficult to deal with, so they went to contact Qin Shaofeng.

After learning these things from the old Xie mouth, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

What is this called!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't blame the old Xie them, even if Qin Shaofeng didn't come back under such circumstances, letting the Black Fire team attack Fengya Villa with all their lives, it would be fine.

But helplessly, the old scorpion didn't fight head-on with the ability person, and Andrew is only a third-order genetic warrior. He only heard about the ability person, and then he felt that the ability person was very powerful.

Actually, in terms of Andrew's Tier 3 genetic warrior level strength, even if it was against a Tier 2 ability player, he couldn't match it.

This is not known, and it is normal.

For this situation, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not blame them.

But for others...

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, but there was a trace of killing intent in his heart.

Huh, Xu family, He family, Zhang family?

What else is the Black Fire team?

Someone is looking for death?

Then I kindly send them a ride!


As Qin Shaofeng returned to Fengya Villa, in an abandoned factory, more than two dozen people were waiting solemnly.

These two dozen people are naturally members of the Black Fire team.

Scar is the captain of the Black Fire team. Just as Andrew has detected, there are abilities in the Black Fire team, and the captain Scar is one of them.

Captain Scar is an ability person with gravity ability. His ability level is Tier 6, which can apply twelve times gravity to any target or certain area in his line of sight.

Twelve times the gravity, this is already terrifying.

Under this gravity, no bullets could get close to the Captain Scar, which made him sit firmly as the captain of the Black Fire team.

But at this moment, Scar's face is ugly.

This time, through the forces that had had a transaction before, he was given a task of one billion Chinese coins, which made him think that he had got a big fish and could get a big vote.

One billion Chinese coins can be enjoyed by them for a long time, and it is only half of the employment. After the event is completed, there will be the other half of the billion!

For such a task, neither Scar nor the rest of the Black Fire team have any burdens in their hearts.

Isn't it just a person who solves a small gang? Although the goal is to be in the country of China, the only difficulty is this.

As long as they can come to China and prepare their weapons, then the mission will be completed.

In fact, when they first attacked Fengya Villa, Scar and others thought the same way.

Because I saw a good martial artist, and waited in front of me, Scar and others felt that this task was stable!

For the existence of warriors, the scars are also clearer.

But Scar and others also believe that the warrior is inferior to the supernatural person, and they cannot hold the bullet.

But what happened next made Scar and others surprised.

Because after the opponent's people huddled up, they couldn't attack Fengya Villa, even close to Fengya Villa.

Because there seemed to be an invisible barrier on the periphery of Fengya Villa, blocking all of them outside.

And no matter how many bullets they fired, how many grenades they threw, or even a few rocket launchers, they had no choice but to do so.

Suddenly, Scar knew one thing in his heart.

The mission goal this time is not simple!

It is even possible that the opponent is dangerous!

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