Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1756: Extinguish the black fire

That Fengya villa is so strange that it cannot be destroyed by guns or even abilities!

This made Scar understand the big picture in an instant, so he immediately retreated with the Black Fire team.

As for the other members of the Black Fire team, they also seem to know that something seems to be wrong with this task of waiting for others.

At this moment, none of them spoke, just looking at their captain Scar.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Finally, a black man asked.

This black man also has a good position in the Black Fire team. He is also an ability player, and although his ability is not very offensive, even he is just a barely Tier 3 ability player.

But this black man's ability is metal enhancement. With his enhancement, their Black Fire team is far better than ordinary bullets and cannonballs, whether it is bullets or cannonballs.

Not to mention in the Black Fire team, as long as the black man wants, he can be reused by joining a mercenary group.

The reason why he followed Scar was because he and Scar had been together since childhood. Scar had saved his life when he was young, so he was loyal to Scar.

The reason why the Black Fire team has its current scale, apart from the strength of the scar, this black man is also one of the reasons.

At this moment, Scar was in anger. If someone else asked him like this, he would have cursed it a long time ago, and even if it was serious, he would just slap it over.

After all, this task was taken by him. Now that such a problem has occurred, doesn't it mean that he took the task of Scars wrong.

And judging from the current situation, this seems to have provoke them to powerful enemies, which seems to be very detrimental to the Black Fire team.

But now it was the black man who spoke, and Scar would not get angry with him like that. He could only say in a low voice, "Fak, this time we are stumbled. We should meet an unusual Chinese!"

"Then do we continue the task now?"

Someone asked.

But when the man spoke, Scar's anger was immediately aroused.

"Go on? Keep your head up, do you want our entire team to stay in China? That elegant villa is not ordinary at first sight. If we go again, there must be a lot of trouble!"

"Well, I think so too!" A middle-aged bearded nodded, "Fell, I think there must be a lot of warriors in this mission, that is, that Fengya villa, even the kind of protective shield behind it, I am afraid Either a magician or a defensive method for a powerful person!"

The words of the bearded man made the whole scene quieter in an instant.


Powerful person?

Shet, it looks like trouble this time!

What warriors, supernatural beings, even magicians, their Black Fire team has encountered a lot.

But the general warriors and superpowers are okay, they can kill the opponent with the enhanced firearms.

Even their Black Fire team, the best record is to kill a powerhouse of the seventh-order innate grandmaster realm, as well as two seventh-order supernatural powers.

But if you meet a magician, then I am afraid it will be a little troublesome.

After all, magicians have endless magic methods, and even some of them are difficult to solve with firearms.

But if there is a defensive power like the protective shield among the magicians and the supernatural beings, the Black Fire team will be like natural enemies to them.

Because if that thing is strong, the guns are not enough to see!

Unfortunately, in this mission, I encountered this thing.

Moreover, the protective shield covering the surrounding area of ​​such a huge villa, whether it is a magician or a supernatural person, its rank must be very powerful.

At this time, the members of the Black Fire team suddenly remembered, it seems that the owner of the Fengya Villa is like Qin Shaofeng!

But this time when they attacked Fengya Villa, they didn't seem to see Qin Shaofeng.

Does that mean that Qin Shaofeng is actually a powerful superpower?

As for the magician, the Black Fire team didn't even think about it.

Because the probability of a magician among Chinese people is very rare, they subconsciously think that Qin Shaofeng is very likely, also a supernatural power, and also a very powerful superpower.

When they think of this, they feel uneasy.

For a while, everyone's eyes were on the knife scar, which made his face more gloomy.

"This time, we won't do it!"

In the end, after a long silence, Scar raised his head and gritted his teeth.

Don't do it?

To know this decision, Scar's heart is also very tangled.

Since their Black Fire team was established, they have never given up on the mission, and even a few times, even if the employer canceled the mission on their own initiative, but because of the sacrifice of the players, Scar still took the Black Fire team to continue the hunt. aims.

It was the first time in history to give up.

But once again, everyone in the Black Fire team couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing the decision of the captain Scar.

Although this voluntarily abandoning the mission will have a great impact on their Black Fire team in the future, it is better than losing their lives!

Although the task was abandoned, Scar was obviously not thinking about it.

"Brothers, this time the mission, although we gave up, but..."

After looking at everyone, Scar said coldly: "This time we were forced to abandon the task, because this time the employer gave us fatal confidence. Can you say that this can be reconciled?"

This time, when he took this task, Scar was only the information he learned from the Xu family.

They are relatively non-Huaxia people, and there is no intelligence in China.

Then, the Xu family had every guarantee that there was no problem with the information, and they believed it.

But the results now made Scars clear to them that the Xu family's information was not accurate at all.

Not to mention the super-powerful protective shield behind, it is the fact that those rank 5 and 6 warriors who appeared before have an absolute error with the news given by the Xu family.

Thinking of this, the other members of the Black Fire team suddenly became angry.

"Not reconciled, captain, we can't let those guys go!"

"Yes, you can't let them go. What is just a little gang force? This is completely nonsense!"

"Don't talk about other things, those warriors who appeared before are not like the information given by the Xu family, we must be deceived!"

"Yes, we must have been deceived, and we can't easily spare the Xu family!"

"Can't spare the Xu family!"

"Kill the Xu family!"



Suddenly, the entire factory roared from everyone in the Black Fire team.

If it wasn't for this factory to be an abandoned factory, and it was still in a very remote place, I'm afraid the roar of everyone in the Black Fire team would scare many people.

Obviously, under such circumstances, the Xu family became the source of their fire.

Upon seeing this, Scar nodded and said coldly: "Not only the Xu family, but also the He family and Zhang family, I don't intend to let it go. If I dare to fool our Black Fire team like this, they are dead!"

"Oh, is it so?"

A very strange sound suddenly sounded in this abandoned factory.

All of them, the Black Fire team, used English when communicating.

And this sudden sound was pure Huaxia.


Scar's heart was shocked, and for the first time he looked up to the place where the sound was coming from, and then he saw a young man, a young Chinese, appeared at the entrance of the factory.

"who are you?"

Scar asked in a deep voice while keeping everyone calm.

But in fact, at this moment, Scar is more shocked than anyone else.

Although he asked who the other party was, in fact he already knew who it was.

Because the Huaxia who suddenly appeared in front of them was the ultimate target of their mission-Qin Shaofeng!

That's right, Qin Shaofeng is here!

After learning these things from Xie Laokou, Qin Shaofeng immediately started investigating the Black Fire team that attacked Fengya Villa.

However, he didn't investigate much, he just made a call to Bai Yifan!

Then, just as Qin Shaofeng expected, Bai Yifan was very clear about the encounter with Fengya Villa. Even when Qin Shaofeng called, he passed the information about the Black Fire team to Qin Shaofeng. .

With the power of a hundred families, it was quite easy to investigate a mercenary group in a district.

As long as Bai Yifan didn't help Fengya Villa, firstly it was not easy for him to intervene, and secondly, the most important thing was that Bai Yifan didn't think that a mere black fire team could capture Fengya Villa.

However, after learning that Qin Shaofeng was not in the country, Bai Yifan was moved in his heart, and he found out the situation and whereabouts of the Black Fire team one by one.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng found this place based on the information provided by Bai Yifan.

"who am I?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing: "Who do you think I am? Don't tell me, you don't know me!"

Scar's eyes shrank, and his heart became more disturbed.

You know, around this abandoned factory, he has arranged several guards, and even one of them is a Tier 4 ability.

Even though the superpower was only Tier 4, he was able to detect some powerful auras close to him.

But he didn't tell him now, and then Qin Shaofeng appeared before his eyes.

That is nothing more than to show that the people he arranged are no longer auspicious.

And most importantly, this also made Scar Scar know one thing in his heart, and that is that this Chinese man named Qin Shaofeng possesses extremely powerful strength.

Those who can be solved silently, the people he arranged are definitely strong.

Thinking of this, Scar no longer hesitated, and shouted at everyone: "Fire!~"

Da da da!

Bang bang bang!


As soon as Scar's words fell, those members of the Black Fire team frantically raised their guns and started shooting at Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently.


With thoughts and thoughts, Qin Shaofeng's powerful gods and demons poured out, and instantly blocked all the bullets shot at him a few meters in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Scar's heart was shocked, but he had not completely given up, but was ruthless in his heart, exploding all his gravitational abilities.


After blocking the bullet, he was planning to take action to completely solve what the Black Fire team had done, but Qin Shaofeng felt his body sink sharply.

Gravity increased?

And it has increased twelve times.

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes. Is this a gravitational ability person?

But... still too weak!

Qin Shaofeng gently shook his head, and then the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's powerful spiritual consciousness burst out instantly and swept around the audience once.




In the next moment, those members of the Black Fire team fell to the ground one by one, dying in desperation.

Because at that moment, Qin Shaofeng arrogantly twisted all his brains into a paste with his powerful spiritual consciousness.

As for the three or five people with abilities of Scar, they were all killed by Qin Shaofeng with thunder flashes.

It was just a face-to-face, and within five seconds, the Black Fire team was completely destroyed!

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