Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1760: Great benefits

During this period of time, the elixir in the Nine Spirit Palace has grown again.

Many of these elixir have grown to the level of high-grade elixir, which is enough for Qin Shaofeng to start refining the three-star nine-layered elixir.

This three-star nine-layered spirit pill was a pill for the improvement of the Wuhuang realm. For Qin Shaofeng, he had enough pill for him to raise his realm to the peak of Wuhuang.

Therefore, in the next period of time, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to leave the Nine Spirit Palace, but began a long period of alchemy.

Of course, this so-called long-term alchemy was only for Qin Shaofeng, even if it was a three-star nine-layer spirit pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't take much effort to refine it.

But since there are not many high-grade elixir in the end, Qin Shaofeng finally refined the three-star nine-layer spirit pill, in fact, there are not many, except for some of his own use, he still has three three-star nine-layer spirit pills. Relief.

Qin Shaofeng intends to give these three three-star nine-layer spirit pills to the three of Xie Lao, Black Tiger and Black Panther to help them achieve the realm of Emperor Wu.

During the process of refining the three-star nine-layer spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng also refined many one-star and two-star nine-layer spirit pills. These pills are enough to give him a large number of warriors in the realm of innate masters, and even Even King Wu can have many more.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still felt that it was not enough. After passing this incident, Qin Shaofeng recognized in his heart that there were still too few masters under his hands.

No, if only a martial artist in the realm of King Martial Arts can be regarded as a master, then there is no Martial King under his hand.

If this time facing the attack of the Black Fire team, facing the conspiracy of the Xu family, the Zhang family, and the He family, Fengya Villa has a master of the Wuwang realm, then the situation will be completely different.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to not only let Fengya Villa have masters of the Martial King level, but also train masters of the Martial King realm.

This is to prevent some special changes and crises when he is away.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng left three three-star nine-layer spirit pills in order to allow the old three of Xie to rise to the realm of Emperor Wu as soon as possible.

However, even if they have enough Nine Layers of Spirit Pills, it is impossible for other people to take the pill like Qin Shaofeng's, without any scruples, and the realm of cultivation is as high as flying all the way.

After this period of time, the old three of Xie have stepped into the realm of King Wu, and if they can reach the realm of Emperor Wu, even with the help of the nine-layered spirit pill, it will take some time to hesitate.

"It's a pity, if you have some special medicinal materials in your hand, it's easy to make a master!"

Shaking his head gently, a trace of regret flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

After all, this earth is not the ancient continent of Qiyuanxing. The most medicinal materials can reach the top-grade elixir, and they are basically ordinary elixir, and there is no special elixir.

This can only allow Qin Shaofeng to refine a pill like the Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

If he has special medicinal materials, then he can completely refine some special pill.

For example, after taking it, a pill that can be promoted to the realm of Wuhuang and even Wusheng, not only does not have any adverse side effects, but it is the kind of pill that anyone can take.

But this is simply impossible. At least in terms of the medicinal materials Qin Shaofeng currently possesses, this is simply impossible.

There are many pills that Qin Shaofeng can refine, but now they cannot be refined because of the lack of medicinal materials. This has to say that Qin Shaofeng is very depressed.

But this is also no alternative.

However, there is one situation that makes Qin Shaofeng more satisfied, and that is his current state.

The physical realm of Wu Huang is triple, the cultivation base is the pinnacle of Wu Huang!

This is Qin Shaofeng's current state!

In terms of strength, Qin Shaofeng might be even stronger.

Although he hadn't seen the so-called saint-level martial artist, Qin Shaofeng was confident that his current strength, even if it was not as good as some powerful saint-level martial artists, would still have some confidence in dealing with ordinary saint-level martial artists.

The most important thing is that his current lightning flash is getting stronger and stronger.

It seemed that it was the further improvement of the cultivation realm, and the relationship between the physical realm to reach the Wuhuang realm, Qin Shaofeng found that his lightning flash had become more powerful.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered that this lightning flash was the same as the lightning control technique he had acquired at the beginning. It was very easy to control the power of lightning.

Even Qin Shaofeng can use the lightning flash to freely control the power of the released lightning to form the attack method he wants.

Things like thunderballs, thunder blades and thunder swords can all be done.

Of course, this kind of lightning power attack method is actually just a thunder power condensing and forming, in essence it is still the lightning power, but there is a change in form.


When Qin Shaofeng retired to refine alchemy and ascended, a lot of things happened on the other side of the earth in the United States.

In a hidden command room, General Viteo commanded the search team.

During this period of time, General Viteo was not very well, and he successively lost thousands of fighters from the elite troops, as well as the entire Gipps squad of supernatural powers. Even in his capacity, he was severely criticized.

Even some of his old opponents took advantage of this opportunity to suppress him.

In a word, he had a bad time during this period!

And the most terrible thing was that after Qin Shaofeng left, the two forces that suddenly appeared, made General Viteo think that they killed his elite troops and the superpower team.

For a time, General Viteo was very rude to the two forces.

In fact, at that time, General Witte Ai, who was in anger, faced the sudden appearance of the two forces, as if he had found an inflator, directly grasped it, and attacked vigorously.

Then, it led to a three-way war, a very tragic situation.

In the end, if it weren't for the fierce battle that had attracted the attention of ordinary people, and the three parties had begun to compromise, I am afraid it would have become more intense.

After the armistice, the three parties contacted for a while, and General Viteo got something that he couldn't accept.

That was the murderer of his elite troops being destroyed, not the other two forces, and the Gibbs squad of superpowers had nothing to do with those two forces.

He misunderstood all this.

In other words, his general Witlove caused a fierce battle because of a misunderstanding.

A very speechless situation, but because of this speechless situation, it has caused very serious losses for the three parties.

Because of the combined losses of the three parties, several Tier 7 ability players have already died, and a Tier 8 ability king under General Viteo was the result of serious injuries.

This became even more angry at Viteå.

Because he knew that this must have been overcast by the enemy.

Well, this is what he thought of himself, if you know Qin Shaofeng is really aware of these circumstances, and the development of things like this is not Qin Shaofeng's deliberate control.

Everything is so special is a misunderstanding, all so special is a coincidence.

But this caused General Viteo to face a big trouble. Just facing these things during this period of time has caused him to be burnt, and even after a few days, his hair was quite white.

But now things have changed!

Because the misunderstanding was resolved, the three forces finally stopped fighting.

Then, after negotiation, the three parties each sent a lot of people to track down the real murderer and try to retrieve the more than one hundred fast energy stones.

However, none of the three parties had much hope for retrieving the energy stone.

But for the area of ​​the battlefield, the three parties conducted a survey to see if they could find more energy stones.

As a result, no good results appeared.

The U.S. military has a special detector that can detect energy stones below 100 meters.

At the beginning, the more than one hundred fast energy stones were detected by this kind of detector, and the detection was completed a long time ago. Continue to detect, even if the range is expanded several times, there is still no energy stone.

Therefore, two days ago, the other two forces had already retreated.

Only General Viteo didn't give up, still sending people to continue to probe.

Because for Viteo, only by detecting other energy stones can he make up for the mistakes he made before.

But no matter what search or how to detect, no more energy stone was found.

Faced with such a situation, everyone under Viteo has completely given up, and only Viteo is still insisting.

If you don't insist, it won't work!

Because of his current situation, it can only be solved by finding the energy stone.

But it was the result of no gain for two consecutive days, even if Viteo persisted no matter how much, he planned to give up.

But just this morning, when Viteo had no choice but to order people to evacuate, someone brought good news.

There is a power stone!

During this period of time, the search task required a certain amount of time, so all of Vite'ao's subordinates settled in the lake where Qin Shaofeng had come out before.

Of course, for this lake, not only Viteo's men, but even the other two forces, also conducted some exploration.

In fact, of the more than 100 energy stones, more than a dozen of them were fished from this lake.

However, apart from the dozens of energy stones, no energy stones were detected in this lake.

Today, when receiving Viteo's order to retreat, a helicopter accidentally dropped a piece of equipment while taking off and passing over the lake.

As the equipment is very important, Viteo’s subordinates had no choice but to dive into the lake to fish for instruments.

But when they didn't want to fish the equipment, they found the hole that Qin Shaofeng had come out before, and they also found that the hole seemed to be very long and extended far.

This made some people curious, and they brought the energy stone detector and planned to detect it.

As a result, this detection actually found a signal of the existence of an energy stone!

After receiving such a report, Viteo was very excited, and immediately ordered him to continue to explore further to see if there are more energy stones.

But at this moment, looking at the report in his hand, Viteo was excited.

Because the people he sent told him that the entrance of the cave was very deep and very long, and eventually reached an underground river four kilometers below.

The most important thing is that the river actually had a lot of energy stones.

After a rough survey, the number is at least more than a thousand, and it is not only that. According to the research of some experts, I am afraid that there is a quarry of energy stone in that underground river!

The quarry of power stones!

Upon receiving such a report, Viteo finally couldn't sit still and came out of the command room.

He plans to go to the lake to take a look!

Because this may not only be able to make up for all the previous losses, but also allow him to get a huge benefit from this.

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