Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1761: Beast

"How to find out clearly?"

After arriving at the lake, Viteo asked directly.


An officer spoke, but when he spoke, there was a slight hesitation in his tone, which made Viteo notice.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Viteo asked.

"Yeah!" The officer nodded and said, "General, according to the results of the investigation, it seems that the probability of the existence of the energy stone mine is not high, but the underground river has detected a lot of energy stones."

No power stone mine?

Viteå frowned slightly, his face a little disappointed.

At this time, an old man dressed as a researcher opened his mouth and said: "General, let me tell you the truth. This kind of energy stone needs to be deposited for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years, to appear, and because it requires special energy, It’s a little unrealistic to have mineral veins."

Upon hearing this, Viteo's face looked a little ugly.

When the old man saw this, he said, "But, General, you don't need to worry about anything, because according to the results of the current detection, the number of energy stones that appeared in the underground river detection has exceeded 1,500, and this is still It's just that the underground river is less than 30 miles away. According to our geologists' estimates, the length of this underground river is at least two hundred miles."

This is the end of the old man's words, but Viteo's face looks better.

"So there are other places in this dark river, there are such energy stones?" Viteo's heart moved, a little excited.

"Although it is not completely certain, according to the current data, this possibility exceeds 87.5%!" the old man said.

"Then how many such energy stones do you think will appear in the entire dark river?" Viteo asked.

"This..." The old man hesitated, but then replied in a positive tone, "Although it is not completely certain, according to the current data, it is conservatively estimated that the number of this energy stone is at least five thousand, and it is even very possible. More than ten thousand!"


More than ten thousand?

Viteo finally couldn't sit still.

Not to mention ten thousand, even if it is only five thousand, such a figure is very scary.

Because according to the current amount of research on the energy stone, if the energy stone is used together on the ability person, one energy stone can make a third-order ability person directly promote to the fourth-order level.

Ten such energy stones are enough to make a fifth-order supernatural power directly promote to sixth-order.

And unlike the seventh-order supernatural powers of the peak realm like Gibbs, with 100 energy stones, they can become the eighth-class superpower king!

As for the promotion of the eighth-level power king to the ninth-level power king, it would require a little more energy stones, basically at least one thousand such energy stones!

Of course, these are only theoretical data, and no experiments have been carried out.

Because there are not so many energy stones in the entire U.S., if it weren't the case, Viteo wouldn't have made such a big move for a mere 100 energy stones.

But now there is a place with at least five thousand and at most tens of thousands of energy stones in front of him.

Does this increase excite him?

Because if he can get these energy stones, at least five power kings can be cultivated.

Tier Nine Emperor!

There is only one, it is very powerful.

Even with the identity of Viteo, he only knew the current rank 9 emperor of the military, there were only seven or eight.

Perhaps this number may be even more.

But no matter how many ninth-order emperors there are, their identities are very unusual.

Because a strong man like Tier Nine Emperor has a higher status in the U.S. military than his general.

He Viteo may be able to command some eighth-order supernatural power kings, but for existences such as the nineth-order superpower superhuman powers, he simply cannot command.

You must know that an old opponent of his past, in an accidental situation, let one of his subordinates be promoted to the existence of the ninth emperor.

Then, now his old opponent is already pressed on his head.

Even this time his situation would not have been so embarrassing.

Even if he lost more than a hundred energy stones and lost some strength, as he was, it was impossible to be actually triggered.

The most common situation is to receive some verbal accusations.

But in the end, because his old opponent made trouble, he was suppressed. Although it was not the kind that hurt his bones, it was at most disgusting.

But for Viteo, this is a stain in his life!

But he was helpless. In the final analysis, it was because of his old opponent, there was a rank 9 superpower emperor.

This made him unwilling, so he was delayed here, and wanted to find some energy stones to suppress his old opponent disgustingly, and go back.

but now……

Now Viteå has other ideas in his mind.


Disgusting him?

It doesn't matter anymore!

Viteo had already made up his mind at this moment. He didn't plan to report the situation of this dark river to him, but conceal it directly.

Because if you conceal it, the energy stone in this dark river is his personal.

As for him being suppressed by his old opponents, or other ridicules, then he doesn't care.

Because as long as all the energy stones in this dark river are taken out, then he can train several ninth-order supernatural emperors.

As long as he has a few power kings at that time, then his old opponent is nothing to worry about.

At the thought of this, Viteo felt excited.

Soon Viteo began to arrange it.

And the better thing is that all the people present are his subordinates. As for the rest of the military, they evacuated three days ago. He sent his own private force because of his unwillingness to give up, and insisted on two or three more. day.

Now Viteå was very thankful that he had persisted, and that he had persisted until now that only his subordinates were left, so that he could hide the matter.

Soon, the last army on the lake also withdrew.

But at night, a team came here quietly.

This team is all supernatural beings. According to Viteo's instructions, they set off in hiding, and when they arrived at this place, they went straight into the lake.

Then, the team dug a space at the bottom of the lake.

Because it was a supernatural player, the space excavated was completely without water, and it was quickly transformed into a small secret base.

The underground river is very long and very large. The search for the power stone will take a certain amount of time. Viteå is ready to fight for a long time.


At the same time, in San Francisco, under the summer of the Breg family, the headquarters of the Breg family finally returned to the ground again.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's destruction, the Breg family headquarters and the ground were completely lost.

It took two or three days for the Bregg family headquarters to contact the ground.

However, the contact was made, but because of the special negative 99th floor, the whole was thrown out, which caused a lot of trouble to the underground headquarters of the Bregg family.

Because this special floor is a direct excuse for the underground space, although there are a hundred special steel doors that are closed and sealed.

But because of the special relationship of the floors, after the entire negative 99 floor fell off and thrown away, the remaining floors were completely disconnected from the outside world.

Even if it is connected, it is difficult to get back to the ground.

Fortunately, for the underground headquarters of the Bregg family, there are two ecosphere floors on the remaining floors, and they are still ecosphere floors suitable for human survival.

With the resources of these two ecosphere floors, even if they lose contact with the outside world, they can provide the living conditions for tens of thousands of people for hundreds of years.

The Bregg family had worked hard for this underground headquarters.

Of course, the Bregg family did not prevent such a situation from happening, so when they got in touch, the Bregg family began to rebuild the special floor of minus 99.

The reason why the extension to the present time allows the underground headquarters to be completely connected to the ground is because Qin Shaofeng had the opportunity to control the two rage genetic black bears before the chip.

Although the two violent genetic black bears were only a rank eighth level, because they lost control, they were directly plunged into a violent, resulting in a strength comparable to an ordinary rank nine genetic warrior.

In the end, it took a lot of effort for the Bregg family to get rid of these two rage genetic black bears.

Then, began to build the negative 99 floor.

However, in general, the Bregg family finally recovered.

Although after the recovery, the Breg family suffered a huge loss and hated Qin Shaofeng very much.

But considering that Qin Shaofeng is dead, the situation is fine.

Therefore, the Bregg family started wholeheartedly and invested in the restoration and construction of the underground headquarters.

But in this way, the underground headquarters of the Bregg family began to stop some unimportant experiments.

Even important experiments stopped temporarily after they were over and failed.

This is nothing to the Bregg family, and it is not a complete stop, just a period of time, and there will not be much loss.

But for the underground headquarters of the Breg family, the underground space, which is four kilometers below, is a different story.

Because after the Bregg family stopped testing, no failed test items were thrown into the underground space.

The genetically modified organisms in the underground space have been relying on failed experimental products to satisfy their hunger.

Now the test product is gone.

These two days have nothing to do with each other, but as time goes by, the situation will be different.

Without food to satisfy your hunger, those genetically modified creatures in the underground space become more and more irritable when they are hungry.

Even some genetically modified organisms have started to rub against each other.

It seemed that the killing was about to begin, but at this moment, in the deeper layer of this underground space, there was a low roar.

As soon as this roar appeared, all the genetically modified creatures in the entire underground space, including the seven tenth-level genetically modified creatures, trembled slightly, appearing very fearful.

Obviously, these genetically modified creatures are very scared in the face of the roaring owner.

However, after a roar, there was another low whistle.

After this low hum, the genetically modified creatures in this underground space suddenly attacked one place collectively.


In the end, there was an explosion, and a rock wall was slammed open, and then the river flooded in.

The underground river was opened up!

The beast is out!

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