Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1762: Wang Feiran

Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng coming out of the Nine Spirit Palace, his face was full of helplessness.

As soon as he finished his retreat, he went to see Liu Ya.

In fact, during this period of retreat, Qin Shaofeng not only accidentally took enough three-star nine-layer spirit pills, but also made many three-star nine-layer spirit pills for Liu Ya.

Even with those three-star nine-layer spirit pills, Liu Ya, who does not need to deliberately cultivate the realm of the physical body, can completely rise to the peak of Wuhuang, even if it is a breakthrough and promotion to become a martial sage, it is not impossible.

But in this way, Liu Ya chose to retreat directly.

This retreat practice also made Qin Shaofeng start to be alone again.

In fact, Liu Ya also thought of a lot, and it was not only her, but also the other women. Although they were reincarnated on Earth, their purpose was to help Qin Shaofeng cultivate.

But if they can cultivate to an extremely high level on Earth, then they will also be able to obtain excellent benefits when they return to Qiyuan Star.

After all, they are just reincarnations of souls, and the original bodies of the women still exist.

Moreover, they obtained the special secret technique of the father-in-law Qin Feiyang, and finally they were able to completely integrate the body of the earth with their original body.

In this way, a few women can also have the power of the two realms.

Although it is far less powerful than Qin Shaofeng, it can also increase the chance for them to ascend to Dao realm.

Ever since they knew that Qin Shaofeng had returned to Earth ahead of time, and only more than a hundred years were left to merge with Qiyuan Star, there would be a major crisis, whether it was Liu Ya or Tang Xin'er, they both began to practice seriously.

Qin Shaofeng knew this point naturally, but he didn't say much.

But now that he is alone, he feels helpless again.

He just awakened and restored all his memories, and so did Liu Ya, but the two hadn't stayed for much time yet!

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently, and then began to think about another thing.

He is now in the realm of Wu Huang's peak, and his physical realm has also risen to the third level of Wu Huang.

But this is not enough, he still wants to continue to improve.

However, Qin Shaofeng is now in a dilemma for both the cultivation level and the improvement of his physical realm.

If the cultivation base wants to continue to break through and reach the eighth stage of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", then a four-star nine-layer spirit pill must be refined.

Because only the four-star nine-layer spirit pill can make him enter the eighth level of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

But in the current situation, this four-star nine-layered spirit pill was somewhat difficult to refine.

Because it is just a pure high-grade elixir, it is impossible to refine a four-star nine-layered spirit pill.

Because it is only a thousand-year high-grade elixir, the spiritual power and medicinal effects contained in it are too low for a four-star nine-layer elixir, and simply not enough to be refined.

According to the current situation, Qin Shaofeng estimated that it would take at least three thousand years of high-grade elixir to refine the four-star nine-layered elixir.

And basically, a three-thousand-year-old high-grade elixir can only produce a four-star nine-layer elixir.

But now the auras in the Nine Spirit Palace had already been used by him to refine enough three-star nine-layer spirit pills, and the effect was a lot to strengthen the top-grade elixir.

There is not much aura in the Nine Spirit Palace now.

Therefore, if you want to obtain the top-grade elixir for refining the four-star nine-layer spiritual pill, you can only obtain a large amount of aura and purchase it from other places.

But this is somewhat unrealistic!

Buy elsewhere?

Oh, Qin Shaofeng imagined that there are still three thousand years of high-grade elixir on the earth, but the question is who will sell him?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng could only choose to obtain a large enough amount of spiritual energy to use the Nine Spirit Palace to strengthen the high-grade elixir for three thousand years.

Of course, the condition before this was to raise his own physical realm to the realm of Martial Saint.

However, Qin Shaofeng already had some eyebrows about these two aspects.

That was the underground space in the US before!

If the spirit stone in that underground space can be fully developed.

So not to mention the 3,000-year high-grade elixir, even if the 10,000-year high-grade elixir was strengthened, Qin Shaofeng estimated that there would be no problem.

Because there are too many spirit stones in that underground space.

But the problem is that place is also very dangerous. Lingshi is not something he can get if he wants to.

"No, even if I have now risen to the peak of Wuhuang, he is still dangerous in that underground space!"

Frowning slightly, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with helplessness.

Let's not talk about the others, the seven rank 10 genetically modified creatures alone are a great threat to Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, even the thirty-three Grade 9 genetically modified creatures were not very dangerous to Qin Shaofeng.

Because Qin Shaofeng was confident that with his current strength, dealing with the 33 ninth-order genetically modified creatures would not be a difficult task at all.

Even this plus one or two Tier 10 genetic creatures is not a difficult task.

But the problem is that there are seven genetic creatures of order ten.

This number, plus those 33 ninth-tier genetic creatures, and more than one hundred eighth-tier genetic creatures, and 300-plus seventh-tier genetic creatures, would be a troublesome thing.

Qin Shaofeng really had great confidence in his current strength.

But self-confidence does not mean self-arrogance, let alone blindness.

Qin Shaofeng still knew the danger of that underground space very clearly.

"Forget it, that place is too dangerous, let's put it away temporarily!"

Shaking his head, Qin Shaofeng finally gave up the idea of ​​going to the underground space now.

However, Qin Shaofeng is now planning to go to the United States again and go to San Francisco to find the Breg family to settle accounts.

After suffering such a big loss, he couldn't just let it go.

The Bregg family must pay the price!

However, at this moment, a great congenital master suddenly ran over and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Master, Bai Yifan and Bai Daxiao are here!"

"Bai Yifan? What is he doing?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, because during this period of time, he had also refined other medicines, handed them all to Bai Yifan, and asked him to auction them.

"I gave him the pill two days ago, he won't sell it out so soon, will he?"

Although he was very puzzled, Qin Shaofeng still ordered: "Okay, you can bring them in!"



At the same time, there were six or seven people waiting at the gate outside Fengya Villa.

Bai Yifan is among them, but these seven or eight people are not headed by him, but a young man who is younger than Bai Yifan.

Even facing this young man, Bai Yifan still looked respectful.

"Shao Wang, this is Qin Shaofeng's residence!"

Bai Yifan smiled slightly. Although he wasn't very flattering, he didn't put on the pretense of the young master of the hundred schools at all to the young Wang in front of him.

The reason for this is very simple. It's all because this Wang Shao comes from a powerful hidden family-the Wang family!

The young man in front of him was called Wang Feiran, and the Wang family was a very powerful and powerful hidden family.

It can even be said that the reason why Baijia is able to maintain its position as the five major families in China is all because of the Wang family.

Many people don't know that although the Baijia is strong, it is nothing in front of the Wang family.

This is all because Baijia is the status of Wang's vassals.

This can be reflected in Wang Feiran's body. Facing Wang Feiran, Wang Shao, Bai Yifan's very respectful attitude is not only because of the opponent's identity, but also because of the opponent's strength.

King Wu!

Yes, that's right, Wang Feiran, who looks only 23 years old, has reached the realm of King Wu in his cultivation.

Although it was only the realm of the double martial king, but this realm, but Bai Yifan auction can not keep up with the realm.

"Well, not bad!"

Looking at the few warriors in front of him, a strange light flashed in Wang Feiran's eyes.

From his realm, I can naturally feel that the five or six warriors who watch the door have reached the realm of the innate master.

Not to mention the realm of the innate grandmaster, even the existence of the innate grand master and the king of Wu are not counted in Wang Feiran's eyes.

But the problem is, according to what he knows, this Qin Shaofeng has risen out of thin air, and then his strength has increased extremely quickly in a short time, and he has even cultivated many good men.

Of course, Wang Feiran didn't take Qin Shaofeng's subordinates very seriously, because even a warrior in the realm of King Wu, he didn't take it seriously.

But for such a situation, Wang Feiran paid more attention to it.

This was all because of the pill that Qin Shaofeng refined!

In fact, for the hidden family, real alchemists still exist.

Unlike the Xiantian Pill that Qin Shaofeng had seen at the beginning, it was not a pill at all. Although the pill made by the Hidden Family was not as good as the one made by Qin Shaofeng, it was still a real pill.

The reason why there is so much difference between the general family of martial artists and the hidden family is because of the existence of pill.

In fact, the hidden family deliberately controlled alchemy and prevented the real alchemist from appearing in the general martial arts family.

But now the alchemist Qin Shaofeng suddenly appeared, and Qin Shaofeng refined the martial arts pill, the effect was still very amazing.

There are alchemists in the Wang family, and Wang Feiran has also taken a lot of pill, but even he was very surprised by the effect of pill like Martial Spirit Pill.

And the most important point is that an elixir such as a high-level warrior spirit pill, even if it is a double-layer martial king realm like him, can actually improve the realm.

Although that kind of improvement is very subtle, it also played a role in improvement after all.

And the most important point is that this kind of pill, I am afraid there are more advanced ones.

Because according to his understanding, even if Qin Shaofeng hadn't ascended to the realm of King Wu, he had mostly reached the realm of King Wu's peak.

Moreover, in Wang Feiran's mind, Qin Shaofeng is probably already a warrior in the realm of King Martial Arts.

Therefore, the Wang family was very excited about the elixir of martial arts.

The most important thing is the existence of Qin Shaofeng himself, the Wang family also intends to get it.

Because in the eyes of the Wang family, Qin Shaofeng must have obtained the inheritance of a certain powerful alchemist by coincidence, and such inheritance is generally not simple. This can be reflected from the effects of those martial arts spirit pills.

If it can be obtained, it is definitely a good thing for the Wang family!

Therefore, Wang Feiran is here now.

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