Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1771: Enter the Gao family

Although he is the head of the Wang family, Wang Shihao does not force others.

And it goes without saying that he has the best relationship with his second brother and seventh brother in the Wang family.

This is enough to see how tempting it is to be promoted to the Emperor of Martial Arts for a Martial King with limited talent and potential.

And as a powerful hidden family like the Wang family, how could there be no dead men?

As long as he has enough Martial King Pills, Wang Shihao can cultivate a large number of Martial Emperors.

Even if these martial emperors are only one-level martial emperors, if there are more, it would be very scary.

Therefore, at this moment, he no longer hesitated, and planned to directly act on Qin Shaofeng, to catch Qin Shaofeng, and at the worst, he would have to obtain the refining prescription and technique of the Wuwang Pill.

However, at this time, seeing his father being so determined, Wang Feiran didn't know what to do, and suddenly thought that when he first explored Qin Shaofeng's realm, the feeling of endless looking up to him made him feel a little bit more uncomfortable.

It seems that if his father acts on Qin Shaofeng, some bad things will happen.

Even the thought of stopping his father was born in his heart at this moment.

However, Wang Feiran also knew in his heart that if his father's character was to fully express his true thoughts.

I am afraid that not only will he not stop his father, but will also make his father show a little disdain for him.

At the age of twelve, he set foot in the congenital state and cultivated to the realm of the congenital master in three years.

Then, in less than five years, he was promoted to King Wu.

In the end, it took ten years to cultivate to the realm of Wuhuang, and now it has just passed forty, and it has been cultivated to the realm of the Seventh Wuhuang.

This is his father Wang Shihao, the current Patriarch of the Wang family, a terrifying genius!

But it is precisely because of this that Wang Shihao is a very proud and confident person.

Very often, even his father Wang Shengdong can hardly change what he decides.

For example, he refused, marrying the youngest daughter of a powerful family head of hermit family, but instead took Wang Feiran's mother, an ordinary woman.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Wang Feiran said: "Father, don't do anything!"


Wang Shihao frowned slightly and looked at Wang Feiran as if he needed an explanation.

Seeing that his father's eyes became slightly cold, Wang Feiran felt a little nervous, but still gritted his teeth and said: "Father, this is how I thought, this Gao Yangfeng has already set off? Why don't we wait for Gao Yangfeng to go to Fengya Villa to have results? After that, go to shoot again?"

After saying this, Wang Feiran simply let go, and did not hesitate anymore, and said his thoughts.

"Anyway, even if Gao Yangfeng succeeds, it doesn't matter. The big deal is the same as when we get Qin Shaofeng from Gao Yangfeng. That Gao Yangfeng acted secretly this time, we can rest assured that we will eat black!"

"And the most important thing is that I am worried that there are other forces behind Qin Shaofeng, it is better to let Gao Yangfeng go to the bottom, so that we have a preparation!"

"So, we still don't take action for the time being, let's wait and see!" Wang Feiran said.

Taking a deep look at his son, Wang Shihao felt a little more relieved.

In fact, he knew in his heart what his son was thinking and worrying about.

Because he knew from his second brother that even he couldn't understand the depth of Qin Shaofeng, that means that Qin Shaofeng was at least the fourth martial emperor, or a higher realm.

Maybe even better than him, the Seventh Martial Emperor!

However, Wang Shihao disagrees with this, he does not think that Qin Shaofeng will be more powerful than him, the Wang Family Patriarch!

The reason why he waited a while was not because he listened to Wang Feiran's words, but because Wang Feiran's words made him suddenly come back to his senses.

That is, are there any other forces behind Qin Shaofeng?

If so, how strong is the opponent?

However, in Wang Shihao's view, Qin Shaofeng should have no power behind him.

Because if there is, then I am afraid that no power will directly expose the Wuwang Pill that can produce the Wuhuang pill in batches.

He believed that no matter what, the pill of this Wu Wang Dan would fall into the hands of his Wang family.

And it's not in a hurry now. With Gao Yangfeng Pathfinder, he can more or less force Qin Shaofeng's hole cards.

Well, don't rush to shoot for now.

And just after Wang Shihao made this decision, not long after, he received a news that surprised him.

Gao Yangfeng is dead!

When Gao Yangfeng acted, the Triple Wuhuang sent by the Wang family followed all the way.

However, because of Wang Shijie’s warning that Qin Shaofeng was at least a four-level martial empress, the triple martial emperor of the Wang family was very careful. After Gao Yangfeng approached Fengya Villa, he stopped far away. , Secretly observe.

But what surprised him was that after waiting for more than two hours, Fengya Villa was still very quiet, and nothing happened.

However, Gao Yangfeng and others have been quiet for more than two hours.

This surprised him very much!

After waiting for a long time, the triple martial emperor of the Wang family finally couldn't help it, and then he approached Fengya Villa.

Then, it didn't take long before he found the bodies of Gao Yangfeng and others.

Qin Shaofeng did not intend to dispose of the bodies of Gao Yangfeng and others, at least for the time being.

He wanted to kill chickens and monkeys, how could he immediately dispose of the bodies of Gao Yangfeng and others?

Therefore, the Triple Martial Emperor of the Wang family discovered the bodies of Gao Yangfeng and others, which shocked his heart.

Because he discovered an incredible situation.

The eight martial kings of the Gao family were no more. Although they were all killed by a single blow, even he could do this, so although he was a little surprised, he didn't care much.

But when he saw Gao Yangfeng's body, he was shocked.

Because Gao Yangfeng's body did not show any scars, but Gao Yangfeng was dead, and Gao Yangfeng's face was still extremely frightened, as if he had suffered extreme horror before his death.

The triple martial emperor of the royal family asked himself that it was impossible for Gao Yangfeng, who was already in the realm of the first emperor, to show such a panic expression.

And he might also let Gao Yangfeng die without any injuries.

This situation made him very afraid of Qin Shaofeng's strength.

The unknown is the most terrible!

Gao Yangfeng's weird method of death made him feel a little uncomfortable. After seeing it for a while, he didn't even approach Fengya Villa, so he left for the first time.

Then, he will get the situation, all master Wang Shihao.

Faced with this situation, Wang Shihao was silent.

In the end, after a period of silence, Wang Shihao dismissed the idea of ​​Qin Shaofeng shooting.

At least before Qin Shaofeng returned from the Gao family!

Because according to certain news, Wang Shihao already knew that Qin Shaofeng seemed to have gone to the Gao family alone.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Shihao dismissed the idea of ​​making a shot at Qin Shaofeng.

Although he did not put the Gao family in his eyes, he could even destroy the Gao family if he wanted to.

But this was based on the fact that he was the head of the Wang family. If he were alone, it would be impossible to destroy the Gao family.

Even if he was to go to the Gao family alone, Wang Shihao had to think twice in his heart.

But now Qin Shaofeng did this.

Is this because the opponent has that kind of strength, or is it self-conscious?

For a while, Wang Shihao couldn't feel it.

Therefore, he didn't plan to attack Qin Shaofeng, he was waiting for a result now.

Wait for Qin Shaofeng to go to the Gao family to see if Qin Shaofeng can survive from the Gao family.

Wang Shihao does not think that Qin Shaofeng can do the Gao family.

Because that is impossible, let alone other things, just one thing is enough.

The ancestor of the Gao family is still alive!

Wang Shihao knew this.

Although he did not know how strong the ancestor of the Gao family was, Wang Shihao was sure that the opponent was definitely not weaker than him.

Therefore, he doesn't think Qin Shaofeng can do the Gao family.

What Wang Shihao never expected was that what happened next was not only far beyond his imagination, but also caused a lot of sensation in the hidden family.



After three hours of rushing, Qin Shaofeng finally came to the gate of the Gao family.

Qin Shaofeng didn't deliberately hide his traces, he just let those hidden families who pay attention to him know his traces.

This time, he will let the Hidden Family fully understand that Qin Shaofeng is not easy to provoke.

Therefore, after arriving at the Gao family, Qin Shaofeng appeared at the gate of the Gao family so swaggeringly.


After Qin Shaofeng appeared, he attracted the attention of the guards at the gate of the Gao family.

As a hidden family, even if the Gao family is a guard at the door, its strength is not weak.

The four warriors who were unkind to Qin Shaofeng in front of them were actually in the realm of innate grandmasters.

For the general family of martial artists, even the current five great families in the Chinese martial arts world, this innate master is the backbone.

But in the Gao family, the backbone of the Xiantian Grandmaster was actually just a gatekeeper.

This is enough to see how obvious the gap exists between the hidden family and the general martial arts family.

But to Qin Shaofeng, he was only a warrior at the level of innate grandmaster, and he was as weak as an ant.

Qin Shaofeng just waved his hand gently to the four guards of the Gao family with bad looks in front of him.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four Congenital Grand Masters were blown out in an instant, and hit the wall on one side, all with a life and death unknown.

However, judging from the breath of these four people, they have suffered serious injuries that are incurable at this moment, and their breath of life is continuously declining, and it is obvious that they cannot survive.

Since it was killing chickens and monkeys, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not keep his hands.

Besides this time, it was originally his revenge against the Gao family.

Since Gao Yangfeng planned to arrest himself, he even helped the Gao family refine Wuwang Dan under house arrest.

For such things, Qin Shaofeng had no extra words to say, just killing them.

The Gao family seems to be very confident about the status and strength of their family, and they don't believe anyone will go to the Gao family to make trouble.

Therefore, the Gao family arranged four congenital grand masters to guard them at the gate, but now these four congenital grand masters have been swept down by Qin Shaofeng, and Gao Jiajia did not know that Qin Shaofeng was here yet.

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng was even more speechless, and then directly stepped into the door of Ke Gao's house.

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