Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1772: Continuous killing


After all, the Gao family is still the Gao family, with many people.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng stepped into the Gao family, someone soon discovered the existence of Qin Shaofeng.

Worthy of being a hidden family, the Gao family is indeed proud.

The young master of the Gao family, who bought three Wuwang Dan from Wang Feiran, the youngest son of Gao Yangfeng, was about to go out at the moment.

This time he went out, he discovered the existence of Qin Shaofeng.

He didn't know who Qin Shaofeng was, he didn't know Qin Shaofeng, and for a while he thought that Qin Shaofeng belonged to a certain family that was attached to the Gao family.

Although he bought three Martial King Pills, to the Gao family, his young master had great credit.

But because he exceeded his authority and used a high-grade elixir for three thousand years, some people in the Gao family were still dissatisfied.

Gao Yangfeng was eager to take action against Qin Shaofeng again, and had no time to take care of these things, so he forbade his little son.

But his little son finally couldn't help planning to go out after learning that he was no longer in the Gao family.

As a result, he met Qin Shaofeng when he went out.

After confirming that Qin Shaofeng is attached to the Gao family, the young master said to Qin Shaofeng in an arrogant tone: "That kid, roll over for this young master, play with both hands, and make this young master happy!"

Gao Yangfeng, the youngest son who cultivated his talent, didn't make much effort. Even with the accumulation of the Gao family's large resources, he barely reached the realm of an innate martial artist.

At this level, in the Gao family, you don't even have the qualifications to watch the door.

However, it was precisely because of this that the young master of the Gao family was very jealous of the genius, and even gave birth to a twisted and sick psychology.

In the face of geniuses whose status and status are almost the same as his, he dare not show anything, but if he meets those geniuses who have no status, he will be very happy to mock or even tease each other.

My talent for cultivation is not as good as yours, but you so-called geniuses, aren't you at my mercy?

The current situation is his behavior as always.

He thinks that Qin Shaofeng is not very old, but he can't see through Qin Shaofeng's cultivation realm, he thinks Qin Shaofeng is a genius.

But what about it?

Or the one who made him play?

This young master of the Gao family is not alone, there are several guards around him, and they are all innate masters.

What kind of master there is, there is what kind of dog minion.

These congenital grand masters also have the same pathological mentality as the young master of the Gao family.

Seeing the young masters playing with those geniuses, they were also very excited.

They also couldn't see through Qin Shaofeng's realm, and most of them were innate grandmasters above seven levels, which also showed.

The young man in front of him was at least a genius in the realm of Innate Grand Master.

They were also very happy to see such a genius being humiliated and teased in front of them.

Even after the young master of the Gao family spoke, they all yelled.

"Hey, didn't that kid hear the young master outside? Get out!"

"Haha, remember to use rolling, round rolling, don't you know?"

"Yes, it's the kind of crawling!"

"Haha, if you're clear, just roll over!"


Qin Shaofeng glanced at these people lightly, then stretched out his right hand lightly and pressed it hard.


As if a huge force suddenly pressed down, the young master of the Gao family and the guards of the congenital grand masters around him were instantly crushed to the ground.

What realm is Qin Shaofeng, the realm of the peak Wuhuang.

His pressure circulated a trace of the spirit of the gods and demons, and the power formed was extremely terrifying.

This pressure directly crushed the laughing and arrogant Gao Family Young Master and the others into mud.

And this scene was seen by some disciples of the Gao family who were preparing to watch the show not far away. They were all shocked, and then everyone was shocked.

"It's not good, the young master has been crushed into mashed flesh!"

"Killed! Young Master was killed!"

"Young Master is dead, come on!"

"Enemy attack, there are enemies!"



Although the talent for cultivation was not good, Gao Yangfeng loved his little son very much.

This also gave him an extremely unusual position in the Gao family.

Now that the young master is dead, and he is still photographed as fleshy, it is conceivable that it will arouse the anger of their Gao Family Patriarch.

Those who witnessed all this for a while were completely panicked.

Qin Shaofeng didn't stop this, because it would instead attract the attention of the Gao family and gather the experts of the Gao family.

After all, it is convenient for him to do it! ~

Soon, the senior officials of the Gao family learned that their young master was killed, and he was actually in their Gao family's mansion.

Even people who are extremely uncomfortable with this young master are now angry.

The murderer must be killed!

Otherwise, their Gao family, what face is there to stand in the hermit family?

Huh huh!

For a while, a large number of masters of the Gao family appeared, and soon Qin Shaofeng was surrounded by these Gao family disciples.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this, and didn't feel nervous.

"Well, there are still many people!"

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then before these Gao family disciples could speak out, he shot directly.

Divine Fist!

With a secret cry in his heart, Qin Shaofeng shook his hands, instantly clenched into a fist, and banged out.

Bang bang!

Left and right once, two punches!

But these simple two punches directly blasted the Gao family disciples, who once again exceeded 60%.

That surging and powerful force, with an extremely powerful wind, directly exploded a large number of Gao family disciples in front of Qin Shaofeng.

The disciples of the Gao family who were besieged over did not actually have many powerful existences. Most of them were innate grand masters, and there were even many innate martial masters. The strongest were a dozen innate grand masters.

How can such a warrior be able to withstand Qin Shaofeng's bombardment?

With the bombardment of two punches, there were more than 30 disciples of the Gao family who died, and the remaining disciples of the Gao family suddenly panicked in their hearts.

"No, the person is strong, we are not opponents!"

"It's too strong to be an enemy!"

"Retreat, retreat, retreat quickly!"

For a while, these Gao family disciples fled one after another.

Qin Shaofeng didn't stop it, these are just small, not a concern.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to let go of these Gao family disciples, and planned to make another move.

"Bold thief, stop me!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng was about to take another shot, a roar appeared.

Upon hearing this roar, the disciples of the Gao family suddenly became excited.

"Nine Elders, this is the voice of the Nine Elders!~"

"Hahaha, the nine elders are here, great, we are safe!"

"Damn boy, you are dead, the Ninth Elder is here, I see how you dare to do it!"

"Haha, the Ninth Elder is a strong man in the realm of King Wu, this kid is dead!"


Once you are promoted to King Wu in the Gao family, you can become the elder of the Gao family.

There are now 13 elders in the Gao family, all in the realm of King Wu.

Before Gao Yangfeng took away the eight Wuwang elders of the Gao family, there are still five elders left in the Gao family, and they are all masters of the Wuwang realm.

At this moment, the nine elders who appeared were a martial king with a triple realm!


An angry old man suddenly appeared before Qin Shaofeng, who was the Ninth Elder of the Gao family.

The Ninth Elder did not know Qin Shaofeng, nor did he know the purpose of Patriarch Gao Yangfeng's going out this time.

But when he saw the **** corpse on the ground, he felt the anger of the five in his heart, and said to Qin Shaofeng coldly: "What a vicious kid, you dare to treat my Gao family disciples so badly, you can't keep it!"

With a look at the voice, the Nine Elders shot.

With the move of the Nine Elders, the disciples of the Gao family present were extremely excited, and believed that the culprit was dead.

But the next moment, what happened, made them dumbfounded.

I saw that Qin Shaofeng just raised his hand faintly with a blow from the Nine Elders.


The Nine Elders in midair seemed to have been bombarded by an invisible giant hammer. At this moment, the figure took a fiercely, and then the whole person was directly exploded, turning into countless pieces of broken meat.

Flesh and blood!

The nine elders, who were still majestic and furious, were instantly gone.

At this moment, all Gao family disciples were shocked.

The nine elders, who were extremely powerful in their eyes, died like this?

how can that be?

The Nine Elders are powerful warriors in the realm of King Martial Arts!

How could it be killed like this?


There was another roar, and an extremely sad and angry figure appeared.

The elders of the Gao family are just positions, so even if the father and son are both elders, it is quite common.

Moreover, the order of the elders of the Gao family is not based on their strength, but based on the time they entered King Wu.

The sixth elder of the Gao family, a younger brother of Gao Yangfeng, a rare genius of the Gao family, broke through the realm of King Wu early and became the sixth elder of the Gao family.

Even after he became the sixth elder of the Gao family, he used some resources to help his old father be promoted to the realm of King Wu and became the ninth elder of the Gao family.

The relationship between father and son is very good!

At this moment, seeing his old father being punched directly into pieces of meat, how could the Sixth Elder not feel angry.

"Ah, **** choppy, I want you to die!"

The Sixth Elder roared, his body was full of excitement, and he threw a punch.

These six elders are a lot stronger than his nine-elder father, and they are a martial king of eight levels.

The hateful blow in the state of anger at this moment caused him to explode with power far beyond his own realm.

I'm afraid that this punch can already be comparable to the power of the pinnacle of Wuwang realm.

But even with such a punch, Qin Shaofeng's eyes showed a sneer, and then he didn't move at all, but the opponent's fist hit him.


With a huge collision, the fist of the Sixth Elder fell on Qin Shaofeng, but it seemed to be a bombardment on the huge mountain peak, which could not be shaken.

"how is this possible?"

The Sixth Elder exclaimed and lost his voice, his eyes were full of disbelief.

But the next moment, he felt a chill in his heart and suddenly felt a crisis.

When he subconsciously glanced at Qin Shaofeng, he saw Qin Shaofeng's fist and had already rushed towards him.

not good!


Shocked in his heart, the Sixth Elder wanted to leave immediately.

But unfortunately, his movements are still too slow for Qin Shaofeng.


Quite simply, Qin Shaofeng's punch directly hit the sixth elder's chest, and then directly blasted his chest through, revealing a huge blood hole.


Faced with such a serious and terrible injury, the Sixth Elder only came to utter a word, and he was dead.

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