Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1773: The Last Day of Gao Family (Part 1)


The Sixth Elder is also dead!

First the nine elders, now even the six elders are dead.

What kind of demon is this after coming to their Gao family?

The disciples of the Gao family felt a panic in their hearts, and they looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, full of fear.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this time, the last three elders of the Gao family all rushed to the scene.

Seeing the scene at the scene, the twelve elders and thirteen elders felt a chill in their hearts.

Whether it is the Twelve Elders or the Thirteen Elders, it hasn't been long before they became the elders of Gao, which means that they didn't take long to become King Wu.

Therefore, both of them are just kings of the same realm.

Seeing the six elders whose chest was punched now, they looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze, except for fear.

The six elders in the Eightfold Martial King realm were all killed by the opponent, and they were still so miserable.

If this is replaced by them, I am afraid it will be even worse.

However, they didn't have much fear, all because of the figure standing in front of them.

The Great Elder of the Gao Family!

The high elder of the Gao family was much stronger than the previous Gao Yangfeng, and he was a martial king with ten levels of late stage realm.

There are great elders, the twelve elders and the thirteen elders, at this moment, they are very stable.

But at this moment, the two of them didn't know, but the heart of their great elder was very restless.

In contrast to the angry nine elders and six elders, the father and son, the great elder did not get dizzy with anger.

Therefore, he is now very clear about one thing, that is, he cannot feel the breath of this very young person in front of him.

It's as if the other person is an ordinary person, but this is definitely a joke.

How could a person who can kill a king of war with one stroke be an ordinary existence?

But he can't feel the breath of the other party now, that can only explain one problem.

He is a tenth realm of Martial King, so he can't feel the existence of the breath, and then there will be an existence above Martial King.

This person is a Wuhuang!

Even though the enemy in front of him is really too young, it makes it difficult for the elder to believe that such a young person has already been promoted. The realm he dreams of is a powerful Martial Emperor.

But the death of the Ninth Elder and the Sixth Elder had already made him realize the reality.

However, at this moment, the great elder was very confused about why such a martial emperor appeared, went to their high family, and even carried out a murder.

So he asked: "Who is your Excellency? With your strength, you can't commit such a massacre of our Gao family disciples, right?"

The words of the great elder shocked the twelve and thirteen elders around him.

Although most of the others didn't know the meaning of the words of the great elder, they heard it.

The young man in front of him is a stronger existence than the Great Elder-Emperor Wu!

After the two looked at each other, they knew what the great elder meant in their hearts and nodded secretly. The thirteenth elder gave a wink like a congenital great master of a high family present without leaving a trace.

At this moment, the Gao family had been completely alarmed, and a large number of people had already appeared here.

And this great congenital grandmaster who got the eyes of the thirteen elders suddenly understood what the thirteen elders meant, and then stepped back silently.

Then, after withdrawing from the crowd, the innate great master quickly ran deep into the Gao family.

When a strong enemy appears, their Gao family can only dispatch the strong.

As everyone knows, this scene was completely seen by Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care much.

He came to the Gao family to kill chickens and monkeys, so the stronger the Gao family can show, the more effective it will be for his plan of killing chickens and monkeys.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about the other party's small secret actions. He just looked at the senior elder of the Gao family and said faintly: "The senior elder is joking, who am I? Why do you come to your sister Gao family, don't you know?"


Hearing such words, the elders of the Gao family frowned slightly and began to look at Qin Shaofeng seriously.

But after looking at it, he felt that Qin Shaofeng was a bit familiar, and finally he finally recognized who the young man in front of him was.

Qin Shaofeng!

"Are you Qin Shaofeng?" The great elder was shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Because he never thought that the person in front of him was Qin Shaofeng.

For Qin Shaofeng, the Great Elder didn't know much, but he knew the purpose of their Gao Family Patriarch this time.

For the pill that can help people break through and promote to the realm of Wuhuang, the great elder is also extremely eager.

Although he was confident of being promoted to the realm of Wuhuang, he also felt that it would take at least a few years for him to be promoted to the realm of Wuhuang.

And the most important thing is that even if he is promoted to Emperor Wu, then his greatest achievement in this life is only the realm of Emperor Wu Huang.

If this is the case, then why use which kind of Martial King Pill to practice directly, and promotion to Martial Emperor is not enough?

Although according to Gao Yangfeng's words, it would be difficult to make progress with that kind of Wu Wang Dan to become Wu Huang, but for the great elder, it is no different from relying on his own cultivation and promotion to Wu Huang.

Therefore, he was extremely in favor of Gao Yangfeng's actions this time.

Therefore, he also looked at Qin Shaofeng's information for a while, and then felt that there was no problem, so he didn't pay much attention.

Had it not been for the previous Patriarch of the Gao family, that is, Gao Yangfeng's father, who was practicing in retreat, as the second strongest of the Gao family, he could not leave the Gao family at will. This time he would probably take the action personally.

But the foolproof action in his eyes, after he recognized Qin Shaofeng at this moment, he could be sure of it.

Patriarch Gao Yangfeng, they failed!

If not, Qin Shaofeng would not appear in their Gao family.

Seeing that the elder of the Gao family did not speak, Qin Shaofeng said coldly: "It seems that you already know who I am, so now you have nothing to say?"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng planned to shoot again.

The elders of the Gao family suddenly felt anxious, and he was completely sure now that Qin Shaofeng who could kill Patriarch Gao Yangfeng and others was definitely not something he could contend with.

He can only wait for the old Patriarch to appear now, and he can only delay time before the old Patriarch appears.

"Wait, I'm afraid there is any misunderstanding!"

Elder Gao family shouted, but Qin Shaofeng didn't want to continue.

"Misunderstanding? Oh, do you think I will listen to such an excuse?"


His figure flashed, and Qin Shaofeng appeared in front of Elder Gao Family at the same time as his voice fell.

not good!

Elder Gao family was shocked, but he knew in his heart that he couldn't escape at this moment, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't escape.

Then there is only one choice left to him!


There was a shock in the body, at this moment, the elder Gao family madly circulated the innate energy in the body, trying to explode enough moves to resist Qin Shaofeng's fist.

Yes, just resist!

At this moment, the elders of the Gao family had no idea of ​​fighting Qin Shaofeng at all, and he had already determined in his heart that he was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent!

This is true!

However, the elder of the Gao family thought that he could resist with all his strength and was able to resist Qin Shaofeng's fist. That was a big mistake.


It was just a simple punch, but after the punch was blasted, many Gao family disciples saw that the invincible Grand Elder in their eyes instantly flew out.

And this inverted flight, after the elder Gao family smashed down a wall, he didn't get up, and even the breath of life was no longer felt.


The twelve elders and the thirteen elders were extremely shocked at this moment, they didn't know who Qin Shaofeng was.

But in their eyes, the great elder is a ten-level martial king, even in front of the martial emperor, he has some room for resistance!

But now the other party punched him, killing the Great Elder?

However, soon they were no longer shocked by this, because after killing the Great Elder with a punch, Qin Shaofeng's eyes had fallen on them.

Suddenly, the two of them trembled, and then there was no more movement.

Because after taking a calm look at the two of them, Qin Shaofeng directly blasted two punches, and directly exploded the two Twelve Elder and Thirteen Elders in the realm of King Martial Arts.

That's it!

First, the Ninth Elder and the Sixth Elder, and now even the Great Elder, the Twelve Elder, and the Thirteen Elder were all killed by the enemy.

The five elders of their Gao family actually died like this!

But these Gao family disciples didn't know that, in fact, not only the five elders of the high family, but also the few remaining elders of their Gao family, as well as the head of their Gao family, all died under Qin Shaofeng.

At this point, the thirteen martial kings of the Gao family and Gao Yangfeng, the head of the family, all died in Qin Shaofeng's hands.

After killing the last two elders of the Gao family, Qin Shaofeng stopped looking at the others in the Gao family, but stood still and looked at the depths of the Gao family.

Because Qin Shaofeng could feel that there was an aura of the Martial Emperor Realm in that place. At this moment, the aura of the Martial Emperor Realm seemed to be stimulated, and he was rushing here quickly.

call out!

A sound of breaking through the air flew, and then a figure appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

You don't need to look at Qin Shaofeng to know that the person here is the old patriarch of the Gao family, Gao Yangfeng's father.

The other party was probably the one who had been notified by the innate grandmaster who had left before that he rushed over as soon as he knew of the crisis.

However, the old Patriarch of the Gao family didn't fly here, he just leaped over with a burst of strong natural energy.

But after coming over, the old Patriarch of the Gao family suddenly became furious.

As soon as he learned of the crisis, he rushed over immediately.

But I don't want him to be a step late, because he has already felt that the aura of the great elder and others has disappeared.

This made him very angry. He did not expect that Emperor Wu would appear in the Te Mogao family and then slaughter them.

The old Patriarch of the Gao family didn't know the behavior of his son Gao Yangfeng, but even if he knew it, he would only approve, and only hate Qin Shaofeng.

"So courageous!"

Looking at Qin Shaofeng, the old Patriarch of the Gao family said angrily: "Boy, no matter who you are or who is behind you, you are going to die today. If you dare to kill my Gao family, the Emperor and Laozi can't save you!"

"The Emperor can't save me? You dare to say that!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled, mocking and scornful.

"Oh, an ant in the realm of the Triple Martial Emperor, even daring to say such arrogant words, your Gao family is really arrogant!"

Qin Shaofeng's words were not exaggerated. After all, in his eyes, it was only the cultivation base of the Wuhuang triple realm, and it was really an ant.

And even with his current cultivation realm and strength, a martial emperor with a triple realm, there is no threat at all.

But his words fell in the ears of the old master of the Gao family, which made the other party even more angry.

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