Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1774: The Last Day of Gao Family (Part 2)

"court death!"

The old Patriarch of the Gao family said angrily, and when he reached out his hand, he launched an attack.

The martial artist, the realm of the king of martial arts is already equivalent to the Qi training realm among the monks.

After the monk reaches the Qi phase, he will refine the inner Qi in his body into the monk's unique spiritual energy.

Only by refining the innate qi in the body into spiritual qi, can he be regarded as a true monk.

The Qi phase is such a stage. The Qi training realm begins to temper the inner Qi in the body, and the Hua Qi realm starts to transform the inner Qi in the body into aura.

The Qi Sea Realm in the back is to open up the Qi Sea in the Dantian to store the spiritual energy of cultivation.

Moreover, the sea of ​​qi can only be opened with aura, so the sea of ​​qi can only be opened after the aura is completely transformed.

The warrior is not a monk, but the cultivation process is somewhat similar.

King Wu is equivalent to the realm of Qi training, the innate qi in the body will begin to be tempered, and after stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu, even if the innate qi in the body has not been transformed into aura.

Compared with the innate qi in the realm of King Wu, the innate qi in Wu Huang's body is still stronger.

Even if it is not as good as Reiki, it is the state between the aura and Reiki.

Of course, such as Gao Yangfeng, who relied on pill and barely stepped into the realm of Wu Huang, the innate qi in their bodies did not reach this state, at best, the innate qi had increased.

But it still hasn't begun to transform to the direction of spiritual energy. Compared with the realm of King Wu, the quality of the original Qi has not changed, and only the quantity has changed.

But even so, he is still stronger than King Wu!

However, the old patriarch of the Gao family was a genuine Wuhuang, and he was still in a triple realm. Although the innate qi in his body had not completely transformed into spiritual qi, there were signs of transformation.

At this moment, when he attacked Qin Shaofeng, the innate energy in his body was running, but Qin Shaofeng felt a trace of spiritual energy.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still didn't wrinkle his brows, just a little stretched out his hand and he shot out a spirit of God and Demon.


Although Qin Shaofeng did not transform the inner qi of the gods and demon to the direction of spiritual qi, the inner qi of the gods and demon cultivated by his "The Book of Gods and Devils" is already very powerful, comparable to the cultivator of the qi realm with aura.

His attack was to disperse the attack of the old Patriarch of the Gao family.


Upon seeing this, the old Patriarch of the Gao family disagreed, snorted coldly, and shot again.

But no matter how he shot, it didn't affect Qin Shaofeng in the slightest.

On the contrary, Qin Shaofeng has become a little impatient. He originally wanted to see what the martial emperor among the martial artists had.

Judging from the performance of the old Patriarch of the Gao family, it was far from satisfactory, which made him very disappointed.

"That's what you can do?" Qin Shaofeng said disappointed.

But his disappointed tone made the old Patriarch of the Gao family even more angry.

"Damn bitch, I will send you to Huangquan!"

In his anger, the old Patriarch of the Gao family exploded with a stronger aura.

This gave those Gao family disciples a glimmer of hope again in their hearts.

This is their old Patriarch, an extremely powerful Emperor Wu, who can definitely kill the enemy.

But soon they were disappointed.

"Lightning flash!"

After hearing a soft drink, Qin Shaofeng's right hand flashed a flash of lightning, and then a flash of lightning rushed to the old Patriarch of the Gao family.

"Spiritual skill?"

Seeing that flash of lightning, the old Patriarch of the Gao family was shocked, and his heart was even more turbulent.

Even so, the old Patriarch of the Gao family was after all a martial emperor with rich combat experience. In the end, with his rich experience, he barely escaped Qin Shaofeng's thunder and lightning.

But after avoiding it, his gaze at Qin Shaofeng was completely different.

The spiritual skill that this kid actually cultivated?

The old Patriarch of the Gao family was shocked, but greed appeared even more.

Spiritual exercises!

The general martial artist just knows that the exercises are divided into four levels: low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and super-grade.

However, among the exercises, there may still be exercises that far exceed the level of super-grade exercises. This is the spiritual exercise.

The most obvious point of the spiritual practice technique is that it can cultivate various attribute powers as a means of attack.

Although the exercises under spiritual quality exercises can also be divided into attribute exercises.

But cultivating these techniques, unless you cultivate to the martial sage realm, otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate an attack with attribute power.

Wuhuang realm can use attacks with attributes, which is definitely a spiritual practice.

In fact, only when the innate energy in the body begins to be transformed into aura, the warrior can use the attack with attribute power like a supernatural person.

However, this requires the help of a powerful and special technique, which is a spiritual technique that far exceeds the super-class technique!

At the moment when Qin Shaofeng broke out that kind of lightning attack, the old Patriarch of the Gao family affirmed that Qin Shaofeng possessed spiritual skills, because he did not feel the breath of a supernatural being from Qin Shaofeng.

Apart from cultivating spiritual skills, he couldn't think of any other way to make such an attack.

So, he was excited, excited!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that your kid actually possesses spiritual quality techniques, and you are still attacking the powerful Thunder system spiritual quality techniques. This is great, the old man has good luck!" The old master of the Gao family laughed loudly.

"Boy, give you a chance to hand over the spiritual skills to the old man, so that the old man can still save you a small life, otherwise the old man will let you have no bones!" the old master of the Gao family said viciously.

But Qin Shaofeng is drunk!

I circled a cross. This old thing didn't figure out the situation, right?

Qin Shaofeng had learned a little bit about the spiritual skills of the opponent from Gao Yangfeng, but it was not very comprehensive.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng knew that this so-called spiritual skill was nothing more than a more powerful one.

But this is not the point, the point is...

What kind of courage does this old man have to say such threatening words to himself?

Kill me?

Oh, I just haha!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was really impatient.

The reason why he hasn't ruled this Gao family's ancestor until now is because he wants to attract the Gao family's ancestor out.

I don't know why, after Qin Shaofeng came to the Gao family, he felt the aura of a martial emperor realm from the old master of the Gao family.

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel the breath of Gao Yangfeng's ancestor who hadn't died in Gao Yangfeng's memory.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng felt that perhaps the other party had some means to hide his own breath, so that his spiritual sense could not detect it.

After all, his current divine consciousness is not very strong, and there were monks in the earth before, and monks were able to refine magic weapons and magic weapons.

It is very possible that the ancestor of the Gao family hid his aura with the help of some kind of monk magic weapon.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the first time to kill the old Patriarch of the Gao family.

If Qin Shaofeng wanted to do this, if Qin Shaofeng wanted to give the other party a second.

But I don't want this to make the other party have a strange and silly idea.

What's so special, a scum of the triple martial emperor, you fight the five scums in front of the little master, dare to talk to me like this?

Qin Shaofeng is angry!

There is nothing more to say, Qin Shaofeng just beckoned and stabbed, and the flash of thunder around him was seven or eight more lightning flashes.


This is definitely a spiritual skill!


Seeing the thunder lights around Qin Shaofeng, the old Patriarch of the Gao family was even more excited.

But soon he couldn't get excited, because after these few thunder lights got close, he suddenly discovered a very direct thing.

He can't hide it!

As soon as he discovered this, the old Patriarch of the Gao family was instantly cold, and he didn't find the excitement of the spiritual practice technique anymore.

Although the exercises are good, they have to be enjoyed!

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything!



Although the old Patriarch of the Gao family resorted to the trick of milking in the end, he escaped three rays of thunder.

But in the end, five rays of thunder light accurately hit him, and then the old Patriarch of the Gao family flashed with thunder light and turned into a coke corpse.

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, the power of the lightning flashes used by Qin Shaofeng is simply not too strong.

And this was his flash of lightning with some anger. If this was hit, not to mention a person in the triple martial emperor realm of the old Patriarch of the Gao family, even the martial emperor of the pinnacle realm would not be comfortable.

If you hit Wudao, then...

Without the second situation, there is no doubt that he will die!

When the old family master fell to the ground and turned into a coke corpse, all the Gao family disciples present were desperate.

The old Patriarch is not the opponent of the other party?

That's the old patriarch of Wu Huang's triple realm!

However, after despair, some madness appeared!

"Kill! Kill this person!"

Suddenly, a crazy roar appeared, and a disciple of the Gao family who was only in the realm of the innate grandmaster rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

But after this sound, many Gao family disciples looked red.

Although the opponent is very powerful, even the old Patriarch who is strong into the realm of the Triple Martial Emperor is not the opponent of the opponent.

But it was exactly the same. The opponent killed so many masters in their Gao family one after another. It would definitely be a life and death enemy with their Gao family, and the opponent would definitely not let them go.

Anyway, it's dead, so it's better to fight it last!

Especially those high-level seniors who knew the purpose of Patriarch Gao Yangfeng's going out and the existence of Qin Shaofeng were extremely desperate in their hearts.

In such a situation, I am afraid that the owner and the group will be more ill-fortuned.

So the current Gao family, but there is not even a Wu Wang.

As a hidden family, although the Gao family is very powerful, it also has many enemies.

Now there are no masters in the realm of King Wu, and the Gao family is finished.

Rather than being killed by those enemies of the Gao family, or living a life of hiding in Tibet, it is better to fight now.

After several high-level seniors looked at similarly, they felt something, and rushed to Qin Shaofeng frantically one by one.

"Kill, kill the enemy, avenge the old Patriarch!"

"Vengeance, revenge, revenge for the great elder!"

"Kill, go together and behead the enemy!"


For a while, under the madness of some people, most of the disciples of the Gao family were also mad.

All of them flushed with anger and rushed towards Qin Shaofeng frantically.

But for these disciples of the Gao family who didn't even have King Wu, Qin Shaofeng just glanced lightly, and then gently spit out three words.

"Lightning flash!"

There was a flash of thunder, and at this moment, Qin Shaofeng burst into a large amount of lightning.

One after another, flash after flash!

Soon, the disciples of the Gao family were completely swallowed by these thunder lights.

This day is the end of the Gao family!

The Gao family is over!

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