Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1775: Aftermath

The Gao family is over?

Wang Shihao was shocked by the news.

The Gao family is a hidden family, and its strength is definitely not weak.

Although the Wang family would not put a family like the Gao family in their eyes, it is undeniable that even if the Wang family wants to act on the Gao family, it still has to pay a certain price.

However, it seems that the ancestors of the Gao family did not appear in the end.

I don't know if the ancestor of the Gao family was indifferent to the destruction of the Gao family, or what happened. He never appeared when the Gao family was finally destroyed by Qin Shaofeng.

This situation surprised Wang Shihao.

However, this also made Wang Shihao secretly relieved, feeling that although Qin Shaofeng has a certain strength, it may not be terrifying to a certain degree.

But even so, he dispelled the idea of ​​doing something to Qin Shaofeng.

Because he discovered that even if the Gao family did not have the ancestors of the Gao family, that strength was very strong, and Qin Shaofeng's strength was definitely not weak if such a Gao family could be destroyed.

After thinking about it this way, Wang Shihao could only temporarily dispel his thoughts of attacking Qin Shaofeng.

This situation also gave Wang Feiran a sigh of relief.

However, when he thought that Qin Shaofeng could destroy the Gao family, Wang Feiran gasped again.

This Qin Shaofeng is really strong!

For the general family of warriors, the movement of the hidden family is very secret, they can't notice it.

Even if a powerful Gao family was wiped out overnight, the Chinese martial arts world was still calm, because no one knew about it.

But for the same hidden family, this is a very sensational thing.

During the recent period, the appearance of Wu Wang Dan has also moved many hidden families.

However, only the Gao family was selected by the Wang family and became a **** to test Qin Shaofeng's strength.

Therefore, until the Gao family was destroyed, no one knew the true source of Wu Wang Dan.

But after the Gao family was destroyed, it attracted the attention of many hidden families.

The Gao family is a hidden family with the existence of Emperor Wu, and it is very powerful.

Who was this who could destroy the Gao family overnight?

There was a lot of news about who actually destroyed the Gao family.

Such news came from the Wang Family secretly, and then Qin Shaofeng was known by the Hidden Family.

Qin Shaofeng?

The Gao family was destroyed by one person, and it happened overnight?

Such news is a big impact on the hidden family.

At the same time, many hidden families became curious again, where is Qin Shaofeng sacred, and actually possesses the power to destroy the Gao family?

In the beginning, because of Qin Shaofeng's surname, this made many hermit families immediately think of a certain family-the Qin family!

Many people subconsciously think that Qin Shaofeng’s disciple of the Qin family!

Even though the Qin family is only one of the five great families in the martial arts world, in fact the so-called five great families simply cannot represent the entire Qin family.

The real Qin family, even the Wang family, absolutely dare not offend.

If it weren't for the Wang Family's repeated confirmation, if Qin Shaofeng is not a disciple of the Qin Family, I am afraid that he would not dare to attack Qin Shaofeng.

Not the Qin family, so who is Qin Shaofeng who actually possesses such strength?

After the Gao family was destroyed, many experts went to the Gao family to check it out.

Then, I saw the coke-like corpses all over the Gao family, even the old master of the Gao family was coke-like corpses.

Spiritual exercises! ?

For a while, many hidden families were shocked.

Judging from the traces of the Gao family's corpse, they all knew that Qin Shaofeng had cultivated the spirit grade technique, and it was a very unusual Thunder system spirit grade technique.

Is this Qin Shaofeng a disciple of an expert hermit?

For a while, many people secretly guessed.

But at this moment, the Wang family secretly released the wind again, shaking out the message that Wu Wang Dan was refined by Qin Shaofeng.

Wang Shihao's purpose is very simple, that is, to use the powerful effect of Wu Wang Dan to make some beloved hidden families cause some trouble for Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's situation was too mysterious in Wang Shihao's eyes. He wanted to use the impact of the destruction of Wu Wangdan and the Gao family to send some interference to Qin Shaofeng.

Then, let him look at Qin Shaofeng's bottom line.

The Gao family without the ancestors of the Gao family is nothing in Wang Shihao's eyes, but the thought that Qin Shaofeng destroyed the Gao family alone.

This amount of information is still too large, so Wang Shihao is not sure how strong Qin Shaofeng is.

He was very moved by Wu Wangdan, but Qin Shaofeng's strength made him a little more careful.

It's just a pity that few of the hidden families are fools.

There are still very few people who really want Gao Yangfeng to break through the Emperor Wu and go to catch Qin Shaofeng with ambition.

Few people are fools to become the head of a hidden family.

Of course, this is also related to the secretly revealed news of Wang Shihao, which is not comprehensive.

Because the information sent to the outside world did not indicate that the Wu Wang Dan could enable the Wu Wang of the nine and ten realms to break through and become the Emperor of Wu after taking it.

If not, let the hidden families know that if Wu Wang Dan can manufacture the Emperor Wu in batches, I am afraid that there are quite a few hidden family Patriarchs like Gao Yangfeng.

However, Wang Shihao did not want such a situation.

Although Wu Wang Dan can attract the attention of many hidden families, it is also very limited.

If the other hidden families know that King Wu Dan can help King Wu get promoted to Emperor Wu, it might be enough to set off a **** storm among the hidden families.

At that time, even if Wang Shihao had confidence in the strength of the Wang family, it would probably not be possible to take Wu Wang Dan as his own.

Now he can only wait secretly.

Waiting for other hidden families to attack Qin Shaofeng, or to explore Qin Shaofeng's true strength.


After destroying the Gao family, Qin Shaofeng returned to Fengya Villa.

But to be honest, Qin Shaofeng was still a little disappointed.

Because in the end, he still didn't see the so-called Gao family ancestor.

In Gao Yangfeng's memory, it seems that the last time he himself saw the ancestor of the Gao family was more than ten years ago.

The reason why Gao Yangfeng affirmed that the ancestors of the Gao family did not die was because the ancestors of the Gao family seemed to be the martial emperor of the eighth realm.

Even if the martial artist has cultivated to the realm of the innate master, it will not have much effect on extending his life.

After all, the cultivation method of the earth warrior, but to stimulate their own potential, and not to moisturize their body with spiritual energy, naturally it is impossible to achieve the effect of extending life.

Even if the cultivation is improper, it is very likely that you will suffer certain damage to your body during the cultivation process, which is not to mention extending your lifespan.

I'm afraid this can bring a certain vitality in advance and shorten the lifespan.

However, this situation started to get better after the realm was raised to the Wuwang realm.

Even in the process of cultivation, the martial artist has caused some damage to the body.

But once you step into the realm of King Wu, your body will be repaired.

The reason for this situation is that after entering the realm of King Wu, he has begun to temper his innate energy.

After the martial artist's training has been tempered in the first day, even if it does not achieve the effect of aura, it can still play a lot of nourishing effects on the body.

Therefore, basically, after a warrior stepped into the realm of the king of martial arts, there would be no problems in living to a hundred years old.

And if you set foot on the Emperor Wu, the life span of the warrior would be even longer.

The powerful Emperor Wu lives to be two hundred years old, which is also normal.

As for a martial artist who thoroughly cultivated spiritual energy and even developed a sea of ​​qi, his life span is at least three hundred years old.

But with the environment blocked by the earth, even if some hidden families have a lot of spiritual energy, it is extremely difficult to cultivate to the martial arts realm.

Many hidden families have many martial emperors, but the hidden families with the first-level martial sage are rare.

There was once a hidden family who had a very talented genius. When he was less than twenty years old, he set foot in Martial Emperor, and then became the peak Martial Emperor in his forties.

But so far, he hasn't made any progress in his life, although there is only a slight difference between Wuhuang Emperor and Wu Sheng.

But it is this line of separation, but it seems like the sky is cut, it is an absolute gap.

In addition to having an absolute talent, you also need to have a certain chance. Otherwise, it would be just a dream to set foot on the Saint Level and become a Martial Saint.

But how to say, in the realm of Emperor Wu, the higher the realm, the longer the life expectancy.

Although the ancestor of the Gao family is over two hundred years old, according to Gao Yangfeng's memory, it seems that the ancestor of the Gao family has a special opportunity. Even if it is only in the realm of Emperor Wu, it is normal to live to three hundred years old.

As for what kind of opportunity it is, Gao Yangfeng has no idea.

After learning about this situation from Gao Yangfeng's memory, Qin Shaofeng wanted to see it.

But it is a pity that the so-called ancestor of the Gao family did not show up at all.

Qin Shaofeng suspected now that the ancestor of the Gao family would have returned home long ago.

The reason why Gao Yangfeng has such a memory is probably because the ancestors of the Gao family knew that the deadline was approaching, but in order to prevent the Gao family from being remembered by others, he lied and fabricated his chance to prolong his life. , Began to retreat and break through lies.

Sometimes if you want to fool other people, the first thing you start is to fool your own people.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, the ancestors of the Gao family might have such plans.

In fact, not only Qin Shaofeng thought so, but after the destruction of the Gao family, he did not see the corpse of the ancestor of the Gao family. Many hidden families believed that the ancestor of the Gao family was long dead.

But this has nothing to do with Qin Shaofeng. Whether the ancestor of the Gao family is dead or alive, it doesn't matter to him.

Even if the ancestor of the Gao family is not alive, that Dingtian is a peak martial emperor, and the opponent cannot become a martial sage.

Since he didn't talk about Wu Sheng, for Qin Shaofeng, it was a role that could be solved with one or two punches.

You don't need to care at all!

And after the Gao family was destroyed, Qin Shaofeng felt that he should have some free time.

In fact, it was true. In the next few days, Fengya Villa did not suffer any attacks.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew that this might be the tranquility on the eve of the storm.

Because during this time, Andrew kept reporting to him, in the area near Fengya Villa, but from time to time King Wu, and even people in the realm of Wuhuang appeared.

These were mostly other hidden families, and Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his exploration.

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