Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1780: Is the Tang family in trouble?

For Tang Ning'er, after identifying Qin Shaofeng as her brother-in-law, she began to be a little bit ‘presumptuous’.

This Xiao Nizi is completely Sapo expert, and most importantly, she has a good reason for her identity.

A few words about her eldest brother-in-law's short husband-in-law was that Qin Shaofeng's practice plan arranged for her was flattened out.

But now after spending a few days in Fengya Villa, Xiao Nizi is tired again and plans to go out to play.

Qin Shaofeng is not easy to refuse...

Well, the real situation is that he was really impatient by this little Nizi, and finally took her out.

At this time, Tang Ning'er was completely free of herself.

Maybe she grew up on Tangyun Island, which made her curious about everything outside.

Eating, drinking, using, wearing, and most importantly, playing, all inspired Xiao Nizi's infinite interest and experience.

No, it's just that in less than a month, she actually played several famous cities along the coast, and not a day stopped.

This made Qin Shaofeng very miserable!

However, during this time, Qin Shaofeng finally contacted Tang Xiner.

When the two sisters had a conversation, Tang Xin'er asked Tang Ning'er to hand over the phone to Qin Shaofeng, and the two exchanged.

It was this exchange that made Qin Shaofeng seem to be aware that Tang Yundao, to be precise, seemed to be in trouble.

Even in order to cope with this trouble, Tang Yundao brought out the medicinal materials accumulated on the island for hundreds of years, that is, the more than 3,000 high-grade elixir, for Qin Shaofeng to refine the pill.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng understand why Elder Tang Lietian actually took out so many medicinal materials. It turned out that this was the family property of Tang Yundao.

It can be seen that the trouble encountered by Tang Yundao this time should be no small for the Tang Family to make such a posture, and most of them make the Tang Family feel difficult.

Qin Shaofeng suggested that he should go to Tangyun Island to help, but it was rejected by Tang Xiner.

Because this was not only her meaning, but also the meaning of the Tang family. Otherwise, when Father Tang Lietian came, he would directly explain it to Qin Shaofeng.

From the Tang family's point of view, Tang Yundao's troubles are not too troublesome for outsiders.

If it was after Qin Shaofeng and Tang Xin'er got married, that would be fine, but the relationship between the two has not reached that stage yet.

Although in Qin Shaofeng's eyes or in Tang Xin'er's heart, the relationship between the two has long been inseparable.

But the Tang family didn't think so. At this stage, Qin Shaofeng was still an outsider.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything about this, so he didn't struggle with this aspect.

However, Qin Shaofeng had told Tang Xin'er, if possible, let Tang Yundao send someone to him, and he would prepare some nine-layered spirit pills for the past.

But for such a mind, Tang Xiner shook her head and refused.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but it's not very convenient now.

From Tang Xiner's words, Qin Shaofeng learned a piece of news that surprised him extremely.

That is Tangyun Island sealing the island!

This is not an island closure in the general sense. Tangyun Island has also been in a state of closure over the years, but there are still some hidden families who can go to Tangyun Island.

And Tang Yundao itself also sent people from time to time to come to the mainland to learn about the outside world.

But this time Tangyun Island was sealed off, but the island was isolated from the world.

The Tang family has a large formation on Tangyun Island. After opening it, it can hide the entire island.

According to Tang Xin'er, the big formation seemed not easy, and this time she talked with Tang Ning'er for the last time.

After this time, Tang Yundao was completely disconnected from the outside world.

Although Tang Xin'er didn't say it clearly, Qin Shaofeng faintly felt that Tang Ning'er, a little girl who had been crazy about a roller coaster again, had something to do with the closure of Tangyun Island this time.

Regarding this, after Qin Shaofeng raised the question, Tang Xiner said that she was not quite clear either.

In the end, Tang Xin'er just asked Qin Shaofeng to take care of her, her naughty sister, waiting for the day when Tang Yundao was unblocked.

Qin Shaofeng agreed, and at the same time told Tang Xin'er that if there really is an unsolvable problem, he should be notified as soon as possible.

After he and Tang Xin'er met again, the two souls once again performed a perfect fusion.

Therefore, even if the distance is farther, as long as Tang Xiner thinks, she can still pass some information to Qin Shaofeng with the power of soul.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't want this.

Because if it really reaches that point, I am afraid that Tang Jiashan will be exhausted.

"Oh, I hope I won't get there!"

Looking at the phone that had hung up, Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently.

For some reason, Qin Shaofeng always felt a little uneasy.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't think about it afterwards, and now his task is to let Tang Ning'er this little girl have fun.

Tang Xin'er told Qin Shaofeng that Tang Ning'er, a little girl, had never left the island more than one slap.

Originally, she had promised this little Nizi long ago, and she would come out once in a while and take her to have fun.

But now encountering this kind of thing, Tang Xiner can only ask Qin Shaofeng now.

Although he felt helpless and felt that the mission was Alexander, Qin Shaofeng still recognized it.

For the next period of time, Qin Shaofeng didn't do anything, so he played with Tang Ning'er everywhere.

Although this kind of play was a waste of time for Qin Shaofeng, who was short on time.

But it was only a month or two, and Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry.


And while Qin Shaofeng was playing like this, something happened in the United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean in China.

After a period of time, the genetically modified creatures that were originally in the underground space below the headquarters of the Bregg family have gradually left the underground space one after another.

It is worth mentioning that although these genetically modified creatures can leave this underground space, they are reluctant to leave.

Even after diving into the underground river, usually just after eating, he returned to that underground space again.

It is worth mentioning that the underground river is actually the same as the Pacific Ocean. The place where the underground river finally flows into is actually the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, there are still many abundant fish in this underground river.

This can just solve the lack of food for genetically modified organisms in the underground space, and preying on fish is also a benefit of improving food for those genetically modified organisms.

However, it is precisely because of this, because fish taste good, causing these genetically modified organisms to have a great appetite and prey quickly.

Then, as the number of fishes decreases, the range of predation by these genetically modified organisms naturally increases.

In the end, the predation area of ​​these genetically modified organisms finally extended to the passage where Qin Shaofeng left from the underground river.

At this time, with the exploration of the spirit stone, which is the energy stone, the power search team sent by Viteo also expanded its scope.

There was nothing in the beginning, but finally after more than two months of exploration and the expansion of the predation range of the genetically modified creatures, those supernatural men of Viteo finally came into contact with the genetically modified creatures.

On this day, a seventh-order genetically modified creature similar to a giant lizard came along the underground river. A river that was 50 or 60 miles away from the underground space preyed on fish.

And just as it preyed on fish, it suddenly noticed that there was some special breath not far away.

The most important thing is that these special breaths make it smell delicious food.

Its underdeveloped brain suddenly thought that some time ago, their lair had such a breath of food.

It's just a pity that the food seemed to have disappeared, which made it feel a little regretful.

When in the old nest, it is not that it has tasted such delicious food.

Because at the time of its memory, the food passage above the old nest occasionally appeared some such delicacy.

It seems to remember that those delicacies have a special name-human!

The Bregg family are not moralists. Their experiments involve a huge scope. Even if it is a human experiment, it is an extremely normal experiment.

If this were not the case, genetically modified people would not appear.

But it is precisely because of this that many human corpses also exist among the failed test products.

Therefore, human corpses occasionally appear in that underground space.

Therefore, the genetically modified creature in the underground space is no stranger to human corpses.

And this giant lizard of Tier 7 has tasted human corpses, and it feels very delicious.

But at this moment, it was letting it smell the human breath, which made it naturally a little excited.

For the first time, it swam directly to the place where it exudes a delicious smell.

At the same time, Brunei, the captain of the Seventh Explorer Team, looked at the probe in his hand with excitement in his eyes.

Under Viteo's secret control, although there were not many abilities he sent, there were always more than one person. Basically, when exploring the energy stones, they all explored in small teams.

Brunei was originally only a Tier 5 ability player, and the team he led was also a Tier 4 or 5 ability player.

But this time in the mission of exploring the energy stones, he was commended by General Viteo for finding a lot of energy stones, and he also received many energy stones.

Today's level of his superpowers has not only been promoted to the sixth stage, but has even reached the late stage of the sixth stage.

As long as he gets another five or six energy stone rewards, then he can hit the seventh rank.

And his three subordinates all reached the sixth rank.

This made him choose to seek refuge in General Viteo's idea, and the higher he felt, it was very wise and correct.

And just now, on his detector, the reaction of the energy stone was once again shown, and the number was quite large, exceeding twenty yuan.

Viteo is very generous to these explorer teams.

Only four-fifths of the energy stones collected in this exploration need to be turned in, and the remaining one-fifth is reserved for self-use.

This amount of allocation is actually very large.

Twenty energy stones can get four, which is a great gain.

Of course, this is also because Brunei and the explorers belong to Viteo.

And the people who can be sent to this place to explore and collect those energy stones are basically Viteo's private forces, and they belong to his personal powers.

If it weren't for this, how could Viteo be so generous?

Looking at the display screen on the detector, Brunei was very excited and said to the other three team members: "Quickly, come on my side, I found more than 20 energy stones!"

Even if it is an ability person, unless it is some special ability person, and some water system ability person, otherwise, other ability persons basically wear diving equipment.

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