Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1781: Disaster first appeared

Brunei is a Tier 6 ability person, but his ability is not a water system ability. Under water, he still has to breathe with an oxygen cylinder.

Almost most explorers are like this, and the communication between them is also through some electronic devices.

Upon hearing the words of captain Brunei, the other three team members exploded.

"What? More than twenty energy stones?"

"I'm rubbing it, you are the captain, you can actually find twenty energy stones at once!"

"Hahaha, it looks like we can get another four or five energy stones!"

Two or three months have passed since the Viteaus began to explore the underground river.

This started with the upper lake as the center, and the lower section of the underground river until the exit of the Pacific Ocean was almost completely detected.

In fact, due to the erosion of the river, the energy stones appear in the second half of the river.

For the upper half of the river in the upstream area, in fact, up to now, only the area of ​​a dozen or twenty miles has been detected.

There is no way for Viteo's explorer team, but based on the number of power stones, drill wherever there are.

Brunei and their team are not large in number. After the energy stones explored in the lower part of the river became less and less, they planned to explore the upper reaches of the river.

There are also some people who agree with Brunei's team.

Although the number of energy stones detected in this way is small, judging from the large number of explorers existing downstream, this can actually explore more energy stones.

However, there are more than 20 energy stones in a small area, not to mention going up, even in the downstream area, it is rare.

Therefore, such a discovery made Brunei and others very happy, and the four-person team soon began to gather.

But at this moment, Brunei suddenly felt something wrong with the surrounding water.

"Well, what's the situation? Is there a big fish?"

Brunei frowned slightly, but he didn't care much.

I have been in this underground river for more than two months. Brunei knows that because this underground river is connected to the sea, there are many fishes.

Even in the section of the river that was close to the exit and close to the ocean, sharks still appeared. At first, because of this, some people died under the shark’s mouth.

Then, from that time on, General Viteo called ordinary people back and let the supernaturalists explore and collect energy stones.

Therefore, Brunei doesn't care much at this moment, because if you don't talk about fish, even if sharks appear, it will not pose any threat to him.


A torrent of torrents rushed in, and Brunei's heart moved. Oh, it seems that it should be a big fish.

Brunei subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction of the torrent, but at this sight, he was dumbfounded.

"Fak, what is this?"

Looking at a huge shadow of seven or eight meters in front, Brunei's heart trembled.

What made Brunei even more shocked was that the huge shadow had already approached him, and what was even more frightening was that he could see clearly now that the huge shadow was not a fish at all.

Looking at the big mouth, Brunei knew immediately that he had encountered something special.

And this is not the point, the point is that he feels a very powerful aura from the shadow in front of him.

not good!

Brunei just fled for the first time!

But it's too late!

Because at the moment when he had the thought of escape in his heart, the big mouth of the blood basin had already been bitten down and bit him directly.


Brunei screamed, and the power broke out instantly.

It's just a pity that his ability is only a fire type ability, and his strength under this water will be much weaker.

And the most important opponent is that even if he all broke out, he might not be the opponent of the shadow master in front of him.

Because of this huge shadow, it is exactly the seventh-order genetically modified creature that resembles a giant lizard.

Although the genetically modified creatures in that underground space were all failed products after the Breg family experiment, with the help of Lingshi, the evolution of those genetically modified creatures was even more extraordinary.

Basically, at the same level, this genetically modified creature is much stronger than ordinary abilities, magicians, and even general warriors of the same level.

Needless to say, this Brunei is just a Tier 6 ability person.

Not to mention that it is underwater now, even if it is on land, Brunei will not be the opponent of this genetically modified creature.

Therefore, he was tragic.


With the crisp sound, Brunei was directly bitten into two sections with the bite force of this genetically modified creature, and then the giant lizard genetically modified creature swallowed the two corpses with a big mouth.

But after swallowing Hanlai, the genetically modified creature was not satisfied, because the corpse smelled other auras.

Human breath!

There are other humans!

The genetically modified creature was overjoyed, and immediately ran to the three Brunei team members.

Within three minutes, the other three people were also swallowed by this genetically modified creature.

After swallowing four supernatural beings, this genetically modified creature was finally satisfied, and then leisurely swam back into the underground space.

But what this genetically modified creature doesn't know is that when it swallowed Brunei, Brunei was caught off guard, even his teammates did not know.

But the three teammates of Brunei, although not fully gathered in the end, they are already close to each other a lot.

It is worth mentioning that the energy stones in the entire underground river are the spirit stones, many of which have been impacted by the river water into the silt, and even under the cumulative impact over the years, most of the energy stones have been deeply plunged into the depth of the river. Place.

Therefore, now this underground river, because the explorers sent by Viteo, have punched countless holes in this underground river when they were exploring, collecting and digging the energy stones.

And most importantly, this underground river originally had many small branches. Although these small branches ended up being dead-end situations, they could be washed into many energy stones.

At the beginning, Brunei and the four of them were all divided.

Then, after Brunei sent the message, the other three also rushed over.

But they did not see their captain Brunei being swallowed, but after the three approached, the genetically modified creature appeared in front of them.

The three of them were taken aback. At first, they were a little disapproved. At most, they thought that there were five variants.

This is an underground river three or four kilometers below the ground. There are some special five kinds, and that's nothing.

But after the genetically modified creature swam to the three of them in an instant, and swallowed one of them, the remaining two were shocked.

The two ran at the first time, but how could it be possible?

Soon, another person was swallowed.

The last remaining person was completely panicked, and immediately asked for help from the Explorer Base.

"There are monsters, help—ah—!"

This was the last person's call for help. After issuing this call for help, he was swallowed by the genetically modified creature of the seventh-order giant lizard.

But the last time he shouted, the explorer's base received his message.


what's the situation?

Those in charge of liaison at the base felt a little confused about this and did not know the situation at all.

This base was the space excavated in a place at the beginning after Viteo entered the passage at the bottom of the lake.

Now this space has been excavated very large, and it has been carefully processed by several powerful abilities, and it has been set up as a secret base.

Faced with such a call for help, the liaison personnel at the base were very confused at the first time.

But then it was discovered that after the call for help could no longer be reached, the contact person felt that something was wrong.

Because not only that person, but also the team that that person was in, and Brunei, the Tier 6 ability, had lost contact.

During this period of time, when exploring the energy stone, there were indeed casualties.

But in addition to the ordinary researchers and ordinary excavators at the beginning, there are at most two or three low-level abilities, because they accidentally lost their way in the underground river, and eventually the oxygen ran out, and they died of lack of oxygen. .

Apart from this, no one died.

Needless to say, it was a team brought by a Tier 6 ability master.

This thing is definitely not simple!

The explorer base has strong players, and it is also an ability king of the eighth peak realm.

In fact, the opponent is in a state of breakthrough, so he did not explore the energy stone.

To be honest, this power king didn't care much about receiving such a task.


I'm afraid it should be a primitive creature in a special underground!

However, considering that Brunei is a Tier 6 ability player after all, although he is somewhat restrained underwater, he still has some strength.

In the end, this ability king sent a seventh-order ability player to investigate the specific situation.


There is no more, after the seventh-order supernatural power passed, he did not come back.

The seventh-order supernatural ability person was not happy to get such a task, because he was exploring a good place, and many spirit stones appeared.

Now that he was instructed to investigate the traces of Brunei and others, he was naturally unhappy.

However, he couldn't defy such an order, he just wanted to solve it quickly, and then return to life early, return to that place early to continue exploring the energy stone.

Because of this, his speed is very fast. This person himself is a wind type supernatural ability person, and he can display a very fast speed even underwater.

Soon, he caught up with the genetically modified creature.

But it turned out that he became the dessert of the genetically modified creature.

And this was just the beginning, because after the genetically modified creature returned to the underground space, he shared the delicious news there with his companions.

It was amazing at this moment, and the genetically modified creatures couldn't bear it when they heard that it was delicious.

Suddenly, the twenty or thirty genetically modified creatures snoring rushed toward the place where the delicious food was.

And the explorer base has not confirmed the death of the seventh-order supernatural power, it was attacked by a group of genetically modified creatures.

Although these twenty or thirty genetically modified creatures are the strongest, which is Tier 8, there are only seven or eight in number.

But the explorer base is only an eighth-order ability king, facing such a group of genetically modified creatures, it is simply invincible.

The final result was that only the power king was killing, seven or eight Tier 7 and three Tier 8 genetically modified creatures, severely injured and fleeing.

The explorer base is completely destroyed!

But all this is just the beginning!

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