Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1786: Come back soon?

Looking at the tall buildings in front of him, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were full of cold light.

Although the last time I was here, for him, there were some gains in the end.

But this does not mean that he can really forget it.

There is no need for the Bregg family to exist!

Looking at the whole building indifferently, Qin Shaofeng walked over.

Then, a very strange phenomenon appeared.

Because when Qin Shaofeng walked into the building, he clearly walked in so directly, but the people around him didn't seem to see him.

After Qin Shaofeng invaded his family headquarters, the Bregg family's vigilance against their high-rise buildings directly increased several levels.

People who enter and exit now need to pass through several levels, and they can only enter if they pass all of them.

It is worth mentioning that the Bregg family has been busy rebuilding the underground headquarters during this period and has no time to deal with Qin Shaofeng’s business in China.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Bregg family, Qin Shaofeng was already a dead person.

As for why other people did not see Qin Shaofeng, it was all because of the influence of Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness.

After the realm was raised to the peak realm of Emperor Wu, Qin Shaofeng's divine consciousness could radiate a lot.

At this moment, his divine consciousness enveloped the entire building, allowing others to forget him from their minds the moment they saw him.

Such a thing is very easy for Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, this is the reason why everyone did not see Qin Shaofeng.

It is actually very simple for Qin Shaofeng to pass these levels.

During Qin Shaofeng's operation, in order to have a better understanding of the underground space, he asked Andrew to strengthen the super detector again.

Now this super detector can completely destroy most of the electronic instruments directly, but it is even easier to invade the inspection levels of the Bregg family and make some modifications.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng entered the Breg Building.

Then, Qin Shaofeng got on the elevator.

At the very beginning, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that there was a breath of Jonathan Bragg above the Bragg Building.

After the reconstruction, Qin Shaofeng can no longer find the way to the underground headquarters of the Breg family.

Although he can completely rely on exposure and destruction, he can directly enter the headquarters of the Breg family.

But in this way, it can make a lot of noise, and Qin Shaofeng didn't want this either.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have any fear of the Bregg family. With his current strength, he could completely sweep the Bregg family directly.

But the problem is that the United States is now in a very sensitive matter.

The emergence of powerful genetically modified organisms has already caused the United States to suffer huge losses, but at this stage, it seems that the United States cannot help those genetically modified organisms.

If at this time, I made some movement, it might have hit the muzzle of the United States.

This is a trouble for Qin Shaofeng.

Well, it's just trouble.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng does not have the confidence to be an enemy of the entire United States.

Therefore, this time, it is better to keep a low profile!

So Qin Shaofeng naturally used Jonathan to figure out how to enter the Breg family headquarters.


In the office on the highest floor of the Bregg Building, Jonathan, who had just finished processing the points file, pressed his frown and asked his blonde secretary to make a cup of coffee.

During this period of time, it took him a lot of energy to rebuild the underground headquarters.

But it was hard to deal with these things, and now there is actually some monster incident.


If it were before that, Breg had only a sneer in his heart.

There are no monsters in this world, just some special species.

Even when the so-called Pacific monsters just appeared, he guessed that it was mostly the military genetic modification that led to the emergence of some genetically modified creatures.

But the current situation made him understand that it was not what he thought.

It is true that a monster has appeared, and the strength is still very terrible!

In this regard, the research team of their Bregg family evaluated the monsters, but the results were very unoptimistic.

Because it was just the strongest prehistoric crocodile-like monster, the existence that their Breg family could not beat with their best efforts.

That is the existence of a ninth-order emperor!

Then, because of this situation, now in the situation of the Bregg family, there have been some changes.

Because they couldn't confirm whether those monsters would land, if they landed, it would be extremely dangerous to their Bregg family.

Therefore, many senior members of the Bregg family have begun to discuss the relocation.

But the Bregg family has put a lot of effort into this underground headquarters. How can it be said that it relocated?

There are also many people who argue that they are located thousands of meters underground and cannot be found by those monsters, so there is no need to relocate.

Then, the senior management of the Bregg family started to argue with this, which caused Jonathan a headache.


At this moment, Jonathan heard the door opening.

However, he didn't feel anything, he thought it was his female secretary who came in.

But the next moment, when he looked up and saw the person coming, he was shocked.

"Yo, hello! Mr. Jonathan, we meet again!"

Looking at Jonathan who was so surprised, Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

"Qin... Qin Shaofeng?"

Jonathan's eyes were full of disbelief, isn't Qin Shaofeng dead?

But how could he appear again?

For the ending of being thrown into the abyssal underground space, in Jonathan's cognition, there is only a dead end.

But the appearance of Qin Shaofeng in front of him caused Jonathan to instantly reject his previous thoughts.

Qin Shaofeng is not dead!


After accepting the shock, Jonathan was frightened.

The scene of dealing with Qin Shaofeng before, made him recognize Qin Shaofeng's strength clearly in his heart, and facing the current situation where he was alone, his first reaction was to ask for help.

But it's a pity that when he first thought of this, he was plunged into endless darkness.

How could Qin Shaofeng allow Jonathan to ask for help, and he approached Jonathan in order to clarify the information, but not to "really" with Jonathan!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng directly searched Jonathan's soul with his spiritual knowledge.

Even a ninth-level supernatural power emperor like Wang Linyun can't resist Qin Shaofeng's current soul search, let alone Jonathan.

Moreover, with Qin Shaofeng's current realm, searching for the soul of a person like Jonathan was very fast.

Not only is there no obstacle, but even all the memories of the other party can be completely obtained.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng got all the information he wanted from Jonathan's mind.

Jonathan did not die, it was all because Qin Shaofeng deliberately kept his hands, which allowed Jonathan to survive.

Because in Jonathan's memory, Qin Shaofeng knew it, it seemed that after his previous riots, the Bregg family paid more attention to their underground headquarters.

At this time, the way to the underground headquarters of the Breg family must be led by a member of the Breg family, and it must be a living talent.

The elevator now has a life detection system added. If there is no living person of the Bregg family present, then I am afraid that it will be attacked.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not solve Jonathan.

In fact, Jonathan is no different from death now.

At most, he still had his last breath left to maintain his body's vitality, and he was still controlled by Qin Shaofeng's divine sense.

If Qin Shaofeng took back this divine sense, then Jonathan could instantly become a corpse.

Controlling Jonathan to enter the elevator, Qin Shaofeng came to the ground, and then went to a special elevator according to Jonathan's memory.

Now only that special elevator can enter the underground headquarters of the Bregg family.

In this process, Qin Shaofeng followed Jonathan until he entered the elevator, and no one else saw Qin Shaofeng, only Jonathan.

Just the identity of Jonathan, of course, there is no obstacle.

"Oh, it went well!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, a thought flashed in his eyes.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to be so troublesome, but from Jonathan's memory, he knew that Jonathan's father, Breg's current Patriarch, was on the negative 108 floor, but it was a bit special.

Because the material made for that entire floor resembles a certain material in Qin Shaofeng's cognition.

If it is really that kind of material, once this Breg's Patriarch hides in it, he really can't do anything about it for a while.

Therefore, he can only rely on Jonathan as a bait to lead the Breg Patriarch out of that floor, so that he can do it.

However, as soon as Qin Shaofeng entered the elevator and was about to go to the underground headquarters of the Breg family, he suddenly received a message by accident.

This news came from the super detector in his hand. After modification, this super detector has the function of a super communicator.

Even if there are such super detectors on both ends of the earth, both sides can be connected.

Qin Shaofeng told Elder Xie before he came, if there is something very important or something he can't handle, tell him through this super detector.

Now that the super-detector has information, obviously there is something important.

Qin Shaofeng opened his eyebrows and frowned slightly.

If you have something, come back soon!

There are only four words of information, which Qin Shaofeng said he didn't understand.

This is not like the character of Lao Xie, if there are really important things, Lao Xie should tell him directly, not so concise.

However, soon another message appeared, letting Qin Shaofeng finally know who sent the message.

There is an emergency over there, come back quickly!

Liu Ya!

After seeing this line of characters and the final signature, Qin Shaofeng was somewhat clear in his heart.

that side?

This is the code between him, Liu Ya and Tang Xin'er, and this side refers to the ancient continent of Qi Yuanxing.


How did Liu Ya get in touch with there?

You must know that his father Qin Feiyang is the only one who can contact the earth.

But Qin Shaofeng was very clear that his father was suppressing the undesirable phenomenon of the fusion of the two Dao realms at the moment, and he could not get out of his body at all, let alone contact him.

And most importantly, since the ancient sanctuary can contact here, why is it not him, but Zhao Yuner, who is now Shenwei Liu Ya?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng expressed puzzlement.

But at the same time, Qin Shaofeng understood one thing. No matter how he got in touch with this side, one thing he could be sure of was that something might happen.

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