Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1787: Star Iron

"Damn it, this happened!"

Qin Shaofeng cursed in a low voice, feeling helpless in his heart.

No, I must go back!


Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he looked at Jonathan beside him, his eyes burst with infinite murder.

"Originally I didn't want this, but now I can't help it anymore. Then I can only do this!"

With a decision in his mind, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate anymore, and took Jonathan directly to the negative 27th floor.

After Qin Shaofeng’s last time, after some discussions with Breg’s senior leaders, Jonathan’s father finally decided to set a room on the 27th floor as a special command room.

And this command room is the Bregg family, which has not tried to carry out the experiment, and was born a test product that is still in an experimental state.

A genetic warrior that fully integrates the beast genes!

Although this genetic warrior was only at the eighth level, after being completely integrated with special beast genes, he was promoted to the ninth level, and even reached the mid-level ninth level.

And because of the uncontrolled wildness, the combat power that it bursts out can already be comparable to some of the late stage nine or even the peak realm emperors.

This genetic warrior has become the strongest weapon of the Bregg family.

However, it is extremely difficult to control this special 9th-order genetic warrior.

The Bregg family also believes that this fighter can only be activated when the Bregg family encounters an invasion by an enemy like Qin Shaofeng.

And in order to prevent the occurrence of huge losses caused by too late, a room on the 27th floor was selected as the deputy control room for this special genetic warrior.

As for the main control room, it was naturally the negative 108 floor where Breg's master Ludwig was located.

Now Qin Shaofeng is controlling Jonathan and releasing that special genetic warrior, and he still directly causes the opponent into a violent state!

Soon, the entire underground headquarters of the Bregg family sounded a harsh alarm.

For a while, everyone in Breg's underground headquarters was horrified.

"What? The alarm can only sound?"

"Alert? Has an enemy invaded again?"

"It's not good, someone killed it!"

"The enemy is coming, everyone pay attention!"


As soon as the alarm sounded, the entire Breg underground headquarters was completely chaotic.

After Qin Shaofeng's trouble last time, now the underground headquarters of the entire Bregg family is full of vegetation, and the alarm is extremely nervous.

On the negative 108 floor, after hearing such an alarm, Breg's value Ludwig was also taken aback.

Then, after an inspection, he discovered that the sirens did not occur because of the enemy, but the riots in the subject.

Qin Shaofeng controlled Jonathan to send a message to Ludwig, directly indicating that the special 9th-order genetic warrior had a riot due to genetic disorder.

Therefore, ‘he’ applied to Ludwig, the other Tier 9 fighters of the Bregg family.

Seeing such news, Ludwig didn't doubt that he had him, and he cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Ludwig had no doubts about this, because he didn't think his son would deceive him.

And most importantly, the ninth-order genetic warrior who completely merged with beast genes was indeed in a very unstable state and was prone to riots.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to directly initiate emergency measures and dispatched all the three ninth-order genetic warriors of the Bregg family.

However, when Ludwig pressed the button to turn on the activation of the three 9th-order genetic warriors, Qin Shaofeng had already waited again somewhere on the floor of the negative 103rd floor.

The Bregg family has three 9th-order genetic warriors, but the Bregg family has spent a huge price to cultivate three powerful genetic warriors.

Other ninth-order emperors can have a long lifespan, basically there is no problem in living for two to three hundred years.

But the ninth-tier fighters of the Bregg family are genetically modified genetic fighters, and they have a very short lifespan.

Since the transformation was over and the moment they became a 9th-order genetic warrior, the lifespan of these three 9th-order genetic warriors was at most eleven or two years.

Therefore, in order to allow these three rank 9 genetic warriors to exert greater and longer-lasting value, the Bregg family has always put the three rank 9 genetic warriors to sleep in the dormant cabin.

To extend the life of the three genetic warriors in a dormant state.

Qin Shaofeng also learned something from Jonathan's memory, and if he wanted to completely eliminate the Bregg family, these three 9th-order genetic warriors were one of the biggest obstacles.

This kind of ninth-order genetic warrior is completely a humanoid weapon. Once he fights, he can completely abandon all emotions and be in an absolutely calm state.

Even if one arm was cut off by the enemy during the battle, the three rank 9 genetic warriors would not frown, and still attack the enemy calmly.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of these three 9th-order genetic warriors, if he can easily solve these three 9th-order genetic warriors, Qin Shaofeng will naturally choose a relaxed way.

So, he was lying in ambush here.

Soon, when the three 9th-order genetic warriors began to lift their dormancy, and the dormant room on the negative 103 floor was also opened, Qin Shaofeng rushed in instantly.

Then, before the three 9th-order genetic warriors were completely out of their dormant state, Qin Shaofeng shot directly.

boom! boom! boom!

Facing the three huge dormant cabins, Qin Shaofeng directly exploded three lightning flashes, directly blasting the entire dormant cabin together with the three rank 9 genetic warriors inside.

The three powerful 9th-order genetic warriors were just as aggrieved and killed.

If they were in a sober state, it would cause some trouble to Qin Shaofeng.

But to Qin Shaofeng, they are in such a dormant state of contact, they are fundamentally weak.

The biggest obstacle has been resolved, and now the entire Bregg family has no threat to Qin Shaofeng.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng rushed directly to the negative 107 floor, because he knew that Breg's Patriarch Ludwig would come out of the negative 108 floor.

Sure enough, just as Qin Shaofeng guessed, Ludwig felt that there was no danger after activating the three 9th-order genetic warriors, and the others had come out of the negative 108 level of absolute safety.

But what Ludwig never expected was that the moment he just stepped out of the minus 108 floor, the whole person was in a daze, and then he didn't know anything.

Although he was still standing, if there was a powerful monk here at this moment, he would be able to discover for the first time that Ludwig's soul had been completely erased.

Qin Shaofeng made a move!

With his shot, not only did Ludwig's soul be directly erased, but he even separated out a divine sense that controlled Ludwig's body.

"You go up and have a look first!"

Under Qin Shaofeng's control, he said to the two seventh-order genetic warriors beside him.

The two genetic warriors left without suspicion.

After the two of them left, Qin Shaofeng walked out from the dark place on the side.

‘Ludwig’ stepped aside, very honestly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about these, because he was already very excited at the moment.

Sure enough, it was exactly as he had guessed!

Looking at the entire floor of the negative 108 floor in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised.

He had suspected before that the negative 108 floor, which only the Patriarch of the Breg family could enter, was made of a special material.

Looking at it now, it really looks the same as his.

Star Iron!

A very special material, and it is also an extremely rare and precious refining material.

Even some weapons that are not very powerful, if you can add a star iron with a large thumb, it can be promoted to the master.

If a piece of equipment is completely refined with Star Iron, it is definitely a Dao weapon that surpasses the Dominator!

The existence of Dao implements in the equipment is equivalent to the Dao realm powerhouse among the cultivators.

But the stars are extremely difficult and too few, and only a little bit will be born under extremely harsh conditions.

For example, isn't the sun, a star large?

It is 1.3 million times that of the earth, and with the environment of the sun, it is the easiest place to give birth to stars and iron.

But there is still a certain probability. This does not mean that there must be stellar iron in every star like the sun.

And the most important thing is that even if there is star iron in the sun, there may only be a thumb-sized star iron in that huge sun.

This shows how rare the star iron is.

But what appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng's eyes was an extremely huge star iron building.

Yes, it's buildings!

Using star iron to build a house is an exaggeration.

The star iron has a very peculiar characteristic. Generally speaking, the star iron is very hard. Even the most powerful master can hardly cause destructive damage to the star iron.

But once the star iron is tempered to a state where it has no impurities at all, the star iron can become moldable when it is heated to a certain high temperature.

This Breg family didn't know what kind of luck it was, and could actually get such a huge piece of star iron, and it was absolutely tempered to the most perfect state of star iron.

When he wiped out Ludwig's soul before, Qin Shaofeng also searched for it, and then learned the origin of this star iron.

The Bregg family didn't know the star iron. This piece of star iron was actually discovered by the Bregg family during the salvage of a sunken ship in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

After the most research, the Bregg family discovered that this kind of iron block has extremely strong hardness, and only under extremely high temperature conditions can it slowly melt.

For this reason, the Bregg family deliberately researched a kind of high-temperature equipment, and finally reluctantly molded the iron block into a floor frame.

But it is precisely because of this that the Bregg family has an absolutely safe safe house on earth.

This is not an exaggeration!

Because this negative 108 layer can be in peace even in the face of a nuclear bomb attack.

And most importantly, there is not the slightest formation and pattern on it.

If Qin Shaofeng was a little bit on top and portrayed some formations, it would be no exaggeration to say that even if the entire floor of the negative 108th floor were thrown onto the sun, there would be no life-threatening.

This is another powerful ability of Xingchen Tie. Once the formation or formation is depicted, it is able to completely integrate the formation and the formation and directly absorb the power as its own.

In other words, there is nothing special about a piece of star iron itself, at best it is harder.

But if it portrays a powerful fire element formation, then this piece of star iron has fire element power.

Absorb diversity!

This kind of power is simply explosive.

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