Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 179: brothers

"I was stunned! Get up quickly!"

In the end, under Qin Shaofeng's low roar, Tang Qijian came back to his senses.

This is really not a dream!

Although he didn't understand what had happened to him, Tang Qijian knew one thing.

I'm alive!

This is naturally a good thing!

Of course, the premise would be even better without the group of medicinal beasts that had smashed the huge rocks at the entrance of the cave and had entered aggressively.

"I wipe it so fast!"

Qin Shaofeng was also stupid seeing the group of medicinal beasts that had almost no innate sixth-level congenital realm that had been rushed to shattered to pieces.

"Brother Qin, don't panic, let's kill them together!"

A cold voice came, and Tang Qijian returned to ice again.

If it wasn't for something wrong, Qin Shaofeng might vomit.

Oh, this is just a little more time, the transformation of this girl is so fast.

However, the aggressive medicinal beasts almost didn't give Qin Shaofeng complaints, they roared and rushed forward.

I rub, where did these two humans come from, they dare to be wild at our door, unforgivable.

Tear them up!

For a moment, in the situation of anger, the group of medicated beasts was beaten up like chicken blood, and Qin Shaofeng was flustered.

But at this moment, a sword shadow flashed, suddenly turned into several sword lights, and blasted towards the medicine beast herd.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sword light was everywhere, just for an instant, there was a bang, and then Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded to see that several medicine beasts had been blown up like this.

I rub, Tang Qijian is so awesome!

This promotion is different!

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's motionless, Tang Qijian frowned, and the cold voice sounded again.

"Brother Qin, please be more serious. There are too many medicine animals. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you!"

I rub, take care of me?

Sister, who will take care of whom!

If it weren't for me, your kid would have died a long time ago, so you can still stand here and show your sword skills!

However, Qin Shaofeng also understood that this is indeed not the time to be in a daze.

Tianshan Six Sun Palms!

Qin Shaofeng shot out several palms in an instant.


After several palms stormed, several medicine beasts appeared in an instant, and they were exploded by Qin Shaofeng's palm, leaving behind pieces of medicine beast spar.

Under such circumstances, Tang Qijian was also slightly surprised, and gave Qin Shaofeng a surprised look.

"Haha, good! It seems that Brother Qin has also improved a lot during this period, so let you and I have fun!"

With a sudden laugh, Tang Qijian began to use his crazy powerful sword moves, almost every sword took away the life of a medicine beast, leaving a medicine beast spar.

During this period of time, Tang Qijian had been chased and killed and suffered serious injuries. Like a bereaved dog, he fled and hid everywhere, suffocating to the extreme.

Now not only has the serious injury healed, but his cultivation level has unexpectedly improved to the triple level, reaching the pinnacle level of the innate eighth level.

Suddenly, Tang Qijian's arrogance suddenly rose, facing the beast of the medicine beast, he began to vent his previous suffocation.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to suffer some infections, and he couldn't help but mobilize heavy hands to slaughter the medicine beast in front of him frantically.

It's really a massacre!

Although there are many medicinal beasts that appeared between the two, at most they were in the late stage of the innate eightfold level. Even if such medicated beasts appeared, it would be a matter of Tang Qijian's two or three swords.

Moreover, Tang Qijian also intended to solve the problem as soon as the Congenital Eightfold Medicine Beast appeared.

For Qin Shaofeng, there was no danger at all for Qin Shaofeng's medicinal beasts without the innate eight-fold realm.

Tianshan Six Sun Palms broke out madly, and even threw out a small Li flying knife from time to time.

The medicine beasts fell to the ground one by one like cutting wheat, and then turned into a breath, leaving behind the round medicine beast spars.

It's also a coincidence that although the area inside this cave is not small, the entrance of the cave is not big. Given the size of this wolf-like medicine beast, at most two or three can enter at the same time.

Although there are two to three thousand such medicinal beasts outside the cave, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian's mad slaughter in the cave, at this moment, at most, only maintain around twenty or thirty.

All of a sudden, the speed of Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian's massacre actually stabilized the situation.

This made Qin Shaofeng's eyes light up slightly, and there was a hint of excitement in his heart.

I wipe it, isn't this a monster?

With a move in his heart, while frantically patting the palm of Tianshan Six Suns, Qin Shaofeng summoned his attribute interface, clicked on the system store and directly purchased a one-hour triple experience bonus card.

Then, Qin Shaofeng felt that his own experience was rapidly improving.

A series of 30 experience points increase, and from time to time there will be several 150 experience points.

In a short while, Qin Shaofeng's experience rose to 30,000 points, which was only 30,000 points away from the next level. A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth.

However, under such circumstances, the internal qi in Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian's bodies was consumed quickly!

But for the sake of experience, Qin Shaofeng directly took out all his Earth-level three-star Qi-replenishing pills, and then distributed half of them to Tang Qijian.

Tang Qijian, who originally saw that he didn't have any qi pill, had a retreat in his heart. After receiving the earth-level three-star Qi qi pill that Qin Shaofeng took out, his eyes lit up slightly, and suddenly he no longer had the slightest scruples and concentrated on slaughtering the medicine beast in front of him.

A few minutes later, Qin Shaofeng's experience value rose to 40,000.

After a quarter of an hour, it reached fifty thousand!

Finally, after half an hour of slaughter, Qin Shaofeng's eyes burst out with a sharp light, and then he slammed it hard.

call out!

A flash of silver light knife light flashed, but it was different from the previous silver light knife light. This one actually blasted away in a straight line, and a dozen of the wolf-like medicine beasts disappeared completely.

Tang Qijian was shocked when he saw this.

He could feel that the strength of Qin Shaofeng's attack had definitely reached the eighth level of innate realm.

It's incredible, Brother Qin is just a martial artist with the sixth innate realm!

With an exclamation in his heart, Tang Qijian couldn't help but glanced at Qin Shaofeng, but by this look, he was shocked again.


Brother Qin promoted?


Qin Shaofeng has upgraded!

The little Li flying knife just now was the little Li flying knife that Qin Shaofeng had reached 59,900 points of experience, and immediately consumed all the internal energy in his body, and burst out directly.

After this outbreak, the dozen or so medicine beasts that Xiao Li Fei Dao exploded brought hundreds of experience to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng naturally upgraded.

Seven innate!

Taking a moment to glance at his attributes, Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Grade: Seven Congenital

Experience value: 360/70000

Occupation: Devil

Inner energy value: 484000/484000 (Innate Seven Layers have 55000 points, Yi Jin Jing bonus is eight times, equipment bonus is 10%)

Talent root: thunder body, demon body (unawakened)

Skills: King’s Blessing, Eyes and Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Thunder Guard, Thunder Armor, Alchemy, Yoga 108, Sky Dance, True Swordsmanship, Treading Snow Without Trace, Tianshan Six Suns Palm...

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: Face of First Spirit, Chain of First Spirit, Belt of First Spirit, Ring of First Spirit

Task: Alchemy Mansion

Points: 364 points

Title: Devil (unknown)

Star students (Star students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Country, and you can get a five-fold bonus by killing monsters in Lianyang Country!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: None

Family members: Qin Yueer, Bai Xue

The inner strength is 484,000 points!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that he was only ascending to the Seventh Innate Realm, and he actually increased from the previous 35,000 points of basic internal energy to 55,000 points.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why the innate martial artist had three hurdles, and every time he broke through one, there was a significant improvement.

It was indeed obvious that even with his spiritual root physique, he directly increased his inner aura by 20,000 points, bringing his basic inner aura to 55,000.

After the Yi Jin Jing and the Light of Early Spirit suit bonuses, it becomes even more terrifying.

With nearly half a million points of internal energy, Qin Shaofeng has nothing to say.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's self-confidence skyrocketed. If he were to meet Lu Yun, he would definitely have the confidence to kill the opponent in seconds.

That's right!

Spike the martial artist in the late eighth stage realm!

Qin Shaofeng even dared to fight head-on even if he was facing a martial artist in the late stage of the Nine Innate Stages.

And even if it is a martial artist who encounters the tenth innate realm, Qin Shaofeng is fearless, because even if he is facing the tenth peak of the innate, Qin Shaofeng can't beat it, so relying on a deep inner energy, plus dancing air skills to escape is no problem. .

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally had it, as easy as a fish in the water in this dense illusion.

And under such circumstances, the group of medicated beasts in front of them seemed to be a little unworthy.

Tang Qijian didn't know what Qin Shaofeng was thinking. He thought that Qin Shaofeng was about to break through, and then, under the circumstances of this crazy massacre, he finally broke through and became an innate seven-tiered martial artist.

This made his heartfelt Qin Shaofeng feel happy, and he couldn't help but loudly said: "Haha, I didn't expect Brother Qin to break through. That just happened to let my brothers kill them directly, killing all these medicine beasts!"

Although he didn't know what happened to him directly in a coma, Tang Qijian understood that it was all because of Qin Shaofeng.

Not only did he heal himself directly, but even his cultivation level was improved by three levels.

Tang Qijian was full of gratitude to Qin Shaofeng, and at this moment, facing the group of thousands of medicinal beasts with Qin Shaofeng, he felt a sense of shared suffering. For a time, Tang Qijian felt a bit of sympathy for Qin Shaofeng, and regarded Qin Shaofeng as life and death. brothers.

Tang Qijian's words also made Qin Shaofeng stunned for a while, but soon Qin Shaofeng laughed and said, "Well, let my brothers slaughter these beasts together!"

Brother, it's rare!

But being a brother is actually very easy!

A life and death...

One time without hesitation...

A kind of not asking for return...

A kind of sympathy...

The fun together...

With me and you, this is brother!

There is me without you, but I have never forgotten you, this is also a brother!

Brother is really simple!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian finally confirmed the bond between the two and regarded each other as brothers.

This was the first brotherhood between the Demon King and the Sword Emperor, and it lasted forever as soon as they appeared.

Just like in the past, when the overlord saw the first side of the devil, he determined that the other party was his eternal boss.


After the realm was improved, Qin Shaofeng's strength increased several times.

However, what really surprised Qin Shaofeng was that Tang Qijian's strength at the moment was much stronger than before.

After some massacre, Tang Qijian also adapted to the level of ascension.

Killing and actual combat is indeed the fastest way to improve your strength!

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