Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 180: The big gain after the massacre!

An hour later, the massacre was finally over.

It's very difficult. Two people, one in the early stage of the innate sevenfold and the other in the peak of the innate eightfold.

But these two people actually slaughtered a herd of medicinal beasts with more than 2,000 animals, and most of them were congenital fivefold or more.

What kind of exaggeration is this?

If it spreads out, who will believe it?

But the fact is, that's it, it really happened.

When the last medicine beast turned into gas, leaving a piece of medicine beast spar to disappear, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Qijian fell to the ground at the same time.

The limit!

They really have reached their limit!

After more than an hour of frantic killing, Qin Shaofeng didn't know how many Qi Pills he had taken, how many times he sent out Xiao Li Fei Dao, and how many palms he took.

His hands were cramping and numb, but Qin Shaofeng still didn't know.

Almost all of Qin Shaofeng's earth-level Qi-replenishing pills have been consumed, only a few dozen earth-level one-star Qi-replenishing pills are left.

Qin Shaofeng immediately used Qin Shaofeng to restore his inner energy as soon as the cooldown time expired.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng's internal vitality at the moment had still fallen below 10,000 points.

As for Tang Qijian, it was even worse than Qin Shaofeng.

Although Tang Qijian was already in the eighth peak of the innate, it was exactly the same, almost the main force was him.

Although in terms of the number, Qin Shaofeng killed more medicinal beasts, but among them, Tang Qijian included all the medicinal beasts with eight levels of innate.

Even if Qin Shaofeng wanted to kill, he couldn't kill it, because Tang Qijian stared at him almost as soon as he appeared, and then a few sword lights flashed out, strangling the innate eight-layer medicine beasts. Up.

At this moment, Tang Qijian was sitting on the ground as soon as it was over.

One sits and one lies.

Suddenly, the two of them gave a similar look and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, happy! This is the happiest time I have killed since Qin Shaofeng practiced!" Qin Shaofeng laughed.

Tang Qijian nodded with a smile, and said happily, "It's really fun. I was a bit unstable in my realm due to my sudden improvement before, but now after some killing jabs, not only has my realm been consolidated, but I even faintly touched the union of human swords. The realm, this time I have gained a lot!"

Human sword is one?

Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised, is that the fourth kill of "Sword Art of Seven Kills"?

If Qin Shaofeng remembers correctly, he has heard Zhao Yun'er say that the most powerful person in the "Sword Art of Seven Kills" in Lianyang Academy, that is, the uncle of Tang Qijian, seems to have only reached the fifth kill, Tang Qijian's. The same is true for Master.

But now Tang Qijian actually said that he has touched the realm of the fourth killer's sword unity.

Don't forget, Tang Qijian is less than seventeen years old now, right?

With such a talent, Linggen deserves to be the spirit of the sword soul!

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, his fiery eyes opened, and he looked at Tang Qijian.

This time, Qin Shaofeng did not look at Tang Qijian's attributes, but directly looked at Tang Qijian's head.

He was looking at the level of Tang Qijian Linggen.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s 4th-level fiery eyes can see not only the level of a spiritual root, but also a light of spiritual root from the top of everyone’s head, but these two situations must be looked at separately. Attribute, then you cannot see the light of the other party’s spiritual roots, and vice versa.

The so-called spiritual root light is the light represented by the spiritual root level.

The low-level spiritual roots are only pale white, like Qin Shaofeng’s thunder body, which is the color, but compared with the ordinary low-level spiritual roots, the light of the spiritual roots above Qin Shaofeng’s head is pale enough to be ignored and almost invisible. , Qin Shaofeng looked in the mirror, only barely saw a vague white light.

This also made him understand how low his thunder body is.

The lower spiritual roots are pale white, but the medium spiritual roots are exuding pure white. As for the higher spiritual roots, they are silver, and the super spiritual roots are silvery white.

Even if this was a special spiritual root, when Qin Shaofeng couldn't see his level while looking at his attributes, he could still tell the other's spiritual root level through the light of the spiritual root above his head.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng also knew what level Zhao Yun'er's body of stars was.

It is not high-grade silver, nor is it silver-white super.

After Qin Shaofeng's eyes were at level 4, he saw Zhao Yun'er's spiritual root light for the first time. What he saw was a dazzling colorful light.

At that time Qin Shaofeng was stupid.

Even if he doesn't know what level the spiritual root light of this colorful light represents, Qin Shaofeng also understands that Zhao Yun'er's spiritual root must be an incomparable bull, and he is the existence that his spiritual root absolutely looks up to.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng only took a look, and then he was shocked, and spent several days in a daze.

Thinking of this at this moment, Qin Shaofeng wanted to see what level of spiritual root Tang Qijian's sword soul was.

But from this look, Qin Shaofeng was hit again.


Tang Qijian's spiritual root light was actually golden, and it was a spiritual root that surpassed the existence of super spiritual roots.

This was also the first time Qin Shaofeng saw the light of spiritual root with golden light.

It was brilliant gold, with a few lines of halo, like a golden crown, on top of Tang Qijian's head.

After just taking a look, Qin Shaofeng turned his head and stopped watching.

My sister, it's so shocking!

Tang Qijian thought that Qin Shaofeng was tired, and didn't care much. Instead, he started to hurry up to recover the internal energy he had consumed.

Without thinking about the things that made him depressed, Qin Shaofeng summoned his attribute interface, wanting to see how much experience he had gained.

It is a pity that because he upgraded to the Seventh Innate Realm, he killed the Seventh Innate Medicine Beast again, but there was no bonus, especially after the triple experience bonus card time expired, Qin Shaofeng could only gain the basic 10 points of experience.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's experience is still less than 1,000 points, and it is still a long way from the 70,000 points to upgrade the Innate Eightfold.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little depressed, but soon after seeing the skill bar behind him, Qin Shaofeng's mood improved, even ecstatic.

Xiao Li Fei Dao: Level 3 9999/10000, God-level active skills, Xiao Li's magic knife, the world's best, one shot, a good example! The current level is level 3, within 100 meters, there are no false shots in the same level as the player, and a hundred shots are hit. Once it is used, when all the internal energy is exhausted, there is a certain chance to trigger a double star combo and burst out a second knife. .

I'll go, Xiao Li Feida will be upgraded.

When he saw that Xiao Li Fei Dao's proficiency had reached 9999 points, which was a little short of level 4, Qin Shaofeng felt ecstatic.

However, even after thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng did not know how to use Xiao Li Fei Dao many times to kill those medicine beasts, so his proficiency naturally increased.

With a movement in his heart, he secretly consumed a thousand points of internal energy, and Qin Shaofeng had a light silver sword in his right hand.

However, Qin Shaofeng dissipated it before the blade light was completely condensed.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded as expected.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng and Xiao Li Fei Dao for reaching the upgrade requirements, and Xiao Li Fei Dao upgrade! Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng Xiao Li Fei Dao reaching level 4!"

Xiao Li Fei Dao: Level 4 0/100000, God-level active skills, Xiao Li's magic knife, the best in the world, a shot, a good example! The current level is level 4, within 300 meters, there are no false shots in the same level as the player, and a hundred shots are hits. Each time the minimum consumption is 100,000 points, and it can consume more than 100,000 points to trigger the flying knife. Hit, bursting out a flying knife combo. Currently, up to three combos of throwing knives can be used.

I wipe, throwing knife combos?

After reading the attributes of Level 4 Xiao Li Fei Dao, Qin Shaofeng was shocked suddenly, and he was extremely happy.

Because the Level 4 Xiao Li Fei Dao is too strong.

The flying knife can be triggered by hitting the 3rd level Xiaoli flying knife, but with that probability, the chance of finding the first girl in the brothel has the same chance.

Anyway, Qin Shaofeng used Xiao Li's flying knife so many times today, and none of them could trigger it that time.

Even Qin Shaofeng thought that the attribute of the flying knife combo didn't exist.

But now, level 4 Xiao Li's flying knife combo can be used directly, without relying on the almost negligible chance of triggering, and even the highest possible three flying knife combos.

Just imagine, if Qin Shaofeng is fighting an enemy, suddenly there will be such a three-shot combo with flying knives.

Even if it is the first cut, the opponent will abruptly offset it, but there will be two cuts later!

To be more complicated, the enemy has a wall of internal energy, this is fine, that means blocking the second cut, but what about the third cut?


The enemy was really against the sky, and the third knife was also blocked.

But when the enemy resisted the three combos of flying knives, Qin Shaofeng was not a fool. Taking advantage of this gap, it was not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to attack again.

Then, the enemy becomes experience.

When he thought of this, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up.

However, the only thing that made Qin Shaofeng frown was that the Level 4 Xiao Li Fei Dao would no longer be able to display it at will.

Like the introduction on the attributes, the lowest level of Xiao Li Fei Dao at level 4 would cost one hundred thousand points of energy.

In such a short while, Qin Shaofeng had already tried 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 50,000 points of internal energy to activate Xiao Li Fei Dao, but all failed without exception.

"Hey, it seems that Xiao Li Fei Dao will really become his hole card in the future. Under normal circumstances, he can't use it anymore!"

Wei Wei sighed a little regretfully, but if she let others know, she would definitely despise Qin Shaofeng.

My sister, the power has increased, what else are you dissatisfied with?

In addition to Xiao Li Feida, Shan Liuyang Palm also upgraded that day.

Moreover, with this upgrade, Tianshan Six Sun Palm had actually risen to level 5, while Taxue Wuhen had risen to level 4.

It was precisely because of the upgrade of Tianshan Liuyang Palm and Taxue Wuhen, that the power had increased a lot, and Qin Shaofeng persisted in this massacre.

In addition, for the Yi Jin Jing, which has always made Qin Shaofeng a little uncomfortable, although this time there is no upgrade.

But at the moment the proficiency has reached more than 9,500 points, and I am afraid that it is not far from upgrading.

In general, for Qin Shaofeng, this battle of massacre was a lot of gains!

Aside from this, the piles of shining medicated beast spar on the ground are a considerable gain.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that more than two thousand medicinal beast spars worth at least five medicinal power points, the sum of all medicated beast spars in front of him, probably exceeded 10,000 medicinal power points.

This distance is one-tenth of the 100,000 points in exchange for a heavenly five-star pill!

This is the real big gain!

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