Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1790: A breakthrough in fusion genes?

Although it is simple to say, as long as a beast gene is integrated, a peak king can be advanced to become an emperor.

But if this is done, the details are still extremely difficult.

It is not that Eric has not done this kind of experiment, but the problem is that all the experiments he carried out before have failed.

If it is only a slight modification, such as incorporating some animal genes into the human body, Eric can do it naturally.

But this kind of fusion has great limitations. At most, it allows humans to have more beast genes, and then some of the characteristics of beasts appear in the body.

And this kind of genetic modification can't actually be greatly improved. Basically, at most, it can integrate some of the characteristics of beasts, but it will not be improved.

It's as if the ant's genes are integrated, after the normal integration, the human strength can indeed increase, but it is impossible to imagine that an ant has the powerful force to lift hundreds of times its own gravity.

But if you fully integrate into your genes, you can do this.

Of course, the genes of ants are so special, even the Bregg family is still in the theoretical stage, because the genetic technology involved in that aspect is more subtle.

Therefore, the Bregg family can only step back and choose to incorporate the gorilla genes.

The Bregg family is completely following the path of the original power of genes, that is, the path that seeks to fully integrate into the memory of ants and allow humans to have hundreds of times more powerful power.

But Eric was different. The path he took, although the path he pursued was to fully integrate into his genes.

But what Eric seeks is to integrate humans into powerful beast genes. This is all about adding and integrating powerful genes, and then gaining powerful strength.

In Eric's vision, he wanted to integrate an ordinary human into a powerful beast gene to gain powerful strength.

But Eric had no idea how to integrate humans into powerful beast genes.

But now, the special genetic warrior corpse in front of him gave him hope.

After not paying attention to Bertram, but after a simple exchange, Eric was experimenting.

Because after dissecting the body of the special genetic warrior, he got a lot of ideas.

Soon, he began to experiment.

But in the next few days, hundreds of consecutive trials failed.

However, Eric did not suffer any blow. From the beginning, he knew that such an experiment would not go smoothly.

Therefore, he again insisted on continuing the experiment in this area.

Eric also genetically modified himself, but because he was worried about affecting his own mind, Eric did not modify his genes much, at best he only strengthened his body.

Regardless of whether Eric is now an ordinary second and third rank, but because the transformation is based on his body, even if it is not sleepless for two or three months, it is not too big for Eric. The problem.

In such a sleepless state, Eric finally had a success.

Successfully fused the genes of a Pacific creature with human genes.

With this kind of beginning, after several experiments, Eric has completely perfected this integration.

But this is absolutely not enough, because the next step is the live test.

In vivo experiments can only be carried out on humans.

Ask Bertram for a group of ordinary soldiers, and Eric began to get experiments.

After successful examples, only two or three of the hundreds of soldiers survived.

And even the three who survived are just semi-finished products in Eric's eyes.

After they merged into that Pacific biological gene, ordinary soldiers have been promoted to fighters of Tier 3 and Tier 4 ranks.

But you must know that the owner of this Pacific biological gene is a seventh-order beast.

Now it's only upgrading the third and fourth tiers, obviously not what Eric needs.

However, Bertram was already very satisfied.

Because according to this situation, their military can completely produce third- and fourth-tier fighters in batches.

Although the cost is high, if such a corps really appears, it will be of great benefit to the US military.

Eric didn't refuse this, because with such a result, he could conduct more experiments that he expected.

He wants to experiment with a superpower!

However, the U.S. military attaches great importance to those with supernatural powers, and it is impossible for Eric to experiment casually.

Because once the experiment is carried out, there will definitely be sacrifices.

If this ordinary soldier loses some, the US military can still accept it, but once the loss of the superpower is shot, it will not work.

Even if Bertram is a five-star general, he is very hesitant about Eric if he wants to experiment with a superpower.

Stopping Bertram’s face hesitating, Eric felt uncomfortable: "I said, Bertram, what are you still hesitating? I told you that using a power user to conduct such an experiment will not only improve the power user’s Strength, even abilities can be improved. Why are you still hesitating? Let me experiment?"


Bertram's face was still hesitant, and a little embarrassed: "Eric, it's not that I disagree. I also hope that the superpower troops can be stronger. But you also said that such an experiment has certain risks. , This ability person can't lose at will!"

"Can't lose at will?" Eric glanced at Bertram with contempt, and sneered. "Bertram, have you forgotten, your major general or brigadier general's person called Winter, this time is Hundreds of abilities have been lost, don't you say that?"

"It's Viteo!"

Bertram said with a wry smile, and at the same time he was speechless.

The Viteo incident finally broke out.

Because there was too much noise in the back, even Bertram sent a powerful force, consisting of five ninth-order supernatural emperors and three ninth-order magic emperors, and they did not solve those Pacific creatures.

After knowing this, Viteo was finally afraid.

Because according to this situation, this matter also broke through the sky.

If he continues to conceal it now, once he is discovered afterwards, he will definitely go to a military court. The result is definitely not good.

So, after thinking twice, Viteo found his superior's superior, that is, Bertram, the five-star general, and said everything.

Finally, Viteo was suspended.

It is hard to believe that in the face of such a thing, his final result is only suspension, and it is still the kind of situation that can be restored.

The reason for this situation was that Viteo handed over all the energy stones, and those energy stones now belonged to Bertram.

Thinking of those energy stones, Bertram said to Eric, "Don’t forget that your energy stones were all taken out by Viteo. Although his behavior caused a huge impact on the military Loss, but those energy stones are also a huge credit!"

"Cut, isn't my credit bigger?" Eric said with disdain.

Then, looking at Bertram, Eric became a little impatient: "Bertram, just tell me the truth, can you provide me with some supernaturalists? If you can't, I'll find it myself!"

"Okay, I will provide some!"

Bertram shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was afraid of his old friend.

And he knew in his heart that if his old friend passed it out, he had a way to evolve the supernatural person, and there would probably be many volunteers.

Americans are generally bold, yearning for excitement and passion, and very experimenting.

Well, to put it bluntly, I just want to die.

After Bertram's affirmative answer, Eric nodded in satisfaction.

Soon after, a group of supernaturalists came to Eric's laboratory.

But facing this group of abilities, Eric was very dissatisfied.

Not to mention the small number, and the most important thing is that these seven or eight ability players are actually only one and two ranks.

Eric was naturally dissatisfied.

Therefore, he decided to promote these eight supernaturalists to a result that was enough to shock Bertram and several other leaders in the military.

In the end, he did.

Because despite these eight supernatural beings, only five survived in the end.

However, the five survivors of supernatural powers have all been greatly improved.

The weakest ones are already at the fifth-order level, but the highest-level superpowers have reached the sixth-order peak, only one step from the seventh-order.

Bertram was very surprised by this result.

Therefore, when Eric once again proposed that more superpowers were needed to carry out the experiment, he did not directly refuse, but went to discuss with the high-level military.

The result of the negotiation is obvious!

The military also followed Eric's request and gave him a large number of abilities to experiment.

With a survival rate of more than 60%, this is already a very high success rate.

And once the test is successful, a Tier 5 and Tier 6 supernatural player can be born, and the military executives feel that such a deal is a good deal.

Two or three first-order abilities, for another fifth-order or even sixth-order ability, this is a problem.

Most importantly, Eric also assured the military.

He is only a preliminary experiment. When there are more experiments, he is absolutely sure to increase the success rate to more than 80%.

The most direct thing that Eric asked the military for was one thing, and that was that Eric made it vaguely.

He is only experimenting with the seventh-order beasts, and he is in a state of accumulating experience, if he waits for enough experience.

Then it is possible to carry out the fusion of the eighth and ninth orders, or even the more advanced beast genes.

In his experiment with Eric, the stronger the fused beast gene, the higher the level of improvement the person after the fusion will be.

Even at that time, he Eric could try to create a genetic warrior beyond rank nine!

It is precisely this that makes the US military heart.

But now, neither Eric nor the high level of the U.S. military have expected that the powerful warriors created by their fusion of beast genes and supernatural beings are extremely seductive to someone.

Because those with supernatural powers after incorporating beast genes are still superpowers, they can only add one more genetic modification prefix at most.

For Qin Shaofeng, the original supernatural power possessed by the supernatural powers is a great tonic to enhance his physical realm!

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