Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1791: The change of the eternal incarnation of the sun

Qi Yuan Xing, the deepest place of the Dao Ladder at the junction of the ancient sanctuary's Nirvana Realm and the Brutal Beast Realm, the thirty-third step ladder world with the highest Dao Ladder.

At this moment, in this stepped world, the highest mountain peak that is completely the stone of enlightenment has gathered many people, and the head of them is Gong Qingzi.

Under the leadership of Gong Qingzi, under the light gate at the top of this mountain, a huge formation has been laid out.

This formation was created by Qin Feiyang, because according to Qin Feiyang's previous plan, he would not be allowed to return to Earth until Qin Shaofeng reached certain conditions.

However, considering that at that time, perhaps the time until the complete recovery of the Destroyer Beast is almost the same, maybe the Destroyer Beast will appear when Qin Shaofeng returns to Earth.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, causing the ancient sanctuary to suffer from the destruction of beasts, Qin Shaofeng did not have time to return here, and created such a special formation.

This formation can communicate the connection between the earth's Dao realm and Qiyuan Star Dao realm, and even open up a special channel to allow Qin Shaofeng's soul to return to the body here.

But in this way, he gave up and let Qin Shaofeng cultivate his physical body on the other side of the earth.

This was originally Qin Feiyang just in case, but a created formation.

In fact, according to his thoughts, this formation should not be used.

But it was a pity that Qin Feiyang was wrong, so the formation was still used in the end, and it was still far from the time he had guessed it, at this time very early.

And very different from his original plan, Qin Shaofeng is already on earth now, even for a while.

The most important thing is that not only has the Destroyer Beast appeared now, but it is much earlier than expected.

Gong Qingzi was also helpless before opening this formation.

However, before she started the formation, in order not to affect Qin Shaofeng's physical training plan, she communicated with Geng Qiutong and Lian Yufeng in advance.

Even for this time, to bring Qin Shaofeng's soul back, Gong Qingzi spent a great price and energy, and conducted countless detailed analyses and experiments.

But even so, Gong Qingzi didn't dare to be extremely sure.

But now she can only look forward to seeing a figure in the center of the big formation in front of her.

If it succeeds, Qin Shaofeng's soul will return to that figure, if it fails, then...

That is a failure!

Once she fails, her effort, as well as countless energy and resources, will be completely lost.

However, the gratifying thing finally appeared.

But after feeling the figure in the center of the formation, exuding the familiar soul fluctuations, Gong Qingzi knew that he had succeeded.

Qin Shaofeng really came back!

Indeed, Qin Shaofeng really came back.

After passing through the passage opened by Geng Qiutong's soul power on the earth, Qin Shaofeng let his main consciousness soul body finally return to the ancient sanctuary.

Such a passage through the process is not a concept of time. Qin Shaofeng just felt that it had been a long time, as if it had gone through dozens or even hundreds of thousands of years.

In fact, this process only takes one month.

Now the earth and the ancient sanctuary have synchronized time, so the time it took Qin Shaofeng's main consciousness and soul to return was really only one month.

But for Qin Shaofeng, in the kind of process that seemed to be non-existent, and could not feel the passage of time, it felt that a long time had passed.

Until this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt the familiar power, and he was back!

However, Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly soon.

Because he felt that the power from his body was familiar, but it was not his body, but one of his indestructible incarnations, the second indestructible incarnation of his refinement-Yan Yang incarnation .

"Why not ontology?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, but then he got some memories of this indestructible avatar, and then he understood something in his heart.

In fact, when Qin Shaofeng entered the Dao Ladder, after entering the last floor and meeting his father Qin Feiyang, he also brought this immortal incarnation to the Dao Ladder.

And then he even let his own indestructible incarnation of the scorching sun enter some secret place prepared by his father to practice.

Because in that place, there is a sea of ​​flames like the sea of ​​the demon-defying sacred fire, and the flame power in it is almost the same as that of the demon-defying sacred fire, and even a little stronger.

The innate spiritual roots possessed by the Indestructible Yanyang Incarnation itself, but the powerful fire system spiritual roots such as the Spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire, are naturally the most suitable place for cultivation.

Then it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng did not send this immortal incarnation out to collect the power of Qi Yuanxing, the Dao realm.

This is actually Qin Shaofeng's line of defense, that is, when there is a special crisis situation, his eternal incarnation of the sun can be sent out as a powerful combat force.

Because when he entered that special sea of ​​fire space, Qin Shaofeng's indestructible avatar had already become very powerful.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng believed that after his immortal incarnation of the scorching sun entered that sea of ​​fire, once he cultivated, not only would the speed be very fast, but the progress would also be very fast.

The most important thing is that the special sea of ​​fire secret space still has the ability to accelerate time. Compared with the normal time outside, the time inside accelerates, but there are millions of times!

Millions of times, this time acceleration is very exaggerated.

If it were not for Qin Feiyang to control a part of the Daoist power, and if he was already a powerful Daoist, it would be impossible to achieve this step.

But even if Qin Feiyang, a Dao realm powerhouse, can do this step and create such an exaggerated secret realm, it can only accommodate Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation of the sun to achieve such an accelerated state.

If there is one more person, it is impossible to have such a speed.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't have a long time to return to the earth, in fact, when he passed through, the time on the earth and the ancient sanctuary had not been completely synchronized, resulting in a huge difference in time between the two sides.

For Qin Shaofeng, he returned to Earth, and he hadn't even arrived for a year.

But for Qing Zi and the others at the Ancient Sanctuary Palace, it was five or six years that had passed.

In five or six years, Qin Shaofeng’s indestructible incarnation has gone through 20 to 30 million years.

At the beginning, it was also considered that this indestructible incarnation of the sun would be in such a secret realm and cultivate for a long time.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng deliberately withdrew all the consciousness of the immortal avatar himself when he put his indestructible avatar into the secret realm, but left the immortal avatar to practice some instructions on its own.

After all, if the time is too long, he can completely evolve his self-consciousness, the indestructible incarnation of the sun.

Even so, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang would not betray him, because as long as he had a thought, the consciousness that the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang was born would be merged by him. In this process , And will never resist.

It's just that, after fusion, Qin Shaofeng will accept a lot of memory, which is not a good thing for him.

Then, it is precisely because of this that even if there is some memory in this immortal incarnation, it is an extremely rare memory.

When Qin Shaofeng merged, he didn't feel any discomfort.

After the memories of the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang were completely integrated, Qin Shaofeng understood the experience of the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang.

Although there was no consciousness, the incarnation of the eternal flame still remembered many things.

When entering that special space, the eternal flame of the sun incarnates the realm at that time. Although it has been promoted by the Dadao Ladder, it is only the supreme dominance of the pinnacle realm.

Then, in less than ten thousand years, the eternal incarnation of Yan Yang was promoted to dominate the supreme dominating realm.

In ten thousand years, it is very rare to go from the supreme dominating the pinnacle state to the second step dominating the supreme state.

After all, this realm dominating the supreme is the strongest realm in the current ancient continent.

But this is just the beginning. After being promoted to the Supreme Realm, the Immortal Incarnation of the Sun will increase the realm by one level of cultivation almost every 100,000 years.

In the end, in less than a million years, Qin Shaofeng, the indestructible incarnation of the sun, had already been promoted to the top ten masters.

But this is not over yet!

After being promoted to dominate the supreme tenth realm, the cultivation of the eternal incarnation of the sun is still improving.

Although the speed is very slow, with the acceleration of millions of times, the cultivation of Qin Shaofeng, the indestructible incarnation of the sun, is still improving at a very objective speed.

Even ten million years later, the sea of ​​fire in that special secret space has completely disappeared.

Because all of the power of the sea of ​​fire has been completely absorbed by the eternal incarnation of the sun.

After that, the Incarnation of the Indestructible Yan Yang continued to practice self-cultivation because he did not have the consciousness of his own.

Although the speed has slowed down incredibly, but with the accumulation of time, the cultivation base of the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang has become terrible.

Although he hasn't stepped into the realm yet, it is scary enough.

Moreover, it seems that Qin Shaofeng was previously affected by the laws of the special realm gods, and finally the realm of the eternal incarnation of the sun also began to undergo special changes.

This special change is the evolution from the Domination Realm to the Rule Realm!

We must know that the law realm is the authentic path of cultivation, and the incarnation of the eternal sun is completely on the right path!

Family members: Yan Yang (the second immortal incarnation)

Level: Supreme dominates the pinnacle

Occupation: Soldier

The pattern of the avenue: one hundred

Talented Spiritual Root: Spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire

Talent skills: yin and yang sacred fire, nirvana

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Familiar: None


The attributes of this eternal avatar before entering that special secret realm were just the realm of supreme dominance of the pinnacle.

But now the Immortal Incarnation of Yan Yang has not only broken through this realm, but even the realm has undergone tremendous changes.

And this change can best be reflected in the current attribute changes of the Immortal Incarnation of the Sun.

Family members: Yan Yang (the second immortal incarnation)

Level: the pinnacle of the law realm (soul golden body great perfection)

Occupation: Soldier

Law pattern: 1000/1000

Talented Spiritual Root: Spirit of Yin and Yang Sacred Fire

Talent skills: yin and yang sacred fire, nirvana

Skill 1: Write round eyes

Familiar: None


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